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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2012 1:30am-2:00am EST

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all right there were no sixty three percent of the voters said no forty seven. the numbers reported there are still holding strong in california secretary of state's official tally website but according to my next guest there's much more to the story than what's been told earlier i was joined by john rappaport investigative reporter with no more fake news dot com i first asked him why there are three million votes still unaccounted for. three point three million votes remain in process these are being counted by the counties in california they have not yet been reported to the secretary of state's office which is where all of this you know is finally counted so how did they make the early call on what basis and who made that projection because it was incredibly premature and it's the time they made the call on television stations up and down california actually
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prop thirty seven was making a comeback a strong comeback and then they squelched it completely nobody knew that all of these votes were outstanding and still have not been counted three point three million that's a lot of votes so that's the opening wedge in what i consider to be extremely indicative of some kind of fraud here well john like the electoral college where you can call it i guess when you see states in a certain way i mean with state propositions that are dependent on every single vote how is it that this is already called. i think it's it shows data press tell you the truth there's a thing called the national election pool it's a media consortium they give out information to press outlets all over the world or all over the country on election night they make projections they do exit polls looking over all of the members of this pool. i just cited that it could only have
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been the associated press that made that call that made a premature call and projection and got the word out to media outlets all over the country now i talked to a representative of a.p. and they denied it in the sense they said we don't make projections we make decisions based upon actual counting of votes. well they called the they call the proposition defeated you know before millions of votes were counted so i call that a projection i think that's why the early projection was made because they decided it was time to do that. right i mean i'm a california girls. go oakland and it's just you know i know how dichotomous the state is i'm certain districts certain counties that have vastly different differing ideologies so to just to call all these districts is one way or the other john is outrageous i mean you called some of these precincts and they admitted you
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know there are still this many outstanding votes that haven't been counted how they said that they are going to continue to count them i mean what is the status right now now that you've been following up with this and there's been a lot of light shined on the situation where. they're counting they have to report in early in december the final book. the very final. but what's taking them so long i mean some of these are called provisional ballots which means they were submitted with errors in the errors have to be tracked down but a great many of these votes have to be electronic so what's the big hold up here i don't understand it they are apparently doing update the counties and counting and they will report in in early december but you know having done a fair amount of research on the ability to recording machines to rig computer counters which is a fact of life in the electronic age. it doesn't absolutely no good to be kerfuffle
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ing over this and not reporting it until early december i'm i've already gone on the record and called it vote fraud simply on the basis of the early projection that was outrageous and until i see any kind of evidence that we're getting an honest folk out here i'll continue to call it fraud yeah i mean i look at the norm as power. wielded by these companies and i'm on santa we see a lot of procter and gamble's that's on the bottom on sand i mean forty seven million dollars poured into this measure and the opposition to this measure john do you think that any of these industries had to do anything with the vote tabulation and like you just i mean the voting machines the actual casting of the votes here. what they would have to do with it is all through proxies of course right because you can hire people who can do that i mean a university of michigan team of computer scientists went to washington d.c.
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a couple years ago and showed them how they could break into their voting system and change the mayoral race from one candidate to the other is the winner so this can all be done my investigation of these corporations like monsanto tell me that they will do anything literally anything to win. and vote fraud is just the least of these i mean they want to flood the planet with food. medical engineered about which no health studies safety studies that are reliable have ever been done so to say what would they participate in broke fraud in a second if they can find a convincing way to do it and it's quite possible that they have like i say. i got suspicious immediately because the early votes that were coming in on prop thirty seven in california were heavily weighted against it it looked from the outset as if it was a total loss because where did all those votes come from as far as we knew right up
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until the election evening it looked still pretty good for thirty seven but suddenly they were getting walloped i mean really bad then they began to creep up and creep up and creep up and yes on thirty seven was on the verge of tying the race and all of a sudden the early call made it's all over folks nothing to see here move along so that's a long winded answer your question absolutely these corporations would do anything in their power to win an election as we know monsanto threatened to sue the state of vermont after vermont has the labeling laws john which prevented them from going into effect i mean forty seven million dollars in the disinformation campaign we know that ninety percent of americans want labeling when polled and like you just said you know it was doing very well i mean i mean property said it was doing well and then we saw this business roundtable poll that came out the week pursued in the election that basically speculated that it would fail and kind of shaping that
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narrative preparing people for maybe it's defeat we have one minute left who is to blame john are we just complacent that we just you know peel to authority and just say you know we lost i mean who's to blame the media us what do we do here. well blame aside what we have to do right now is to mount a three ring circus to go up against every element of this made the early call is their vote fraud why haven't you been counted why are three million plus votes still out there what did monsanto have to do with this election and what about the crimes that no one thirty seven committed in their ads when they lie you. the seal of the f.d.a. as a criminal act which is a felony all of these things need to be not only investigated but we have to mount a full bore counter p.r. attack against g.m.o.
