tv [untitled] November 15, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm EST
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economic changes of course around challenges for the chinese government has been discussing the future of china with erik there so what are the economic implications to riches here with business news well you've been saying that the u.s. is worrying that the chinese economy will overtake it in size in a few years well actually it's been slowing down so basically to prevent that from coming into a really hard landing the new government needs to undergo a lot of reforms so we're talking about that in a couple of minutes of business. in japan the average height for men is one hundred eighty two centimeters ten centimeters shorter because of that some employers refused to hire me one of them even told me directly that i was too short to deal with the client's computers already spent three months in this hospital and plans to stay for another four to add the coveted seven santa majors to his stature invented by the famed soviet orthopedic is good for you is there
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a from the nineteen fifties these frames were initially used to treat fractures in deformities by cutting bones and slowly pulling them up or therefore stimulating tissue regeneration it was out of was able to receive arms and legs and people who thought they were crippled for life be sent to the other patients shattered bones and in many cases their shattered lives with the main goal when professing designed his first frame bicycle parts sixty years later his invention is increasingly being used to help people what eager to fracture their legs to become a few centimeters taller than the ultimate goal is still the same six thing somebody is live both literally and figuratively about a third of patients admitted to be was out of center now days seeking syringe refocus medical reasons most of them are men and most are not what you would call vertically challenged professor novick of who operated on many of them says it usually comes down to a man's pride some of the first patient to turn to us with
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a leg like the mean request to meet his fifteen centimeters to still want to surgery because panos to than him we like to say that we need to break their legs in order to fix their head maybe nothing wrong with them from an orthopedic point of view but there is something psychological that prevents them from living their lives fully being happy and we fix it like lengthening surgeries are banned in many countries and even the out they're pretty expensive in russia the entire course costs eleven thousand dollars about one tenth of the similar package in the united states. financial considerations were one of the reasons that brought this washington state native to western siberia if his main motive for the surgery had to do with how he fared in the auditors in america advertised as one seventy five i was one sixty seven or one sixty eight and so one eight centimeters would have
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brought me right to every user just wanted to be average for women height isn't so important you know i think girl can be sure it's not a big deal like your guy is like expected to be taller just before the operation most this matter a russian girl who found he's a regional hide quite endearing yet he still want to have had the surgery adding seven more centimeters to the self-confidence she told me the whole time you're crazy you're normal you're perfect. so now if they call you so what a compliment for somebody who's used to falling short of his own expectations. and warm welcome to business out so you know as we've been telling you earlier china has changed its leadership in times of slow economic growth and demands for
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fiscal reform after decades of juggernaut growth the world's second largest economy is facing troubles that could frustrated right now to discuss this in more detail let's join. that they've been on top of the story that's now given that this new leadership of xi jinping is said to be even more conservative than who's in tiles now china is definitely facing a hard landing isn't it well not necessarily china is making great effort at it is actually transitioning certainly when it comes to its main economic drivers it used to be driven by exports mainly thanks stuart. wave of force but now it's trying to shift toward internal consumption as the main luck a motive going forward neil mccann in the global markets the strategist at the t.v. capital in london actually thinks that china is going to succeed in making that transition. things are changing i mean previously they've relied on this export led
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investment led growth model which i think is. no longer a political it's created a number of structural imbalances. and. so the five year plan that's already been agreed is to move towards a more of a consumption levy economy. the real challenge i think is to make this transition from a low income call economy going come a call to me and trying to get through the so-called middle income trap which i think they can and i think china can do that. so as neil mackinnon was saying imbalances are basically everywhere structural imbalances in the economy including labor market but also mainly that's currency the remember with the you wad it's also manipulated so much by the government that it's created a huge trade imbalance and the u.s. has been pushing for a free float of the currency but china doesn't want to go ahead how do you have a market economy without a free float of the currency well the first thing to understand is that china being
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china only wants to move to the free market economy where it suits its interests and you can't really blame it for either but coming back to the currency issue the thing is that as why it's really bringing us back to your first question as long as exports are the main economic drivers of course it really suits the purpose keeping the you want artificially low helps bring in all these manufacturing orders and helps keep its products more competitive on the international markets but once it makes that transition into being driven by internal demand is going to make it easier for china to deal with the currency issue as well and the other thing to remember too is it keeps the currency artificially low by buying up the u.s. dollar so what's going to happen to the dollars that. mythical borroughs with with the yuan i mean the currency is just as artificial as china's banking system which is one of the biggest in the world i mean it serves the purposes of the
