tv [untitled] November 10, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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well. it's technology innovations all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. welcome back you're watching r.t. coming to life from moscow now iraq's defense minister denies the country has cancelled a four billion dollar arms deal with russia reports on saturday suggesting baghdad pulled the contract but the minister says the sale has been put under review and it concerns of internal corruption government and business consultant chris of course
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the complications are a sign of pressure from washington if this deal head to gone through that would have meant for the iraqi people it kind of you know starting a balanced situation of the evening east and with so to say and that would be healthy for the iraqi people because this is in line with the geographical very simple geographical situation now putting this deal under pressure you know that means that the u.s. insisting on a monopole in the region it is it is very clear you know it is not mr maliki who was calling the shots in the iraqi policies that is the u.s. right now and that they are not able you know to allow a little called a petition just a little you that is a very sad story for for washington and it doesn't bear good sides for the future.
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america's presidential election didn't pass without controversy this week and the country's voting system has been called into question with suggestions it's easy to tamper with and the government is being accused of turning a blind eye and our eyes he's honest as he took in the reports. you're elected me to tell you the truth honesty is the best policy while maybe not in u.s. elections two words define why people hate america double standard on everything in this presidential election season these two words are back in full swing the basic definition of a double standard is a rule or principle unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups let's find out if this is relevant to the us election system from questionable voter id regulations to shortened early voting time slots to gerrymandering rejoice in congressional district lines to favor certain party laws affecting voters' rights are passed left and right and vary state by state you have
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an error. this video shows how easy it is to attempt to steal attorney general eric holder's vote when an idea is not required actually forgot my id. yet places the do ask for government issued photo id can effect over ten percent of americans that simply don't have one there is an attempt to prevent large numbers of people from actually exercising the ballot election monitors usually serve the purpose of keeping track of and discrepancies and while the us likes to keep a close eye on the way elections are handled abroad even the carter center which grows a rod and does the great we're monitoring elections. refuses to monitor us elections on the grounds. of basic standards of integrity when election ideals are not met elsewhere criticism runs rampant elections in venezuela elections in iran elections in russia. the press will go to town on any sign that the outcome was fixed and
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while nitpicking abroad is all the rage the elephant in the room remains unnoticed at home or policymakers and to a great extent our media and and trickle down to the american people have literally the literally think that the rest of the world is stupid. that they don't see it that everybody naturally house to admit you know admire us that we're great and that's not the case well obvious flaws are met with a deaf ear and hear him and you're out of florida election process continues to be the first vote cast in the u.s. as the party new york. violence is continuing on the streets of bahrain's capital manama national guard troops have been sent to support police in their battle against protesters in an attempt to stop the rising political unrest the latest wave of protests started on friday after security forces used tear gas against thousands of shiite worshipers trying to reach a mosque for prayers a sixteen year old boy was killed in a traffic incident during the clashes but the fresh wave of violence returned
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during his funeral on saturday public gatherings were banned last week to quell the two years of ongoing anti-government actions here political analyst patrick pattinson says the west's or the ruling families attempt to get the voice of the opposition. well if you look at you know william hague and quit hillary clinton gallivanting around with the friends of syria meetings accusing the assad government of crimes against humanity you only have to look at bahrain to look at a litany of crimes there revoking nationality of protesters right now they're they blaming the latest bombing on hezbollah as if it's hizbollah has any any connection with bahrain so why not be able rajab he's going to have his appeal denied next week by the the all talk we see in bahrain so you know the europe loves bahrain they go down there for loads of money in that country formula one grand prix every
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year and loads of oil coming out of the country there's absolutely zero chance of any democratic reform in this country and this is a country that absolutely needs it washington and london have more or less given the boot the go ahead for the bahraini roll family and that and that government that autocracy to really go hard and fast and drop the hammer down on any pro reform movements and that's exactly what we've seen on friday ceremonies were held across germany to mark the fall of the berlin wall november the ninth one thousand nine hundred eighty nine was the day one the most infamous symbol of the cold war came down paving the way for their reunification of a country but as more you finish now reports twenty three years on divisions still remain. made in love a ballet produced in western germany by a choreographer from the former d.d.r. in the eighty's when one nation was riven into staff and fled what he saw as a prison for the promise of freedom. when artists who needed inspiration but didn't
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have a chance to see the outside world who were going to were telling us in the world waits roots in the west what we were different the emotional journey was that enrich himself though. he never came back because even twenty years after the fall of the berlin wall the east is still locked in the dark past. soviet era infrastructure derailed never really adapting to the capitalist reality reunification it turns out was more annexation what happened politically and in the way of international laws that west germany became bigger if they would have taken the chance in that time to say we abolish both germany's we abolished the west of germany and we abolished the eastern region in the east germany and we make something new we make a new germany this might have been much better the forging of one nation was the end of another this is all that remains from a once large power plant in the village of men that stein in eastern germany it
