tv [untitled] November 13, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EST
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they have been dubbed the political misfits but it looks like they've morphed into an organized movement now occupy wall street is coming up with a long term strategy based campaign i'll tell you about the group's goals and introduce you to some of the stars. an exploding military scandal how far this political drama spans nobody knows general petraeus sex scandal spurs a secret f.b.i. probe against the former cia director so is this is a sign that the cia and f.b.i. are engaged in an interagency dispute or question more. and speaking of political
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scandals from kennedy to clay and weiner to spitzer and even schwartz nager what is it that causes mel politicians to be led astray and does misdeed here and there really affect how these people do their jobs. it's tuesday november thirteenth eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching r t will begin with a look at a movement that says it's bailing out the people rather than the big banks we're talking about the occupy wall street movement and yesterday we talked about their new initiative called the rolling jubilee which buys distressed debt in order to forgive it and while those in the movement are often painted as bongo playing hippies are they correspond honest aasia churkin to take a more nuanced look of those involved. an artist carving out
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his college debt number and walk over seventy thousand dollars from columbia and for a masters of fine art and award winning actress teaching a class at the new york film academy what happens when you intensely focused on an object and to form a wall street employees volunteering and post hurricane sandy relief efforts you know the name of the driver what could they possibly have in common their support for the occupy wall street movement. from day one of occupy the wings of the american dream and now from his brooklyn studio facing wall street no a fish or an organizer of occupy museums wants to redefine the meaning of money the other side of this sort of american sublime dream is you know all this that and kind of lack of opportunity that we're starting to see now no displays his work in shows all over the world trying to generate discussion about how an artist network
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effect society has really been affected by the two thousand you can have a crash in the our world. is just as much as on wall street or and the other kind of world is a very sort of go of yourself mentality right now and i think that you know the society is breaking apart because of that i'm living a says slice of the life i used to have lunch break or contributed to occupied by starring in an independent film as the wife of ponzi schemer bernie madoff now in jail for a hundred and fifty years the film roof made off occupies wall street highlights wealth inequality through humor in this case risk made off even in the middle of the cotton park would be concerned about things that only the one percent could possibly be concerned about blanche believes occupy give voice to a majority that wasn't heard before there has to be some kind of a new model going forward where this kind of economic disparity. is dealt with in a way that benefits everyone you can't sweep it under the carpet and then nor any more
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. after seven years at morgan stanley alexis goldstein could no longer tolerate the greed and talks in city of wall street she quit and is now an author and an occupy organizer on wall street there's this attitude of if you get screwed by somebody it's because you are stupid optimal poker playing is take your best friend for all they're worth same is true on. the occupy wall street movement started as an ocean of people on the streets and in camps and that tactic of holding public spaces the police have made it at least for the sustainable future impossible we've kind of adapted in this way we're organizing more on a specific theme. themes that could be well on the way to bringing much more tangible results. like hurricane relief occupy has been praised for doing a better job than the government agency seen much as was projects like strike that
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well as many as one in seven americans are hounded by debt collectors occupies raising money to try to abolish the debt burden for as many people as they can by buying distressed for pennies on the dollar and then wiping it out. the crowds may be gone from the streets but those fighting for the ninety nine percent continue working by themselves and in groups to put an end to the world of the powerful beating down on the voiceless and to try to build a socially responsible community with the future going to new york and earlier today are at the correspondent on a saucy a chair going to join me from our new york studio in new york for more we first talked about how the occupy movement is seen by the public in the media take a look. you know in this particular story we look at the lives and work of three people but there are so many more artists and creative americans and authors and you name the professions there are so many people that make up completely different
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different jobs in different work and different art that have become emotionally and emotionally intertwined with this movement and that have been part of it and have been trying to contribute to it in so many different ways that certainly you know that description that first was all over the mainstream media headlines about the hippies and completely useless anarchists with no ideas about what they're doing is proving to be completely incorrect in this entire year for sure certainly that was a very interesting story put together there some of them quite talented as we saw and you know we recently discussed this jubilee where occupiers are planning on buying dead distressed debt for pennies on the dollar the goal there is to forgive student debt also in your story there we showed how occupiers came together to help victims of hurricane sandy so on a saucy a would you say because you know one of the common criticisms of the movement is they're not very organized would you say that aid in recent days that the opposite
