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tv   [untitled]    November 10, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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sure it does chambers filled with fine particles of silica sand the next stage will lead us to the sprinkler room it imitates a subtropical climate when u.s. commandos fourteen the hot and humid conditions often prompted them to improvise with captured kalashnikovs. sixteen rifle kalashnikovs was in such a climate. gunsmith mikhail kalashnikov came up with a prototype for his celebrated rifle at least age of twenty two he says about designing it off to he was wounded in action during the second world war recognition of his achievement came five and a half years later in one nine hundred forty seven when his model came first in a defense ministry firearm design contest the new weapon was designated bake a forty seven. i took care to think over every single part to make them
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more technologically suitable for mass production. at the same time i needed to make sure that the gun was as reliable and durable as its design dictates that was not an easy task in general any designer must be very careful with regard to every detail of the design the. vietnam war veterans frequents this firing range in the u.s. state of virginia it was here in the one nine hundred ninety s. after the end of the cold war that the a k forty seven was designed as met their american am sixteen counterparts following the gathering mikhail kalashnikov put his signature on one of the rifles belonging to the club and this is russian ammunition. so i'm sure it will work well. general kalashnikov autographed this piece so this is quite a rare piece and when we shoot it i'm going to everybody want i want white gloves because we don't want to smear the signature of.
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a kalashnikov assault rifles are mainly assembled by hand people working with the is most machine building plant in the city of never say weapons or a soldier rifle they with the do is simply the product some twenty variants of the a k have been turned out is in one thousand nine hundred forty seven people across the board instantly recognize the kalashnikov it is the most widespread firearm in the world today. the rifle is not only functional but it's also a handsome model. likes to say that it cries out to be touched most of the workers at the machine buildings loans women it's told they handle the mechanical operations requiring constant attention that of the men they know the rifle inside and out even though the weapon is intended primarily from them so i often have to
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teach male workers not only the newcomers but also those who already know their job well when i watch films on t.v. i instantly recognize something made in our shop it gives me great joy to see our products on screen. the first batch of kalashnikovs made in nine hundred forty seven was kept secret so much so that offices concealed the weapons in cases and collected used cartridges when the five point four five millimeter variant appeared in nine hundred seventy four the situation was quite different because brenda gained fame fall beyond soviet borders off to the vietnam war. special forces were some of the first to appreciate the benefits of the five point four five millimeter version shortcoming had improved it was also much lighter and the world no complaints about hockey operations. fissions. not that. even though the kalashnikov rifle is much more reliable than the m. sixteen it's designed and far less from his creation than his american counterpart
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eugene stoner. they came from a completely different socio economic and political backgrounds in russia kalashnikov was honored as a national hero a regional icon but received no compensation stoner received a dollar a rifle for a royalty course they sold millions of them and so in the united states few people know who stoner is although he became wealthy from the us in russia many people know him but he didn't become wealthy for different approaches different societies different values. new recruits of russian military schools are required to learn how to strip down the kalashnikov in fifteen seconds then within the same time limit the gun must be reassembled and ready to fire but. this is a reliable weapon and it's a personal weapon that all students must have
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a good knowledge of down to the smallest part. sometimes they even have to take it apart and reassemble it and clean it while they're blindfolded. and then to have successfully post initial tests take an oath of allegiance and the ritual goes back to the mid seventeenth century and since the one nine hundred fifty s. it's featured full dress uniform and a kalashnikov. yes i. do hereby swear allegiance to my country after taking the oath judy ballons to use their weapon to protect russia's interests. ah la charlie mumble means thank you in mozambique the words of the song sung by these freedom fighters could just as easily be addressed to mr kalashnikov in the
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early one nine hundred sixty s. the soviet union hopes the portuguese colony explained through. the rebels quickly got a feel for the soviet rifle after their victory it became a national symbol. the sea in the middle of the. flag we have yet the star. and the book the who and the. book signifies advocation and the whole. culture. and. the. the struggle for it but issues of all counts. and. that is truly. at times to be a shift machine building. in
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a bid to uphold what was then called internationalism. the employee's job because everyone in the flood was like robots if they were ever to find another job at a factory making. the end product would still be a kalashnikov. was going to get. closed. in a week they have regular jobs but it we can't these people change this stuff feel the battle dress. to kalashnikovs but these weapons a loaded with plastic bowls instead of bullets flourishes no making a kalashnikov with a difference. because they kill everything else about these non-lethal rifles remains true to the original. design and appearance. everyone can feel like a real soldier. it's not a fake but rather
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a genuine kalashnikov basically this is the first attempt to use an electric mechanism to combat weapon to a game of airsoft. from the same materials the same production lines as regular kalashnikov assault rifles. played by people fed up with the routine of everyday life. but in fact the purpose of soft is to achieve real tactical goals. to use in the future as a cost effective method of tactical training. for the. men and women alike are only just beginning to get. the iconic. very strong woman again doing it my hands. but now i feel they have been getting stronger with training exercise i find that. right.