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used to generate electricity for railroads and trams shortly after reunification the plant was shut down as happened with most industry in the former g.d.r. abandoned buildings like this and deliberate dated are still scattered all across the east here silence reminders of the former republics power the two decades following the reunification so a million and a half had west most to youngsters live in an aging population behind slowly that might be changing since two thousand one the migration numbers are declining and in two thousand and eleven we had for the first time not not more migrants than migrants these people are living breathing statistics they're all see the nickname for born easterners and they've returned home and everybody want to come but sometimes opportunity is not given it's a responsibility of the political to encourage people to stay here to give them
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like a maybe. opportunity to earn money but they're using eastern greed and western guile to help themselves probably they're all had similar problems like now . where do i find the flour or if i want to buy a whole lot of these curves off so the next project was that we build a website where we try to collect all the information but the challenge is the tougher to overcome maybe unspoken the water between their video and us germany was one of the hottest across in the world this brown path is what used to be a minefield and imposing construction with caesar to the cameras barbed wire fences and watchtowers every one of the half kilometers it was all taken away after reunion this place is now a museum but while there was a may have become part of history division remains the boundary in some people's minds is as solid as ever and until these barrier falls true reunification will
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remain just an illusion. or if an ocean r.t. reporting from germany. and in just a few moments here in our news here is president bashar asad speaks exclusively to our network with his own perspective on the bloody conflict gripping his country. on the sole flight for. my chute despite. rain. snow. on the fadia all for team. the one who can use the trigger on the most reliable of the twentieth century. legend. kalashnikovs.
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president bashar al assad of syria thank you very much for talking to our to today you know what's going to baskets so you know many people work that state year ago today you wouldn't make it this far but yet again we're sitting in a new renovated presidential palace and recording this interview who exactly is your enemy at this point by any means terrorism and instability in syria this was our enemy not about people it's not about pows it's all about who is not about me staying or leaving supposed to contribute safe or not so disobey me but we've been fighting us here he worked to win this war how would you reconcile with your people after everything that has happened this be. again more precise the problem is called tween me and the people i don't have problems with people could be next to this is against the west is against me many countries including turkey which is not
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of course you can speak of the peoples of the syrian people against me how can it be so it's not a balticon siding with the people you spoke to bob the conservation between the syrian and the syrian don't have several it's there isn't and support coming from the. sport terrorist to destabilize syria this is a war. the infrastructure military infrastructure economy is suffering it's almost as if like syria's going to fall into decay very soon and the time is against you in your opinion how much time do you need to crush the enemy you cannot so that's a question because no one claims. about when to do to end the war unless we have the answer when they're going to stop smuggling. foreign fighters from different part of this world special to the middle east and the islamic world and we're going to stop. sending moments to those terrorists if they stop this is where
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i can answer your continuing leaks you can finish everything is public problem but as long as we have continuous supply in the main and all moments and everything else and logistics is going to be. also when think about it you have four thousand kilometers of loosely controlled borders you have your enemy that can at any time cross over jordan or turkey to rearm get medical care and come back to fight you exactly exactly where no country in the world came seal the border from them to you with this world which is not correct even the united states cannot see this border with mexico for example maybe the same for russia which is the b. country so not completely to the border you can only have better situation on the border when you have good relations with your neighbors something that we don't have at least. support more than any other country the smuggling of
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our room an interest can i ask you something i've been in turkey recently and people there are actually very worried that war will happen between syria and turkey do you think a war with turkey is a realistic scenario rationally no i don't think that's god for for two reasons the war needs to be for port and the majority of the turkish people don't need this war so i don't think any russian. official would think about. going against the will of the public and he's going to be the same for the syrian people so it's not the conflict or the difference is not between the syrian people and the turkish people because you don't vote for should be between officialdom deal should cause all the politics so i don't see any war between syria and turkey in the horizon when is the last. time you spoke to the ground and how did they talk and may two thousand and eleven after he won the elections so you just congratulated him you just that was the last time it was the last why has turkey that you call the friendly nation
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become a foothold for the opposition. not the turkey only government. only has to be decided not the turkish people to people in musa good relation with the syrian people this is a gun i think he believes that if muslim brotherhood take over in the region and especially in syria you can go to his political future this is one reason the other reason. personally think that he had been useful part of the autumn and he can control the region as it was during those many. different let's see i'm very lucky which is. islamic but not gotten him in by not to be fully for but in his heart you think that it's hard for me these are the main reasons for him to change or to shift his policy from zero frames authority problems to zero friends but it's not just the west that opposes you at this point you have so many enemies in the arab
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world and that's to say like two years ago when someone heard your name in the arab world they would straighten their ties and on the first occasion they betray you why do you have so many enemies in the arab world they're not the enemy for some of them the majority of the arab governments support fear in their heart they don't dare. to fear that explicitly that under pressure by the west sometimes under pressure by the petaled petrodollar and all aboard who supports you from the arab world many countries supported syria by the whole but the truth here that explicitly but first of all york. play very active role in supporting syria during the crisis because its neighboring country and the. but if you have a war room inside syria you will have war in the neighboring countries including iraq. i think of the country. they have good position like.