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is happening that they are they are in fact becoming more organized less that's definitely proven to be the case especially over the last several months when criticism was just pouring all over the place that we've seen the end of occupy were never seeing anything from them again as long as the camps got shut down nothing else is going to happen but with these more specific organized type activities that they have been up to namely like you say the hurricane sandy relief i mean the kind of effort and organization and the system that they've created to try to gather as many donations as possible from all over the united states we see alexis in our story there she's involved with the you know working with the drivers making sure the cars get to the right place. to distribute the donations and it's a whole network that they've created that works so efficiently and all of these people are volunteers we have to keep in mind and because there's no hierarchy and everybody's there to do the best to help the best way they know how it's proven to
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work very efficiently and of course the ruling jubilees really the latest example of that and we're only beginning to see the fruits of this experiment this new idea of occupy wall street initially the idea of the jubilee was to gather fifty thousand dollars to try to abolish a million dollars worth of debts but even today it's the second day really of this idea becoming known to the public the biggest fundraisers yet to happen this thursday new york city but already the numbers aren't saying they've gathered so much more money than they officially were hoping for last i checked it's already at over one hundred twenty eight thousand dollars which could have all this as much as over two point five million dollars and of course this is just really a drop in the ocean considering the fact that even just student in the us that is over one trillion dollars but still these people are very organized and really trying to do the best they can and with these latest projects are certainly proving to be a lot more efficient than haters might have hoped for. interesting you know occupy
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has kind of has this raw reputation especially among the financial publications as being naive about the economy and now that this ruling jubilee seems to be. being touted as a good idea has has that reputation changed while you know analysts and economists are split i have to say when it comes to the idea of the rolling jubilee some are saying oh my god this is the best thing we've ever heard to come out of occupy wall street it's such a good idea it's such a smart way to abolish the debts for some of the people that exist but others are saying it's not enough to really get rid of the enormous amounts of debt that americans have but you know who says that this one movement that just started with this idea. it is supposed to completely abolish the insane numbers of burdens of debt that exist in this country so the point there is really you know while critics economists criticizing this idea say it's nearly not enough it's only going to help a very small number of people at least they're helping somebody because certainly
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we're not seeing the u.s. government bailing out the people we're not seeing anybody do anything for those people who are completely overburdened by debt we have over seventy seven percent of american households being burdened by debt on a say every single day so who else is supposed to help out the people but themselves what nobody else is apparently getting on board to help out those people who need who need any kind of help they can get right now on the stasi are really interesting and appreciate you staying on top of things over there that was our t. correspondent an associate. well you've seen how social media has the power to spark revolutions and now a new app aims to illustrate the reality of drone warfare abroad it's called drones to grab and it's a combination it's described as a combination of google maps and instagram here's how it works when drone strikes are reported by the bureau of investigative journalism it finds a location on google maps and instagram is
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a photo of it it also provides some details on the attack and quoting the number of people killed and injured as well as a description of the area. well for most people the drone wars are foreign and complex most can't fathom what really happens on the ground where the attacks take place let alone what the ground looks like the man that post the photos james birtles says on his blog that he's making the locations a little more visible closer and real. well the media today fixated on general petraeus a sex scandal that led to his resignation as head of the cia and it was an f.b.i. investigation that led to the downfall of the renowned general these are the players involved in the messy conflict florida socialite jill kelley also a close friend of betray us alerted the f.b.i. that she was getting harassing e-mails this prompted an f.b.i. investigation and as they trace the e-mails it led them to discover the affair between betray us and his biographer paula broadwell and the scandal doesn't end
