tv [untitled] November 15, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EST
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thanks for joining us here in our to you today. live in moscow the israeli military is converging on gaza as it continues to pummel the palestinians from land and sea the pillars of defense says on the verge of turning into a new invasion as is prepared to go all the way under the pretext of self-defense at this point three israelis and at least fifteen palestinians including children and a pregnant woman have already been killed. the latest from the. some unconfirmed reports from israeli media that tanks are moving south towards the border with gaza we've trying to confirm that with the israeli defense forces they will not
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confirm that at the moment it seems that that may be happening which would indicate the situation moving towards a ground invasion of gaza as all of that goes on we've also got airstrikes continuing they have continued throughout the night and into today i spoke a little while ago to a source inside gaza as i was on the phone to him we heard explosions outside his apartment block and he was saying that the casualties are mounting and that the israelis are using a lot of drones flying over gaza that are dropping small missiles to try and target what they call the terrorist infrastructure there to try and kill how mass operatives there earlier today the funeral of jaggery the head of hamas is a military wing was held know how mass of people went so that no. staff went to that funeral for fear that they may be targeted in airstrikes there on the
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other side how mass is busy launching rockets into southern israel today three israelis were killed when a rocket hit their apartment block in the south of israel so a very tense situation on both sides of the border down there there's various voices from various parts of the international community right here in the region we've got a palestinian liberation organization spokes person saying that this is a deliberate attempt by israel to try and ruin. a bid for statehood we've also got enough good of the palestinian president say he's cut short a visit to europe over this and he. has said more than once that he's called for a stop to this israeli aggression egypt has been very vocal it's withdrawn its ambassador to israel called for a u.n.
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security council meeting on this subject. egyptian president mohamed mursi has called this unacceptable and it's there are reports he's trying to get the u.s. to pressure israel into stopping this attack the u.s. has said for its part that israel has the right to defend itself and russia are also commenting on this saying that israel's attack is a disproportionate use of force against gaza so all of this international furor erupting over this attack that may or may result in a ground invasion those are the fears at the moment the latest from the southern border is the head of israel's southern command saying that this is just the beginning. and american human rights activist a joke a trend is in gaza he told us just a bit earlier there's evidence to suggest that israeli forces are committing war crimes by targeting civilians with a controversial weapon. late last night i witnessed what i'm pretty sure was the
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use of white phosphorus and in civilian neighborhood tell how i spoke as well this morning of the director of al shiva hospital who indicated to me that he thought some of the n.g.'s he had seen passing through their emergency room were consistent with the use of white phosphorus and he also spoke of the fact that the mounting casualties pouring into hospitals throughout the gaza strip are aggravated by the lack of essential medicines and medical supplies caused by israel's ongoing see it's not simply a matter of massive deaths and injuries horrific as that would be in and of itself there's also a lack of the basic necessities needed to treat them so it's a disaster here a manmade disaster in more ways than one. now let's talk more about the israel gaza conflict with antiwar british m.p.
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george galloway now joining us live here on the program and a big welcome to you sir thanks for coming on us today here the u.k. foreign secretary william hague now saying just about in the past hour and a half that a hamas quote holds principal responsibility for escalating the tension between gaza and israel how do you read into that. actually william hague is one of those who holds principle responsibility because the british government joined with other western governments in supporting the israeli siege upon the gaza strip to punish them for having the temerity to vote in a democratic election for a government that the west and israel didn't like and william hague and the united states are two of the principle. of this massacre of that's currently going on and that you've just been talking about white phosphorous heavy weaponry from land sea and raining down on a captive population in the biggest concentration camp in the world in which almost
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two million people are eking out the most dreadful of existence as the hands of a foreign occupation power occupying the west bank and jerusalem and besieging gaza and that's the context in which this has to be seen the clock didn't start ticking a few days ago when some fireworks went up in the sky from gaza called rockets by israel though they haven't actually killed anyone whilst god knows how many people have been slain most of them children and women in the heavily concentrated civilian areas of the gaza strip was certainly was together we've been speaking over the past two hours or so to activists in garcia who have come out of the hospital saying that it seems to be that many children are bearing the brunt of what is or what is happening over the gaza border then again a lot of people also say. that is two sides of the story of the palestinian militants you've got the i.d.f.
