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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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from files to. start on t.v. dot com. or the poke at the author of the problem really really you know it all is created. in an exclusive r.t. interview the syrian president slams foreign backing for the rebels as the main cause for the escalating conflict in his country. targeting turan more crippling sanctions are planned for iran on top of the latest restrictions approved by barack obama but his first foreign policy decision following reelection. and the selective trip advice from tripoli libya is busy attracting tourists these days but visitors are being kept in the dark about tragedies like the violent siege in the sultan but he will leave.
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hello there if you're watching the world have just joined us very good evening from moscow it's nine pm here now this is r.t. and i'm kevin zero in syria's president says the conflict in his country has escalated because western powers have hand picked him as their latest bogeyman an exclusive interview with r.t. but charlotte warned that any direct foreign intervention in syria would spark a global disaster. spoke to the embattled leader in his capital. that he is not a western puppet he also denies defunct that civil war is taking place in this country he's saying that it's not civil war it's a conflict where he has to fight different fractions of terrorism. on the fact that the financing of this terrorist fractions was unprecedented and it was coming from abroad what he told me that if the sinuses were to stop then he would probably need about two weeks more to restore peace in his country and he also said that if the west were to intervene militarily it would have
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a domino effect from atlantic to pacific and no one would be gained from that and he also said that west tends to create enemies for themselves like communism iraq saddam hussein and he feels that bashar al assad in syria is the new enemy not syria but hume himself so he feels that the fact that conflict has asked a lady that is because the west has created a new anime in the space i wasn't told that there wasn't a problem you know that we created it was because we knew that. for different reasons they want to create a new. program that the president has to do first of all you have to focus on. what they say i asked him it's not just the west but a lot of countries have betrayed you on the first occasion why do you have so many so many enemies in the arab world he said well actually a lot of arab countries support me but they're afraid to say it out loud i asked
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him why and he said because they're all under the strength and power of petrodollars i also asked him about turkey and if the war with turkey was a real possibility and he didn't he doesn't believe that there's going to be an actual war with turkey but he also emphasizing the fact that the turkish people are the enemies of syrian people and they're always been a friendly nation it's. and his government that's the problem and that's against bashar and wants to also pressure because god wants to reassure his and strengthen his political position in turn. and in the region personally thing that. autumn and you control of the pool doing both many. different. which is. not to be ready for but do you how do you think that if i ask him to regret anything what's your biggest mistake he says of course i have requests and of course i have made mistakes but when i ask him what is your biggest mistake he wouldn't give me a precise answer he said it's too early to talk about precise mistakes and precise
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regrets because the war or the conflict is still going on i also asked him if he were to turn the clock back to fifteenth of march that's when the protests started to escalate would he do anything differently and he said no i wouldn't because within the marches within their protest marches there were people who started to shoot innocent civilians and the government forces so the government army had no other choice than to respond with force do what i did exactly the same for exactly the same just. different parties two for two. and just against the group but i always thought you didn't thought it because there will be little emotion but within bill's most. militants who thought that the civilians. at the same time so he said he wouldn't change much about a year and a half ago when the protests started to grow and escalate he would do exactly the same sophie shevardnadze there will continue
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a full exclusive interview with syria's president in about twenty minutes or an hour to you can also watch it right now if you like. i'm syrian i mean. maybe in syria but after the events you know the incident. did are to exclusive friday through sunday on r.t. and r.t. dot com. from and syrian dissidents meantime of exiled opposition figures are meeting in qatar to try to forge a broader alliance against a mask is the syrian national council which is the main umbrella group leading the talks but activist rym took money says the external observations got no sway over the fight on the frontline i don't see it he was critical of the for the student national council as a body but i'm not against many of the people who formed this camera so yes it was formed with lots of external support maybe external. but for me they don't matter
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a lot to it matter is the people inside syria people who are opposing the regime inside the country everybody is asking the opposition to come in one correlation and coalitions are always weak by nature and they fall apart in front of tough challenges and we are in front of a very very tough crisis i can sit here in london and talk rationally about political solutions but if i have an eighteen year old who have seen his mother being killed or his house being demolished i can say that he has no excuse to use our arm and i do also blame and the external player who exploited those young people and put their arms in their hands and send them money and weapons. barack obama's second terms of the just beginning and he's already making bold steps to the international arena the u.s. is said to have forced to touch men to service warplanes in poland which had pressed washington for security guarantee against a perceived threat from russia and the u.s. lawmakers are also reportedly preparing new sweeping sanctions against iran targeting its foreign business transactions that's on top of the latest round of
