tv [untitled] November 18, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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foreign media offices in gaza come on the far from israel which maintains it's only aiming at terrorists. among other targets civilian homes and refugee camps while tel aviv comes under rocket attack yet again. and other stories from this week israel's troops exchange for with syria where the rebels are gaining more support from the west to get rid of the assad regime. and the eurozone since back in recession as millions take to the streets in the first coordinated pan european strike to demand an end to austerity.
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with a look back at the past seven days top stories and the latest developments this is the weekly on the israeli airstrikes on gaza a raging with at least two killed in the latest attack foreign reporters in gaza are forced to scramble as their office is a target by israeli bombs with several journalists wounded tel aviv says it wants to send gaza back to the middle ages and is preparing a ground invasion while militants retaliate with unguarded rockets. as the latest. the reports we're receiving is that hoffa of the people who have so far been treated at shifa hospital which is the biggest hospital in gaza city off of the people being rushed there are in fact children the hospital is simply not coping it's running short of space and also medical supplies at the same time there was an israeli air force strike that ten members of the same family killed when a three story building in which they were collapsed around him were also witnessing an increase in the target of german sister organization you see on your have an
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office in gaza city and just an hour after they left their office because of electricity cuts that office was destroyed by an israeli air force strike the israeli air force has targeted two media buildings and the army is not apologetic for this it says that it was in fact top indication and ten up on the roof of the buildings that are being used by her must and that the i.d.f. did in fact know that they were journalists in this building we do know that several people among them journalists have been injured so we're hearing from the army that they were aware that these foreign journalists and that it's becoming increasingly more dangerous for foreign journalists to work inside gaza and get the story out two rockets have been intercepted in the skies over television now they were intercepted by the iron dome missile defense system that was only launched of the city on saturday this is the fourth straight day that tel aviv has been on the receiving end of long range ukrainian made missiles while talking to people here in tel aviv certainly immediately after we had these two missiles that were
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intercepted the general mood here is that the mall tel aviv comes under the firing line of missiles the more the government is going to be more prone to wardes launching a ground offensive there has continued to be movement of tanks and armored personnel vehicles along the israeli gaza border we also heard from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu at his weekly cabinet meeting that he will significantly expand his operation in gaza and many people are reading into that that that means that a ground offensive is on the. cards the i.d.f. cheats also ordered an increase in the number of sorties aimed at militants in gaza so we are expecting that that also be an increase in air strikes over that of gaza city in addition to this we having seventy five thousand reservists who gathering in the south of the country they haven't been given orders as far as we're aware but certainly they are positioned well positioned to move into gaza if indeed they are called on to do that in london however has warned the tel aviv government not to go ahead with any kind of ground offensive saying that this will merely not well
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in the international community and be hard to justify but we have however heard from the american president barack obama and he said that israel has the right to protect itself so there is an alliance amongst israelis that if they go ahead with this ground offensive they will receive support as they always have in the past from washington the army has also sealed all roads around gaza so those two another indicator that a ground offensive could be just a matter of hours if not days away. well earlier i interviewed israeli defense force spokes person who said the journalists hurt in israeli strikes only have themselves to blame. we're talking about two media buildings indeed but on the roofs of these media buildings hamas wisely positioned a whole system of communications and electronics for its own personal or operational work we targeted only these and tanner's these communications center
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and i spread films earlier today showing this exactly and you can see an accurate hit on the roof none of the floors were targeted of course there was a little bit of. it as a result of the explosives on the windows shattered in the one but the direction was not to the floors but rather than ten as the communication centers on the roof i think that if a journalist chooses to locate himself near hamas facility that's a mistake and we are now in operation defending half of this country's population and we are determined to continue with this operation until we bring some peace and quiet to this country the equation is very clear if there will be quiet in israel there will be peace and quiet in gaza but of course what the international community is really concerned about now is the increasing number of civilian deaths now last night i spoke with one of your colleagues joe sherman he claimed the mass is actually rounding up civilians to shield targets you're about to bomb now now how can a mass possibly know your exact targets and respond quickly enough hamas to start
