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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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a a a a a a a a a. blogs are going to washington d.c. and here's what's going up tonight the big picture after the twenty twelve show lacking republicans have learned to move very important lessons one they have to lie more and two they have to suppress the minority vote for just a moment what's in store for the country over the next few years as one of the two major political parties goes completely insane also we've seen a lot of so-called job creators announced layoffs since the election so they can afford to pay for their employees health insurance but that's not the reality there's a new report out the corporate america does not want you to see and will expose it
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a little later and also obamacare won't fully take effect until two thousand and fourteen but in one county in illinois residents are already seen the law's benefits explain one innovative new way of providing health care in america with the guy who's leading the effort stage and. you need to know this two weeks after election day and republicans are still blaming their loss not on themselves in their radical allegiance to the one percent and their obsession with female body parts but instead they're blaming their loss on the voters first it was paul ryan talking about the urban vote and it was mitt romney talking about always beautiful people wanted from president obama and then just last night bill arrived early love a man to the changing american electorate and how untraditional those americans are
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who voted for president obama. if you win you seventeen writers who actually look at the exit polling you see that a coalition of voters put the president back into the oval office that coalition was not. it is you know which means it veered away from things like traditional marriage robust capitalism and self-reliance instead each constituency that voted for the president whether it be single women hispanic americans african-americans whatever and very few specific reasons for doing so what do you think was going on at the democratic convention when a variety of speakers put out a long laundry list of things they want the government to provide unlike all these super rich people who voted for mitt romney they didn't want the government to get many things did that follows big oil corporations they didn't support romney so they could receive forty billion dollars more in subsidies that all those banks there's on wall street they didn't support romney so they could keep the tax loopholes that allow them to pay a lower income tax rate than most working class americans they all are defense
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contractors in virginia they didn't support romney so they could get another two trillion and events got dragged did they i think they did and those are the real gifts or as stuff like health care college assistance citizenship privacy those are gifts a bill those are basic rights those are the bare minimum the people need in this country in order to make it. point o'reilly is really making or trying to make is the same point that scared white men have been making for decades pat buchanan just wrote a book on it's a suicide of a superpower and that point is american demographics and psychographics are changing but rather than seeing that as a good thing a sign of progress people like bill o'reilly in the republican party see it as a frat they're scared to death of what america would look like if it was less white or congress would look like with a few more women or blacks or hispanics or gays in it in the face of this perceived threat the republican party and its mouthpieces basically have two options one they
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can live which there are already doing claiming that our economy runs best when wealthy and mostly white job creators are given enormous tax breaks or complaining that forty seven percent of the country doesn't. work to make people reilly's nontraditional voters from voting. and there are already working on that one to voter id laws restrictions on early voting voter purges they were all intended for one purpose to suppress the minority vote and just because it didn't work this year doesn't mean republicans won't keep trying to desperately preserve their dwindling white majority at the polls take for example what's happening in wisconsin democrats won big in wisconsin this year on election day but the state's republican governor scott walker wants to make sure that doesn't happen again in the future as constant as one of a few states in the nation that has same day voter registration allowing wisconsinites to register and vote on election day as
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a result back in two thousand and eight that state had the second highest voter turnout in the nation with nearly a half million people fifteen percent of the electorate taking advantage of election day registration studies shows same day voter registration boosts turnout by seven to fourteen percent in north dakota you don't even after register to vote you just vote and most of those voting creases are among low income and minority voters people who tend to vote for democrats which explains why during a speech last week republican governor walker pushed for getting rid of seemed a voter registration saying students across the country would have same day registration a real problems it would be much better of registration was done in advance of election day would be easier for our clerks to handle at. it also be easier for his republican colleagues to then purge democratic voters off the election rolls just like jeb bush did in florida in two thousand which is the real reason walker wants to scrap same day registration so this is the republican game
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plan moving forward demonize the democratic electorate as irresponsible moochers and then keep away from the polls they can't vote might happen tony joins me now he's an attorney and host a ring of fire radio mike welcome back. to play on how it's incredible why do republicans insist on calling basic essentials like access to health care and education gifts well you know what is she telling me i was in philadelphia yesterday at a common theme that surfaced virtually with everybody i talked to about the the presidential election was the backlash effect. on the republicans in their effort to keep people from voting stories about lifelong republicans who were angry about the kind of g.o.p. corruption that prevented people from voting from voting they actually said in protest we're going to vote for obama that wasn't just one or two of those stories i heard stories about independents who had never been active in