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restrictions imposed just after he was reelected to the white house trains widening between america and iran after the pentagon revealed its jets funded a u.s. drone flying over the rounds coast just last week and should come as the latest. president obama's first moves after he won reelection have pretty much indicated that in the next four years he will aggressively pursue the idea of the u.s. being the world police ministration has imposed financial sanctions against the iranian officials so the u.s. blames for jamming satellite broadcast and blocking internet access in the rain that comes on top of a whole bunch of other sanctions that had been put in place by the u.s. which proved to be crippling for the iranian economy and the population there is suffering a great deal because of that while campaigning president obama indicated that he didn't want to go to war with iran but that he would continue the sanctions policy and that's what he's doing we heard reports that the obama administration might engage in direct talks with iran at some point but there has been no confirmation
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of that. threatens to attack iran and the u.s. appears to be stopping them some argue that if you was might be playing a good cop bad cop diplomatic game there anyway the administration's strategy appears to be to make iran so desperate that they would agree to anything but sanctioning iran was probably not president obama's very first move after winning this election government officials here say said on wednesday a u.s. drone strike targeted a group of al qaida militants in yemen and the president had to authorize that and possibly he did that within hours after his reelection the use of drones has been highly controversial it's quite clear not everybody by the. are terrorists and the administration so far has been far from transparent on how they pick the targets and basically authorize executions overseas the un has raised concerns about the legality of such executions there has been a lot of purchases and especially after numerous reports of civilian deaths in the meantime this administration is said to rely on drones more and more and other
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drone related story this week the pentagon said the reunion military had fired upon but they've not hit a you was thrown flying close to the pentagon claimed the drone was there on a surveillance mission so looking at some of president obama's first moves after reelection one could say he takes the idea of america being the world police very seriously but the question is who's going to hold that world police itself accountable. political mohammad marandi you told who sits on a likely to run is going to the west and pressure. the fact that the obama administration is imposing new sanctions almost immediately out to the elections is a very negative message despite the fact that the sanctions really won't have any effect on iran but it's basically basically signaling to iran that the united states isn't prepared to move towards
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a rapprochement and to move towards resolving the issues from the iranian perspective the ball is clearly in the western court they are the ones who are acting aggressively against iran making militate threats against the country imposing embargoes to intentionally hurt ordinary iranians and supporting terrorist organizations carrying out cyber attacks the americans are being very provocative by sending drones over here on in space or very close iranian airspace and but i think the iranian response is even more significant the iranians have shown or stating basically that they are not going to take any form of aggression from the americans lightly and that they will respond robustly the iranians aren't intimidated they take an independent foreign policy they support the palestinians as opposed to the regime which the iranian see as an apartheid regime is really completely unacceptable to the united states and i think that the americans fear that other countries in the region will sort of try to become more independent of
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the united states and europe like you ron. very soon tonight selling all of those by hushing up or still it seems libya is big you know it was a tourist hot spot but travel agents are accused of coffee and western media by staying silent on the bombings we were told that americans stranded in council would go to stories bother from coming home to the u.s. to visit the sick in a few minutes so why is mostly they could be the movies. i never thought i could earn a living this way. natale a show of i as a lawyer should test small arms so that's what i was tomasz in building ploy and a lot of the also lost count of all the weapons she's fired over the past twelve
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years. i got so used to it sometimes my friends ask me to join them at the rifle range and i say no way i'm so tired of shooting. the planet's history goes from making firearms during world war two to ballistic missiles from your class submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the advancing germans so if you were also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to foreigners for half a century it thrived on the lesser roots of the soviet military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed but life here was shaken to the core but some adapted to better as. this is the zero truck factory bush's number one of truck made for grabs a look at how well the workplace is organized everything's done to make sure the workers don't waste time waiting there was so production is booming the factory has largely managed to get on to civil rails these giants are sold around the globe hit
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a base of brand new be no way to be delivered to acquire. seventy trucks like this one roll off the plant's conveyor belt every day still look at this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula one pilot but hopefully if i can get up there. i can go for a test drive. was fun to get one of these to travel to work every morning but with the cost of about forty thousand dollars i should start saving money. describes many things but have you ever considered it is
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a holiday hotspot well believe it or not lot of people dude seem so this is of course one glaring omission among the explosions the siege ravaged city of bunny will lead to further for summer travel agents hiding tragedy for the tourist we're here at the world travel market a trade show you taking place in london or people can come to look for holiday inspiration that scouts exotic spot for a honeymoon a one country you probably wouldn't expect to see being touted as a tourist destination and that's libya the places where the tourist interesting to the site is our political side so it's completely safe going to you that's got to be saved more than even tones to big domes like london or like new york but there's somewhere that is not mentioned in the guide burke bani walid a desert town this remain loyal to formally to colonel gadhafi it's just a few hours dry southeast of the traditional tourist destination tripoli but it's