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foursomes thank you very much indeed we do john robert part no more fake news thank you so much for your time thank you for having me i. was. exactly going to be like it was. so the show's been on the air for three months and i always welcome you to write me and give me your feedback and today i'm going to address some of what you've written so let's get started on you tube joseph had this to say about our climate change coverage he said abbi you know how much i adore you but this global warming thing is getting ridiculous they're called come trails and the weather is being manipulated by those that would for all the gain they can but don't take my word for it visit geoengineering watch dot org for the hundredth time already unless of course you don't want to deal with another ugly truth. ok i probably get ten e-mails every day about trails and the fact that climate change isn't real first of
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all climate change is a fact and no i'm not scared to look at the ugly truth than the fact i've actually extensively looked into this issue and i'm not convinced that the government is spraining humanity with chemicals on a daily basis to depopulate the glow i understand the geo engineering plans are in the works but it's a huge leap to say that every natural disaster is because of controls or harp so let's focus on what's provably happening right now moving on fishing bone on you tube said i used to pot abby martin our to news and breaking the set now i just want to shut the hell up i've never seen him or her know him or that abby martin she says the same things all the time messes up she's terrible first of all fishing bone please double check your spelling and punctuation before i produce or as a heart attack and here you know i'll take the high road with this one since it seems my fan derrick johnson has already responded to you by saying novel idea stop watching the show you a douche bag troll couldn't have said it better myself thanks derek and the next
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you to comment comes from last breath who says a vote for either of these empty suits is a wasted vote i agree with nearly everything abby says but why is she telling people how to vote well overboard do you think. that's my opinion if you haven't noticed already this is an opinion show i understand why you feel bullied into supporting the two party dictatorship but i'm here to tell you that it pretty much is a wasted vote in the sense that you're voting for evil either way moving on to a common i received on twitter from gerald roughen who said stop hating on the powers that be. i honestly don't even know where to start with this one all i have to say is no why should we all just appeal to authority and trust the government having never listen to pink floyd dude the government the last entity we should trust and i'm sorry that me hating on torture murder corruption in the abuse of power is offensive to you frankly allowing complete and utter lawlessness and impunity for these crimes is much more offensive to me so back to you to here's
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a comment not foreign to our t. samhsa den knees said yeah right and we're supposed to trust the channel funded by gangster peyton ok i can't even tell you how many times i get trolled about r t and working for putin here's the deal folks this is r t america based in washington d.c. the viewpoints on the show are my own i don't get a daily memo from putin for direction this dismissal is a perfect example of why people don't even want to address my facts instead they attack the platform in which i speak it's actually the most pathetic way to try to win an argument it's called a logical fallacy of changing the goalposts and it's because people like you don't actually have the mental capacity to argue against the facts so it's easier for you to mindlessly ignore content that my crush your paradigm finally switching back to twitter and jellicoe just said to me this morning look forward no look behind that
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way you can see them coming for you in the cover of the new and they will know they are things said jellicoe it's actually really frightening thanks for telling me that spooks are coming after me and even if they are it's not going to stop me so yeah that's it for today and yes it is not a troll is going to troll so if you like what you see so far go to our you tube channel youtube dot com slash breaking the set and subscribe check out our facebook page at facebook dot com breaking the set or follow me on twitter at abby martin and i took a place for my friend the day to hear about how much our government really cares about veterans next.
