tv [untitled] November 20, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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there are. signs of hope after days of violence there appears to be an offer to end the fighting between israel and gaza we'll take a look at efforts to broker a cease fire and how u.s. policy is playing a role in ending the conflict. and those anti muslim ads are expanding here in the u.s. they've been popping up on subway stations for weeks and now they're being placed on buses around the country we ask are these ads free speech or hate speech. and reach out to family and friends but at what cost the f.c.c. is taking a hard look at how much prisoners are being charged to use telephones are they being ripped off because they're locked up the party looks into the issue in just
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a moment. it's tuesday november twentieth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our t.v. . well begin this hour with the deadly crisis in the middle east talks of a cease fire today after one of the bloodiest days of the conflict in gaza over one hundred people are reported dead there three people in israel have been killed as rare israel defense forces continued airstrikes overnight while dozens of rockets were reportedly fired from gaza into israel today u.n. secretary ban ki moon called for a cease fire in gaza saying a ground operation there must be avoided. while russians may be aimed at military targets inside gaza. and enjoys civilians
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and then each civilian infrastructure is. corrosive c.v.a. lives is only acceptable under any circumstances the excessive use of force is only open and must be rejected. meanwhile the u.s. is sending warships near israel on board are two thousand five hundred marines u.s. officials say they'll be on standby in case americans need to be evacuated from israel now the officials say the ships are not meant to serve any combat are all but the decision to send the ship signals a growing concern over just where the conflict is headed for more i spoke with r.t. and her national correspondent policy where i first asked her if talk about the cease fire has been any comfort for people there. well if that means comfort because it is a sign on the horizon that what we've worked at for the past seven days is coming to an end but it certainly doesn't mean that it's a long term solution we are hearing conflicting reports on the one hand hamas is
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betting that a cease fire has been agreed to and goes into effect from midnight local time tuesday but we're not hearing the same kind of statements being made by the israeli government they are calling for some kind of twenty four hour. delay period where they are calling for some kind of twenty four hour period by which the situation can be assessed and they can determine whether or not a mess is in fact serious about implementing this kind of truce the egyptian president mohamed morsi has said that he does expect the israelis to stop their operation by the end of tuesday so the signs of the the words are being said a cease fire is about to be implemented if indeed it has not already been and we just haven't been notified about it but you need to remember that we're talking about sworn enemies i mean a mass has on its charter the call for the destruction of the jewish state is welcomed sort of her must a terrorist organization and none of that changes despite the fact that a cease fire is in a fix meanwhile secretary of state hillary clinton is on route to the middle east
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is there a feeling that there's a visit will really help resolve the conflict. it's not necessarily that people here feel that the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton's visit will help resolve the conflict but so see she will be the final impetus for this resolution for a cease fire taking place she will be meeting with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem she'll then meet with the palestinian president mahmoud abbas in ramallah she will not be meeting with her must because the u.s. does also regard her muscles a terrorist organization and this has evoked a whole lot of course of criticism particularly in the social media where i've been monitoring with people saying well how really can the u.s. be involved in this conflict if they refuse to a recognize and b. meet with one of the parties but so see we might be what this. from the israeli side a holding back in terms of saying yes we've agreed to this new science until hillary clinton is in fact in the region she might actually be the glue that brings this all together but again just to make the point that the u.s.
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is by no means with god as a completely neutral broker the sentiment in the region so see is that the u.s. is backing israel president obama from the start said that he did understand the israeli position and that it was justified in terms of needing to defend its borders which did not obviously go down well with hamas so you have the u.s. always being perceived and perhaps rightly so too has israel on its side well certainly everybody that's been experience experiencing the violence the past few days is hoping for peace the u.n. is also seeking this peaceful resolution secretary-general ban ki moon is discouraging a ground war in gaza meanwhile thousands of u.s. marines are heading to the region paula what kind of message is that sounding. well the message is no one is neutral when it comes to any kind of involvement particularly in the middle east i mean you have the egyptians who are the mediator but certainly they have a very delicate nine two to balance in terms of on the one hand representing the
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growing cause of the egyptian people which is essentially a sympathy in a brotherhood with a mouse and on the other hand not annoying the united states which supplies so much funding to cairo on an annual basis the fact that you have for example the united states involved in this again not a neutral broke a very much seen as supporting israel always putting israel's interests first you have the united nations you mentioned banking moon he has been holding talks in cairo and he is now here in israel as well to the united states to the united states is not necessarily viewed positively by either the israelis or palestinians the israelis a voice felt that the u.n. takes the palestinian side and the palestinians for their side feel that the u.n. could do more so depending on who you're talking about reserve the the player in the international community it comes with all that baggage and it's perceived in that context the fact that now you have these marines coming to the region again only further entrench is the perception particularly amongst our lives and palestinians that the u.s. is involved for self interests that the u.s.
