tv [untitled] November 16, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EST
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larger concern among officials that one way or the other iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons is going to lead to a crisis of some sort relative to market participants for market participants the iran nuclear program has been a little bit like the boy who cried wolf we've been hearing about red lines and points of no return for nine years and so far there hasn't been a conflict and so the markets are a little bit jaded a doubt perhaps that this issue is a serious as it is but i think there's no question among officials that this is taken very seriously the need for europe that's struggling economically or the u.s. that is also facing its internal domestic problems need a war at this moment the israeli public is also not so keen on going to war with iran so who actually benefits the issue is iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and i think there's a broad understanding in israel and europe and the united states around the world i
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think in russia even in china that a nuclear iran is a genuine crisis for the global economy and that needs to be avoided at all costs you mentioned europe's vulnerability you're absolutely right i think to prove the point that i was making that european officials are very concerned about the consequences of a nuclear iran you have to ask yourself why in the midst of this economic crisis is europe europe is having an existential crisis over the currency zone why are they suddenly choosing this time in history to do something they've never done before to embargo the imports of oil from iran that for europe is an unusually strong and risky step to take for their own economy it hurts their most vulnerable members like greece which is a big importers jaska after ask yourself why would europe do this it's because they understand that whether a war or an attack on iran takes place. to delay their program or if iran gets
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nuclear weapons either way the consequences for global peace global economy or oil markets are going to be dire but iran is a member of the n.p.t. iran is allowed to have to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes some critics would argue well israel hasn't even signed on to the n.p.t. and many believe that israel has nuclear weapons iran is allowed to enrich uranium and have a nuclear program for peaceful purposes you're absolutely right that under the n.p.t. non-nuclear weapons states are entitled to a civilian nuclear program to enrich and many states do that brazil and japan and so forth without raising concern in the international community that they're seeking a weapon but there's a condition you must prove to the international community specifically the i.a.e.a. that your program is peaceful and the i.a.e.a. meeting after meeting report after report has been unable to confirm that iran's
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program is peaceful the argument if i'm not mistaken as we haven't been able to access right all the areas that we want to is that that's part of it that iran has not explained some signs that the i.a.e.a. has discovered that iran may be pursuing nuclear weapons and i think it's fair to say even the more neutral. officials who looked at this would agree ron is not being fully open in its program now that israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dissolved the parliament there are two different points of view one that israel will not strike iran before their january election the other is that next in yahoo is much less constrained constrained and if he wants to strike he will what is your estimation my estimation is that if and when israel decides.
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here regardless of election cycles in israel the united states or anywhere else if israel decides that it has exhausted every other option to attempt to stop iran's quest for a nuclear weapon and the only options left are military ones then i think they will . they will conduct that kind of operation now we talk often of some sort of aerial attack planes and missiles and so forth that is one option and israel has that capability but as we see already there have been it's been reported in the press other options less direct options cyber attacks on iran's nuclear facilities even on its broader economy and so forth so we are not trying to stuxnet olympic games and so forth that you see reported in the press so i think it's fair to say that both israel and other countries do that do not want wish to see iran achieve nuclear weapons are prepared to resort not only to economic sanctions political
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isolation but also. military and covert options to delay the program but in israel's case it's a there's a consensus as far as i can tell in israel and it's not just prime minister netanyahu it's the defense minister ehud barak who comes from the left of the political spectrum it is in israel they are united and i think they reflect the general consensus that while israel should not rush into a military attack that israel should exhaust every other option because any other option is better than a military attack but as a last resort whenever that time comes and that's something only the israeli defense planners and political leaders will know they will not share that with any of us unfortunately but when that moment comes i believe they will act and do you believe that they would act alone if they choose to go to war if they felt they had no other choice i believe israel would act alone they've made that very clear and
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president obama has made very clear that while he opposes a military attack at this time he recognizes israel's. inability to outsource if you will it's defense to other countries implicitly saying he understands that if israel has to act it will by all estimations iran is nowhere near making a nuclear weapon if that is the case should the us be more concerned with constraining israel than pressuring iran well i think again there is a consensus that iran is not near having a nuclear weapon but as i said earlier there's also an understanding that in terms of stopping the process points that iran must go through the steps iran must take. the time is no more shortly no shortly it's coming up very shortly where the best opportunity to eventually stop iran from weaponize it is about to pass and that