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a ground game never been active on the ground in election who took off work for the first time in became politically active because they were angry i mean livid about the republicans efforts to bastardize the process nothing galvanizes in motivates decent rational thinkers than to take their rights away so what you have now the branding that's taken place and it's amazing tom that leadership doesn't see this or whatever that leadership might be it changes day to day that that what you have is a brand that's not only rejected minorities and women and elderly and workers and students and labor but as the story continues to develop like the story you're telling about scott walker the g.o.p. tea party they're conveyed is an angry bunch of hustler. who are more than willing to trample on citizens' rights the most fundamental right we have. to vote so scott walker stories don't really help this republican party go forward but you have
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there are basically you know two strategy or two two strains to the republican party there are the traditional kind of goldwater conservatives i was going to say eisenhower but eisenhower really could as easily have been a democrat but the traditional conservatives who it william f. buckley said you know a conservative is a person stands a wart astride the arc of history with this and i was shouting stop right now the reason i just don't like to see what happened change that's the old fashioned conservatives and their they're proud of that you can actually make an argument for that change should be slow any other model and then there's the basically the dixiecrats that nixon brought into party the southern racists and how can the republican party move forward with either the conservative wing which when america is actually changing very rapidly we're seeing this with gay rights are seeing this of the the demographic changes in america how do they move forward either the conservatives or the crazies when you know america is actively rejecting both i
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mean might the republican party be going the way of the whigs oh absolutely i've said it so many times and first of all they have to begin by rejecting the idea that americans are stupid or too stupid to recognize what the g.o.p. is doing that they're branding this banana republic fascism and it claims to their brand a little more completely every time they do something crazy like scott walker a best example of that i can give you of what scott walker for example the effect that it has they tried this in maine you might remember last year you had a fully neo legislature that tried to sneak through a law that revoke the right to register on the same day to vote referendum to. was two to one against that governor and against that legislature so it's the interesting thing to me about it is i like hearing these stories i like hearing the stories because i don't believe that the electorate is too stupid to read to
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recognize the corruption that's that's been taken place and here's the big question . if if the republicans it won't work for them anymore to be old fashioned william f. buckley conservatives and if it doesn't work for them to be michele bachmann crazies what they have left. well they don't look if you're advising the republicans right now you're probably going to tell him the same thing that i would tell him and that is you know what guys you're going to lose a couple of cycles you're going to have to lose to rebuild and it's very difficult for them to get that in their head and part of the rebuilding doesn't doesn't mean that you do things like mess with the ballot what we should be doing tom what we should be doing to pressure them even more we need to begin this effort towards a federally standardized procedure where your standardized registration standardized ballot form standardized polling places standardized training for workers standardized challenges election day where you have
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a national holiday extend that voting day to an entire week you know what's troublesome to me is the democrats always fail to look back and be honest with themselves about what happened to them obama won in two thousand and eight but you know what the same stories we're hearing today we also heard in that election and you know what the administration the democrats did nothing nothing at all so we have to be proactive we have to we have to corner them into becoming extinct the best thing that happened you know the republican party the one nine hundred twenty s. was very much like the republican party of today you know basically the party of the plutocrats and and you know they went down in flames and they basically reinvented themselves with the white eisenhower they became the middle which pushed the democrats to the left so you know jack kennedy then lyndon johnson with the war on poverty became the very very progressive party in the minute we have left pap is
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a possible that the republicans could go back to kind of the eisenhower roots and create a space for the democratic party become more progressive. it any evolution for the republicans are going to be so long and so dismal i really do believe that they're going to win they're going to continue picking up governorships and legislature but they're not going to change the fab. of the party that very active getting more republican governors more state legislators is going to push the republicans into what i really believe is pure extinction i think you're absolutely right in and did take you know of a generation arguably too from the death of the republican party in the twenty's until until eisenhower to two generations will see my cab and tony thanks so much for being with us that i thank you. corporate america says times are tough but when it comes to their profits they couldn't be better at a new report exposed an inconvenient truth they don't want you to know that is they can afford to pay you much much higher wages so why aren't they.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot but you sir are you know what that is my terror cells you know want to give us a feature here isn't he a liberal the christian. kids usually go to the. you know the super you distract us from what you and i should care about because they're a profit driven industry that thoughtless and facial stick garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break that.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry. it was a big issue. in