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there the f.b.i. investigation reportedly brings to light inappropriate e-mails between kelley and general john allen the top commander in afghanistan now all of this is now public information thanks to the f.b.i. investigation and leaks to legislators in the media now we're seeing a fuller picture that the f.b.i. agents looked through thousands of pages of e-mails and computer documents of the players in the scandal despite no official crime ever taking place this has some asking did the f.b.i. overstep its boundaries and spying on those involved and beyond this case is it too easy for the f.b.i. to snoop on people and poke through their online communications to discuss this and more i was joined by trevor aaronson he is the author of the book you see there the terror factory inside the f.b.i. as it manufactured war on terrorism he first explain the history between the f.b.i. and the cia. you know this is the f.b.i. the cia always been in competition with each other and that dates back to the
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founding of the cia my military branch you know back when we were became the acting director of the what became the f.b.i. you know he was adamantly against the creation of a central intelligence agency and since then there have been you know continued kind of territorial scuffles between the cia and the f.b.i. and just the whole salesman struck you know that that became you know even war during the cold war when other came to the cia and ended up you know giving information to the soviet union and you know lead to a bunch of information to the russians at the same time later an f.b.i. agent robert hanssen to say he was providing information to the soviet union as a double agent and that contributed to this mistrust between the two agencies that ultimately led to nine eleven and you know when you know as time of nine eleven there there wasn't a lot of information sharing between the two agencies because they just didn't trust each other as a result of their history and so we've seen that over and over where you know it's hard to say what will aid in this particular case but there's always been these
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conflicts between the cia and he's heard about between the cia and the f.b.i. . that's interesting to what extent do you think that possible strained relationship could have been impacted. it is certainly highly possible and if you look at what's happened what's happened between the f.b.i. and nine eleven it's always been that the strained if not arranged marriage you know for example in two thousand and three after nine eleven george w. bush tried to. solve or get rid of what's called the sea which is the separation between the cia and the f.b.i. and through that he ended up asking you know f.b.i. agents spent time in the cia f.b.i. agents spent time with the f.b.i. to understand each other's culture and provide information and share information more readily but f.b.i. agents have always seen. with skepticism and the same goes for the cia the f.b.i. agent and you know when you know the culture is such that the f.b.i. you the cia has a bunch of you know why i'm sitting bluebloods who don't really understand how to
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fight crime whereas the cia the f.b.i. has a bunch of accountants and lawyers you know what the middle american colleges don't understand the realities of combating terrorism and you know espionage and you know what this ultimately creates the outright competition and i think it's you know it's an interesting question of why the f.b.i. would have chosen to investigate so aggressively what is essentially a cyber stalking you know david i think you know the information that's available suggests two things one that they're interested in getting up information because it involves a threat to protect him or they are interested in the consideration of all the trade because of some kind of internal rivalry between the. and it certainly raises a lot of questions and people are asking are are looking at how it's extensive this an investigation is thousands of e-mails being sifted through by the f.b.i. . traveler do you think that this is an example of how easy it is for the f.b.i.
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to look through a person's e-mails and computer records even if there is not maybe there is not criminal activity going on. absolutely you know since obama took office there's been an explosion of what are called you know warrantless electronic surveillance where without a judge's order the f.b.i. can look at internet activity e-mail as part of the investigation of a crime and there's been an explosion of that and so i think everyone should take from this and understanding that this is possible now more than ever that the f.b.i. . the f.b.i. would look into you know internet files e-mails as part of an investigation and that investigation could be very preliminary like in this case the investigation with just the complaint you know this woman in tampa receiving harassing e-mails and the f.b.i. use that as a means to ultimately look into her g. mail account find information and read those e-mails and those evil ultimately led to the establishment of a relationship between her and the trend as well as now some sort of e-mail
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exchanges of sort of relationship with general general allen. reports so far show that e-mails of the e-mails in this case. the callee she says that they were harassing but so far they haven't proven to be violent or threatening so this being the case shouldn't should it be a criminal investigation and then has the f.b.i. justified in it treating it like it's a criminal investigation. you know i can't speak to whether you know what we've reached the threshold for a kernel desiccation whether it has to be right threats are always violent threats but you know what you can say pretty specifically is that the f.b.i. really isn't in the business of investigating many you know cyber stalking cases involving jilted lover and that is you know if you look at the type of the f.b.i. pursuit these aren't very common so i think that raises questions about whether there was some special treatment here you know certainly jill kelley had reports of