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gets to again the most detectable and the most the label part of getting a weapon is the construction and the operation of the center of fuchsias and then the enrichment of feedstock that would be put through the set of futures once they do that even if it's another year or two for them to develop a trigger and a and marry that to a delivery device that is something that is very difficult even for israel or the united states to detect and to stop so that is why there's the concern right now and this is what explains i think the stepped up sanctions even the new round of sanctions in the e.u. and the heightened urgency that we see among officials iran's economy is significantly in trouble its currency is constantly losing ground in the western sanctions that you have referred to are clearly taking their toll on iran what happens if iran economy is ruined i mean that is something that you know
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no one has spoken about that's an unknown how does that factor in to the current geo political situation those who. who hoped that iran's government can still be persuaded to freeze its nuclear program and obey the demands of the un security council and the p five plus one i think the only way they will do that is if they feel enough economic pain and as you mentioned the startling collapse in the currency even in the recent weeks and the drop by almost half in iran's crude oil exports and the real problems iran is having with its international linkages are financing exports and imports and so forth this is starting to have an impact and officials from israel to london to washington would prefer that this approach work and i think as we see signs that iran's economy is cracking further it becoming more destabilized there's more hope that perhaps we're getting closer to
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a point where iran would would in its own self-interest agree to freeze its nuclear program ship out those parts of the program that are most concern to the p five plus one are there any major factors that could push the price of oil up aside from more fierce certainly we are in a new world in the global oil market and that sometimes gets lost here in the united states because we see such rising production and we see demand sort of softening in tapering off so if you just look at the united states you would think oil prices should be much lower we're swimming in oil etc but outside the united states the oil market is very tight and it's very very prone to disruptions when there's geo political risk but even besides geopolitical risk what we have here is two billion people on the planet who want to join the billion of us in the rich countries who already have modern energy these two billion people in china and
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india and the middle east and latin america they want to drive they want plastics they want to fly planes. and so the demand for oil is huge at the same time supply growth has been very small by historical story circumstances we haven't seen the surge in production that we saw in the soviet union and in the north sea and mexico back in the seventy's and eighty's so what we have here is a world will mark a world oil market that's feat that features huge demand to increase by very very determined drivers and flyers and consumers of energy who want in that they want the things that we have at the same time the world has had trouble in growing in increasing oil supply as a result the spare capacity amount of spare oil that can be quickly produced by opec that in the past has acted as a cushion. that that is gone and that is nearly gone it's very low it's only two million barrels two and a half million barrels
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a day so in any way could even as well as major oil companies be benefiting from the tension around iran that could be driving up oil prices countries and companies that sell oil benefit when the price goes up and so for rondo it's a mixed bag because while on the one hand the price of its crude oil that it's able to sell is higher because of these supply demand factors i mentioned as well as geo political risk premium that gets added out of the price of oil on the other hand as i mentioned their exports are down by a half down from two point two million barrels a day to a million barrels a day or even less so their revenues how much money they're taking in has been has been cut severely so iran is not doing well net net had they still been able to export all the oil that they were exporting even last year at these prices they would have been doing very well government now i thank you very much for thank you very much enjoyed it thank you.
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welcome to the. science technology innovation hall believes developments from around russia we've got the future covered. in a new super secret laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything turns mission to teach the creation why it should care about humans and world this is why you should care only on the dog. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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a bomber draws but so the white house for a second wales the president for a tough interview on his foreign policy but he chose an easier. right from the mainstream media so we'll use a little bit. change we can believe it tell us about your achievements. i've sent troops to afghanistan. overseen record numbers of army suicides and defections. doctors say they've never seen such horrific injuries from improvised explosive devices i think that's unbelievable. you won the nobel peace prize that puts you in superstar company that's right kissinger one and while he was secretly shelling gamba this year's winner the european union illegally bombed libya. look their spending cuts are causing
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massive social unrest to their own people once on the move plays celebrated eleventh anniversary yesterday as america's symbol of. evil us hailed as a hero when you promise to close it if you. look a politician to break his word especially something so. you know what. we don't look back. a bomb has no moral right wing than george w. bush this peter cook with hollywood director all of a stone he's just written the untold history of the united states throughout the bush years many of us were furious that bush was actually doing surveillance on people without judicial review. appalling. but what obama has done is taken that one step further not only has he continued but you surveillance