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screw news there's a new report out by de most of the corporate elite does not want you to know about it's titled retail's hidden potential are raising wages would benefit workers the industry and the overall economy with a report finds is that the retail industry which employs more than a third of low wage americans in more than afford to give their workers a raise noting the retail giants like wal-mart and target employ more than a thousand more than a million americans and count for more than half of the four trillion dollars in revenue from the entire retail sector the most concludes labor compensation in the sector contributes only twelve percent of the total value of production making payroll just a fraction of total costs large retailers could pay full time year round workers twenty five thousand per year and still make a profit satisfying shareholders were reporting their workers for the value they
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bring to the firm or raise at large retailers adds twenty point eight billion a payroll for the year or less than one percent of total sales in the sector that's a much different tune from what you hear from the corporate elite we've seen a parade of c.e.o.'s announce layoffs since the election are you. they just can't afford to give their employees health insurance as required by obamacare a year from now these are the same corporations that have seen a seventy seven percent increase in profits under president obama which is the highest increase in corporate profits under one president in over a hundred years so why isn't corporate america sharing the wealth with their workers you know as very joins me is an entrepreneur and host of the truth for america syndicated radio show author of the book conscientious equity male welcome back thanks tom thanks for having me thanks for joining us if a major corporation can't afford to give its employees health care or a decent wage should they be in business. with tom first of all you mentioned about
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wal-mart let's take a look at wal-mart they import products from china they add very little value it's america's at a very sad place is that if that's where we expect our wealth is being created but these companies that you said that legal people after you election these are innovators these are many of their not it's a small it's a small band of right wing. that bristol myers i mean this is where america's wealth is created not at wal-mart you know i'm sorry i'm not buying it i'm not buying it at all and back to the question you've got five people five people believe the children of sam walton who in aggregate own more wealth than the bottom forty one and a half percent of americans which would include all of the workers the wall mumbles and why why why not say as you beating them up for not i not say enough is enough already. why not just say to the wal-mart cares enough is enough you own
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forty one percent of all the wealth in america you know you can continue to accumulate more wealth but you're going to have to pay your workers at least what the minimum wage was in one nine hundred sixty which in today's dollars would be twelve dollars and fifty cents an hour it tom i want people to make money i really do wal-mart is a stepping stone it's a beginning it's not the end of the problem with or a cousin what i see when i walk through a lot i don't see jobs because of you obama when i walk through a wal-mart in your faction neal when i walk through a wal-mart i don't see sixteen year olds just starting out i see people in their twenty's in their thirty's in their forty's in their fifty's in their sixty's i see the whole spectrum of american workers and they're there because there's nothing else they're desperate i agree with you that we've got a real serious problem in the last report and there's nothing about our business or actual answer yours are not creating jobs because they're totally spooked with what's going on around them we don't have job creators at the top neil will job is
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the olympic sprinters are the ones who are in wal-mart buying things job creators are consumers are commie is driven by consumption. if you want talk about the job creators let's pay the job creators twelve dollars and fifty cents an hour instead of eight dollars an hour then you'll have more jobs let's get them working in companies that is adding value like our manufacturing business is like are technology businesses take it up with a result within bodies all the jobs that are left is that wal-mart this is the real bomb a commie and it's killing our people neal i think you need to take that up with the republican party when nancy pelosi was speaker of the house she passed out of the house with legislation that would have done away with the tax deduction that corporations get right now if they shut down u.s. factories and ship their operations overseas and would have increased actually what its tax them if in less they would and would have given accident would have given them a tax deduction if they brought those jobs back home it was republicans in the senate
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who filibuster that piece of legislation it's the republicans who want to keep the jobs offshore not the democrats tom i respectfully disagree i was one of those manufacturers in asia that came home if we could just do in attractive people like me to come back home and i know what's going to take them to take to get them back home we have to have a simplified tax code that is competitive not raising taxes but having a competitive tax code we need to get this health care thing rewritten obamacare is going to scare our manufacturers off short even more than they already are and it's going to scare them to one of the other god of a lot of the thirty eight o.e.c.d. countries where the only one that doesn't have a national health care system is going to scare them to what some other one another one of those tax country in the world we have the highest dark that is absolutely not true and that is not true that is absolutely not true of the richest of the thirty richest countries in the world we have the second lowest effective tax rate for corporations and we have the lowest of the second lowest tax rate factor tax rate for the top one percent you get people like mitt romney who are paying fifteen