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who are waging war ultimately with each other we're now getting reports from israeli radio about a rocket sounding in tel aviv the metropolitan area with hamas is firing rockets into israeli territory to some degree one might expect that the i.d.f. does have a right to retaliate. no because you have to turn the clock by front of them that you have to see why of the rockets coming out of gaza the answer is there is a siege which is starving the people it's like the warsaw ghetto in the great patriotic war the second world war the people are dropped they have nowhere to go no one is coming to the assistance these are cries for help from the heart from the besieged people of gaza turnabout from the why is gaza beseeched because palestine has been wiped off the map and the palestinian people scotto to the four corner of the earth and nobody is doing anything about it what do you expect the
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palestinian people in gaza to do simply waste away and starve their children to die for want of medicine food the basic necessities of life clean water and so on of course they're going to react but they haven't the means militarily effectively to react so they fire off these essentially fire works on targeted. missiles which go up in the and fall harmlessly for the most part how misleading is it i mean how do you have a major jump in for a moment here let me let's talk let's take a step back and talk about the regional implications here on many of israel's borders over the past year we've seen arab spring uprisings a lot of volatility indeed and many people questioning israel further isolating itself by furthering a problem with the palestinians we're hearing if i was i just recently this often in moscow times that had the egyptian foreign minister telephoned u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton asking how it's a rein in israel basically no response if little or anything at all what are you
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expecting to come out of washington. well washington and london are backing israel in this massacre of the innocents that's going on and of course it does pose serious problems for the egyptian government an islamist government with a muslim brotherhood president what's he going to do is he going to open the gates is he going to let fresh doctors in wounded people out is he going to allow the means of defense for the palestinian people to cross the border and meanwhile of course other elements of the muslim brotherhood are killing other muslims other arabs the arab league is completely paralyzed and arabs have been set upon arabs and i have called in the last twenty four hours for the arabs to turn their guns away from each other and to come to the defense of the people of palestine who are otherwise practically defenseless what if i if i may just
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a moment i mean you refer to these are mortars all these rockets coming across like fireworks certainly some might say that they disagree with that has resulted certainly in some civilian deaths then again others saying that these so-called mortars do not stand a chance compared to fifteen's hellfire and sidewinder missiles what do you see happening i'm so sorry i'm so long time here but very briefly what do you see happening in the next couple of hours. well if israel follows this massacre with a ground invasion they will sustain very heavy casualties because the people of gaza have shown over these last five years their absolute resilience and absolute determination to resist the occupation of the tiny benighted strip of land that they call gaza and they will waken conscience in the art of world from the atlantic to the bow whose people will be asking their regimes how come they're collaborating with israel how come they're part of this alliance between western powers and
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israel in syria for example why of their governments so absolutely pitiful a powerless in the face of this massacre of the palestinian people that's going to have very severe regional implications m.p. george galloway a great pleasure to have you joining us here on the program today thank you. well just a bit earlier in the program here on r.t. i spoke to an israeli official who hailed the ongoing operation as a success despite the rising number of civilian casualties and. this is being so far one of the most surgical pinpoint military operations in modern military history i think again you will see that the civilian to militant casualty ratio will show up in israel to have unfortunately killed civilians but fall fewer then than any other comparable military. action but you have a pin point operation you call this one of the most precise and exact and pinpoint
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military operations that israel's unknown in recent history and that can allow for what you might consider collateral damage the killing of children when you when you present it and you talk about civilians it's always said as all the civilian these ready civilians who being killed just today the three israelis who were killed but all of the eleven palestinians who were killed seven are confirmed militants two to use the likelihood now you are you worried possibly you're just giving rise to anti israeli attitudes among palestinians let's let's have a listen to this quickly as the hamas leader that we spoke to just a bit earlier please stand by. the assassination of this great leader. clearly confirms that we are still in the heart of resistance with the israeli enemy designers generally knows nothing but the language of killing and blood our battle with the enemy is an open bottle to god willing this battle will end with palestine and jerusalem liberated we should wait for our actions would not it weren't for a little we've seen their actions a situation which most often anywhere in the world could accept what would you do