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there is another side to the popularity of the. as one war comes to an end. profits by buying up used kalashnikovs and selling them in. for example after the soviet union pulled its troops out of. a single rifle cost a mere fifteen dollars a day the price for a functional kalashnikov in the middle east is around one thousand dollars. we use this rifle as the main weapon of our struggle because it never misses targets. has proven its reputation demonstrated its complex condition. in the 1980's the. gun was deemed with thousands of chinese made kalashnikov. it was the first time that soviet designed with ns were used against soviet soldiers in the twenty first
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century those same firearms turned against the united states. government by nato forces using the very rifles that the us both for them so long ago. thanks to the russian military schools are undergoing weapons training on a tank range missile kalashnikov himself began his military service in russia's division. forty seven his first invention is were related to vehicles but they could not be implemented because of the onset of world war two. they survived after being wounded when his tank caught fire as a result he couldn't resume active service and so he devoted his efforts to designing small.
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i'm fifty and i may have. made in syria and after leaving sudan by a student by shar al assad in an arch exclusive friday through sunday on r.t. and r.t. dot com. is eaves. eat.
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up all.
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the first assault rifle models designed. because they approved and beta version was made for. the seven point six two millimeter with. the. education and engineering either before or after that time it didn't take the problem that many of his colleagues would be unable to cope with the result was the case seventy four. which used five point four five millimeter culture does just like. to. claim that the u.k. is outdated but professionals know that any changes to make it fashionable looking would inevitably affect its most important feature reliability yeah.
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for another exercise that the rights to wear the crimson distinguishing. that if it were possible to train men to be as tough as they. they would be the world's best special forces units. that after the decision was made to select this weapon as the new soviet assault rifle the russians immediately began improvements on it even before it was issued and they kept improving it working on every feature of the rifle to optimize performance. the difference in that story is when the united states selected the m. sixteen rifle from colt they forced. the rifle to be issued for combat
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use before adequate testing the united states government literally did nothing for fifteen to twenty years after world war two to get c. . about a lightweight semi automatic rifle. and then put the safety back on the impact we were shooting at twenty five yards the bullet is not fast but it's a heavy pounding bullet very effective. and is a specialist in ballistics. he is skeptical of the superiority of the iconic brand even claims that somebody. designed. the concept from a german design. as the end of the design to be a fairly effective t.g. forty four. and it is true that kalashnikov design does resemble the german variant
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. and other german specialists contributed to the development of the new product. inventors worked on it together claiming that it was made by some ordinary sergeant . since nine hundred forty nine he and his colleagues have heard these accusations before claims that the young took advice from. so many times they think the debate is pointless. or this place is awash with rumors it's no secret that the german designers schmeiser worked in this building after the war i've seen an article on the internet claiming that he gave casual advice to the young mikhail kalashnikov just in passing it sounds ludicrous. work was a carefully guarded secret obviously hero schmeiser had no access to it.
