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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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well i'm tom are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture why are people upset with republicans could it have something to do with their failed policies or their toxic addiction to reaganomics well not according to paul ryan what the ryan say about the election outcome and what do his words say about the republican party as a whole also congress has yet to pass comprehensive legislation to deal with the american housing crisis and their refusal to act is costing american lives the same cannot be said for the spanish government which cares about the lives of its people when will washington feel the same way and you think japan would do everything it
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could to avoid another nuclear disaster but you'd be wrong what's the latest news coming out of japan right now and has america learned anything from the fukushima devastation. you need to know this the last hundred years have seen three hugely consequential presidencies presidencies that defined and changed the nature and face of america first there was the presidency of franklin delano roosevelt who saved us from the republican great depression and successfully fought world war two after him came republican white d. eisenhower who not only continued roosevelt's policies but so massively increased federal government investments in america from pain eighty percent of the cost of all new hospitals to building schools the interstate highway system the much of the
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infrastructure we use in america today was actually build or started during eisenhower's presidency those policies also so. grew our economy that combined with eisenhower's ninety one percent top income tax rate on the rich and reasonable well enforced taxes on businesses we were able to pay off the massive one hundred twenty seven percent of g.d.p. debt that would run up fighting world war two roosevelt and eisenhower lifted up the working class created the modern middle class and the rich did just fine although their wealth root about the same rate as everybody else's next came ronald reagan who began the complete reversal of the previous fifty years of highly successful progressive policies for the first time in history the department of labor was headed up by a man who hated unions and the rights of working people came under such an oppressive entered to solve a union representation in america's private sector has gone from over thirty percent to around eight percent today same thing happened with the department of
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education and while before reagan eighty percent of the cost of college educations nationwide were picked up by the federal government and many colleges were free today there are no more free colleges and only twenty percent of the cost of college education is picked up by government grading killed free college education and california's governor there and then presided over the death of it nationwide as president reagan halted the growth and maintenance of our infrastructure so completely it is now crumbling into third world status it is strong in the growth of small businesses by stopping the enforcement of the sherman act in one thousand nine hundred two leading to thirty years of mergers acquisitions and hostile takeovers before reagan every town and mall in america was filled with small local businesses and look different from every other town and mall today a small handful of companies own the stores and restaurants that populate most of our nation the vulture capitalists like romney and milken got rich the rest of us were and are screwed and then finally there's president obama and if you think i'm
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exaggerating by putting obama into that group of very consequential presidents listen to a conservative bill kristol had to say on fox news. but there is a very good chance that he will pass major consequential legislation in a second term people like me won't like it that much i think republicans will have to get in much more than they think he won reelection he's for president in the last century when more than fifty percent of the vote twice roosevelt eisenhower reagan and obama it pains me to say that to put him in that can do that with his other three but it's a fact. obama is one of only four presidents in the last hundred years to get this sort of landslide mandate and i'd say it's because people would very much like to go back to the policies of democratic f.d.r. and republican eisenhower rather than stick with the reaganomics revolution we've been suffering under for the past thirty two years americans are sick of seeing our country blood to death by giant and profitable transnational corporations
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a quarter of which make a profit and pay no income taxes whatsoever americans are sick of seeing our children graduating from college owing so much debt to banks they'll spend much of their lives paying it off americans are sick of seeing our jobs shipped overseas and our nation colonized by foreign corporations in search of raw materials and cheap labor and americans are sick of seeing us is the world's largest debtor a trend that reagan proudly kicked off calling it the international free market and trickle down economics so president obama won by a larger percentage of the popular vote and reagan did in one thousand nine hundred eighty he has a huge mandate right up there with f.d.r. eisenhower and reagan but some republicans haven't gotten the message they carry things waterfall except for those pesky minorities and urban whites who live in the big cities you know the people who've seen their cities ravaged by reaganomics seen their jobs shipped overseas by so-called free trade who see their families slide into poverty as the rich of seeing more than two hundred seventy five percent increase in income and wealth since reaganomics began with the republicans it
