tv [untitled] November 20, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm EST
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but a bag of the big picture i've been coming up in this half hour with the departure of firebrand tea partiers or crazies like joe walsh and allen west and the arrival of progress is like alan grayson and elizabeth warren working americans finally have a chance to get a fair deal on capitol hill tim carpenter with progressive democrats of america is here to answer that question and later if you think it's crazy that karl rove tried to steal the election this year only to be thwarted by anonymous and you haven't been paying attention for the last fifty years of american history i'll explain that i'd still be to.
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get the best of the rest of the news down in florida his eighteenth congressional district tea party congressman allen west finally conceded his house raised to democrat patrick murphy further improving the democrats' performance on election day over the weekend in california two republican congressman finally conceded their close races to democrats as well also democrats kept get a different seat in arizona and held on elsewhere around the country to pick up a handful of more seats in the house of representatives all together democrats picked up eight seats to narrow the republican majority heading into negotiations to resolve the so-called fiscal cliff so how do we the people keep pressure on newly empowered democrats in congress to you know act like democrats and protect the interests of working americans with this so-called fiscal cliff looming let's ask him governor is the national director of p.t.
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a progressive democrats of america tim welcome context great to have you with us first of all let me. just. let's lay out progressive democrats of america p.d. america dot org inside outside game playing bean being the progressive force that is moving the democratic party i just like your refund the insurgency not the democratic party but to believe that we can bring the outside movement that social movement we are part of a larger social movement where the electorial are trying to bring the peace and justice community the environmental community the feminist community inside the democratic party that street we know that every great social movement begins out in the streets and ends up in the halls of congress whether it be prose a park sitting down in a bus and simply saying i'm not going to move to l.b.j. in the rose garden with dr king it starts with that spark and that's what pete is about unique in that sense to bring that energy inside the democratic party our goal is to elect a progressive governing democratic majority we're not there but we're better off tonight than we were a week ago right and to you're not part of the democratic party or you're
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completely separate from the democratic party and so it would be appropriate to say that your secondary goal is to push democrats and push the party in a direction that's more back to its roots to remember what f.d.r. was about what the new deal was about the moral obligation we have as democrats to take care of just not the middle class but the poor we're in the spirit of those democrats whether it be beginning with f.d.r. coming all the way up through stevenson and george mcgovern bell labs or truly chairs of the insurgent democrats the transformation of bobby kennedy took from the brother of the president to the only politician that really could stand with dr king and cesar chavez at the end of his career to take about our and bring it inside the democratic party to transform the party to be that voice we wanted so desperately to be to defend the program so that be so sturdy medicare medicaid these are democratic programs we shouldn't be in the halls of congress today defending them and telling democrats to stand up we should be proud of them we should be talking about not just this whole question of austerity but prosperity what are we going to do to move this whole debate away from this bogus argument of
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a fiscal cliff it's a bogus we're going to get it so that's what p.t. is about to take that energy make our president be the president we so desperately want him to be. we had his back now we need to get in his face that's what p.t. is about to get his back now i need to get in his face i love that so if somebody takes seriously my implication of the law at the end of the show you know tag you're it get out there get active that's and they go to p.d. america dot org which is the web site for progressive democrats of america what opportunities will they have will hopefully tonight they'll do just that tomorrow folks we're asking to go to their member of congress not everybody can come to washington and walk the halls of congress but tomorrow you can go to the p.t.a. website download a letter that simply says to your member of congress let's move to prosperity not austerity let's cut the defense budget let's not only defense attorney medicaid let's move towards enhanced medicare for all so what can a person do give up a half hour of your lunch hour tomorrow download a letter go to a member of congress and the tradition of thomas jefferson and the committee of correspondence and deliver your message to congress and get through this filter of six billion dollars that was just spent to start that message that's what petey's
