tv [untitled] November 15, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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new israeli invasion looms over gaza as the palestinian enclaves battered with artillery and air strikes with allegations that white phosphorus is being used against civilians. rockets overweigh in talent tell every evening feeling in the center of the city as the rain as israel southern command to worms but this is just the beginning of the operations by the israeli defense forces. also the bad news building just hours after a twenty four hour european strike brought over twenty countries to a standstill new figures suggest the eurozone is back in recession. and beijing ushers in the new top officials which will lead the country for the next
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decade in ten minutes from now we look at how the world might be changed by china's emerging economic might. live from our new center here in moscow this is r.t. with international news and comment twenty four hours a day the israeli military is converging on gaza as it continues to pummel the palestinians from the sea and land the operation pillars of defenses on the verge of turning into a new invasion as tel aviv says its prepared to go all the way under the pretext of self-defense three israelis and at least fifteen palestinians including children and a pregnant woman have already been killed is into the people just apparently just come under fire from gaza tom tell us more about that incident.
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absolutely bill yes just a few minutes before i came on air we were here preparing in. central tel aviv when the sirens sounded much to our disbelief we didn't expect to hear sirens this far away from from gaza it's never happened before and then a few seconds after that some loud explosion in central tel aviv the group in gaza islamic jihad has claimed responsibility for firing a higher rainy and built rocket which has reached all the way to central tel aviv and exploded here in the city that is likely to a nerve and anger a lot of of israelis especially those who've already been cheering on their own forces which have been launching these aerial airstrikes over gaza now since since yesterday when they began with the assassination of jaggery the head of hamas is
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military wing those airstrikes have been continuing the selves through yesterday throughout the night and into today the casualty figures steadily rising from those but as is evidenced by what's just happened in tel aviv how massive and other groups including islamic jihad have also been firing rockets about two hundred fifty now since the beginning of this escalation of fighting back into israeli territory earlier today a rocket hit an apartment block a lot closer to gaza killing three israelis there the great fear now is that a ground invasion is now imminent we've received unconfirmed reports that israeli tanks have been moving south towards the ball the border with gaza troops as well according to an official tweet from. some of the the press officers here in the
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israeli government we haven't had a final confirmation yet from the israeli defense forces in fact some of their spokesmen have said that that is indeed not what they're planning it's a confusing situation as to the message but there are these unconfirmed reports and israel does maintain it's perfectly prepared to send ground troops in if these rocket attacks continue so it seems perhaps more likely than ever given this unprecedented attack that if ground operations will start maybe as a result of these continued intensity of rocket attacks and what about the reaction from the international community is pressure being exerted on both sides on the israelis and palestinians to to lay down arms. there is indeed bill there's a growing chorus of voices the international community egypt having the only the only other access to guards around cities is one of the the loudest voices in this
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to morrow it's been announced the egyptian prime minister in a delegation will take a one day visit into gaza in a message of solidarity with the garzon people they've strenuously called for israel to halt its aggression and have asked for a u.n. security council meeting on the subject matter moved abbas the palestinian president has also cut short a trip to europe and himself has called for a halt to israeli aggression the u.s. for its part which has been lent on by egyptian president mohamed mercy to try and pressure in turn israel to stop the offensive has issued its statement that israel does have the right to defend itself and russia has also commented saying that the israel's use of force is disproportionate and urging both sides to try and reverse this very dangerous escalation that's the chorus of voices that is growing around
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the world in response to this the fear is though that that is precisely not what will happen and that there may indeed be a ground war in gaza perhaps all too soon live from tel aviv thanks very much indeed for that more from you tom no doubt throughout the day now the american human rights activist joe craig caitriona he is in gaza at the moment and he told us there's evidence to suggest that israeli forces are committing war crimes by targeting civilians with a controversial weapon. late last night i witnessed what i'm pretty sure was the use of white phosphorus in civilian neighborhood. i spoke as well this morning of the director of al shiva hospital who indicated to me that he thought some of the n.g.'s he had seen passing through their emergency room were consistent with the use of white phosphorus any also spoke of the fact that the mounting casualties coring into hospitals throughout the gaza strip are
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aggravated by the lack of essential medicines and medical supplies caused by israel's ongoing c it's not simply a matter of massive deaths and injuries horrific as that would be in and of itself there is also a lack of the basic necessities needed to treat them so it's a disaster here a manmade disaster in more ways than one. where reaction now from political scientists activist and author norm finkelstein joining me live there in new york israel and its western allies maintain the country has the right to self-defense so is how most responsible for this crisis. well if you look at the sequence of events there was a low between israel and the palestinians in gaza up until november eighth november eighth israel killed the palestinian child and there was some palestinian
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retaliation they blew up a tunnel injuring an israeli soldier and then subsequently they fired on this really cheap injuring four israeli soldiers then israel killed two more powers to me and children during the funeral of the two children who were killed israel fired on the tent where the attendees to the funeral were present and then the conflict related until november twelfth when there was a law a cease fire negotiated and it seemed as if the cease fire was taking hold and israel used the ok sion of the cease fire to assassinate what you might call the strongman of gaza and also the israeli newspapers pointed out mr jabari who was also in effect israel's enforcer that's not my words that's the words of.