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couldn't be about any of those things just about race paul ryan for example had this to say. i don't think we lost it on those budget issues i think people especially on medicare we clearly didn't lose it on those issues we knew this was going to be a close race we thought we had a very good chance of winning it i think the surprise was some of the turnout some of the turnout in certainly in urban areas which definitely gave president obama the big margin to win this race. to help us decode ryan's language and shed light on this world that conservatives delusional i think most americans want is joe madison human rights activist and host of the joe madison show every weekday six to ten am on sirius channel one twenty three joe it's great to have a veteran if it's going to be you know what do you make of what paul ryan said or you said it it's code everyone understands what he means but what he failed to realize and let's be honest. the romney ryan
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ticket never reached out to the black community in any significant way look i've been doing black talk radio and general talk radio for over thirty years we didn't even get a single news release from from them whereas the obama campaign and the obama administration they have been very good at explaining their policies indicating why these policies are good for example. they took a great deal of care to explain obamacare to the african-american community what does it mean you know african-american women for example are very concerned because there are a lot a single black women what does it mean for their children in getting health care what does it mean in terms of their jobs look at him signing the lead better act
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african-american women were just like white women were when they took time to explain it to this group now that's number one number two tom is what ryan doesn't understand about the large turnout was in large part due to the republican party's effort state by state to try to suppress the black vote they overplayed their hand starting with voter i.d. laws that were obviously directed at african-american turnout. god president obama his first term then after the idea was then they went into voter suppression you reported this on your radio show here on the t.v. program ohio look at the secretary of state been there over and over and over and knocked down several times in the supreme court look what happened in florida when you have people standing in line for six to seven hours to cast
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a vote i make a joke on my show that look black people would not stand in line for six hours to buy a pair of nike nobody and i me. and the reason they did was they understood the game they understood what way were that this was suppression and they weren't going to go back and so ryan just you know that what there is going on the republican party now is they're they're blaming limbaugh they're blaming lorien going they're blaming. each other they're blaming fox they're throwing the blame all around bottom line is they've got to change and i agree with something you said and that is it's not about just targeting demographics. you have to target people's values this i've been saying all along you're right their public have said all this is this this is about changing demographics i'm like no it's about changing values the they may follow each other but this was
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a values election of course they follow. it young republican women hearing crazy republican men running for united states senate saying talking about legitimate rape talking about. pregnancy might have been god's will if a woman is raped and you have young women hearing that type of thing you know that's why i think many of them went out and cast their vote for for president obama when african-americans are there their president our president isn't solved it you know he's called the food stamp president he's for traitors a witch doctor you have all these code words that were used you've got sununu talking about he's a lazy people who got royally paedo and they simply responded and then when you look at hispanics latinos and you're talking about self
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deportation being opposed to the dream act these are things in which the obama campaign protocol isn't together and held a coalition together based on on values f.d.r. it was about values eisenhower it was about values even ronald reagan he explained the can we may not agree necessary with him but he explained the conservative values well enough for people to say i don't think i mind being voting republican this time so that's that's what that's what really has and your budget. you know budgets tell you who you are they tell you and so that ryan budget told the american people told the college students you remember the student defense loan oh yeah why did we have the student defense on because there was a little thing called but nick that just went around the globe and b b b and
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america and the american government said oh my god we've got to get ahead of the space race and in doing so we've got to educate our children and that's how i came up with what did they call it the student defense well people could take loans out low interest loans pay them back get a college education break poverty the g.i. bill what was was called for by many on the right at the time if you remember as socialists oh yeah yeah they had all of them so low that so scared of everything else so why and just ryan ryan you know he lives and first of all how do you explain. there's not a lot of focus live and i know what you know yeah and obamacare you're absolutely joe madison thank you so much for being with thank you so great. after the break underwater homeowners in spain seen no other way to survive mountains of debt are taking their own lives prompting spain to stop all home addictions meanwhile here in the u.s.
