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tv   [untitled]    November 8, 2012 6:00am-6:30am EST

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twenty austerity protest in greece turned violent as the country's parliament backs a new round of stinging spending cuts. but once in a decade power transfer kicks off in china as president hu jintao and most of the current leadership prepared to step down to the younger leaders develop the country's powerhouse economy. plus becoming over the budget britain's david cameron and chancellor german chancellor angela merkel failed to agree on a new spending plans during talks in london. is three pm in moscow this is archie coming to you live i'm lisa now with our top
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story and anger and violence have spilled over onto the streets of athens with police using tear gas and water cannons against greeks protesting truck corney a new budget cuts turn demonstrators hurled petrol bombs with more than one hundred detained as a country is part of them and pass an austerity package aimed at securing the latest battle out artie's peter all of our reports from athens. what we have seen though is anger on the streets of athens we saw a crowd of around one hundred thousand people gather in the in the square just behind me in front of of the parliament building not quite quickly escalated into violent clashes between police and protesters in a matter of seconds downtown athens went into essentially in war zone for a couple of hours we saw most of cocktails thrown flash bang grenades used also tear gas used extensively again here in athens as police tried to to. down
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protesters who are extremely unhappy by what they see as unfair measures being taken by the government now also there was one hundred people detained by police five arrests made and we're also hearing of injuries on both sides both the police and demonstrators the people undoubtedly very unhappy about what's been signed into law what's essentially happened is that politicians here in greece of voted in order to allow the next round of austerity measures one hundred fifty three m.p.'s voting in favor of these latest austerity measures one hundred twenty eight against and there were eighteen stanchions what these new austerity measures mean though for the greek people is that we're going to see the retirement age rise to sixty seven there's also going to be slashes to pensions and wages and there's also going to be new laws that's going to actually make it easier for employers to fire their stuff now all of this comes as antonius some are asleep prime minister to make
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thirteen point five billion worth of say a billion euro worth of savings the reason he had to do that was he was it was demanded of him by greece's three main lenders the so-called troika they said that unless these cuts were made that greece wouldn't get its next round of bailout money that's over thirty billion euros and without that money well greece was out of the euro essentially and they would have faced a potentially devastating three fault so that's what these new austerity measures mean they've been signed into law this is the future for the greek people now. the new us sara the package is said to be the worst so far in three years of the greek debt crisis journalist charlie mcgrath says the cuts will hate further suffering on ordinary people and that the situation won't change for the better and greece acknowledges it's bankrupt. we already have people killing themselves in front of parliament in greece you have people that are losing everything using home the last
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thing to go i think is going to be there since they have anybody representing them with so far whatsoever you have this tyranny of the technocrat majority inside greece hundred fifty three out of three hundred vote more austerity on the people i think it is things continue to lose all hope that they have any control of their own financial destiny whatsoever how can it be anything but you know digress into but potentially civil war the financial health of the country is not going to change for the better until they realize that they are in default there and they tell the banks that are holding their debt and the european union and the e.c.b. and the trail that they are going to default this is what happens in the market their their prospect for a return to a healthy economy has to start with them realizing that they are completely and utterly broke and start over from scratch. now as one battle is over with the greek parliament passing that austerity bill another is only just beginning the german
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chancellor has visited london amid hopes for british counterpart will temper justice with mercy and agree not to veto plans for the e.u. budget the details just ahead. turkey says it has the right to acquire any kind of weapons to meet possible threats from syria this doesn't qur'an its nato allies are reportedly considering stationing patriot missiles along the border with syria to guard against a spillover of violence now the u.n. and arab league envoy for syria has warned that al-qaeda infiltration could turn the country into another somalia if a civil war is not and soon meanwhile like washington the u.k. says it sets for talks with opposition military commanders as part of a new drive to oust president britain is also considering arming the syrian rebels although it's banned under arms embargo u.k.