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percent in income taxes you know no but you know again that's unfair because i strive america to raise more than that and he was giving flu. percent of his income to charities. and that makes up for it therefore we shouldn't charge him taxes come on we look at that capital gains is much different than ordinary and if we want to put yeah you have to work to get it just so at lunch we have to make it we have to make it competitive for people to learn to invest but you people are not going to invest with all of this uncertainty in with the growing hostility of the business the certain affairs government wants to kill people like ok neal. you know i hope you're well defended if the government's going to get you thanks a lot for being with us they think we're having you can talk. now on to some health care and it is residents of cook county illinois are about to see some significant new benefits thanks to president obama and the affordable care act starting this week more than one hundred fifteen thousand residents of the county will receive letters informing them of how do you roll in that counties new public health care
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program a program was made possible thanks to obamacare which expands traditional medicaid in participating states to allow residents under sixty five years old and with incomes up to one hundred thirty three percent of the poverty level to receive government health care the law officially kicks in in two thousand and fourteen but cook county obtained a waiver from the federal government to start up their own program more than a year earlier joining me now to talk about that this new health care program and how what it will look like and how other counties around the nation can draw some lessons from it is dr to dr rom c.e.o. of cook county health and hospitals dr as you welcome to the program tom time given having me here thanks for joining us tell us about a cook a cook county or county care. county care is a program but it basically under the accountable care for the first time i do is in medicaid to
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a group of people or basically poor they're there not necessarily at the present time illinois medicaid only if you are disabled blind over sixty five and children under eighteen but this will basically give them access to a large number of people would it quiet access so badly in cook county because cook county has got one of the. worst health care disparities in the country and this will help us to get a proper preventive care primary care and the better care for the chronic diseases would be much better handled by the accountable care act so we have taken the opportunity of enduring them yearly a year earlier and putting them in a chronic care to model what we call a coordinated care model thereby they will all have a medical home you care to manage both inside and outside the hospital system and thereby we keep them out out of the expensive emergency departments as well as
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unnecessary inpatient admissions about what is it what it program when i first read a verse it occurred to me medicaid is the single payer health care system basically it and and here you are building in this you know expanding on medicaid a building out the system based on medicare is this. and you know i think right wingers would view this as a negative conspiracy i'd view it as a positive one and maybe conspiracy is the wrong word but is this an expansion of single payer health care in the way you know it used to what people said tried not to understand is the fact that it is so important to have access because the end of the day. the taxpayer paying the for health care at the end of the day it's better to pay less at the friend turn so that you keep them healthier and managed care better than to pay very expensive care of the year end of the disease process saw it is really a great program to to get them involved in health care of the year earlier part of
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the disease process did well we can keep them healthier and i believe strongly healthy communities so important because here the community is a most productive community if the most productive communities economically vibrant community so he'll care is so important for the basic economic development of any particular country that's where most of the european countries are really concentrated on keeping their people healthy and so far in the health care system we want to pay for secure is a first time under the affordable care act we have an opportunity to play for to pay for health care so i am really excited that this is a great opportunity and i believe this is the first time in my life i've been the health care were thirty years the first time in my life i'm able to ship the health care for the betterment of the people as opposed to paying for secured towards terminal three or four days of somebody's life i get it i are other counties
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contacting you and asking you do this are can we do it you know we have been in contact with other counties and they're trying to figure out how to get that done and some of the maladies started doing some of them around the same philosophy of managing care better for having somebody the sponsor does it care does this not work in one of those red states where the governor like it down a floor rick scott saying no i i don't why are hundred million dollars in medicaid money it's it's socialism so we're just going to let poor people in the state you know whatever i get health care provided all in my my opinion time is very of a sponsible because patients in the the people need to health. by deciding not to accept money or not expanded the disease process does not stop there it just goes on so you're basically putting some people who are in this are not able to get a proper health care because of the political the politicization of the accountable
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care act this is really it. is not good politics i know it understood that that concept but yeah well it's there's a lot of money in the health care field and in our political system thanks to our supreme court that that money makes its way into the political arena and in many cases tragically doctor is you thanks so much for being with us today well thank you it was john for the opportunity appreciate it. after the break the so-called fiscal cliff looms and luckily for working people democrats had a good weekend picking up even more seats in the house of representatives so how do we help these new democrats to be bold and progressive in their fight for the working class jim carpenter progressive democrats of america joins me just a moment.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.


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