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were just one missile to land in central moscow we talk about our missiles and let's the scarify here we're talking about more rockets that are being attracted over some some might say that a mortar rocket from the palestinian militants compared to your. health fire inside why the missiles from your super high tech fighter jets oh well that's quite a big. difference between fireworks and bombs but the truth of the matter is that we have a situation where just today three israeli civilians were killed call the mortars call the missiles those or did civilians we have a situation we were in the recent past some thirty percent of these raby children in southern israel diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and israel was heavily criticized by a part of the world community i agree with you there i remind you and i point out that that was four years ago the lowest civilian to militant casualty rate in history twenty nine percent of those killed were civilians and i'm not belittling
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the death of any civilians but far lower than any other military campaign in the last century i think that we will see something similar to start with hoping to achieve a number of things first and foremost to significantly degrade the command and control operational abilities of hamas. and i certainly is a very fluid situation here in r.t. with the ongoing crisis in gaza you can follow our live updates on twitter and on our website r.t. dot com. live from moscow this is r.t. and a smooth change at the top in china beijing change leadership for the next decade just a few moments we look at how these changes could impact the global economy as well as china's relations with other nations.
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if you are passing through russia's very region you really can't go on the wild side thousands of kilometers of unspoiled countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the land such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fishermen and provides a business opportunity for hunches. there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive the heart of just us forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups have been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and
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they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up and this is where i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called. a chance to get close and personal with the locals and it's these guys going to act as foster parents for the next generation will come here using the older walls as a surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs his parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolf's reputation in russia . but the keepers here hope their research and dedication will mean that wolf island remains a place where visitors can truly understand the call of the wild. if
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you are just joining us welcome to the program here on artsy on rule received chez at the eurozone has sunken into its second recession since two thousand and eight that's according to the latest euro stat data and the report comes on the heels of a twenty four hour strike which saw people in more than twenty european countries take to the streets venting their frustration at spending cuts. this report. saying. greece. italy. and portugal. europe's most debt ridden countries join together with many others for the continent's first cross border mega strike from the beginning it was clear
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that emotions were running high in many places madrid saw violence early on and asked a priest come to rome. first thing of the day for various things put up between the protesters and the riot place is packed up right almost three thousand meter it's not really got more symbolic candy for the feast of by the people say there are right now all across there are the three legged governments and between the people themselves that those who have the austerity but not have thought they were the bullets in violent confrontations with the authorities becoming you know t. familiar sight at the consonance leaders stand for the disparity is a necessary evil to cut the sky high deficit only bend the fourteenth the people of europe seem to have formed the county union to fight back against the prevailing tide of the stereotyping ahead of next week's budget meeting for us is will be watching closely as this things that police and protesters battling one another
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played out so close the nobel peace prize winning euro zone in madrid the cleanup operation is already under way only we so easy you are saying to clean up the mess it finds itself in. the trade for some of the more well off countries like france and belgium all source old marchers. sociologist in barcelona took part in wednesday's strike he says it's not the cuts but what they target the triggers the on the rest. a protest isn't about a solution a protest is normally about something you don't want so in this case what they're protesting is easy to austerity is cuts in social spending and cuts in social rights and the expansion of social misery people can make the argument that austerity is a solution to the current problems being faced by your the european citizenry and in particular by the southern european citizenry the problem is what does that austerity mean is it neoliberal e.u.