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getting all the israeli cities you're more than welcome to spend just two hours in one of the biggest israeli cities that were targeted for the past two years either be'er sheva or ashkelon which dog each of these cities have more than two hundred thousand people did you ever feel what it's like to run into a shelter and have fifteen seconds to do it or to raise children in a family inside a shelter protected room and sleep there night after night this is not something normal this should not be this way but of course you can also gazans we can also have as the same question of course i beg to differ because you can't make this equation hamas the star getting sick. villianous we are not looking to target civilians we are targeting terrorists and the why is. the very reason the call reason why this is happening is because of israeli policy towards the gazans the way they've been suffering from this blockade that has been the provocation as well blockade there is a border to region of the roughest border it's opened do you know that every day we
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allow patients from gaza to get hospitalization in israel despite the rocket fire do you know that we supply electricity to. we supply truckloads with supplies every day even today it's a matter of fact more than one hundred thirty trucks entered gaza with a variety of supplies according to the requests this spite of the rocket fire what other country in the world would act this way documentary filmmaker activist harry fear says it is impossible for civilians to avoid a mass since it's the only legitimate power in gaza hamas is the government here hamas is responsible for the police force here hamas is responsible for the health center see how mosque is partially responsible for most of the schools here so hamas is everywhere here guys how are the gazan people meant to avoid hamas members of the media having to act with a lot more in terms of movements what sort of footage that able to actually get of the sort of people they're evil even able to speak to talking to people that might
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be targeted for example then puts the journalists in danger because of the attacks on the media centers and because of the killing of about four children here and what's being called the massacre today things look like they are going to escalate very quickly after what was in relative terms a low yesterday and so things are looking more grave and gazans are saying to me in the in increased numbers that they are preparing for israel to invade in the next twenty four hours that wasn't being said yesterday. despite aid reportedly being sent into gaza u.n. spokesman chris gunness says gaza's headed for humanitarian disaster due to political failure israeli bombing runs and the notorious blockade we were hearing as have others that the situation in shifa hospital is deteriorating very rapidly and let's not forget that even before this latest flare up in violence shifa
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hospital had been hit by the blockade there was a lack of medicines there was a lack of training a lack of equipment so that already bad situation in that hospital one of the largest in the occupied palestinian territory has been made worse there are shortages according to the world health organization of essential and lifesaving drugs what we're seeing in gaza is the result of political failure we call on the politicians and the people who are able to make peace to redouble their efforts to do so because for every hour that goes past another child another woman another civilian the elderly the sick the dying they are in harm's way it's a situation which we in the united nations and in under find unacceptable in must end and it must and forthwith on air and also online we bring you the latest from the middle east with live updates on our twitter stream and our web site r t v dot com log on to find out about an unexpected third party joining forces with the
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gazans outraged by what they have proclaimed an ongoing abuse of human rights internet hacktivist group anonymous declares cyber war on israel find out the details about their online crusade on our website. now in addition to the conflict with hamas in gaza israel has also been fighting on its northern front the israeli defense forces confirm they fired artillery into neighboring syria in response to gunfire aimed at its troops in the disputed go and hide so let's get some more analysis from in the political analyst glazebrook than it looks like alongside the offensive against gaza tensions are heating up on israel's northern border what's in it for tel aviv to be playing with fire and two fronts. well i think as over as are as i've often said everything that happens now
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in this region needs to be seen as part of the preparation for the planned invasion of iraq the war against syria the war against gaza the war against the shia populations of bahrain and saudi arabia promotion of sectarian conflict in lebanon all of this is an attempt by the western powers and by israel to try to craft any potential allies or sources of support for iran to isolate iran this is part of the regional framework for preparing for war against iran so when the attack comes other powers other potential ours will not be able to respond and was what's happening right now what's happening right now is that israel is taking advantage of the situation in syria in lebanon where sectarian conflict in lebanon means that hezbollah is in a very difficult position taking advantage of this to attack gaza in a time when it feels hezbollah is going to be unable to respond or to come to the aid of the gazans and this really shows the importance for israel of destroying the