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a personal relationship with an f.b.i. agent and may have helped move someplace along within the bureau faster than if someone didn't know anyone at the f.b.i. just made it plain but you know when you look at these numbers they're just the number of prosecutions of the number of investigation it is unusual to see the f.b.i. spend this much time and this much effort on what is essentially a cyber stalking case or thrive or harassing case. and certainly no evidence that suggested that it became anything more than a series of harassing you know that's right it kind of raises the question what kind of discretion do f.b.i. agents use them in choosing which cases to pursue i mean in this case we have the the florida woman the socialite claims to be receiving the harassing e-mails she contacted a friend at that to look in to lead so obviously it's her inside connections that are points to her having these inside connections and therefore receiving this treatment but then on the other hand you have people saying you know what i'm
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legitimately being harassed i feel like my life is in danger and it's a it's a it's a it's hard to get the f.b.i. to really take the time and investigate it. absolutely i mean it's hard to believe that the f.b.i. would have pursued a case like this i did not involve general petraeus and i'm sure that the woman who made the complaint would uphold the f.b.i. agent at that time that this involved general petraeus you know what was interesting to find out and we'll probably find out much much later is you know whether the f.b.i. really was pursuing that in the hopes of getting a criminal investigation or whether they were just kind of stooping to a certain extent you know the f.b.i. agent from camp according to reports with concern that the f.b.i. was going to sweep this under the rug and you know ended up leaking this information to a congressman and in washington later turned that over to eric cantor you know i think the question for a case like this is was what was the propriety of the f.b.i. to investigate the police the did especially if no criminal charges result you know
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here we have essentially a cia director resigned and what is a rather sordid affair in washington politics but if no criminal cases come of this i think are the real question of what the f.b.i.'s role was and why they chose to so aggressively if they couldn't prove any sort of criminal activity right a lot of questions and a lot of other good trey's the case just keeps getting more complicated and more twisted i guess we're going to find out more in the coming days but appreciate your driver for weighing in on this that was forever aronsen author of the pair factory inside the f.b.i. the manufactured war on terrorism. well of this of course coming out after the election from clinton to spitzer to edwards even herman cain we've seen a sex scandals can make or break a politician's career both with one sex scandal after another and both political parties are extramarital affairs becoming the norm in the political world to discuss this and more i was joined by someone with the inside scoop on the secret
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sex lives of politicians here's dennis hof owner of the moonlight bunny ranch and courtney cross from earlier today in our l.a. studio i first asked them if they considered these scandals a career killer. boy you know they're a career killer for them and they're a great boom for my business because it makes people understand the you need privacy discretion. that's what makes it work. ok. so you said it's great it's great business for you and having some insight because of your business into the world that kind of comes out after dark what can you tell us about this secret world that the public may be surprised to find out well the public may be shocked been like extramarital affairs they've been doing it forever they just don't do it the right way eliot spitzer america's idiot can you believe that he would he would prosecute people and then go out and use their services goes
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right down the line larry flynt busted livingston before three days before he was going to be speaker of the house and then his predecessor they found him on the washington d.c. madam's list a couple years later vitter they all do it just some of them are smart enough to come see me and others just get themselves in trouble tiger woods all these different people it's just amazing it's kind of amazing to me would betray us that who really cares relax america it's just sex because petraeus was not a military man he didn't he had no code that he had to live by this is a problem for him his wife not the rest of the world all right i'm going to direct this next question to courtney over there you know i was once a really big deal in the united states say if it became public that there was infidelity or affair that could break your career in the political world so corny do you think that people's perceptions have changed and if so why. i think
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that it has you know because there are brothels that are legal in nevada and i think they should be legal everywhere because things like this need to stop happening you know he was in the army when this happened. before this happened and then after it happened he was out of the army and he didn't do anything illegal so obviously we need to relax and the cia and the f.b.i. need to come to the bunny ranch and get along probably the cia and the f.b.i. and try to show who's the biggest man welcome to the bunny ranch and prove it that's where you need to prove it but that's the bunny ranch is where everybody gets along i guess what they all we all get along just have a good time. if people of america this got to wake up people or have an extramarital affair and the women are doing it to a lot of women customers a list celebrity at the body or as yesterday a woman and i'm sure her husband didn't know she was there i want to ask you