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policies but he's added now with these drone attacks he's at he's actually killing people. we have traditional review and you know the way this works bomb actually goes through the files and picks at the individuals to be targeted and assassinated . by within hours of reelection the drone oid always launching more attacks i have two words for you predator drones. you will never see it coming. you think i'm joking. he's not joking americans have been assassinated including a sixteen year old then vo boy the reality is every alleged militants killed fifteen innocent people when nato murdered an afghan go by mistake doug replied nato killed my twelve year old daughter and then told me we're sorry what does it
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mean what pain can be cured by this word sorry. despoiled so perhaps because of drone attacks insurgent numbers in the last four years of virtually doubled obama pretends it's been a success supporting the people of libya as they build a future that is free and democratic and prosperous. not embedded with the troops war correspondent lizzie field and witnessed u.s. so-called support in libya then syria she joins the truth seeker all libyans know building a free and democratic future yeah well it's the biggest. oxymoron that you can think they can bring create and democracy on the back. and well of course that never has been the case anywhere in the world go anywhere three and set me not the case in libya and syria there is so much goodwill towards obama as he returns to the white house how has that changed. in an africa and
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a bentley has been responsible for more intervention than any other and equal mean you have. not only has he not ended the wars in iraq and afghanistan as you and he when he. was and yet in syria and every kind of intervention they are very. responsible for what's happening and there is in the hatred and anger. hatred for his breath taking decisions of. the videos show militants shooting on their own people as they cry for mercy george galloway's u.k. member of parliament he's raised millions of dollars from victims of war and joins us now are you surprised america's all ming is worst enemy well definitely breathtaking but to those of us of a so it's an age where surprising united states created. or at least its forefathers enough going to stone in the first place to care less of the obvious
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that when dr frankenstein made a monster. you lost control of it because that's why it's called among stuff you know nine eleven was the blowback first time around what about this time what we already have in libya the very people that the united states the united kingdom assisted into power in libya if indeed they are stable. i want the very people who have mucked up the american ambassador in benghazi so look you know the blow by didn't take long george bush had the excuse that he was an imbecile. or professorial president obama does not excuse the early signs in the first few days of his second term have been very very negative he continued to fire these drones he joins you see them coming that's true mr president you can see that i'm going to want to know that being because your wife's lying down beside your dad without
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a head or without her limbs because you're lying in front of your eyes. this is a bomb on war on the one you can find. c.n.n. to show the most something else of cerebro month six. then. you know moments of power company pulling the population. americans watch in horror as the loons point behind the shouting. on the best of the cold. unknown to many war with an even bigger middle east states has already begun america's crippling sanctions on iran is key uh no poil amounts to a military blockade of its oil ports that's an act of war as a dame of any is the author of lipstick jihad she joins the truth you can now you're one of the few u.s. correspondents reporting begin to be from iran will
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a military strike succeed. and you can strike with convinced that you're running a government that the only thing that can secure its long term security that little charity. would be to rebuild its nuclear program because the lesson will be to weaponize we must have a nuclear weapon in order to protect ourselves in the future well from what you see in the country all u.s. sanctions are actually working tensions have been imposed on iran for many years now and iran is closer than ever before to being able to acquire the capability it needs to weapon right its nuclear program so you can say i really the sanctions of choking off of iran's financial system has had a different in fact feeding a family is becoming a challenge for a good majority of iranians who are also seeing shortages in important medications . sanctions have just brought illness and hunger
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peter cook cause afghanistan and iraq on mitigated dissolves this. commit atrocities on their own and americans a lot of this bringing jim crow is opposed a soldier has exposed official or me training under a bomb. they feel your head was racist nonsense like all arabs iraqis and afghans are hot. wants to hurt your family just some of the most hurtful and ridiculous propaganda but you'd be amazed at how effective it's been fostering my generation of soldiers. it's ironic says milton alamo d. the first black president is bringing racism back to america when soldiers a soldier like that comes back with that kind of mindset it means that he's also going to conduct himself in a similar manner against fellow americans and we have seen instances of people that were in the military and were involved in right wing extremism so it's not only
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a danger for how we conduct ourselves with the rest of the world but it's also and danger to the united states itself even been lulled and must be loafing in his grave his goal was to bankrupt the united states through war and that's exactly what's going on we spend one point two trillion dollars a year on our military despite that fact the united states is not able to impose its will you know that is they spend a fraction as much percentage wise on infrastructure as does china as do other developing countries and i think has lost its direction and we see the effects of that and hurricane katrina and sandy you have bridges collapsing you've got roads. that's really embarrassing and i guess this is approaching a third world status third world countries need a third way seek truth from folks this is the truth.
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sure is that so much of an idea for you to be sitting on the market again dancing in a military assault would you be israeli should be treated this time four years ago an invasion pulled over a thousand palestinian. sisters looks like. this it's in. day care my daddy. doesn't say much reuse dance and play was oh my saved and does my mommy ransom business.
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