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about to link you in your community with those that are making the effort to put our government back to work for not just as we said the middle class but to defend those programs have a moral obligation so that's what people can do that starting tomorrow some sometimes i see. outside movements you know outside of policy movements that are totally disassociated from any political party and you know as essentially circular firing squads with themselves and sometimes with political parties how do you maintain that balance and progressive democrats of america where you know you're moving forward but you're not shooting yourself in the foot i think the greatest challenge we face is inside the democratic party a lot of democrats say you spent too much time and the peace movement the peace process you spent too much time in democratic party so we think we're finding that balance a permanent change is difficult some of the hardest work we we can do it's a challenge but it's also some of the most rewarding when you can bring those who have interest in fact to and voting and you look at the numbers last week highest number of latinos never voted single women are coming to the polling places on
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president embers of african-americans to engage them and bring into the lecture arena it's very rewarding but it's incrementalism it's tough it's a hard slog we have to really. we're in this for the long haul in knowing that and knowing that you're part of a larger community that makes the day to day work you see in to and to plug in to be a part of it as you said get on the website know that you're not alone oftentimes you feel isolated depending on where you live that people don't simply think the same way as you might but you'd be surprised when you get in there and find out some of the strongest chapters of p.d.'s are in those red states people know why they're progressive and they're looking to be a part of something and that website is pedia america org. tim in two thousand and nine in two thousand and ten the concord coalition i believe it's called as a group out of out of the northeast i think other new hampshire put together a series of you tube videos teaching tea partiers are people who are calling themselves tea partiers how to run for precinct committee chairperson saying that this is where the real power in america is these are the people who determine the party platform these are the people who pick the primary candidates and they get
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they infiltrated all these party you know all these positions and thus we get all these tea party members of congress in the two thousand and ten election are you guys doing the same thing are you teaching people how to how to handle trade it's democratic party it's a christian coalition in the one nine hundred eighty pat robertson you've got to run at the local level you've got to get involved at the community level every county democratic party is organize within your county we have progressive democrats america are running slates of progressive democrats to pass resolutions in support of getting out of afghanistan in support of single payer at the county level you pass those resolutions you go to your county meetings then you're going to go to your state delegations just as they did in the tea party or that counterbalance go to the state parties run if you don't get through elected within your own neighborhoods it's something that's accessible to all of us it's a matter of taking the time to do it it's it absolutely is and that's always the challenge then isn't great but it's but it's actually quite painless people ready website tim thanks a lot for the great was always thank you toss to. speaking of progress listen carefully you'll hear the drug war breathing its last gasps following the story historic passage of marijuana legalization laws in california excuse me in colorado
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and washington our federal government is now under pressure to abandon its continued war on drugs in particular. war on marijuana eighteen members of congress wrote a letter this week to the department of justice to allow states to be the laboratories of democracy their phrase not mine and although i agree with it and create their own drug laws to address the quote disproportionate impact that marijuana has on minorities and quote the letter defends the decision of voters in colorado and washington saying these states have chosen to move from a drug policy that spends millions of dollars turning ordinary americans into criminals toward one that will tightly regulate the use of marijuana while raising tax revenue to support cash strapped state and local governments basically lawmakers in congress are telling the federal government to get out of the way when it comes to state drug laws last friday two lawmakers in the house introduced legislation that would exempt states with their own marijuana laws from the controlled substances act marijuana regulations this is not about letting america
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get high when they want to it's about ending a race racist ineffective and costly drug war that has ruined the lives of millions of americans and we're winning. just. the. it's the good the bad in the very very early ugly the good newark new jersey america cory booker after a weekend twitter spat with the tea party year over the role of government providing nutrition to its citizens booker proposed a challenge to his twitter troll he proposed they both try to live on food stamps in new jersey and try to feed their families for just one week to see how hard it really is today mayor booker said he's more than willing to do it if his challenge is accepted post-election the right has continued to demonize the poor as lazy and