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military correspondent for ha'aretz israel's leading newspaper the person they killed was israel's enforcer in gaza. why did israel break that cease fire and in carrying out that assassination at a very delicate time. well most of the speculation has been that it has to do with the upcoming elections in israel was a factor but i think it's a minor factor the basic fact is that israel has suffered a sequence of foreign powers see the buckles they try to orchestrate an attack on iran and failed mr netanyahu went to the u.n. . smuggle in a bomb the nuclear bomb that iran supposedly has when he held up the bomb for the general assembly he was seen to be quite correctly to be a maniac then there was the has flying
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a drone drone. weapon over or near by the moment it was the fact that qatar's head of state visited gaza there was the fact that prime minister earlier on of turkey was saying he was also going to go to gaza and then their own puppets the puppet regime established in the west bank the palestinian authority even their puppets were getting uppity and were threatening to go to the united nations and ask for observer status and they said israel won't be able to put sanctions on them because after all they are doing israel's dirty work in the west bank so things are getting out of control as israel said when it launched its latest assault on gaza they said we have to pursue our deterrence capacity that is restoring the arab world fear of us but had very little to do with trying to restore gaza's fear of israel their main concern was the natives were getting
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restless the arabs were getting to the the muslims were getting too uppity and it was time to put on another display of israel's power to murder you say things are getting out of control just help bad could the situation become not just between israel and palestine but also for the real. actually i'm skeptical the actual current school ation i'm skeptical that a school a school age yet further first of all we have to bear in mind that turkey is now doing the u.s. is dirty work in syria and they're going to be incensed that they carry on their work in regarding sea. it's now going to be said that they care more about the syrians than the people of gaza turkey doesn't want that to be so turkey will be on the phone with washington and egypt doesn't influx of gazans into egypt
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israel attacks on the other hand israel can seal the gates of gaza like mubarak did and so they're going to be on the phone to washington and i think the pressures are going to be brought to bear on margins and then on israel to agree to a cease fire not from new york political scientist an activist and also noble norman finkelstein thank you very much indeed for joining us here on out here appreciate your time thank you. well earlier my colleague spoke to an israeli official who hailed the ongoing operation in gaza as a success despite the rising number of civilian casualties this is been so far one of the most surgical pinpoint military operations in modern military history i think again you will see that the civilian to militant casualty ratio will show up in israel to have unfortunately killed civilians but fall fewer then than any other comparable military. action but you have
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a pin point operation you call this one of the most precise and exact and pinpoint military operations that israel's unknown in recent history and that can allow for what you might consider collateral damage the killing of children when you when you presented and you talk about civilians it's always said as all the civilian the israeli civilians to being killed just today the three israelis who were killed but all of the palestinians who were killed seven are confirmed militants to actually use a like you know you are you worried possibly you're just giving rise to anti israeli attitudes among palestinians let's let's have a listen to this quickly is the hamas leader that we spoke to just a bit earlier placed on by. the assassination of this great leader. clearly confirms that we are still in the heart of resistance with the israeli good we are designers generally knows nothing look the language of chilling and the blood of our battle with the enemy is an open about a good woman god willing and obey this battle will end with palestine and jerusalem liberated and what we should wait for actions would not work and. we've seen their actions