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a world away from the safe environment the two guides the pitching. the town's become the scene of some of the fiercest fighting since the libyan uprising last year but despite reports of indiscriminate shelling and gas attacks on the local population at the hands of the libyan army there's been an almost total media blackout in the. story for more than a fortnight before anyone else picked it up back in london and despite libya being showcased it seems that bani walid has once again been conveniently left out the conversation when i saw this. it was of course surprised and i came. back of the situation at the moment. and if we have so many people it means situations that could be coming most and we can think for next season to do something with libya and it's a wonderful country so. what about what's happening at the moment. but
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do you mean what's happening as being happening there there's been fighting do you know about that no we went to confront the tour operator i saw you speaking some people eat telling them about what's been happening in bani walid at the moment. this is. for the future. because it was deeply disturbing is that despite a growing body of evidence about crimes against civilians and increasingly vocal concerns from human rights organizations the same media and government remain resolutely silent i've got to sort of package nish as a success is very important for nato so we have been of these countries have been liberated in inverted commas as great places to go great places to invest and the reality for the everyday person in these countries is a living hell really pick up one of the travel information then you will be given reasons to visit libya and undoubtedly there are many there's a concerning silence in a case by the u.k.
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media a seeming refusal to talk. about what's been happening in places like that anyway the reality is that the new government is struggling to control its militias and bridge the deep divides that remain in the country none of that you're going to read about in the. surf artsy london libya's government has been relieved of covering first after on militias left the city of virtual ruins but we spoke to a man whose family lived through that siege to shield his identity for safety when he told us there is still no peace in bani walid. government of supporting the will because of militias. and killing innocent citizens in the city leave you these militias out of looking all supplies now rolling to the city or being only this included minutes in food. and other life in the cities they are destroying whom is with the guns and bullets and use.
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of the. this is against all the international laws. how you. know if i don't want to be able to night and this young fellow whom to another to. be able. to didn't do their business and only give the united states was. a bigger ticket. with bombs and guns into pretty darn good if it were that they know now that al qaeda is running the government of libya to rising believe. more world news now is thousand to share muslims have been violently stopped from attending friday prayers police fired tear gas as they tried to gather for worship probably to the country's opposition at least one person died during the crackdown
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the public gatherings were banned last week to try to stem anti regime protests among the shia population which have seen up to eighty people died in scores arrested since your last year. turkish fighter jets and helicopters have bombarded kurdish militants along the border with iraq it's left fourteen dead the strikes were reportedly launched after security forces got a tip off from locals about a build up of separate activity in the area the kurdistan workers party the pay the p.k. case fighting to try and carve out an independent state over forty thousand people have been killed since the start of me and said. it's one thing for. thousands of salafi muslims have taken the streets of cairo demanding the introduction of sharia law the rally comes amid a fierce to speak between is the mists and liberals over the wording of egypt's new constitution the drafting of the new framework is the latest step in the country's more than half the ousting of hosni mubarak in last year's popular uprising. the
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revelations of mass fraud and embezzlement involving hundreds of millions of dollars are holding the headlines here in russia these days it's emerged that some of the country's most ambitious projects including its satellite positioning system glow nass were plagued by corruption and now there's also the highest levels of the military to farmer reports this is part of the russian government's wide a crackdown on corruption and to date it in nice chatting covered two major scandals involving for all the first was a two hundred million dollar embezzlement of funds during the global last project that is the russian satellite navigation system that was meant to rival the american g.p.s. system but after two and a half year investigation the russian audit chamber has now come out and said it believes two hundred million dollars was embezzled and on top of this they also found that during the apec summit last september held in stock in russia it's stored at around three million dollars there's embezzled doing the development of facilities there say two major scandals here this is also coming on
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a day that it was announced that a new man is the health reform the russian military and also stamp out corruption bear his name barely and he was appointed incidentally on the recommendation of a short good with a new defense minister who himself was appointed after the dismissal of anatoly to do call this week he was relieved of his duties he made allegations of corruption in the fraudulent science of military force at sea well below its market value so three major incidents this week i think the government is trying to show yes it's taking corrupt. seriously but more importantly showing that it is taking action. now there's been no more f. words of formula one race is it discover online from us what's made the motor sports bosses take measures against. the drivers to the tongue. and the time change in china as the country is preparing for its once in a decade power which we are following closely for you.