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friendship with as well is partly a self-interest of friendship and so what you're international brokers are doing is at the end of the day motivated by self-interest ok and certainly times have changed you have mentioned egypt and right now there is this new egyptian leadership with a closer relationship to hamas than under president hosni mubarak how is that affecting egypt's role as a mediator or a role egypt has played in the past. well there's been a lot of discussion about this here in the region i mean you need to realize that the egyptian president mohamed morsi was unable to say the word is rolled up until the two days ago and it actually slipped off his tongue whether it was a mistake or whether it was a test of acknowledgment of israel is something that has stirred the israeli public opinion and you can see a lot of that in the commentary pages of various newspapers egypt has come to the fore it is certainly playing a central role and this has always been the intention of the egyptian leadership
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was to put themselves back on the map we would have seen a very different type of mediation happening if it was the former egyptian president hosni mubarak so me it's well known that he was on the side of israel he did not carry the same kind of support and he would have gone that extra mile with him us to try and broker some kind of ceasefire or perhaps try and implement what we how witnessing now home from the egyptian government but having said that morsi comes from the muslim brotherhood which is and is in the midst party and he is under criticism for in fact having any kind of interaction with the israelis for twenty to pacify the militants in gaza he is increasingly interesting enough being seen as almost a more moderate voice than he was before this conflict began so it's a very interesting development just watching how the egyptian leadership and particularly that of the muslim brotherhood has evolved as indeed it has had to since it's come to government
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a very delicate situation over there in the middle east paula thank you that was our international correspondent policy we're. also out on r.t. of the fallen is the only way to communicate for those locked up behind bars but could some prisons and phone companies be ripping off those in jail the story when we come back.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call i don't know. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about uses our own. kind of their terrorist cells in your neighborhood i don't want to give us a to defeat terrorism a liberal and a christian point you. can secure building but it's. clear the pope are going to distract us from what you and i should care about because there are profit driven industry that sell the facials that garbage because of breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break that. well for someone behind bars phone calls a home are virtually the only way to contact the outside world but those calls to
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family and friends are costing a pretty penny in state prisons this graph puts it into perspective a basic plan from cricket is four cents per minute for long distance or unlimited phone calls and texting for thirty five dollars a month the federal prison system cost twenty three cents per minute but here is where it gets outrageous a call in a georgia state prison be a private company global telling cost a dollar and thirteen cents a minute that's about seventeen bucks for a fifteen minute phone call and while it's the family is that incur the cost the phone companies and state prison systems are reaping the profits even federal prison systems which charge much less still make money off the calls now the federal communications commission is taking notice of the exorbitant fees the f.c.c. announced it would seek public comment in prison phone on prison phone rates so why are the rates so high and can the f.c.c.
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change anything i'm joined now by drew kraus the research associate for the prison policy initiative drew welcome so now it seems that not all prisons are created equal when it comes to charging prisoners for phone calls federal prisons cost significantly less than state prisons as we just saw why is that. well in the perfect the federal prison system operates its own phone system unlike state systems which contract with just a handful of phone companies the largest of which is global telling which controls about fifty five percent of the state prison market in the united states and how just how lucrative would you say this prison telephone industry as well just to put it into perspective a little bit tell it was purchased by a private equity firm your about a year and a half ago for a billion dollars so it's quite a money making addition it's wow can you explain how states are making money off of
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this. you know what happens in the zone prison phone contracts are the state prison system so request for bids from the prison telephone companies and global telling or security technologies which is the other big companies will submit a contract and in their contract they'll be a requirement what is is a commission and that's just a fancy word for a kickback and what it does is it requires the phone company to pay a percentage of all the revenue that they bring it back to the state prison system and the average kickback across the nation is about forty percent wow so we see that there is an incentive there to be charging the higher rate so it looks like state prison systems have no incentive to offer the lowest rate at all yeah it's actually the exact opposite of what you would expect in sort of an ordinary well functioning market where you know the state would select the lowest bidder here in the state has the exact opposite been sewn in which is to select the company that
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promises to pay the highest commission which they then pass off and consumers which are the families of incarcerated people for the most part right and meanwhile those that are incarcerated it's either the prisoners are the family that is bearing the burden of the costs they have no choice but to fade the papers have to face is that correct absolutely and almost all the contracts around the country are exclusive contracts so it's not like you get to choose between global telling or security technologies you just have to you know pay the rate for the company that has the contract for the prison that you're incarcerated in and you know by and large room prisoners in united states make very little money you know fifteen twenty cents an hour and so the families end up footing the bill for most of these calls i write in kind of thinking of the long term or at the greater f.x. of this how does family contact help prisoners and terms of their. set of is