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american homeowners are taking their own lives too because of their debt problems why is it washington doing something to stop the suicide. mission. couldn't take three years for charges free. range and free. free. free. free books videos for your media project a free media. in
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screwed news we know that when times are tough economically a high number of people turn to suicide is tragic reality has been confirmed by studies out of the center for disease control and another recent study out of princeton university found that for every increase of one hundred foreclosures in states like arizona california new jersey and florida attempted suicides increased thirty nine percent earlier this year we learned the story of norman russo who faced with harassment from his bank in alumina vixen from his home shot himself to avoid spending the rest of his life living in an r.v. . and thus my husband and he treats me like hell i don't want this traffic to anybody this is horrible i lost my husband. i lose my pets i lose my house i lose my friend or do everything for nothing when it comes to
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helping struggling homeowners it really is life and i just today the senate announced that it is post own work on a crucial mortgage refinancing bill that could provide millions of homeowners much needed relief before the holiday season. meanwhile across the pond in spain officials are not waiting around for most banks this is suicides to occur in the last month to homeowners facing eviction in spain have committed suicide prompting the spanish banking association to freeze all addiction orders in cases of extreme hardship for the next two months as one judge said this cannot be allowed to go on it's a problem which has been talked about for some time the time for talk is over and steps must be taken for something to happen protesters reacted to the suicide by taking to the streets and placing stickers on a.t.m. machines the banks machines that read murderers and the police union has promised to stay by its members who refused to carry out an eviction. the question we should
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be asking ourselves is why is this same sort of compassion for homeowners that were seen in spain lacking here in the united states who's behind these foreclosure suicides and what can be done to stop them. mike patton tonia joins me now as an attorney and host of ring of fire radio mike welcome back. great to have you with us i'm fine thank you as reported by the b.b.c. back in two thousand and one this a big story when it broke the australian scientists study suicide rates for one hundred years one thousand one thousand nine hundred ninety eight and they found that rates increased significantly in england and the united kingdom and australia when conservatives were in power men were seventeen percent more likely to commit suicide women forty percent more likely to commit suicide just when conservatives held power in those two just two countries what do you make of that study well first of all when you take away a person's home you take away the only security that they have not just in america
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but in most places of the world it's the it is the place the thing they can on in those golden years where they've worked their entire life they raised a family they think they have security in the equity of their home they can sell that home they can buy a motor home and travel around the united states and still have some element of security when you lose that and you understand the futility of fighting back then you have this type of result it is it's as much that sense of futility is it is anything most people who are caught up in this understand that the government can do something about it but you have entrenched bureaucrats that obama has allowed to stay there for three years he's had the ability to fire and he could have gotten rid of them any time in three years one example for example is guy named edward de marco most people have never even heard of edward de marco but edward de marco is the guy who is holds the purse strings to the federal housing finance agency he's the guy that can give these people relief tomorrow tom this is not something you
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need legislatively he can do something tomorrow about this he has the ability he can demand. that reduced interest rates he can he can demand that you forgive the first. with the principal on the mortgage there's a lot of things he can do but he refuses to do it and obama has known that's the problem for three years and obama has failed to take action this is a very serious issue this is going to follow obama if he doesn't take action soon do you think pap the reason that obama has failed to take action or de marte mr de marco during the last three years is that they were concerned that that would produce such blowback either from billionaire banks or donors to the republicans or among you know the chattering right wing class that. is. bad government takeover of even the housing you know seems like that would actually be
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a political benefit to him but might he have been concerned about the politics of it or is there some what am i missing here well first of all it's that unusual that peculiar need that obama has to make nice with his republican enemies listen to marco tom is a dear friend of the republicans they love demarco because he talks about this notion of moral hazard we've heard that term moral hazard from demarco more times than i can he says the moral hazard is if we if we allow interest rate breaks for these people who are living on the last chance of keeping their home if we allow debt relief for those people that we're going to have a moral hazard in capitalism is not going to work now these are the same people who didn't see a moral hazard in allowing wall street almost a two trillion dollars break when we bailed them out for two trillion dollars by the time it was all over with there was no moral hazard there the problem tom it's
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an odd thing obama knows that this is this demarco has his hands on controlling sixty percent of the country's home loans by way of by way of fannie mae and freddie mac. the experts have told demarco that this. it is wrong that it's not going to have the kind of impact that he's talking about obama has urged them to do it but obama has dismissed unwilling to fire this this this this this political republican lapdog and it's disgraceful and most people don't even know his name they don't even know who demarco is and they certainly don't know that obama has had the ability to get rid of this guy for three years but in his preface oriel compromise kind of mind his i want everybody to just get along he's been unwilling to do that it is time for him to act now do you think that there's a are you seeing any indications that obama's going to find his inner harry truman and start taking names and kicking ass we won't know until after this fight there's