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download the official location. choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need. to watch r.t. any time any. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the
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world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are today.
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an american living or working in qatar has been barred by u.s. authorities from going back to his native oklahoma to visit is ailing mother have force veteran sadiq along converted to islam over a decade ago but now is on a federal no fly list is never dull boy adam soltani from the council of american islamic relations believes the man's muslim name is rented to an undesirable. the circumstances are pretty much heartbreaking because he is going to star in that he may never get to see his mother again and that's a reality we have to deal with which parent wouldn't want their last wish to be with their children there's no indication of any reason for him to be on this no
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fly list and he has never been convicted of any criminal activity he has served his country for ten years in the u.s. air force and he has indicated that there is nothing he can think of that would link him to anything criminal in nature you know there are cases kerry has dealt with in the past of individuals who were placed on a no fly list sometimes it just has to do with the name their name may sound like someone who was affiliated with criminal activities or or something of the sort we've never really been given answers by the f.b.i. and the department of homeland security so we're not one hundred percent sure it's kind of speculation at this point but nevertheless you know he's indicated that he is a law abiding u.s. citizen and really cannot think of anything that would prevent him from travel. so he's across germany marking a pivotal date of the country's history november the nine saw the wall come down twenty three years ago it was the end of the cold war when two countries instead
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simply became one again but for national reports divisions remain. made in love a barely produced in western germany by a choreographer from the former d.d.r. in the eighty's when one nation was riven into stuff and fled what he saw as a prison for the promise of freedom. we artists needed inspiration but didn't have the chance to see the outside world propaganda were telling us no one waits wrote in the west when we were different were emotional genuine and that enrich the book . he never came back because even twenty years after the fall of the berlin wall the east is still locked in the dark past. soviet era infrastructure derailed never really adapting to the capitalist reality reunification it turns out was more annexation what happened politically in the way of international laws that west
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germany became bigger if they would have taken the chance in that time to say we abolish both germany as we abolish the west of germany and we abolish the eastern regimes that use germany and we make something new we make a new germany this might have been much better the forging of one nation was the end of another this is all that remains from a once large power plant in the village of man that stein in eastern germany it used to generate electricity for railroads and trams sheltie off to reunification the plant was shut down as happened with most industry in the former g.d.r. abandoned buildings like this old and deliberate dated are still scattered all across the east here silence reminders of the former republics power the two decades following the reunification so a million and a half head west those two youngsters live in an aging population behind slowly that might be changing since two thousand one the migration numbers are declining and in two thousand and eleven we had for the first time nort not more
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out migrants than in migrants these people are living breathing statistics they all see the nickname for born easterners and they've returned home and everybody want to come but sometimes opportunity is not given it's a responsibility of to put it in to encourage people to stay here to give them like a maybe. opportunity to earn money but they're using eastern greed and western guile to help themselves probably they're all had similar problems like now . where do i find the flowers or if i want to buy a whole lot of these kind of stuff so the next project was that we build a replica where we try to collect all the information but the challenge is the tougher to overcome maybe unspoken the water between the d.v.r. and us germany was one of the hottest across in the world this brown path is what used to be a minefield and imposing construction with c.c.t.v.
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cameras barbed wire fences and watchtowers every one of the half kilometers it was all taken away off to reunion this place is now in museum but while there was a may have become part of history division remains the boundary in some people's minds is as solid as ever and until these barrier falls through reunification will remain just an illusion. or if an ocean r.t. report in from germany. most was saying earlier in the program on the way very soon then the syrian president of a conflict that ravaging is country in his own words exclusively here on this channel r.t. moscow after this break. russia's that so much of. which of course you want to hear.


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