tv [untitled] November 17, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EST
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what's up guys i mean martin this is breaking the set bad news for all you barred loving doomsday preppers out there looks like you're about to cross those delightful twinkies off your list because today it was announced that after a massive employees strike hostess incorporated is going out of business hosts is also the manufacturer of other cream filled sponge cakes like ring dings ding dongs ho hos and how can we forget those delicious cupcakes. are the. right that creamy mysterious filling you know the staple that unifies almost every hostess product look i used to love those little hostess cupcakes too but i don't turn off when i found out what that tasted goo was made of first starters one
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ingredient is calcium sulphate which is pretty much a food grade equivalent of plaster still wondering why hostess products don't ever really expire and don't be fooled it's not manmade it's not made cream it's animal shortening aka lard yeah so about one package of twinkies you're not only ingesting disgusting chemicals and large you're also consuming three hundred calories of pure garbage ten grams of fat half of which are saturated and we wonder why americans are so obese well good riddance hostess frankly it's a good thing that your products won't be available for human consumption the only real tragedy here is the nineteen thousand jobs that will be lost so i guess it's the hostess without the most is time to find something else to indulge and let's break the set. as you know this week gaza has been rocked by air raids from the israeli military
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yesterday we covered this is stork struggle for self-determination what many people may not realize is how brutal israel's blockade really is and what it means for one point five million gazans who live there it's one of the densest areas in the world and eighty percent of the population has to depend on outside goods to survive as a two thousand and ten there were only eighty one items allowed into gaza everything else has been prohibited from entering why well the israeli government claims that most weapons most items could be made into a weapons interesting claim considering it's a list that's riddled with contradictions let's see here chocolate medical supplies children's books toys these are parents the kinds of things that undermine israeli security well as we know that's ludicrous clearly there's more to the story like this according to a recently released israeli government documents israel's authorities were using food as a method of collective punishment officials intended to quote put palestinians on
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a diet even going so far as calculating how many calories each gazan would need per day to avoid a humanitarian disaster and talk more about this disturbing reality is someone who's been to gaza and has seen this crisis firsthand i'm joined by mike prysner co-founder of march forward thanks so much for coming on hey so you just heard us talking about this absurd list of goods that are prohibited from entering gaza you went there not too long ago why did you go and what was your experience there well i actually went to gaza in the wake of operation cast lead in two thousand and nine and the reason we went is because there had been so much death so much destruction so many casualties in that onslaught yet all of the basic things that people needed to both treat the wounded and rebuild the destruction were not allowed in so for example a massive numbers of homes and hospitals and schools were destroyed within. blockade wouldn't allow concrete into gaza so they couldn't rebuild anything but when i when
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our delegation primarily was bringing in which was illegal according to against the blockade that israel had put on hundreds and hundreds of wheelchairs and the reason that we had to illegally bring in hundreds of wheelchairs is because the onslaught during operation cast lead which we're probably going to see repeated in a lot of ways with what's going on now was using such high tech and brutal weapons but also attacking the civilian population that there was such a high number of amputees from white phosphorus and other new experimental munitions and there were so many amputees and the israeli blockade would not allow in wheelchairs for the people and the children and elderly who had had their legs blown off so i think that speaks to kind of the cruelty in the protect the brutality of the blockade yeah we just had on norah groceryman reason there was talk about the psychological warfare the architecture of occupation and really you know the sewage run off into these settlements and as you just mentioned i mean wheelchairs prevented from helping and you tease when they're using white
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phosphorous this is a work crime you know israel is no stranger to work rhymes or kind of the impunity for international law what do you think about the toys and chocolate thing i mean what is that about is that just another aspect of this cycle cycle i mean you can't call it anything else other than psychological warfare when it comes to those things that we're talking about an entire generation of children who are living in gaza city the most densely populated city on the planet who have all grown up being rained on by bombs and bullets watching their family members killed watching their homes destroyed and the fact of the blockade does not allow in toys for these children can't be called anything else but psychological terrorism and you imagine me i mean iraq war veteran and a lot of the work we do in march forward is dealing with the crisis of post-traumatic stress disorder so we can see that among soldiers who have gone to iraq enough. and stand for one two or are then played for the rest of their lives with psychological trauma imagine with the entire population of gaza city is