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because you obviously have seen your range of clients and. we have the republicans and the democrats and a very partisan climate in washington and you know of course the republicans oftentimes they hate how these family values and seem to look down on this kind of behavior but dennis from what you've seen is it do both members of both parties equally frequently or. absolutely i go to the white house press corps spawn is that when i walk in the whole place is terrified because they think i got out of so i always tell the media look at the people i'm talking to are not my customers i assure you that but the republicans we did a survey for larry flynt years ago when he was when the government was trying to right wing was trying to burn bill clinton and it comes out that sixty percent of our clients are democrats but the republicans are much kinkier wow wow that is
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very interesting also went to. saying some people are able to you see the way that these when these scandals come out it affects politicians' careers differently some are able to overcome the controversy and continue to be successful why are some able to prevail while others their careers are over what separates the two well the separate two is p.r. put trying to come out and rehabilitate themselves and do the right thing but i i i know that men cheat on their wives the same way because i don't want to be monogamous but that being said these guys should get caught they should come to professionals and do their business what they have to do and get out of there and if i see one more politician parade their beautiful innocent wife and mother their children in front of the world to apologize. just tipped over i'm sick of it and that's that's the problem don't these women man goes to his woman and vice versa
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don't embarrass them go do what you have to do anybody and that's why this works i think is interesting you say that the man owes it to the to his wife to not embarrass her i wonder as some would say maybe it was. the man owes it to his wife to be faithful to her into not to to be monogamous with her and that's why they got married i guess that's that's a different debate i guess courthouse no it's not it's a good debate and men should shouldn't say they're going to do things they should they can't live up to they can't live up the only a few percentage of the world that can be monogamous so why not be honest about it and just say you know what i could be monogamous emotionally but my little friend here he cannot be monogamous we just got to figure this out how to make it work. we are at a time i guess i could agree with you that honesty is the best policy and leave it at the both of you for coming on that was dennis hof owner of the moonlight bunny
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ranch and courtney cox. oh mitt romney losing the presidential race has left many members of the republican party in shock and now twenty states are threatening to secede that's right some citizens in these states are so upset with the election they no longer want to be part of the united states of america these are the states where petitions to the white house are in the works asking to withdraw from the u.s. and create its own new government as of today the lone star state garnered more than seventy seven thousand signatures arizona has more than thirteen thousand oklahoma has more than thirty twelve thousand and georgia has more than twenty two thousand south carolina got more than sixteen thousand signatures. well according to the rules if you get over twenty five thousand signatures the white house must give in official response and texas has well surpassed that and the guy who started the petition mike is the name he goes by says texas is the fifteenth largest economy in
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the world and can take care of itself without being part of the union no word on what kind of military or defense protections this new country would have or how it would pursue foreign policy but we're wondering if they're truly ready to give up their u.s. citizenship today meanwhile it looks more realistic that a state will be added to the current total of fifty this past election puerto rico elected to petition to the u.s. congress for statehood that could put them on track to become the fifty first state and maybe we should let some of these people secede which they collect which names turned up in voter results from last tuesday. in georgia charles darwin survival of the fittest was a write in candidate against republican congressman paul brought he got four thousand votes. and hank the cat was a senate candidate in virginia and finished third and in stark county ohio jesus
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tim thibeault and south park's eric cartman all got votes for presidents. so it appears some people are trying to turn democracy into a mockery either that or they couldn't bear to vote for those actually on the ballot either way it seems this election has stirred some interesting responses to say the least and that is going to do it for now but for more of the stories we covered you can head on over to our you tube channel that is youtube dot com slash r t america you can also check out our website r t dot com slash usa and you can follow me on twitter at liz wall for now have a great night. r t is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like zero.
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