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government but not of the people not of small businesses but just giant corporations well it's true that my need to strengthen the role of the central bank but that's precisely why they need the new leadership they need the political will to make that change in the new team has an opportunity to to do that has a shot to do it not the university of toronto expert on china that we spoke to earlier in the day actually agrees with that point. stay firm to the progress being harder to. then ten years ago getting access to credit for keeping your system so i think that would be a one major area. is to tackle but of course they face political constraints because. the reason they would not be able to wake them up to the. banking system is that it goes to a bank in spain very powerful. politically. now natasha i'm going to say
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something which is taboo actually for any reporter and that's only time will tell whether these reforms will actually go and that's the one point that i agree with you on exactly will because this is a transition of power this is not an election very hard to say actually we don't know we haven't seen this new government in action all right natasha thank you very much for that move over to the markets we start with the us there the markets are down jobless claims so the biggest uptick in eighteen months due to hurricane sandy in the month of october also be he has agreed to the biggest criminal penalty ever afterwards deepwater horizon oil spill incident of twenty ten months of the gulf now the a settlement total of four and a half billion dollars over five years includes nearly one point three billion in criminal fines it's is the largest penalty ever of such sorts along with payments to several government agencies b.p.'s shares however as you can see we're better than the market the down points one percent while the market is down point eight
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now the euro is strengthening despite the fact that the eurozone has slipped officially into double dip recession now be overall g.d.p. declined in the first quarter by point one percent second quarter will decline a point two percent two quarters in a row there's a recession and the ruble was not moving significantly against both currencies and the day mixed now on the russian markets after a few days of pretty sharply trade the r.t.s. my six managed to recover around one percent each now on the. up to the oil price now it's back down again below eighty five dollars. same with energy gazprom has completed the last stage of negotiations to build the south stream which is a direct natural gas pipeline to central and southern europe the gas major c.e.o. aleksey miller are sealed the twenty billion dollars deal with bulgaria today katie goes from headquarters with the details well gary was the last prodigy to sign the
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south stream pipeline contract and now all is set for construction to commence on december the seventh a bit about the pipeline itself that is the second one of the north stream to actually send to read not true russian gas to europe and it ok about after the price of gas was which the last of which happened in two thousand and nine was when the european consumers are actually dealt with. as well as a rather bitter cold winter as a result as well not the time russia ukraine of siphoning off the gas which was meant for the continent and the south stream pipeline is meant to avoid potential conflicts in the future in the south stream pipeline will go from russia to bog area via the black sea to serbia hungary slovenia and the first to live reso gas are expected by twenty sixteen with the full capacity of sixty three bidding cute meters of gas carrying through the pipeline by twenty eighty gas from fifty percent
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of the pipes and partners any and twenty percent or france's e.d.f. and germany's winters with fifteen percent eight now let's say below will meet with the rest of these company had partners on december the seventh commence the building of the south stream pipeline. that's the business news for now bill is back in a couple of minutes with more news. resistance is not of politics but a culture. is
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twenty fourteen when nato troops have withdrawn discussions come amid a climate of mistrust with authorities to shubin whether u.s. soldiers should be given immunity from prosecution. is going to be coming over the details from kabul the u.s. and afghanistan have kicked off talks on thursday tough talks about the security framework agreement that the two countries will maintain after most of the nato combat forces withdraw from the country at the end of twenty fourteen these are expected to be rather controversial contentious talks climate of suspicion and mistrust between the two countries one of the biggest issues on the table here we expect this to take about several months to complete and of course the afghan government has long complained about the conduct of u.s. forces operations on the ground here in afghanistan some of the issues that they are not happy with are for example the controversial u.s. special forces strikes night raids that end up killing many civilians also at the
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issue of here is a top i mean the afghan government insists that american soldiers who are accused of committing crimes here in afghanistan are trying within this country under afghanistan's legal system american troops say no they want their men to be tried in the united states and of course this issue has taken on a rather. more urgency in light of the massacre that took place in march for an american soldier was accused of going essentially on a shooting spree killing sixteen civilians in the kandahar province issues like this really do resonate with the public it's a very visual example of sort of misdeeds by the u.s. forces and the illegal murder of civilians is certainly something that should be tried under our law according to the officials here this also comes amid a climate of mistrust by. certain cultural missteps for example the controversial video. that showed u.s. marines urinating on the afghans as well as of course the cases of. sort of
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indicating the social insensitivity that unfortunately exist on the ground here with u.s. troops and what we've seen is instances example of taliban. ending up in the ranks of afghan soldiers who end up turning their guns against the american trainers. who may or may not be happy with the conduct of certain soldiers and end up turning their guns on the americans as a result of that and so what this really reflects perhaps a policy that hasn't necessarily played out very well. turkey's recognize syria's new opposition group the national coalition as the main representative of the country's people it follows in the footsteps of the first nation to recognize you know which is now also sending weapons to the rebels german journalist. he says that the move to recognize your position as the force could blow up in the faces of paris. turkey was the parking the red lights and i don't see the syrian