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to pull him out are said to be considering whether it could be justified under un resolutions alive now to professor jeremy saul middle east history and politics professor at bill kant university joining us from ankara turkey thanks for being with us i want to start with the reports of those missiles u.s. officials say patriot missiles or other weapons could be deployed on the turkish side of the border for defensive purposes how likely is that these mainly defensive weapons could be used. he's only had reports that took his last night at his miss elves along its border of what i think this request has to be seen in the in the context of what's been happening over the last week and i think to come to some that sum this up what's most important since the last few days of course have been the by david cameron to the gulf and the opposition leadership to replace the syrian national council. cameras in the gulf to sell weapons and could not expect
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zero in throughout sneakers his hosts on syria which is exactly what he did and what he wants is the resistance at britain and other countries and provide weapons to the armed groups and do directly with them now it's quite clear that britain is preparing to confess or. refuse these groups despite the chaucer's fits their response from various especially car bombings. what the british and the french want is a more direct strategy towards syria and it's clear that obama will be under pressure to go along with that strategy now. he's reported not to be enthusiastic and says yes to his swift is to be other nato countries not. serious what it is becoming a de thing and. this is very much in line with what. he said about syria the timing and of somalia if the situation continues that turkey wants to do more it's in that
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condition countries. involved and therefore we have a negotiation. to touch it missiles along the border now how that. would be used no one can say at this moment that it's a conscious upgrading and escalation of the situation. indicates is that it's a conscience of the syrian coalition and that's includes britain france turkey qatar and saudi arabia have not strayed from that of destroying the syrian. what is the cost to syria and it's a full page dismissed ignored sidestepped that is undermined every single isn't a doing a concert to a negotiation and right up to the present and it's with us now sorry go back a year and a look at the change in leadership does nothing to fathers a year ago their children says yes to the syrian national council a small change is just not a strain unceremoniously dumped you have a knife by the retention and faces a new constitution south in doha under the guidance of the us and especially under
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the guidance of the soma us ambassador to syria robert sowle now the sensible and straight role does secular you know just as the top of the mission would be to control the armed groups and motionless so-called extremists the us having taken charge off the cessna three invest in libya but we as we say from the press reports the talks of how to stop this it tends flexing just want to distance from the us and the other groups we have to look at this and say that and say quote. and it's not only this and in the case is that exceptions thrown shakes her head when if i could just interrupt here and i guess i want to focus back on these patriot missiles like you said it's reported but what they in effect these missiles on the border create a no fly zone at least over northern syria and places like aleppo where much of the fighting between government troops and rebels has been taking place boldly that the end of the pitch missiles as i understand it instead of game is as
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a child and i have instilled in israel subject to a territory against the text much sudden it should she rejects it would only be used against something coming into syria or response to attacks from syria other by playing or by a tittering. but you can see one can see can very easily say once this place as it can effect is really taking would be imposed. in syria and then disarranged. us was in some way heifers. all right professor jeremy salt live with us on the line via broadband from turkey thank you for your notes. now in an exclusive interview with r.t. syrian president bashar assad said that if western states decided to intervene the whole world would suffer the consequences. i think the price would be from invasion if you just hope and it's going. to be more the whole world came before because if you have a problem in syria and iraq that's the last stronghold of secularism and stability
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in the region and coexistence it's it will have to mean or not affect the world from the atlantic to the pacific and you know the good because you know but if one goes to go i don't think. we're through going. to go but you do so nobody can predict what's next. well you can see the full interview with syrian president bashar assad on friday here on r.t. . on syria may have. made you fear that after you bash our side you can r.t. exclusive friday through sunday on r.t. and r.t. dot com that china is going through its once in a decade change of power stay with us for more analysis of how that process takes
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place and how the country is on track to becoming the world's biggest economy. in the march under god these men and women are walking one of the longest and probably the loneliest road in the world they reenacting march into exile made by thousands and czarist russia. if i was his three hundred years ago i may have disappeared my local lord may have deserted from the army or a variety of other crimes the result was the same what my fellow prisoners around me i've got a long and very cold walk ahead into exile in siberia yet it took them years to get their summers winters entire years a lot of people died on the way this group in the western siberian region of alms