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syrian state in order to we can isolate and continue the destruction of palestine because before this recent conflict in syria hezbollah might be expected to open a circle against israel in your bent of an attack on gaza as they didn't two thousand and six but but the in syria spilling over into lebanon is made it difficult for them to do this so they're taking opportunity the problem in syria to step up their attacks on the palestinians and that's exactly what we're seeing now right so you've given us an explanation of how you see a wider perspective here but what about what's going on with the e.u. for example the european initiative now where it really wants to send officially weapons to the rebels that won't those of course who backed the government in syria and you mention iran there of course do the same thing said that's where we'll see iran getting involved directly. potentially potentially but you know really what needs to happen the west is on
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a clear war agenda here only if you commit me to give you a wider perspective that the west in this economic malaise economic chaos there is not going away it's actually just going to deeper and deeper at the same time i was in the east the rest of the world is rising relatively speaking a comically so as the economic powers develop china and the other powers their military will also increase and the military dominance of the west will be threatened so the west has this very small window of opportunity right now to use is crumbling military dominance to attempts to wipe our any independent regional states around the world as preparation for again isolating china russia and eventually turning on them as well this is the only strategy it has economically column is going that's the only strategy has to maintain its dominance by using this small window of opportunity works he retains its military dominance in the world to knock out potential rivals knock out potential suppliers of china
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russia no surprise i was also and so and so isolated so in terms of yes i've got to quickly ask you this is a proxy war that's going on in syria but there again aren't the syrians people interests at stake here and isn't the syrian national coalition that's just been formed representing those people it is an initiative for them isn't it. well no i mean that to go fuz the french and turkey have all claims that the syrian national initiative is the sole representative of the syrian people but is clearly clearly not still has massive support in syria especially in the main cities in damascus and aleppo involves the end of last year showed fifty five percent support for our side even amongst the opposition many of those in the opposition who oppose our side and want him to step down do not actually support the arms molesters who are fighting in syria sponsored by the west misalliance so the syrian national
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initiative certainly doesn't represent the syrian people i mean it's clear why the gulf the gulf monarchies claim that it does not recognize the syrian national initiative shot as the representatives of the syrians i mean the thing about the gulf monarchies day they were their families who were empowered by the british empire and pay tax you for their subservience their corruptibility and their indifference to the sufferings of our people so when the gulf states say they recognize the syrian national initiative they mean and a very literal way they actually see themselves in it. but really there's two possible outcomes for the war in syria we've seen that the rebels have stepped out of offensives in july and august both failed dismally so that the only possible two solutions are either ceasefire negotiated settlement which is what china russia and actually the syrian government pressing for all on the other hand it seems like the rebels for them to win and for the syrian state to be destroyed will need massive intervention by the west at least stepping up weapons supplies and even britain and
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france now seem to be trying to pave the way for a no fly zone which means that outright western invasion remember the west will sell nothing so nothing less than total destruction of the syrian state as only and this will guarantee that they can cut off their links they're running a spoiler and guarantee that they can allow their corporations to basically take over the syrian economy that will leave it there thank you very much indeed downplays broke live there in oxford in the u.k. . frogger barbara said to become the first ever u.s. president to visit my mom party as live analysis of what's behind this is for a trip and just a few minutes. and china gets its next challenge jim ping will meet a new group of officials to hold the country's course purva after the break we'll look at what problems in beijing economy might face.
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in this remote siberian village people still sing the songs which russians sang in the middle ages and they cherish the nation practiced by the will set up church before the seventeenth century the old believers he resigned the area are a conservative community. the day believe me there yet again i feel that i know i'm the first to do it the. people here are happy to show their way of life to tourists and to show them how to dance in the local star. seventeen year old nadia is from the same village she now studies in the city and dances at a club. she puts on her costume and the traditional amber necklace only when she
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comes to visit her grandmother. and i think i didn't ask on time pronouncing this because i want to keep up to date with this morning world but still i would like to have camp my background how my ancestors layer their attachment to the church brought not just an sisters to this remote land east deflate by call more than two hundred fifty years ago they were exiled in persecuted for not agreeing to luther. docs who formed in washington the sixteen hundreds killed believers still bolland cross themselves with two fingers not with three as they do in modern orthodox churches in russia and never knew when praying was more and more young people leaving for a big city it's this here is the old believers culture could be imperiled. nazia plans to continue her studies abroad the grandmother says wherever she goes as long as the jews are fresh in her memory so is the culture of.
