tv [untitled] November 20, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm EST
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i think really that's the starting point the u.k. interference is clearly based on the principle that they will decide who shall and shall not be the government of syria and. on all basis of historical precedent some acceptable. so the voice of all syrians then do you think it's legitimate to call a rebel bloc but i guess your answer is no. well i think the same principle applies by what right does the government the british government decide who isn't is not the voice of the syrian people plus the fact that. this new body was produced in a very strange way by the arab league which has a central mandate the preservation of the sort of sovereignty of the arab states and what you have is a small group of very wealthy states leading a process allied with western states to decide these questions which is certainly
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not respect for the sovereignty of an arab state. working or what is there at the moment there are groups of course within syria who while wanting assad out don't want to work with this new coalition it begs the question can the rebel you know have any success where there are so many factions within it. yes i mean i think that this is as much as anything labile to divide the opposition in syria because you will then have a faction of the opposition which sees itself specifically as being dependent on these twin outside seas of interference and then you will have a large body of of of opinion in syria which is actually in one way or another opposed to the regime but not at all in favor of placing themselves under the control of this foreign backed body and that will actually divide the syrian people even more. let's go back to the british position the british foreign secretary now
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promising a million pounds of so-called communications support to the rebels backing it up where it's not just words here by the looks of it what next weapons supplies you think. well they're hinting at it i think it i think what your correspondent pointed out should be emphasized because the british government mistake and to using words in a very peculiar way in recent years they use words like. lethal aid and you know warfare is the sword and the shield all kinds of warfare from antiquity to now have been the sword in the field if you provide a better shield that's not a defensive thing because you better shield means that your sword is more and in the same way those communications equipment which especially today are absolutely central to warfare so yes it's a continuum and they are playing with words when they talk about not providing of
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iran's other wonder who next what happens if all e.u. nations officially recognize the coalition is not going to pave the way for foreign intervention into the day. well certainly that's the slope they believe they're on but then again i mean. from their point of view they have to be quite careful because obviously france has let this process a few days ago. britain has kind of broken ranks with the united states to ally itself with france but for example if the rest of the does not follow then that actually isolates britain and france to some extent so they've got a lot of problems they nothing is guaranteed and of course the situation on the ground is not guaranteed so they could end up with egg on their faces we talked about just now the coalition composed of various rebel groups i wonder thirty parallels with libya there of course when colonel gadhafi was ousted a similar organization failed to create any kind of order is syria going to suffer the same fate final thought. well clearly that that's on the cards you
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know if you if you. go in and you destroy the existing bases of the over there that's not at all a guarantee that you get. stability afterwards and then if you have this foreign factor that's also a fact on top it stops being a syrian process and being based on syrian reality and becomes something laid in dictated from outside which is even less likely to create stability so yes the a parallel with libya is obviously that you can peace activist your brand thank you thoughts tonight on r.t. international pre-shared. afghanistan's president karzai calls the united states to account for ordering officials to take over the american run prison at two months after control of the city was due to be passed into afghan hands we got that story coming up a lot more as well after the business. of talking which will be in the studio about
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obviously means it's business time telecom in the spotlight today for all the wrong reasons but you go exactly the see had his home spy investigates is. a conspiracy that's going on going to have all the details in the business both think of the teasy for now also the fact that the london matches encouraging russian oligarchs to get themselves that to do with all the legality said the cleaners would like the money for cleaning. it was got a version of the stuff you got that as well but it's all he's a color so we know that's a very exciting stuff all of that is coming up in the business but it's. just off of the pike. wealthy british style science and sometimes.
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markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy which makes cars or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. kids in sorrow. and hope for escape. barely surviving longing for a godsend. they live in a search for gold. why doesn't it bring them wealth.
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war criminals we have. groups. all. right you know. what. that wasn't. the smadi when i was fifteen yes you can't win and you certainly can't do it through the barrel of a gun salute effective social changes can be the afghans themselves afghan men and women. cannot cross. but. it's up to the shut up and. stop people in the obama administration talking about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't
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care about the women of afghanistan. to least be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic. reporting from the world talks about six of the p.c. interviews intriguing stories are you. just been trying. to. visit. the the. blind in. brighton if you move out soon from phones to. meet friends don't talk t.v.
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don't. laid out welcome to business as russia's leading telephone operator telecom is at the center of a huge corporate scandal that says please raided houses of the company's c.e.o. and one minority shareholder in a fall of two hundred twenty five million dollars thomas has the details. today actually these two men had their houses radio raided and of course this is alexander who is the c.e.o. of ross telecom and the largest minority shareholder of the company constantine in connection to this two hundred twenty five million dollar embezzlement scam what happened is back in two thousand and seven a fund called the marshall fund basically invested in this company called agro prom and they were going to purchase these milk dairy facilities that produce. formula
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for children and what happened is to secure that loan from. a bank they took the collateral and they under took under-valued collateral and they grossly overvalued it and used it to secure this loan well in two thousand and seven that company went bankrupt or they defaulted on their loans and it's believed that basically this this fund was on both sides of the transaction thus the embezzlement side of things now the t.b.'s said that they're going to do everything they can to get their money back this two hundred twenty five million dollars they went to court in the u.k. and they secured ten percent of the marshall fund assets so that they could freeze that and try and get some of that money back in return the court in the u.k. said hey v.t. bank what are you doing why are you securing a two hundred twenty five million dollar loan this is just not usual business practice and they got a little bit of a finger wagging if you will on their business practices as well so right now.