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place .
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more news today violence is once again flared up if you think these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all today please. despite what the media would have you believe the occupy wall street movement is alive and well take this for example a new initiative with just launched called a rolling jubilee special project that buys debt for pennies on the dollar but
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instead of collecting it it abolishes it so how will this really work and what will it mean for the future of debt holders and the occupy movement to talk more about that i'm joined by our correspondent on the you're going to from our new york studio along with our very own thanks so much for joining you guys so i will start with you can you explain a little bit more about how this would exactly work well abbi this whole idea is really amazing in its simplicity and we're hearing so many experts say that this is really one of the best ideas to come out of the occupy wall street movement since its inception because as we all know of course over seventy seven percent of american households are hounded by debt debt collectors the student debt bubble is at over one trillion dollars the numbers are staggering the debt burden is something that people are dealing on a deed to day basis we have an average one in seven americans being burdened by debt every single day of their lives and the occupy wall street movement said hey we can actually do this really cool thing that could help out if not obviously
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a huge chunk of the people burden but certainly help out at least some people that they can help because certainly the government is really not doing that being too busy bailing out corporations and what they're doing to. strike that project is like you said they are collecting they're buying up distressed debt by pennies on the dollar and instead of. buyers people are hounding and harassing people who. belongs to what they're going to do is say were wiping it out for you we just bought it for pennies on the dollar and now you don't have to deal with this anymore and according to strike debt they save that little. fifty thousand dollars as much as a million dollars worth of debt on their rolling jubilee website they have a ticker going on with how much money they've collected and so far last i checked over ninety thousand dollars even though this project is just getting started which
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could a race according to the project as much as one point eight million dollars worth of debt and it's a small donations that really count because it's the little amounts of money that are able to abolish much bigger sums that for an individual person and that would be much harder to gather so a lot of this is getting started there is the big night when they're holding the fundraiser hoping to gather as much money as possible and from what we hear that event is already completely sold out so definitely looks like a project that's only getting started but already quite popular in karada boy crippling debt is definitely played in the country all across the board i mean what do you think of the debt collectors in the government you think that they'll let this happen what do you think this about the initiative and what it's going to do work i think it's amazing i really do think the way that on a saucer just put it it's a really novel idea what they're doing and it's not like we can i think people are just tired of waiting for the government to do something about it seeing changes in the debt forgiveness come from the top bottom at the end of the day i'm a little bit torn around the idea because the way i see it it's putting a band-aid on a problem that needs an antibiotic you're sure you're dealing with with these with
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debt forgiveness when it comes to not people that have these like superfluid these are people who really do need help people who are dealing with foreclosure people that are going into debt because of medical issues people that are in debt because of student loans but at the end of the day what we're doing is that we're help we're helping these people in the short term but in the long term this isn't addressing the main problem the main problem is that poor closures are going to happen affordable housing is not affordable in this country education is very expensive medicine is very expensive and as long as this country continues to need these things and we're always going to need these things people are going to continue to go into debt so what i'm seeing is that while this is a really great idea and an opportunity for the private industry. to kind of bring a solution out of this it's not sustainable and so while it's a great idea it's not going to be kind of a solution for the long term. what does it say that this idea is coming out of the occupy wall street movement i mean a movement that people said it was over it was dead here we see them helping you know occupy sandy they've been done more than
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a multi-billion dollar government bureaucratic agency fema they've done more to help the relief efforts and now you have them launching this the stork initiative what does this say to the occupy movement is doing more than our government to absolve these issues well abbie i mean as always the haters were expecting that the occupy wall street movement must have disappeared since the crowds are no longer no longer in the streets in the numbers that they used to be and the camps are not around this means the movement is dead but because the movement was faced with the trouble of physically keeping up an appearance on the ground in the encampments throughout the country what they did was take that time to organize for more us pacifically oriented projects such as this one like you mentioned the relief after hurricane sandy has been tremendous we visited one of the sites where occupiers are working working gathering donations from people all over the tri state area and even from outside trucks coming in with food with clothing with you know diapers you name it and it's the occupiers that have been working very very hard and making