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a marriott. you know having that contact with family members of course i think it's millions of children do have at least one parent that is in jail so what are the greater implications of this. as you point out there's an approximately two point seven million children the united states who have a parent was incarcerated and the overwhelming social science research over the past few decades is concluded that the only counter during the period of incarceration lowers recidivism rates and so this is been accepted by congress it's been cited by the united states congress in federal legislation it's been cited by state legislatures in the handful of states that have reformed their prison systems and it's even been cited by the american correctional institution which is the the professional so she can better credit reasons and states rather
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direct and so it doesn't look like it's doing anybody very good to be charging these have these have to re it's what can the f.c.c. do about this so the f.c.c. has the federal regulatory body only has jurisdiction over interstate long distance rates which tend to be the highest rates in the united states and what the f.c.c. is considering right now is proposing a regulation to put a maximum price cap on the amount that the prison telephone companies can charge on those interstate long distance routes ok i kind of want to take a look at the other side of this for those that might be advocates of charging these high rates you know those that think that this is just fine let's say prisoners have been convicted of a crime and serving time means you get certain rights taken away and if that means the same makes more money off the prisoner so be it what's your reaction to that. well first of all it's mostly the families of prisoners that foot the bill so it's
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actually the people who you know really haven't done anything wrong at all that or end up being with these high prices which are sort of a regressive tax actually if you think about it. so that's one thing that i would say the other thing i would say is that approximately sixty percent of the people in jails around the country are unconvicted so they haven't they haven't been to trial they have been convicted of anything and they're still being forced to pay these high rates so you know i would respond to people by saying that it's mostly the families of people in prison that pay the rent and there isn't there's even a good portion of people in jails that have nothing convicted of any interest and want to ask i don't know if this is a way to get around up or what about collect calls on people with family members and presents a generally receive collect calls is that a different system is that a way to circumvent these higher rates know the higher rates apply to both the collect call and the prepaid calls most calls made from prisons and jails or
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collect and the rates are the highest for the collect calls the other way that prisoners paper calls is through prepaid systems which they can purchase a phone card through the commissary account at the prison or the jail of course the fact that prisoners don't make any money while they're working in prison or jail means that most of that money that gets loaded on to their commissary account comes from their friends and loved ones on the outside very interesting appreciate you coming on the show and weighing in on this that was a jerk across care research associate for the prison policy and i should have. thank you. well another controversial ad campaign is hitting u.s. cities they cause outrage in new york city and washington d.c. but now they've been slapped on buses in chicago and denver here are the ads that are being called racist and divisive the first one there reads nineteen thousand
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two hundred seven deadly as la mc attacks since nine eleven and counting it's not islam a phobia it's islam a real asm the other was states this is the one that we did see here in d.c. and also they popped up in new york in any war between the civilized man and the savage support the civilized man support israel defeated jihad at the odds are sponsored by pamela geller is american freedom defense initiative so is this ad campaign dividing communities or is a perfectly fair perfectly fair free speech to discuss i'm joined by a. co-founder of existence is resistance welcome there are so these are the new ones there that are popping up on are being slapped to the buses in chicago and they call their campaign is lamo realism your reaction to that wording i think that's for the trying to justify does rhesus
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ads again it is considered a muslim before big extremely rhesus divisive and trying to instigate hatred of muslim americans and muslims around the world and it's really disturbing that they're back up again you know she may have a right to free speech of the put them up but we have to acknowledge that it's hate speech now what do you think that the ads target extremists because that's what pamela geller has said in interviews in the past or do you think they target muslims as a whole i think they're targeting muslims as a whole. anybody you may even look like they're from the middle east warrant because reese is. a star. hitting on a group of people that is going to target you based on your how you look just i did that with the sikh community that was shot by this ariss pages when the shot of the sikh temple so i don't believe that these ads are targeting extremists at all i believe the targeting muslim americans are americans palestinians lebanese south
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asians pakistanis people of different backgrounds who practice islam so. there are reports of an islamic ad campaign now with that in the works isn't titled my jihad. and you know it says these ads one of them there said defeat jihad. what does that mean to you i know the literal translation means struggle what does that mean to you to me personally and to many people i know to jihad means working hard waking up to your family paying your bills going to school going to work being a good neighbor treating people respect being loving and that's what that's what jihad means to me and it is as their force for a couple of reasons the first reason is she's trying to say that you must if you don't support israel you are savage but as we see what's going on now in gaza it's what it's what israel is doing is savagery against people in gaza the palestinians not. being against israel if you're against israeli policies you should be because
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they are killing people as we speak right now in this interview people are dying in gaza there's nothing civilized about bombing homes and hospitals and schools and occupying the whole people she's trying to tell us that it's civilized to support apartheid against a palestinians that's what these ads are basically about to justify is really colonialism against the palestinian people and we want to say that that's wrong that that savagery what's going on against palestinians and i know that on the flip side what they are going to say that it's also savagery to be hurling rockets into israel it's really an comparable you know i mean just looking at the death toll the palestinians are very over a hundred fifteen have been killed a large amount of children civilians are. majority of the victims israel has barely anybody has barely been killed by these rockets is really kind of a joke to try to compare to both israel's the one committing the savage crimes against the palestinians even former president jimmy carter said israel doesn't want peace they just want to continue continual war and