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fartsy life here in moscow the eurozone has been hit by a second recession according to figures published on thursday this just hours after a twenty four hour strike so more than twenty. ripping countries virtually paralyzed as people once again vented their frustration over disintegrating economies. reports. saying that. greece. italy. and portugal. europe's most debt ridden countries jame together with many others for the continent's first cross border mega strike from the beginning it was clear that emotions were running high in many places madrid saw violence only on announced
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a brief come to break the anger of the testing every day for various things put up between the protesters and the riot police is packed right now almost three thousand meter it's not going to get more symbolic candy for the feast of by the people say there are right now all across there are the three legged governments and between the people themselves that those who have your therapy but those. are the bullets and violent confrontations with the authorities about coming in on t. familiar sights the consonance leaders stance the disparity is a necessary evil cut the sky high deficit only event of the fourteenth the people of europe seem to have formed a county union to fight back against the prevailing tide of the starrett city ahead of next week's budget meeting brussels will have been watching closely as the scenes of police and protesters battling one another played out across the newly built peace prize winning. rates. sociologists call
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still close who took part in once a strike believes that with around half of young spaniards are already out of work more cuts won't save anything. a protest isn't about a solution a protest is normally about something you don't want so in this case what they're protesting is easy to austerity is cuts in social spending and cuts in social rights and the expansion of social misery people can make the argument that austerity is a solution to the current problems being faced by your european citizenry and in particular by the southern european citizenry the problem is what does that austerity mean is that neoliberal e.u. austerity where you cut basically all of those all of the social protection that keeps people from descending down to a sort of downward spiral of social misery and with all of that escalating conflict or do you leave social protection in place and cut in places where there really is
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overspending such as bank bailouts in and and areas like these. barack obama is set to become the first us president in history to visit my ma as part of his asian tool should say the visit is aimed at promoting democracy and human rights in the region international affairs defense analyst joins me now for some analysis from san juan puerto rico. in two thousand and eight obama's first official visit as u.s. president was to canada and this time around he's going to asia what does it tell us about the course u.s. foreign policy is expected to take in in the next four years. well indicate emphasis in. america's interests economic trade. rejoin. the way call for a world that would throw well from iraq cross this tulu withdraw from afghanistan
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in two thousand and fourteen a very interesting well my husband was straight that with his b.c. tool it what i would call for about a tool called me on my bicycle rental. one for the case so bored me a mar to. demonstrate america state's interest in the democratic process leave the one tree i'm not the same time it went to reassure the lead there are so cool mark of the united states once more people cry if you could movement towards the democratic process. i'm sorry to interrupt here it's not a brilliant quality of sound we call that can we leave it from i will get back to your little bit later because it's interesting what you have to say but we're just pause for a moment and we'll get back to a bit later in the meantime thanks a lot. ot a live in moscow coming up we take a look at how one woman raises eight children while having an international
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business that will be after this brief break and the news continues and thirty five minutes from now. technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. download the official ati applications to cell phones choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's l.t.v. is not required to watch all its hear all you need is your mobile device to watch r.t. any time and. culture is that so much about the taxpayers' money and it is a chemise because
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a lot of people at area china has successfully transitioned it fell through another leadership change the last decade has witnessed this country transformed at tremendous speed. hit in sorrow. and hope for escape. barely surviving longing for a godsend. they live in a search for gold. why doesn't it bring them wealth. commission free accreditation free zones for judges free. range month
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that. i preside over one of the most successful companies in the market is a consulting company giving advice on legal and financial matters i can't imagine anything more efficient or useful. before making millions of dollars a career began at the very bottom of the ladder this thirty eight year old woman is troubled speaks four languages and is an excellent on so. at first glance she might seem just another unmarried careerist with no children but cannot is far from it throughout her career she is pulled to give but as she leaves the maternity ward for the eighth time. mother and child are greeted by her husband and seven children . number eight.
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he's too young to be aware of the fact that his inexhaustible mother has begun yet another new project. to live in a foreign country. a life is reminiscent of a successful business. but it's all a question of time. between children and business. women. maternity leave. more than half of twenty five female employees have not reported for work today.
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