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discovered they're living on the only surviving stretch of the original nine thousand kilometers of the siberian exiles track that's had no modern changes made to it is going to discover that he's descended from some of these exiles and decided to build a museum telling a story he and his re-enact is now receiving from all over the world to show them what it was like when these two are you going to stop it's scary to put the shackles on of course but it's interesting. if we don't remember our history we will have no future we want is a monument to one of the czarist russia cruelest chop to. the city served as the capital of anticommunist white russian leader admiral culture shock in the civil war from one thousand nine hundred to nine hundred nineteen whilst in residence he lives here there's the study of the man like the maintenance of this building has remained a taboo right up until the present day or we still receive hate mail saying that he hanged a lot of people and was famous for severe punishment it's all true but it was at
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a time of civil war both sides were monstrously cruel it is sadly the theme of cruelty which links so much of history to the rest of russia's particularly of exile where they were not a criminal. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harkin welcome to the big picture. mission free accreditation free zones for charges free to arrangement
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free. free studio time free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media dog r.t. dot com in. there with our today at live from moscow where it's quarter past the hour and china's said to us you're in a new group of the. growing economic challenges and calls for better government a week long party congress that will perform the power transfer is now underway beijing based journalist henry morton says reforms been the key word in the build up to the meeting. here senior members of china's communist party meeting just behind me here in the great hall of the people on tiananmen square for the opening of the eighteenth party congress a congress which will see the beginnings of a once in a decade leadership transition when president hu jintao begins to hand over the reins of power to the next generation of chinese leaders vice president xi jinping
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widely expected to become the next head of state now president who has just finished giving his last speech as general secretary of the communist party he's going to stand down as general secretary at the end of this week paving the way as i say for she to take over as general secretary and then as head of states in march two thousand and thirteen reform has been a buzzword around this congress has been mentioned a lot in state media in the build up so you this week and experts and analysts and analysts say that china if it wants to continue its economic growth its economic engine it really needs to start implementing long stalled reforms you speak to people on the streets they're extremely concerned about the economy as well and people around the world generally will also be watching what the new leadership is doing china of course a growing economic power is now the second biggest economy in the world and also
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turning into something more of a world superpower. and i reports. the flame on the international stage building to new heights on this world. and throwing beyond its limits whether it outer space the arctic outer continental shelf or on your local store shelves china is making its ambitions known let's see this is made in china. made in china china will cheaper than on the goods have translated into massive profits for china as well as criticism now list comes amid growing concern that china is using its economic clout for political leverage. different. china is a very promising country i'm sure you pointed your top but you are saying twenty trying less than five the i.m.f. says china could surpass the us economically in real terms by twenty sixteen it may
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not help the countless chinese who live in poverty but it sure makes rivals nervous china's economic clout has grown it is now the second largest economy in the world it's the second largest manufacturing exporter in the rimini the trainees currency is playing an increasingly important role in the world economy so there is a shift in relative economic might in the world that might have been threatened by the economic slowdown and it will be up to china's new leaders to try to reverse the trend for now they seem to be getting their way china is inching into europe to snap up ailing businesses this french vineyard is just one of the casualties. but that these people they come here in the buy learn just like to buy it but castle and jewelry on iran u.s. sanctions against oil trading with the islamic republic don't apply when you're america's largest banker. in africa china is using cash to buy clout beating
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western rivals in the race to exploit the continent's vast resources in its efforts to buy influence through investments have been met with an intense public backlash and countries like pakistan building infrastructure instead of military bases has made china the preferred superpower among locals. don't interfere with. other countries it is not like america. you know that like america. well and if they are like you and their dad work. still it hasn't abandoned its military the country's new leaders are expected to continue to pour billions into its defense budget the second largest in the world this may worry pentagon planners and beijing's asian neighbors but so far china's economic might has proven more powerful than the sword the other two nations which are fighting in their word what is america what is china so america is using which is what and there is a lot of losses and china is using up peacefully and civilized the it is no loss
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and if the strategy is working well why change it time you speeders understand the importance of soft power. and yet understand that if you come. to some extent and mated a certain to be studied if not to be followed complete for now a growing red dragon means that china's version of a new world order is here to stay you see captain of our moscow. one still a decade the ruling party gathers to select the next generation. today on our team doherty dot com. the german chancellor has visited london for crucial talks with britain's prime minister about the e.u. budget angela merkel trying to urge david cameron not to veto an increase in