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a lot of rain rockets have been intercepted so i think it's fair to say that the technology in israel is far more advanced. definitely the technology is far more advanced and israel is the one instigated all of this in the first place not the palestinians not the rockets from hamas israel's but continuing to build settlements continuing to occupy palestinian land continuing to kill people every day when they hear it on the media but every day somebody is killed shot jailed young kids in jail so you know the media tries to portray it as it all started with hamas rockets that's totally false it did not start with that it started with israel being the aggressor continuing its policy of apartheid in colonialism against the palestinian people and that has to end for there to be any real settlement an end to the violence israel has to be put in its place and told by the un and the united states to stop the occupation stop killing people stop firing missiles because nothing civilize about that at all ok since nine eleven it appears that our we've seen a lot more reports of hate crimes and we do say that these ads feed into
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islam a full islamophobia. excuse me and as a member of the muslim community. what's your take on that that's the reason i'm against no i believe in freedom of speech but i'm going to see these are hate speech just the n.y.p.d. today along with the f.b.i. i just mentioned they're getting they're getting together with the hate crime task force to investigate a possible serial killer in brooklyn murdering middle eastern shop owners three middle eastern shop owners have been shot to death in brooklyn one of the new one in bensonhurst and one in a bay ridge does it is this is a guy who is targeting middle eastern shop owners who goes in there in the evening and start shooting them now the n.y.p.d. saying they believe it's a hate crime. he's a serial killer intentionally targeting people based on earth in a city just last week there are a million of stabbed another man in front of a mosque in queens and hurled some anti islamic hate speech towards him so i believe there has been an increase in hate crimes against the muslim community the arab community the south asian community after nine eleven but also with these ads
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now i believe these ads are instigating exactly we're talking about hate crimes and violence against american citizens who just happen to be muslim or look like they're from another country different than what these people want them to be and that's unfortunate and that's why these ads are dangerous here in d.c. and in. new york they tried to prevent these ads from going up but it was ruled as we had mentioned that it's free speech what do you think do you think that these kinds of of ads that some find very offensive and divisive should not be allowed to be put out. you know that's a debate that's going to go on for a long time i want to say clearly that i believe it is hate speech but you know the hate speech do people have a right to promote hate speech maybe they do maybe there is a space for to to go hide under free speech but let's be clear that this free speech is hateful is racist promoting violence and that we have to be clear about that because i don't believe as
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a double standard that there was the opposite of you know muslims putting up anti jewish i don't believe it would be tolerated as much as a point i want to make that there may be freedom of speech but what is tolerated what is not is seems like if you're targeting one group of people they'll justify it on the free speech but if you target another group of people they'll say you know this is anti-semitic this is racist this is not allowed this is unacceptable in our civilized society i just want them to say the same when it comes to hatred against or people not just against one group of people they should be there's hatred against anybody which is speak out against it. you know just like there's been ads that are countering these ads one by rabbis of not for human rights and the other by a christian group course a journalist even putting up these ads saying i love the muslim neighbors and the choice between hatred and love choose love and you know and i believe that's been a proper response to these races but i want to be clear that she's trying to say that this if you don't support israel then you're a savage but as we see right now happening in gaza it's totally false if you support israel you are supporting savagery and we are at
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a time and really really appreciate you coming on the show you very much. cull founder existence of resistance. well coming up next hour to use the capital account with lauren lyster let's check in with lauren to see what is on today's agenda lauren hi liz well news today that u.s. regulators are expanding a probe looking more closely at what kind of advantages high frequency traders have over average folks average investors you or i if we're going to try to play the stock markets if we want to risk that so anyway this is the f.c.c. probe this is something we've talked a lot about it sounds like this kind of side by world war algorithmic traders have these crazy exploitative practices to exploit us second but really that is what's going on and to give us a real objective perspective of what that looks like as market watcher next founder eric consider that to be in just a moment right a lot to live for were there thanks for that update laurin that is coming up in a half hour but that's going to do it for the news for more of the stories we
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covered check out our youtube channel youtube dot com slash r t america also check out our web site r t v dot com slash usa follow me on twitter liz wall we'll be back here in a half hour. well . it's technology innovations all the developments around we've got the future avar. war. groups. also are. right in the fear of just like. it wasn't. the smadi when i was fifteen years old you can't win and you certainly can't do it through the barrel of
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a gun only effective social changes can be the afghans themselves afghan men and women. i'm going to come not to across. the patient it's a position and construction to stop people in the obama administration talking about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't care about the women of afghanistan.
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