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irresponsible and blame president obama's reelection on people voting to receive gifts time people see the true reality of poverty in america which is a constant desperate struggle well done mayor booker for bringing attention to. the bad florida senator marco rubio during an interview with g.q. magazine the early front runner for republicans in two thousand and sixteen was asked the question how old do you think planet earth is a responded to the question saying i'm not a scientist man at the end of the day i think there are multiple theories out there how the universe was created i think this is a country where people should have the opportunity to teach them all of the earth was created in seven days or seven actual errors i'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that it's one of the great mystery. marco actually there is ages somewhere around four and a half billion years and it's not it's rubio like the rest of his party is at odds with science and facts inject and the very very ugly rush limbaugh
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as usual limp balls used his radio show on monday to demonize the unemployed in america reported on how various organizations are calling on lawmakers. to extend unemployment benefits which are set to expire at the end of the year even two point one million americans without the financial assistance they need to survive it was . a coalition of advocates including the national employment law project held more than forty meetings with lawmakers on capitol hill during the first week of the lame duck session to make their pitch for thirty billion dollars to extend the. unemployment benefit program. well see that natural reaction that here comes santa claus here comes. his unemployment benefits and food stamps are gifts. one of the limbaugh would call the billions in
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subsidies to oil companies the billions in no bid contracts of defense corporations and the trillions of tax breaks for rich guys like him so those are the real goals of protection from sickness hunger and unemployment should be basic rights in america once again rush limbaugh is very very. coming up what do richard nixon ronald reagan both bushes and maybe even the romney have in common besides all being republicans are disturbing answer is up next really take.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot of you sir are a fool you know what that is my terrorist cells in your neighborhood all want to be wishing to feature a me on live from the christian point you. can stick your beliefs about it because it's going to support you to distract us from what you and i should care about because they're a profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break that.
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as i laid out yesterday's daily take it's possible the karl rove use republican tech company smart tax servers in chattanooga tennessee back in two thousand and four to flip the vote totals in ohio and the steal the election that year for george w. bush and just as possible they tried to do the same thing this year on romney's behalf but was thwarted by the hacktivist group anonymous many people have responded to these claims of the variation on ads impossible a presidential candidate committed treason and would never happen of a did it be front page news everybody would know about it right or wrong consider some simple history the first republican president my lifetime was dwight d. eisenhower and there's not a hint of scandals so seated with that election maybe that's because he supported
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the ninety one percent top marginal income tax rate on the rich and approved a very popular new deal programs like social security and unemployment benefits but i believe eisenhower was the last legitimately elected republican president. richard nixon who won the one nine hundred sixty eight election against vice president hubert humphrey followed eisenhower at the time the vietnam war was raging millions of students were in the streets and president lyndon johnson throughout nine hundred sixty eight was working desperately to bring a negotiated end to the vietnam war he finally got both the north and the south vietnamese to agree to terms of peace and by late september there was only a meeting in paris to seal the deal and then the cia brought l.b.j. a wiretap they'd intercepted between the nixon for president campaign and the office of president of south vietnam million two nixon basically told them that if they refused to go to the peace talks or at least refused to go along with the
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peace agreement that l.b.j. had worked out with them the nixon would give them a much better deal after the election l.b.j. was furious this was trees and because he could listen to the cia phone intercepts he knew that richard nixon was at the heart of it so he called the senior republican in the united states senate everett dirksen one of the most honorable men to hold a senate leadership position in generations and he told ever dirksen what was going on take a listen. i don't act good at a price shock america back spoke candidate bush playing with a source right. i don't know are good but it's very good but this kind of stuff they are good we. are. quoting some of these. are going to be an amazing embassy and please notify
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the press. but the second take you back and ever i go out to get this in the campaign and they are done this is crazy. ever dirksen at the end going i know every dirksen promised to contact nixon personally and try to put a stop to that treason and later conversations reported back to l.b.j. that nixon wouldn't even discuss it with him general to dog in his heels the war continued on for the last nixon won the election this is all historical fact so why doesn't everyone every american know that nixon committed treason in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight to win the presidency and in a conversation with dirksen l.b.j. said i don't want to let this get into the campaign he genuinely didn't want the american people to learn that one of the two candidates for president was a traitor he was afraid it was so horrifying and does an art disheartened the