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spending something the u.k. parliament is insisting on our first has the talent of the talks on the surface of it anglo americans come here to meet david cameron to discuss the u.k. dinner the budget meetings are taking place in just a a week's time in brussels but of course what you see in that very smooth experience you know the very friendly and shaking hands that hides beneath the surface is very very troubled waters in the discussion you'd expect to run into some more awkward territory mainly being the whole discussion about britain's place within the e.u. itself of course we see a big rise in the and c.e. sentiment recently we've had the british tabloids calling. america later i mean she's certainly got that aura about her hasn't she she is very much being seen as heading the e.u. drive to all started to try and get those countries out of the economic crisis
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imposing these very very harsh measures on countries such as greece and of course for it it has an escape that with the budget. the e.u. is going to be asking for even more for the contributed to the course it already said about a trillion euros so i mean that's a lot to us from a country that is going through a very tough climate economically she doesn't look like a woman who suffers fools gladly own fortunately david cameron recently hasn't been looking like the strongest of british leaders he had but really eighteen defeat in the house of commons when rebel backbenchers pistol day are planned they were calling for a real perm cuts in that budget and it. raises the wider discussion here of course as we said about bush's place within the e.u. itself is a discussion of britain is going to have to have at some point so it was anger
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merkel certainly going to be looking for some form you think of clarity even persons stultz right now unlikely that david cameron is actually going to be able to give her that because of course the talk at the moment is not so much even if britain will have a referendum now when that will happen and until that happens until britain decides of course he can't really give her much more information than the. a spurned lover has gone on a brutal killing spree in the russian capital police say a lawyer shot six people dead and wounded two others after a bitter breakup with his girlfriend. also online today suspected whistleblower bradley manning is reportedly considering i guilty plea over claims he leaked diplomatic cables to wiki leaks in a deal to avoid a potential life sentence log on to r.t. dot com to learn more. coming out breaking the side with host
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abby martin bass after a break here in our city. which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that you're soft as a horse breeder on the island of horn at the heart of by his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and she's horses were there sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times
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sometimes they'd bite as well it's part of my everyday life. i holmes been home to it could be rats locally just laugh for centuries most still live off the land cattle and fish every evening local villagers place their nets and in the morning the catch is always good. we always have enough here. by coal is often called the pearl of siberia horn is said to be the pearl of by. it's a land of think forests. and vast staps. it's also a place of traditions respected by locals and travelers alike. an economist turned adventurer has crisscrossed by called shores and learned its
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customs well. you see this and thought to have supernatural powers every traveler who comes here asks the spirits to make the journey easier give them strength and fulfill their dearest wishes i knew virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly become a magnet for nature lovers and you will see cars but those used to five star pampering may be in for a surprise the island's infrastructure has yet to catch up with the growing demand here quite some way from civilisation here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about it or even run in water for most people tend is there on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for.
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you need to buy coal can be unique trip of a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it you'll be coming back again again and . here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a donut. concludes the longest while this campaign in our history colors of the left world that may be changing dramatically before our eyes that some are going to tell you next time with twists and turns in the hallmarks of this campaign what you
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want. to do because you've never seen anything like this and i'm so. sorry what's going on i'm abby martin all the elections are finally over and after billions of dollars down the drain we have a winner saying ding ding no surprise here folks brock obama will be the president of the united states for another four years we also have a loser and that's us i say that because we're the victims the policies that will no doubt and sue in his second term were also the victims of a mental trap where people feel forced to choose between two evils the conservative torture apologist who is the reigning king of drones or even more extreme of the right wing ideologues who put obama's policies on steroids i guess it will take a republican to get elected as president again in this country to get the left
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pissed off again because let's be honest when obama came into office liberals became complacent now shifting course being a california girl i was especially saddened at the news that prop thirty seven did not pass them fortunately monsanto won big in california i guess the lesson is that when you spend forty seven million dollars you can convince people to vote against their interests but the bottom label jim ows is far from over but you know i do see a silver lining in the wake of this election the hangover not only is it a good. thing that romney doesn't have access to the biggest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world look think about the monumental shift that happened last night by way of demonic direct democracy in maine and maryland both passed historic legislation allowing same sex marriage making the two states the first in the country to approve the measure by popular vote that's huge and something else monumental that happened yesterday was the legalization of marijuana in colorado and washington and not for medicinal use.


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