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mainly in those other countries and other countries. can't all of them but. they are they have a positive position but without taking actions iran which is a very close ally also exposed to economic sanctions also facing the threat of military invasion if you were faced with an option cut ties with iran in exchange for peace in your country would you go for it there's no contradiction i don't have these contradicting option why because we had a good relation with seventy nine people today and it's getting better every day but at the same time we're moving toward the peace and we had peace process we had with negotiations urine wasn't a factor against peace so this is. information to try to promote in the west but if we if we need peace we don't have to have good relations with iran
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this no relation is completely two different objects that are supported syria. supported our cause or because of the occupied land and we have to support them in their cause the simple iran is very important country in the region if for looking if we are looking for stability we need good relations with iran you cannot talk about stability while you have a bad religion with iran with ilchi with your neighbors and so on this is it. do you have any information that the western intelligence are financing rebel fighters here in syria no so far what we know that they are offering the noli support of the terrorists to turkey sometimes in lebanon. mainly. but we have the other intelligence problem with in the region some of them are very active one . you've been there with under this provision. you western intelligence what's the role of al qaeda in syria at this point are they controlling any of the rebel coalition forces know that they i don't think be looking for to control their look
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to have your own military kingdom or the moderates in their language but mainly you know they try to scare the people through exclusion association so it was something like this to push the people toward this position or to accept them as the reality so they go through but their final is to have this with the islamic emirate in syria where they can. promote their own ideology in the rest of the world do you accept that the gun forces have committed war crimes against their own civilians we are fighting terrorism. implementing our constitution. by protecting the syrian people few days ago misty internationally recognized the crime but if that was committed a few days ago when they captured soldiers and excluded them and human rights watch more than once about the crimes of those terrorist groups and it was described as.
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a crime this is the first point the second point if you have committed a crime against its people this is devoid of closure because the syrian army is made up of syrian people if you want to commit a crime against your people the army would divide would disintegrate so you cannot have strongarm unified on me while you are killing your people so the army cannot withstand for twenty months in these difficult circumstances without having the embrace of the public in syria so how could you how could you have this embrace moment while you're killing your people this is a contradiction so this advance from what it seems from the outside even if you wanted to go. you wouldn't have anywhere to go if i was your girl if you wanted to live to see if you. were to see that this is the only place where we can live i'm not pop it all isn't. me by the waist coat with twenty other countries i'm syrian i
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made. a million syria and i have to leave incident by incident do you think that at this point there could be talks or diplomacy or we've reached a stage where only the army can do nothing i always believe in diplomacy i always believe a day old will always believe even with people who doesn't understand who doesn't believe in indicted you have to keep trying whether you succeeded or not a thing could be all because of. success you have to look for this particular success before you look for the good before you achieve the complete success but you have to be realistic you don't think that only they can make you achieve something because those people who commit these acts they are to do good to cause one of them doesn't believe in the special or the extremist. you have the locals who have been convicted by the court years ago before the crisis and they're not
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your enemy the government because they're going to be detained if you had a normal situation it's the other part of them the people who has been supplied by the outside and the only could be can only be committed to the people or to the government to spend the money and supply them with them and they don't have to or they don't have decision they don't own their own decision so you have to be realistic and you have the third part of the people whether he's. militants or politicians who can accept the title that's why we've been in these they look for months now even with militants and many of them give up their armaments and they went back to their normal life do you think foreign invasion is imminent i think the price of this invasion if it happened is going. more than the whole world came before because if you have a problem in syria and riyadh the last stronghold of them and stability in the region and coexistence you could see it will have
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a domain or faith that if it will work from the atlantic to the pacific and you know the implication or put it on go to i don't thing. with going. to god but you do so nobody came here what's next if today was fifteen so march two thousand and eleven that's when the protest started to escalate and grow what would you do differently what i would do what i did exactly. exactly the same to start to ask the different parties to for to have dialogue and to stand against the terrorist group but i always thought it didn't start as modest it would cover world umbrella was moshe's but within those marches you had militants who started tooting the civilians and the army at the same time maybe on the tactical level you could have done something different but as president or not they actually could take the decision on strategic level which is different present us how do you see yourself
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in ten years time. continue through my country i cannot see myself i can see my company in ten years time this is where i can see myself more rose yourself in syria differently i have to be in syria is sort of all the position i don't see myself or the president or not this is not my interest i could see myself in this country if a country table country more prosperous country person bashar al assad of syria thank you for talking to r.t. thank you for coming through ok. browser's. the stairs. miss it's him is a nanny take care my daddy. a lot of dos and. does
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a famous reuse benson play was oh my saban's does my mammy ransom business. do we speak your language as anybody will or not to do. with news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little turn to bangalore kid in the stories. you hear. them try all teach spanish find out more visit i. teach dot com. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world
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