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going after their two hundred twenty five million and everyone is looking into mollify have into his business practices as well and that's where we stand at this point what's important to point out is that officially telecom is not implicated in this scandal specifically only the c.e.o. has been looked at because of his connections even though it's officially not involved it did not stop the company from losing at least four percent of their stock shares immediately after this news was given in the middle of the day now it . did rally to close only two percent down by the end of the day but still a significant loss the largest single momentary loss in more than two months for that company but also if you look at the timing it's a little bit suspect as well because it comes just one day before ross telecom was supposed to announce their third quarter earnings which were expected to be a little bit lower than usual and though that announcement now has to be postponed so not very good news really for us telecom today. now one of those companies seeking a court case in london on the ferry say math and as it happens on this map or
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styles and has come up with all that cheeky suggestion to improve the capitals budget as he's the super wealthy from all over the wall to use the city's courts to result that disputes. if one only go on thrills defamed by not only gong it is london's lawyers who apply the necessary balm to the ego i have no shame in saying to the injured spouses of the world's billionaires if you want to take him to the cleaners take him to the cleaners in london because london cleaners will be grateful for your business. and as we know the british capital is already a favorite place for russian oligarchs to seek justice to discuss this in further detail let's cross over to the best knowledge. so what do you reckon should these russian oligarchs be taking boris's advice. you know i really don't think so i
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think basically it's. just a great way for the british judicial system and of course for lawyers to make a lot of money and of course johnson with a famous offbeat sense of humor is basically suggesting that it's nothing but a cash cow all right he argues that these cases keep the wheels of the economy turning while sure they do write the famous the much publicized versus run want to bring movie each case is a good example the true russian oligarchs ran up the legal costs of one hundred million pounds that's one hundred sixty million dollars making it the most expensive legal battle in the british history and last year the russians helped a london one hundred top one hundred legal firms that make more than five billion pounds that's a record according to the guardian well at least you can be happy that the lawyers are paying their taxes working say well it also tells you all the great i mean what is wrong with everyone making all this money clearly the russian courts aren't up
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to scratch that when it comes to commercial space well i think neither are the british courts really certainly not when it comes to cases like these six and a half billion dollar case of barrymore. vs. precisely because it involves the events that took place in a foreign country decades ago and most of the key witnesses are dead and according to the financial times more than half of the cases london's high court commercial division are currently related to russia or the form. soviet republics precisely because the judges in london have no idea what took place in those days. time and you know it's basically just very much a while that is what it is they say justice must be blind but just as seekers
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should definitely keep their eyes wide open instead of blindly following their super rich counterparts to london i think yeah but i think it's fair to say these guys they know that business they know how to control that money surely they know how to get the dollars that rubles that pounds worth they would just be throwing money at anything to storing it down the drain well but i think that's exactly what they're doing actually if you think about it you know in addition to. mortgage there were a number of russian tycoons that had their dates with their business partners or spouses in london's courts including of course. the release in victor vessel birth parents to name just a few and what we don't know about is the level of satisfaction for either the plentiful or the defendants in these cases do we know not really two months ago
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russian billionaire. lost is sixty five million dollar mansion residence in london's chelsea to his ex-wife all good sloot's current london's high court now all of my female solidarity aside i'm sure mr sluice had a lot of questions for the british judicial system at the time and as devoted as brazil. was to london as the legal venue he too had his moment of doubt when he lost his case to remove it surely you know this here watch this. remove the judges of the democracies but the thing about that is not think it and thirty please be sure to use but that is not think of it. but to be able to go to discover it. ok let's ask what if we're talking about a litigation to say two russian tycoons at least one of whom is still in russia
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oh in that case it's absolutely useless why because there's no bilateral in force of a treaty between leave and russia meaning that any. judgment of a british court is not going to be inforced here in russia so the only thing that's for sure is with a lot of colorful details about russian business practices and personal lives of the russian super rich these cases become a very juicy morsels not only for the lawyers but also of course for the media and days plenty of money thanks very much during the. good days i took of the money let's see how wall street is getting on because got us starts continuing the downward spiral that's after monday's rally we had packed all taking a beating on the news of accounting improprieties from twelve percent also added to
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the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke he said the central banks ability to offset with is quote not incident moving on the european stocks have choppy day them out of france was dealt a downgrade of their aaa sovereign credit rating by agency moody's all but interestingly the cac the french bourse actually gained seven tenths of of this so that so it seems to be priced in anyway this part of the euro zone finance ministers discussing greece's future finance needs without admire to check out the euro it's now really flat houses investors hold tight to any resolution on that greece's weak response and downgrades well the russian ruble finished up today's session actually gaining against the basket the russian markets they ended mixed last had a call that we've been chatting about they were among the worst performers also the country's economic ministry has said it could increase this year's capital outflows for sixty five to seventy billion dollars. more news coming from my
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colleague kevin and right after this short break stay with us. if you're passing through rushes to veer region you really can walk on the wild side thousands of kilometers of unspoiled countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the land and enterprising locals so the fruits of the forest by the side of nearly every road. such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fisherman and provides a business opportunity for hunters. going on he has been hunting for more than thirty years and works for a company providing expeditions for tourists this season ducks are on the menu. for two things a successful duck hunting a patient a bottle silence which means that i need to be very quiet i'm not going to write in