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still wet to being carried through water these men are ready to face is. fighters in this special squad are being trained to handle standard weapons the brand new a k twelve model will be tried in exactly the same conditions and then sent on to russia's omi and police was. kalashnikovs was often asked about his wife his design he made no secret of the fact that he had indeed borrowed many ideas but they had come from his soviet colleagues not from hugo schweizer. kalashnikov was able to integrate various solutions within one designed to best advantage of all of the new assault rifle was much more studied than its rivals. whenever a kalashnikov ran out of ammunition it was still very useful and hand to hand
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fighting one small it's what a beta but again firing could resume without worrying about cleaning own lubricating the gun in battle. rifle was designed so that any illiterate person in the world operated disassemble it for basic cleaning if any and use them under all conditions they had a documentary once history channel. where they were talking about the afghans years in the caves and afghanistan and they had no concept of clean it why would you do that and so they said they finally taught them to take their shoelaces off time in a not dip it in motor oil and pull that shoestring through the board said there was clean as with clean enough. made his weapon in nine hundred forty seven the soviet desperately needed a modern assault rifle. was a timely solution over time kalashnikov created
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a wide variety of rifles and machine guns. he. formulated by one person who's built all these items is based on a single principle the ports are interchangeable the fact that this broad range of weapons has been designed by one person that makes them very convenient. in the early one nine hundred ninety s. mikhail kalashnikov had his first opportunity to attend international small firearms exhibitions. times and changed nelson belly and weapons for hunting and sporting purposes were being developed based on his rifle. personally test of the new models as he had always done his products.
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as semi automatic shotguns based on the kalashnikov takes less than a couple of seconds to be ready for. the united states potential adverse or it has been one of the most active customers of the russian made. for them because the americans have compared before. i got twelve the design of the shotguns based on the kalashnikov assault rifle as it turns out twelve is a more attractive weapon is more powerful and capable of more effective rapid fire . i mean. swallow their pride and plant signed contracts with the americans for thousands of so i got twelve units to be supplied to the police force. but i see. models are assembled in the same shop and go through the same quality control tests before being shipped to a customer. we're entering the freezer now to pick up the assault rifle. it's been
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exposed to temperatures of up to minus fifty degrees celsius for nearly an hour. my mother but in my experience the kalashnikov has never had any problems working in freezing conditions there is no once has a jammed this gun is very durable. one of the final tests is quite possibly the toughest the assault rifle is dropped on to a concrete slab from a height of two in the hole for me to. wear at the same firing range where mr kalashnikov and stoner met in may of one nine hundred ninety they were talking about dura billet e of the weapons and what kind of tests they had to go through to make sure they were durable enough to withstand battlefield conditions and one of the things that stoner said was that he was required to drop this weapon from eleven feet and drop on concrete and be able to pick up the weapon and fire it and at that point
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kalashnikov started laughing and they asked him what he was laughing about and he said well the way we do it in russia is if the weapon doesn't print function properly they take the designer and they drop him from eleven feet onto a concrete floor. but. yet another key feature that can actually go is it almost anyone can use it allowing it to hold its ground for more than sixty euros. it's been clearly suited both to novices who have only just laid hands on it and professionals dealing with
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specific tasks. that begin and needs only a short time to acquaintance up with a rifle veteran kalashnikov users. special forces can modify their weapons of choice depending on the mission. when we get a kalashnikov assault rifle from the depo we fitted out with a site. this is a sample chewed up for marksman. features a retractable stock for ease of use i can change the length of the stock to fix the pistol grip on to it to make it more comfortable. the magazine holds sixty cartridges more than the standard. as a special interior ministry squad training exercise each fighter must make sure that their weapon is still ready for battle after such extreme conditions.
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meanwhile the work machine building plant is drawing to a close what's left is the final trial for the new. video camera is set up next but has just gone through a rigorous series of tests it records in slow motion every one of the kalashnikovs moving. the gun saves the lives of soldiers on assignment. that's what it's supposed to do and it always functions to the best of its abilities whether covered in mud or frost. ninety three years old he's outlived most of his friends and rivals. creator of the u.s. army's m sixteen hundred ninety seven. in recent years has become increasingly unhappy about his rifles reputation each year an average of a quarter of a million people were killed by bullets fired from one of his weapons. i didn't
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want to design a weapon that was going to be used in wide scale fratricidal war on a very year. i only wanted to help protect my country's borders three you are teaches about well and that's what i would wish for everybody as well as myself. i have gone through every trial the tribulation and i'm ready to go on working. one hundred million like me in the world they say i have yet to outlive my usefulness. placed. everything is changing but i'm still as i have always been. this kalashnikov.
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sisters. i miss it him. my daddy. a lot of. does a famous reuse benson play was oh my saved and does my mammy ransom business. thank.
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you. which brightened. from months to freshen. top teeth don't come.
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as. no.


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