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a situation which most often anywhere in the world could accept what would you do were just one missile to land in central moscow where we talk about missiles and let's this clarify here we're talking about more rockets that are being attracted over some some i say that a mortar rocket from the palestinian militants compared to your. health fire inside why the missiles from your. fighter jet so well that's quite a big difference between fire. but the truth of the matter is that we have a situation where just today three israeli civilians were killed call the mortars call the missiles those or did civilians we have a situation where in the recent past some thirty percent of these raby children in southern israel diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder but israel was heavily criticized by a part of the world community i agree with you there i remind you and i point out that that was four years ago the lowest civilian to militant casualty rate in history twenty nine percent of those killed were civilians and i'm not belittling
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the death of any civilians but far lower than any other military campaign in the last century i think that we will see something similar to start with hoping to achieve a number of things first and foremost to significantly degrade the command and control and operational abilities of hamas the middle east analyst nathan thrall believes the israeli government could be staging the conflict with gaza to show it's on top of its game. it has been a great deal of pressure on the israeli government which has looked very impotent during this escalation and this is not new a year ago in august two thousand and eleven the opposition party was screaming at the top of its loans that that likud was impotent and that that could demon knew how to handle this problem looking at at a region in which the israeli public feels imperilled they see mortars coming from from syria they worry about the conflict from syria spreading they worry about
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rockets from hezbollah and this was one thing that the israeli government could do to show that it is capable of protecting its citizens as as they desire israelis continue to to say that they are ready to to occupy gaza if need be and it is certainly a possibility. stay with r.t. for the latest on the crisis in gaza and you can also follow live updates on twitter and also on our web site. a smooth change at the top in charge of beijing has confirmed his change of leadership for the next decade in a few moments we look at how these changes could impact the global economy is what is china's relations with other nations.
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i never thought i could earn a living this way. natale a show of oil is the norm or should test small arms so those photos to machine building plant lot are the all sourced count of all the weapons she's fired over the past twelve years. i got so used to it sometimes my friends ask me to join them at the rifle range and i say no way i'm so tired of shooting. the planet's history goes from making firearms doing world war two to ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the advancing germans so is here also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to foreigners for half a century it thrived on the lesser moods of the soviet military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed but life here was shaken to the core but some adapted to better than others. this is the year old truck factory brushes the number one truck
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made for girls a look at how well the workplace is organized everything's done to make sure the workers don't waste time waiting there was so production is booming the factory has largely managed to get on to civil rails these giants are sold around the globe hit it's a brand new be no way if it's a big delivered to acquire seventy trucks like this one roll up the bronx conveyor belt every day look at about this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula. and pilot but hopefully if i can get up that. i can go for a test drive. was fine the horses to get one of these to travel to work every morning but with a cost of about forty thousand dollars i should start saving money.