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sure around the clock that the people who need this these donations and these simple things in life actually receive them and the fact that this is yet another project that they're working on and like many many mentioned obviously this is something that probably won't have an effect in the long term what it does is begin a process and begin helping out some people who will get that phone call who will be so happy and relieved that the burden is no longer there and whether or not it's going to make a small number of people happy is better than finding a long term solution for everybody one movement can take care of that what they're hoping to achieve as you get the process rolling and then hopefully this bailout. for the people by the people well that ends up having some kind of effect on the way the rest of the system works and man you have about a minute left do you think that the solution is possible only from the bottom up i mean not only from movements like this i think it's great what occupy wall street is doing the kind of it just kind of shows the ever evolving aspects of occupy wall
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street that they're moving away from this kind of just protesting group or that's a lot of words and they're moving into kind of a time where the words time for action they're doing things to make things better but at the end of the day and i've said this before on your show we live in a representative democracy so what we need to do is elect the officials that can effect that change and that's the only way that we're going to see change happen thank you so much for joining you guys really appreciate your time. i yesterday was veterans day to day to remember all the veterans who have fought and died for this country's wars with an economy in shambles and their national unemployment rate sitting at just under eight percent many americans especially those who have fought in iraq and afghanistan are waiting for a promise that was reiterated by president obama at arlington national cemetery.
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years ago i promised your generation that when your tour tour comes to an end when you see our flag when you touch our soul will. you will be welcomed home to an america that will forever fight for you just as hard as you fought for us so long as i have the honor of serving as your commander in chief that is the promise that we will never stop working to keep. mr president this promises turned out to be an abysmal failure during your administration your promise in two thousand and eight was to end homelessness among veterans by the year twenty fifteen big words considering that nearly one out of every three homeless people in this country is a vet and as of last month the unemployment rate for veterans was ten percent truth be told the way military veterans are treated in the u.s. is an absolute disgrace that the promises made to them are only a follow up why the promises made to young americans who choose to be soldiers
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young men and women in this country join the military because they believe it's an honorable thing to serve and protect our freedoms against what they're told are legitimate threats majority of people willingly join simply because they don't have any other options and they believe the military gives them an opportunity to become more marketable and it cut throat job market she i wonder where they would get that idea. to be talking about if you want to be decisive be a leader. and. that's really. sixty three years of strange american. army. oh right the flood of t.v. commercials and military recruiters that tell young kids that the skills they'll learn in the military are ones they could never acquire sibylla wait what they found to tell you is that the skillset translates into jobs that you can't acquire as a civilian once you return that actually stifles opportunities and leaves little options
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other than working in the military her pet usually the military promises a college education but leaves out the fact that only three percent of iraq and afghanistan veterans have actually graduated college guys i understand that veteran's day is supposed to be a day where we remember those who have died fighting to protect our homeland but we're missing the point this holiday serves as a distraction from a very harsh reality this country wraps war heroes and flags holds parades and gives them medals for one day out of the year all the while their real struggles are completely hidden from the rest of society did you know they're eighteen veterans suicides every single day the number of veterans suicides now outnumber those who die in combat does that sound like the government gives a damn about veterans of war has changed now it's fought for untapped resources fought for the defense industry fought for the halliburton's the k.b.
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ares in the black waters. these wars are not fought for freedom they're fought to maintain in curial ism their fox about the elite an elite few can profit from destruction and the deaths of innocent people who are just like you and me us thrives on a war that throws working class people into a meat grinder to maintain its global a gemini i have a better idea of how we can commemorate veterans day other than waving an american flag joined me by rallying against all current occupations and every future war so no one else has to needlessly die and suffer this military machine can be stopped but we're the only ones that can stop it. wealthy british style sun it's time to. go.
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to. market why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our. resistance is not politics but a culture. is
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could. all its own. cultures of resistance on the marketing.
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folks. just. sick. sick sick. sick .


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