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feeling like and this is a tactic i mean this is calculated by the israeli government i mean one example of something we learned when i travel to gaza which is documented now is that white phosphorus was used on children in schools while schools were in session and so children had their limbs melted off their faces melted off and israel of course knew because israeli intelligence very good that they were students in session in those schools that were targeted and so when you're directing a war against the children not allowing them to not allowing them in a static while they have their limbs amputated i mean this is terrorism like this one accelerate the suffering as much as they can as sad as that is to say i don't see any other explanation for it mike let's talk about the targets as you just mentioned the target children schools israel is coming out now the israeli government saying that they're dropping leaflets over palestine to pretty much warn people hey stay away from any hamas infrastructure but i mean really hamas is the democratically elected leadership of palestine zahar ridiculous is to say or what does this really mean all these really propaganda machine is putting out that
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they're doing everything they can to avoid civilian casualties and they advertise these leaflets that they dropped all over the city saying do not be near anyone in hamas basically we can look and just see what historically has been done you know that hamas is the government there and so civic society and the state society there is run by hamas the police and many hospitals and schools and things like that so you're always around them but we saw that the number one casualty in operation cast lead in all the wars that israel launches against the palestinian people that civilians are the number one casualty other thinking that they can just wipe their hands clean by saying they drop these leaflets because they've learned the lessons of cast lead and the massacre on the freedom flotilla which caused a huge shift in consciousness in the united states with the palestinian people so they're trying to say we're doing can to avoid civilian casualties were at the same time they're bombing and killing civilians and there's already children including eleven to model month old baby is dead in this landslide. yeah i mean talk about what might be the response now we just read reports today of an onslaught of
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potential ground troops can you give us an update on well there are about seventy thousand reservists that were called up very recently we know that soldiers are massing the border looking like what they're preparing to launch a ground invasion but we don't really know i mean things are up in the air right now i mean what we do know is that the israeli government with the u.s. government because this happened after there is a meeting in washington. that they are embarking on a plan to wipe out all resistance to u.s. policy in the region and let's talk about why this is happening i mean we know that palestine is bidding for statehood november twenty ninth i think it is what what does this have to do with the offensive that we're seeing me well november twenty ninth in palestine solidarity day and on that day palestine is going to be bringing to the u.n. general assembly their bid for statehood which would really mean i mean that the big important thing about that is if they are granted statehood then the international criminal court has to see in this international court the allegations
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of war crimes and illegal settlements by the state of israel so israeli and u.s. officials tried very very hard to pressure the palestinian authority into not introducing this statehood bid and actually said if you do this we're going to punish you for it and so we're just weeks away from that statehood bed and so it's very likely that this is that punishment that they're talking about trying to prevent that from happening but overall the strategy is because israel wants all of the land of palestine they are not really trying for a two state solution or any type of peaceful solution they have made clear that they want all the land that was revealed in the palestine paper is where it showed that the p.a. put everything on the table every possible concession to the israeli government and they wanted nothing to do with it because they want all the land and that coincides with the u.s. policy of making the new middle east that george w. bush talked about where every organization and every country that's a barrier to complete u.s. domination. in the region is to be completely wiped out with iraq you see it happening afghanistan targeting iran and syria and of course lebanon the resistance
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movements in palestine are on that list as well let's talk about what you're here to do you're here helping organize nationwide movements protest against the offensive talk about those and how people can get involved yes well people all over the country are taking action against their horrific things we're seeing on t.v. and no doubt know what's happening in gaza city right now so it's actually been many dozens of protests in dozens of states and cities across the united states over the past couple of days really the day that the bombing started and they're continuing today in fact right after i leave this interview and headed down to the white house for a protest there are those protests taking taking place in cities all over the country tonight and throughout the week and even into next week as things escalate if they escalate no doubt we'll be there demonstrating as well just like will be demonstrating on november twenty ninth at the white house so if people want to complete list of actions go to answer coalition dot org and you can find an updated list of wherever protest actions are happening all over the country because it's really going to be i mean this is the u.s.