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not a lot here in moscow in the news continues now the eurozone has sunk into its second recession since two thousand and eight according to the latest eurostar data the report comes on the heels of a twenty four hour strike which saw people in more than twenty european countries take to the streets venting their frustration at spending cuts on the surface reports saying. greece. italy. and portugal. its most debt ridden countries joining together with many others for the continent's first cross border naked strike from the beginning it was clear that emotions were running high in many places the dreadful violence and he on and asked
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a brief come to school broke the anger as a protesting was evident for various things put up between the protesters and the riot police is cut right almost three hundred three it's not really got more symbolic county for the he's defied the people say there are right now all across there are the train the government and between the people themselves this is why they all therapy but that is. where the bullets in violent confrontations with the authorities are becoming in on t. familiar sights the consonance leaders stand firm the disparity is a necessary evil to cut the sky. high deficit oh november the fourteenth the people of year seem to have formed a county to fight back against the prevailing title stereotypic ahead of next week's budget meetings brussels would have been watching closely as this seems that police and protesters battling one another played out across the nobel peace prize winning. imageries the clean up operation is already under way only we say
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we say for the year a saying to keen up the mess it finds itself in. a major it some of the more well off countries like france and belgium also saw mass marches of striking workers call us a sociologist emboss alona who took part in wednesday's strike says it's not the cuts but what they taught get the triggers popular unrest a protest isn't about a solution a protest is normally about something you don't want so in this case what they're protesting is easy to austerity is cuts in social spending and cuts in social rights and the expansion of social misery people can make the argument that austerity is a solution to the current problems being faced by your the european citizenry and in particular by the southern european citizenry the problem is what does that austerity mean is it neoliberal e.u. austerity where you cut basically all of those all of the social protection that
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keeps people from descending down to a sort of downward spiral of social misery and with all of that escalating conflict or do you leave social protection in place and cut in places where there really is overspending such as a bank bailouts and. and areas like these. china's weeklong power transfer has come to an end with being annoyed at the communist party's next leader he takes over from huge untile whose guidance led beijing through a decade of rapid growth and sort overtake japan as the world's second largest economy local journalist henry morton reports that process started over the last week with the communist party of china's congress the eighteenth party congress closed all wednesday with the president hu jintao stepping down as general
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secretary of the party keating ping currently vice president being named as who successor as head of the party over the last ten years china has been a real economic success story we've seen it in membership to the world trade organization it's now a very sort of prominent member of that particular organization we've seen its g.d.p. quadruple in the last ten years however there are some problems with that economic success story we have seen enormous environmental damage caused by that runaway growth and we've also seen a huge gap opening up between rich and poor china has a million a u.s. dollar millionaires but also one hundred fifty million people here living on less than a dollar a day and that is an issue that the the incoming government knows that it needs to tackle. financial expert francis lawn who is based in hong kong believes that with china's economic and military it's the u.s. that will suffer. new leadership showed. you.
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can continue. so. what this means to continue to grow economically what china would do is to continue to string for. china can achieve parity with america. i don't think i can throw its weight around the world. out of poland. now you. can do anything it wants but if china becomes. a power parity with you things change some other world news in brief for you this turkey is recognized syria's new opposition group the national coalition as the main representative of the country's people follows from the first nation to recognize the alliance which
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is now also mulling over officially sending weapons to the rebels meanwhile syrian fighters say they've taken control of a key military checkpoint near the country's north eastern border with turkey local officials say as many as thirty people have died in the fighting near the town of blame since. to libya where twenty new ministers have been sworn in leaving seven more seats in the country's new cabinet yet to be filled the government was approved by the general national congress in october and now faces the hard task of bringing stability to the country it has been highly volatile ever since last year's popular uprising resulted in the el sting and of colonel gadhafi. in just a couple of minutes we'll be cutting through the economic spin with lauren lyster she's coming to you from our washington studios and the news continues in thirty five minutes from now this is our to moscow.
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don't call me. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these your headlines for wednesday november fourteenth two thousand and twelve u.s. president barack obama is reportedly looking for one point six trillion dollars and more revenue for uncle sam when he goes into those fiscal cliff negotiations on friday that's del ball what was talked about with g.o.p. leaders in the summer of two thousand and eleven according to the wall street journal so he is doubling down. and i'll bring everyone in to show that right away so we can give folks some certainty before the whole they see. we shall see about that but in the meantime the fiscal cliff is surpassed the euro zone crisis as the top concern for business leaders but was there a decision made recently that a verdant a pro longer recession for western economies and we just haven't heard much about
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it chris whalen senior managing director of capital partners is here with that answer and to analyze impending threats and could housing be the antidote to the fiscal cliff it has been suggested as more and more seem to believe u.s. housing. as in a recovery our guest is here for a reality check and bloated bureaucracy we complain about it when it comes to the government but does the problems bill over to public universities the numbers seem to say yes and some professors are revolting we'll tell you about in loose change let's get to today's capital account.
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