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rebels we know that the rebels who are fighting against the syrian government are coming from all over the region they're coming from the cultures it's reaching they're coming from of yemen we know that they are rebels coming from newbie and even from sudan but that turkey is providing the infrastructure for these mercenaries are jihadists who are coming into the syrian country so we don't have to be surprised that turkey is doing also this there in the official recognition of this of the national syrian coalition if assad is that here and if syria would be split among the lord or it's in this country which i know supported by the west by turkey and by the bush immigrates countries such trivia would witness the sooner or later of taking also turkey and i think the turkish people knows that this politics is strongly against the interests of the british people because we have demonstration. against it specially against that form of politics the word syria
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because they know that this is violating their interests. the economic downturn has not only ravaged greek warnitz but as shaken up the country's political scene greece or some unexpected names turn up in the parliament's polls when his list in june including the ultra nationalist golden dawn party or one of investigates the side effects of the crisis. hunger joblessness and the feeling europe is ripping the country apart greeks are seeking answers today a crisis in increasingly extreme news the main form of this is the rise of the greek left but also a warring development in the. months has been the rise. to be more precise than. the numbers don't lie at the last election in june golden dawn entered parliament with seventy percent of the vote count opinion polls suggest an election today would see them take around thirteen
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percent they can offer some practical solutions to great people and because they portray themselves as their one who is a status quo responsible for the crisis but it's not just politicians they are accused of trying to punish anti immigrant grandstanding is a key part of the greeks for the greeks manifesto which is seen them linked to violent attacks on foreigners clashes between their members and other politicians on discussion shows and their leader denying the holocaust on television well with serious allegations of violence leveled against them and certainly being no strangers when it comes to making a scene what do golden dawn's elected officials think that their party's policies can do for the greek people this is. a leading member of golden dawn who you may recognize as the politician we just saw a turkish fellow guest on
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a panel show. in power would revise the constitution. ever embezzled money will go to jail and they are other assets will be confiscated we will declare a greek economic zone to tap the resources and energy reserves which today are playing by foreign interests will bring security target crime and regrease of illegal immigrants those whose written extensively about the rise of the extreme right are adamant that golden dawn want power through chaos. shows that they're winning ground despite everybody being aware of the violence they use and the rights they cause the other parties to fight among themselves so they can pick up voters out of the turmoil they want a war with the prospect of yet another election in greece in the near future golden dawn senses its chance to sway more voters. despite the shadow of the swastika continuing to hang over them. and as we report
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online engineers of a u.s. nuclear power plant are on the highest level of alert made of energy bosses in south carolina a potential disaster plus. of course the mistress of people to get access to classified data on his computer the former cia boss maintains he hasn't leaked a word the latest about that scandal. started something britain's royal family takes for granted with palaces castles and sprawling country estates at their disposal you might think that pay the people that look after them a generous wage but a recent job adverts suggest otherwise. about why working for burger king could be better than working for the queen. this is really unfortunate timing this week in the u.k. it's living wage weak. position politicians and campaign is working towards
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giving encouraging employers to pay what they're calling a living wage higher than the minimum wage and in london than it is elsewhere say eight pounds fifty five in london seven pounds forty five outside lunches place the minimum wage which is six pounds nineteen now i think in any other week this job would have gone pretty much our notice some eagle eyed journalists bosses it is an ad for a part time cleaner windsor castle which is paying a living wage of lower middle i mean was it worth it to work in clean. i mean that would be that would be prestigious job to have surely that would be a job that would pay a bit of the pennies over the minimum wage. you think so you think so but what should be stressed that this is not illegal because it is paying above the bedroom wage but it's a little bit stingy it's not generous and and it's not what we would somebody if somebody is worse i mean. according to forbes in the past year or so the queen is
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worth at least three hundred million pounds can she cough up a couple more quid. it's a tricky one really i mean i speak to people outside buckingham palace some people are going to work some people who are kind of early bird tourists and opinions of really kind of divided about this because of course we want the queen to be generous and we expect actually we expect people like the queen to set an example to employers but we also want her to be frugal because all of this stuff all of this money that she's paying out is coming from taxpayers do we want her to be frugal at the expense of low paid staff like cleaners i think the us is probably no i think she's entitled to do that she can do it but obviously you get what you pay for it. difficult. they should match whatever policy should be. as far as general salaries are concerned we've got some figures to show you we're talking about salaries since two thousand and six they've risen by about eleven percent across the board which doesn't sound too bad none of this
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sounds too bad so some example social workers they got seventeen percent more in their wage packet teaches eleven percent chartered accountants have done less well it just one percent management consultants are down by around six percent but the most important thing to remember is that none of these things represent real terms rise in wages in order to beat inflation in your wage cap you've had to have seen it go up by nineteen percent so this is a job that does not pay well. probably but very shortly with more world news this is all to learn fear in moscow.
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