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government is determined to carry this out the israeli government is determined to carry this out with our tax dollars quite a bit of our tax dollars the only thing that's going to change equation is massive repudiation from the people and people are raising their voices and taking action absolutely i mean for over four billion dollars a year to sponsor these acts of can call it anything else but terrorism so it's up to us to stand up for the human dignity of the palestinians thanks for joining us if you like what you see so far go to our youtube channel at youtube dot com such greatness and subscribe check out our facebook page at facebook dot com this is that i know he's going to hate going to troll but if you're actually intelligent you can write me and let me know what you think if you're wondering about what i'm doing when i'm not on the air follow me on twitter abby martin take a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear my hero and villain of the day next. you know. sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you
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all right guys today i want to congratulate and highlight the center elizabeth warren for winning the second senate seat in massachusetts in the most recent election some of you might be wondering why i should highlight a senator elect before they got a chance to actually do anything heroic well because i'm celebrating this is a win for the people of massachusetts who voted for a candidate whose platform goes against the grain of the current establishment who caters to wall street and special interest groups. it took on the powerful wall street banks and special interests and you let them know you want to senator will be out there fighting for the middle class all of the time. and despite the odds you elected the first woman senator to. elizabeth warren as a politician who has come to embody the goals of the so-called ninety nine percent
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because for years she's been an activist and a vocal opponent against financial inequality and wall street's grip over washington senator warns win in massachusetts is not just a win for the state but the entire country so for the years she's devoted to activism and her success in the latest campaign to become massachusetts first woman senator so. tara lives with warren is our hero of the day so she's the hero who's the villain well that dishonor goes to none other than u.s. attorney general eric holder and no this is not about the fast and furious scandal that was inexcusable and no this is not about him starting the whole look forward not backward mentality instead of holding the bush administration accountable for war crimes no today eric holder is our villain for a different reason you see it all starts with the two thousand and ten b.p. oil spill where eleven crewmen were killed in the rig explosion and more than one hundred million gallons of crude oil spilled into the gulf of mexico causing one of
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the worst environmental disasters in history well now it's two years later and this is the announcement mr holder made regarding a resolution to the disaster. b.p. has agreed to plead guilty to all fourteen criminal charges including responsibility for the yes of eleven people and events that led to an unprecedented environmental catastrophe the company has also agreed to pay for billion dollars in fines and in penalties. oh my god also four point five billion dollars in criminal fines acknowledgement that b.p. messed up so it's a good step toward justice right well not if you look at the details of the case you see even after the fines even after the holocaust of sea creatures caused by the spill b.p. continues to be awarded energy contracts in fact the e.p.a. is still one of the leading providers of oil and gas at the pentagon and while
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families of the victims seek justice for those they lost both b.p. and the u.s. department of justice are very quick to pass the buck you see to b.p. workers are being accused of disregarding abnormally high pressure readings that indicated a potential for a bigger problem on the deepwater rig both of these men are being held personally responsible for the disaster and are being charged with manslaughter and that's exactly the problem here i'm not saying that negligent should shouldn't be punished what i am saying at that this is a perfect example of how a giant influential corporation can get away with pretty much anything and lay the blame on its employees instead of actually taking real accountability these two men are not the ones who decided to spray a highly toxic dispersant across the entire gulf that arguably caused more damage than the oil itself they weren't the ones that outsourced slave labor to do photo ops of cleanup efforts the list of b.p.'s criminality goes on and on and all these
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men are not responsible for that criminality they are the ones paying the price so for not pursuing a more harsh punishment for b.p.'s corporate board to the fullest extent of the law and for being the one man and body image of a two tiered justice system attorney general eric him to holder jr you are today's villain. let's look at more of your ever seen anything like that. you know i really don't even want to talk about general petraeus is right resignation the other seems to get more ridiculous by the day but as the scandal on unravels it leaves a lot of questions that the corporate media has failed to address which isn't surprising because whenever the media focuses on a torrid love affair and web of lies it's usually for a reason to distract us from more pressing issues so what does this scandal really
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boil down to and is it really a matter of national security to break that down and more i'm joined by mark weisbrot co-director of the center for economic and policy research thanks so much for coming on marc i have a great to be here so i know you've been following the scandal as it's been unraveling the bottom line here can you break it down for our audience well it is it's got a lot of things it was a lot of. the late night comedy will bear making a big thing out of the title of her book. all in there it really is. and so it's rich in many ways and i think one thing it shows is the. this you know for the last forty years there's been this truism that you know conservatives think that the only crimes are those having to do with sex and liberals think that they have to do with other things like murder torture or beating other countries and this is kind of an extreme example i mean here's
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a guy who presided over this implicated in death squad activity for example in iraq. he was wrong he was completely wrong. about afghanistan the surge was going to work you know try to convince the administration of this and it was so. and you know this is what matters this is what becomes investigation nobody is investigating to see whether. the what he did in iraq or have. stan was wrong or maybe violated the laws of war committed great crime absolutely you know interest is just on the hill today talking about ghazi he was briefly asked about the affair he said once again there is no national security risk if that's true why did he resign. that's a good question i think they didn't want this scandal to widen that you know it