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austerity where you cut basically all of those all of the social protection that keeps people from descending down to a sort of downward spiral of social misery and with all of that escalating conflict or do you leave social protection in place and cut in places where there really is overspending such as a bank bank bailouts and and and areas like these. the u.s. and afghanistan a beginning talks of a new security arrangements the focus on how big america's presence will be off to two thousand and fourteen when troops leave discussions that come amid a climate of mistrust the thorniest issues being whether u.s. soldiers should be given immunity from prosecution under afghan law but he caffein off reports. the u.s. and afghanistan have kicked off talks on thursday tough talks about the security framework agreement that the two countries will maintain after most of the nato combat forces withdraw from the country at the end of twenty fourteen now these are
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expected to be rather controversial contentious talks they come amid a climate of suspicion and mistrust between the two countries one of the biggest issues on the table here we expect this to take about several months to complete and of course the afghan government has long complained about the conduct of u.s. forces operations on the ground here in afghanistan some of the issues that they are not happy with are for example the controversial u.s. special forces strikes night raids that end up killing many civilians also at the issue of sovereignty here is a top i mean the afghan government insists that american soldiers who are accused of committing crimes here in afghanistan are tried within this country under afghanistan's legal system american troops say no they want their men to be tried in the united states and of course this issue has taken on rather. more urgency in light of the massacre that took place in march for an american soldier was accused of going essentially on a shooting spree killing sixteen civilians in the kandahar province issues like
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this really do resonate with the public it's a very visual example of sort of misdeeds by the u.s. forces and while of course the illegal murder of civilians is certainly something that should be tried under afghan law according to the officials here this also comes amid a climate of mistrust by afghans after certain cultural missteps for example the controversial video that showed u.s. marines urinating on the corpses of afghans as well as of course the notorious cases of clothing on the burning sort of indicating the climate of social insensitivity that unfortunately exists on the ground here with u.s. troops and what we've seen is instances of her example taliban. ending up in the ranks of afghan soldiers who end up turning their guns against the american trainers. well as other afghans who may or may not be happy with the conduct of certain soldiers and end up turning their guns on the americans as a result of that and so what this really reflects perhaps a policy that hasn't necessarily played out very well. china's weeklong power
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transfer is come to an end with being anointed the communist party's next leader he takes over from hu jintao whose guidance led beijing through a decade of rapid growth and soared overtake japan as the world's second largest economy local journalist henry morton reports that process started over the last week with the communist party of china's congress the eighteenth party congress that closed on wednesday with president hu jintao stepping down as general secretary of the party keating pink currently vice president being named as who successor as head of the party over the last ten years has been a real economic success story we've seen it in membership to the world trade organization it's now a very sort of prominent member of that particular organization we've seen its g.d.p. quadruple in the last ten years however there are some problems with that economic
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success story we have seen enormous environmental damage caused by that runaway growth and we've also seen a huge gap opening up between rich and poor china has a million u.s. dollar millionaires but also one hundred fifty million people here living on less than a dollar a day and that is an issue that the incoming government knows that it needs to tackle. and financial expert francis learned who is based in hong kong believes that with china economic and military rise at the end of the day the u.s. that will end up suffering. new leadership showed that china you believe continues. so. what this means that they will continue to grow economically seeing what china we would do is to continue to spring. to reach a point china can achieve parity with america if that is
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the case i don't think america can throw its weight around the world with. a pole. now you can be can do anything it wants but if china becomes. parity with the u.s. then things change. just a moment on the modern breaking so. we speak your language. with this program seems documentaries in spanish what matters to you. a little turn to bangalore story. here to. try to alter the spanish find out more visit.
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lover tori to mccurry was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which will unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in the world this is why you should care what you only. well for. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans
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call a donut. concludes the longest and while this campaign in our history covers a lot well that means that it was up for some additional time but twists and turns that have been the hallmarks of this campaign what you watch to do because you've never seen anything like this on television. i mean martin richard breaking the set this morning i learned that the israeli army has launched a major military operation against gaza pillar of defense israeli aircraft struck dozens of targets throughout the gaza strip killing a top hamas military leader and as we know this afternoon seven were dead two of which were children and egypt's muslim brotherhood has condemned israel's aggressive response.
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