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the. office. but when you've been in the business as long as he has the birds don't stand much chance. there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive but environmentalists are fighting back the heart of just u.s. forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island. here wolf pups who've been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and
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they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up. and this is what i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf i had a chance to get close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to act as pasta parents for the next generation of wolves who come here using the old awards as surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every year i place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs his parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's an important part of the world's development and a major factor in the success of a project which has seen more than twenty generations of cubs grow up here it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolfs reputation in
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russia. but the keepers here hope their research and dedication mean that wolf island remains a place where visitors can truly understand the call of the wild. afghanistan's president hamid karzai is all of these top security officials to take full control of the president air bases still run by the u.s. despite an agreement to transfer power to afghan authorities back in march he calf nothing kabul. this is really an issue of sovereignty for the government of afghanistan we have to keep in mind that the prison is an enormous very controversial detention center here in afghanistan and has more than three thousand afghan prisoners who have been held there without any sort of trial or due process
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with the courts fifty seven of them were actually found to be innocent under afghan law by afghan authorities and what we've heard from karzai spokesman on monday is that actually as many as one hundred new prisoners are being put into that detention facility by the americans mainly through special forces night raids that's month one hundred new people and so you have this issue where afghan nationals on afghan soil are being held by foreign. occupying force and this is really prompting a lot of disconcerted by the government here within afghanistan what we heard from one actually human rights expert is that the afghans simply want the prison the ability to determine what to do with the fate of the prisoners and this is why karzai issued a statement saying. his officials take urgent measures to ensure a full afghanization of the prison and a complete transfer of authority although it is unclear that there's going to be any immediate changes it looks like this process will still take
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a bit of time to pull through the americans are saying this is a matter of security they say that they have found that the karzai government has released a number of prisoners who had ended up going back to the taliban or carrying attacks against coalition forces or u.s. troops and they also say that they have the rights under rules of war to detain so-called belligerence although of course when there is no due process no court system is sort of ensuring this it's hard to tell who is a belligerent and who is just a local afghan who's been swept up by this massive prison system and we have to keep in mind that this comes just days after a very critical times talks between the u.s. and afghanistan over the future of american forces presence in afghanistan after twenty four but the issue of sovereignty again. and came up. strongly a porous opposes immunity for american troops who kill afghans on afghan soil he wants them to be tried by afghan law here in this country whereas u.s. military officials staunchly are against that and they want their military
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officials essentially to be brought back to the u.s. to stand trial there and this is of course become much more controversial after the recent high profile trial of the massacre of sixteen afghan civilians by an american soldier who is now being persecuted and washington state in the united states so what this really boils down to is a lack of trust by both countries which is quite disturbing if you look at the way forward here it's been another bad day for the eurozone with from stripped of its treasured aaa credit rating for second time this year this time the downgrade came from moody's which condemned the block second biggest economy started with an exposed crisis strategist says the time is running out for euro zone johns to act. the european union economically as it stands is an unsustainable organization it's an unsustainable financial economic. so with this downgrade actually i think it's pushing france and germany and some of the bigger countries to do is recreate the european union i mean stop supporting some of the other economies such as
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responsible spain italy and you know kind of regroup and recreate your kenya in order for the european union generally and france this typically to reset itself the economy and people are going to suffer there will be thinking if we can't shocks to their comfort to their pocketbooks to their households there will be a combination of both economic necessary and austerity measures and needs seen across the european union and understandably so you know most citizens aren't ok with that so i do think we will start the war protests across france. we've got more analysis now on the situation in gaza for you and so main story tonight so we got more on the just a couple of minutes time stay with us. you
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know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture. do we speak your language i mean some of the well or not advance. news programs and documentaries and spanish more matters to you breaking news a little too nativity angles kidneys stories. for you here.
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in troy culti spanish to find out more visit. all tito it's cold. war lords give him a note so we have a lot of illegal call the groups the colors of his influences also i've used in the right enough to just find out it was like when you have that knowledge that wasn't forced my agent spoke with maddy when i was fourteen yes you can liberate their when you certainly can't do it through the barrel of a gun only if they give social changes will be the afghans themselves afghan men and women we believe are going to stand up to across. without us. it's. construction. people in the obama administration talking
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about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't care about the women of afghanistan. will do the trick to let the world pass you by as the best and brightest take minds gather in moscow some came to work while others came to play get up close and personal with devices that recreate masterpieces and scan russian treasures from inside and from space to keep us safe from oil spills and forest fires unleash your inner gadget geek teenagers search for the next big thing in the computer world and rushes over. goodies clipping to take the fight straight to their competitors not what you hear on a large sheet we've got the future of coverage.
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