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already involves general allen know as well and then we don't know what's going to come out in those e-mails between him and jill kelley so. security breaches you know paula broadwell made a speech recently where she kind of foreshadowed foreshadowed patrice's testimony today where she said that the attack on the benghazi compound which included a cia annex was because of the cia had taken prisoners and was possibly holding them and so today general petraeus in a closed hearing changed his story and said unlike what he said at the beginning that it was this video he said that it was actually planned terrorist attack so there's all kinds of things that can get messy and i think they wanted to resign to try and cut the scandal short it's amazing that you know the director the cia as you said overseen kind of all these illegal campaigns assassination campaigns and
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try to strike drone strikes i mean two ground wars resigns over this love affair it is just amazing to me and and also the thirty thousand e-mails i mean how is it that someone who's overseeing it to you know one failing war these insider killings is has time to write a. mail there in how does he have a time yeah i was going to you have to and then the new york times had a long article about the social scene in tampa and between the military these lavish parties that jill kelley would organize and all the things going on there and you know a lot came out in this you know these other. details like. these two generals both wrote letters on behalf of jill kelley's sister who was involved in a nasty custody battle saying what a great mother she was and how the kid belonged with her and things like that and the judge ruled completely the opposite said she lied about everything made her pay three hundred fifty thousand so you have these two generals putting themselves on the line for the sister of buddy who was obviously
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a close friend as it unravels there's so many layers it just you know as we know the affair was known about for months before it just seems like all these politicians have dirt on them all of them are involved in these kind of sex scandals but then they just get out when it's convenient i don't really know it's a strange thing that happens in politics i guess and i think well what's really also important here is i mean i think probably the most important thing is that the military is treated by a lot of the media as just untouchable and patris through i mean he was considered a hero a possible presidential candidate forming biography from paula broadwell but not just her a lot of other people and who you know weren't having sex with him and you know and this is something that really has to break down when we can't even have a real reasonable discussion about foreign policy and these wars these wars that we don't even belong in that go on for a decade or the war in iraq where a million people died and you know nothing happens you know nobody's punished for
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lying us into war for example and i think this scandal shows that these generals are like other politicians in a lot of ways they lie they have sex scandals too and you know this isn't shouldn't be news they lied in vietnam it's when it shouldn't be news that's why it's you know you always have to be wary when you see the media the corporate media picking up on something twenty four seven and running it nonstop i wanted to show a headline of a piece that you actually said from the onion that i thought was hilarious and it really exemplifies the perfect american culture right now. nation horrified to learn about. war in afghanistan will wreak. scandal i mean it goes on and you know just say i was horrified to learn that we've been in a war for years while reading on this sex scandal i mean why do people care more about sex scandals than wars is that the media or is it us like what came first the chicken or egg are we demanding it from the media or is the media feeding it to us and that's what i think it's most of the media feeding it to us i mean in spite of all the media for example you still have the vast majority of people want to get
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out of afghanistan even i think it's close to what you already are around a majority of republicans as well. because of mass pressure really from the anti-war movement you've got over ninety percent of the house democrats voted to set a timetable for withdrawal which the obama administration didn't want so there's a whole movement here you don't see it a lot in the press is not in the street so much but there's thousands of people pushing their members of congress that have mass support and the hard thing is to force the government to change its policy but i think people do care it's just this is what really makes the news and gets the news excited yeah i mean as we know the corporate media serves to you know it's a business model it's not to inform us i mean it's to sell products and goods and they know that sex sells they know that this is the titillating information that's going to get people tuned in but you know why you know i just have to ask this
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if indeed this whole thing that the media is finding over the classified information if it did indeed fall into the wrong hands that they're saying that could have been potential with these classified e-mails i'm sorry with these e-mails why is it that bradley manning sits in a cell the tension facing the death penalty and you know the chance would probably go off without it without a scratch yes well because he did something they didn't want he told he gave the world information that they didn't want to be released and it wasn't because of national security but because it embarrassed the united states government and expose actual crimes i mean we. you know what he gave them he's only accuse but if he did the things they're accusing about. it's just information the same reason they're going after julian a son you know. it with you it's you know this is information they don't want the world to know they really don't and they really resent it and that's why i think the media it's a little worse than the picture you depicted. i mean that's part of the picture you
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. painted of them you know just wanting to sell and sex sells because i think that's part of it but also the other side of it is they really believe in this mission of the united states kind of ruling the world well fortunately for time it is unfortunate they defied total line of the government appreciate mark weisbrot thanks for coming on thank you. things like this country's sexually repressed or titillating sex scandal between government figures is the only time that people seem to tune into politics what does it say about society that the train is resigned for having sex instead of oversight of a legal borders drone bombing and assassination campaigns. wealthy british style sun. spot on.
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