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no reason for him not to do that but there's always been a suspicion there's always been a suspicion that we have misjudged what his heart really might be that is heart might be a lot closer to the right than it is to the middle and so we don't know we're not going to know that until we see what happens in this financial fight that that's right in front of him but we do know this there is no question at all that he had the ability to dominate this talking point reduce the principal reduce the interest rates on these for these homeowners and prevent the kind of catastrophe that's happening to people who are trying to live out their golden years they've raised their children they've put them through college it's time for them enjoy their lives now the only asset they have is disappearing and they're working at a damn mcdonald's flipping hamburgers simply to live while obama has sat there unwilling to pull the trigger on this very important issue is are you seeing any
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sort of a coalition forming around this issue. you know occupy has been doing some things but they're not and on gauging political action they're doing a debt jubilees thing but. is there is there anybody organizing around this issue that you know. there really isn't this would be the state where you would expect it you would expect to see organization here you'd expect to see it in california or arizona there really has not been the kind of organization it's going to take to shame this president into making at least the first move and that is to get rid of the obstruction is too severe edward demarco is a shameful and we've been talking about edward de marco for three years people who have ever urged this president to take action this is a man who has the ability to make something happen and if he doesn't do it immediately they need to get rid of him immediately look you're not going to see any action from congress you're not going to see an action at all until obama shows leadership a leader leads tom and obama has failed to live lead on this issue you know the
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idea of apologizing for him simply because he was in an election cycle is unforgivable he had a high he had the high ground here he could have used the high ground to his benefit but if the people who were surrounding obama right now having more of a wall streeter then he is a populist president is there any possibility do you think mike happen to any of the the that the attorneys general the various states attorneys general or or other agencies within the state governments you know eric schneiderman you know going after aggressively going after the bankers in new york and many others as well that they could be the point of that spear if the president fails to the last time i saw the attorney generals as a whole do anything tom was when we handled the tobacco case where we got together with the attorney generals throughout the united states and we said you have to allow us to stop the killing by way of tobacco cancer and heart disease that's less
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than they were ever unified at all if you went for example to the attorney general here in this state pam bondi and asked her to do something that was anti-corporate and chamber of commerce she would laugh it's you that's the cow. oliver of most attorney generals at least in thirty states where you have republican governors and republican control legislators generally that flows all the way down to the attorney general in the past you've had attorney generals that have been very proactive they've they've interceded where it comes to stopping pharmaceutical companies from doing wrong with wall street from doing wrong but right now in america you have eric schneiderman it's not him and that is just about the extent of the proactive attorney generals that you can count on to say let's do something let's let's fix this corruption and in the just a half a minute we have left here mike what advice would you give to our viewers about what they can do to make something out. well the only thing you can do is go is the
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same thing that. unfortunately in a state like florida you really can't do much about it the media the media has been very slow on it but if you want to move the media it takes place the same way any other grassroots movement takes place it takes place the same way the grassroots movements in this last election takes place it takes place in the street and unfortunately americans are so unwilling to do the street anymore maybe we need to need a group of people facing foreclosure to get organized yes my passion tonio thanks so much for being with us tonight thank you joe. crazy alert there's a whole new meaning to doing the robot according to the article on trans humanity dot net a futurist website robot lovers of the future may have the potential to extend
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human lifespans by providing their human partners with mind blowing sexual gratification that humans simply aren't capable of providing the article claims a robot lovers will be able to provide their partners with long jeopardy orgasm so they're not only far superior to what humans can produce they're also good for your mental and physical well being and help you to live longer it's actually some evidence to back up these claims multiple studies have shown the women who had a higher frequency of orgasms during sex live longer than those who didn't of course sex pots are still many years away from becoming reality at some researchers suggest the rise of sex bots and robotic prostitutes come as soon as twenty fifty if you want to live longer and don't mind sleeping with a cold rough metal robot that maybe it's time to start saving up for the sexpot of your dreams. coming up is a little cartoon bertie the best way to keep the japanese people safe from radiation poisoning in post fukushima japan and what else is going on in the dangerous and destructive world of nuclear power plants kevin cams from beyond
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nuclear. six. wealthy british stock.
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cars or there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser report.


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