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american people that would lose faith in the american democratic system in fact we american citizens didn't even hear these tapes what you just heard until just two years ago when they were finally made public by the l.b.j. library and even then they were largely ignored by the national press. l.b.j. took the secret to his grave as did hubert humphrey the vice president and the entire cia team that had outed nixon's treason the american people were not to know that the republican candidate was a traitor the next republican iran was ronald reagan along with cia director george h.w. bush at that time in one nine hundred eighty the shah of iran had been stricken with cancer and left iran for the us for treatment and islamists had taken over the country along with taking over our embassy and holding its occupants hostage barbara honegger who worked in the reagan state department wrote a book about that time titled october surprise she and reporter gary sick who also wrote
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a book of the same title both report of the during the week october fifteenth through the twentieth reagan campaign director bill casey went to paris and met with representatives of the ayatollah asking him to stop negotiating with carter and just to hold the hostages until after the election if iran would do this case he promised he'd get them weapons for the u.s. supplied military that the shot at a mast and he'd route those weapons through israel so nobody would ever know the iranians yes in fact the next day october twenty first the iranians inexplicably at least of the carter administration at the thought it was working out a deal the iranians stop negotiating the world later learned that over the next three days israel began shipping f. four fighter jet tires to iran the first of many shipments of u.s. made weapons to go that route through israel into iran over the next few years and on january twentieth at the exact moment reagan raised his hand to be sworn into
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office that was the moment to the minute that the iranians release the hostages it was their way of saying deal done. when we found out about it and that the money the iranians were paying reagan for the military hardware was being used to kill contra rebels in nicaragua it was referred to as the iran contra scandal but congress concerned that the details both of the weapons and of israel's involvement with the bush campaign before the election concern that those things might come out officially limited their investigation to events after the election on november twenty second one nine hundred ninety one eleven years after that election and after reagan was long gone from the white house gary sick was finally called to testify for a congressional hearing on intelligence and security there under oath sic exhaustively detail where his reporting had lied and how reagan and his team had committed treason he said but this evidence shows is
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a consistent pattern of secret contacts between the reagan bush campaign and iran the contacts began early in one nine hundred eighty from about the moment that william casey became the campaign manager for mr reagan they continued through the summer of that year in madrid for the first outline of a deal was reportedly proposed and accepted and where israeli participation was first introduced six then continue to testify the terms of the bargain were reportedly made final in the second half of october in paris the hostages were released minutes after president reagan had taken the oath of office and arms began to flow to iran from israel with the u.s. government acquiescence almost immediately thereafter also in the testimony six points out curious remarks made by the iranian foreign minister to the a parliament of iran on august sixteenth one thousand nine hundred member of public record he said quote we have information that the american republican party in order to win in the upcoming election is trying very hard to delay the resolution
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of the hostage question until after the american election and quote. this is what your recent testified before congress to sic further pointed out that statement was made only a few days after casey was reported to have met with an iranian representative in madrid for the very purpose described in that statement we didn't learn about casey in reagan's treason until years later reagan went to his grave with a secret as did his campaign manager who he made head of the cia by the way bill case perhaps for the same reason that l.b.j. told ever dirksen in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight that he wouldn't out nixon as a traitor. i don't act. like it was shock america back spokane a good bush playing where george strike on a matter of this importance. so again the american people were kept in the dark this time about the republican candidate being
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a traitor. the next republican running for president in a serious way was george w. bush and his brother who was governor of florida knew that the only way george could win was of tens of thousands of democratic voters were purged from the voter rolls suggest ordered secretary of state katherine harris to produce to me to purge tens of thousands of largely african-american voters from the rolls which she did harris could nearly sixty thousand mostly african-american voters off the rolls claiming that those people who comprise three percent of the entire african-american electorate in florida had been convicted of felonies and with us ineligible to vote turns out though that was a lie the list based on a texas felon list led to tens of thousands of completely eligible african-american florida voters with names similar to texas felons being denied the right to vote thanks to republicans throwing all these mostly democratic leaning voters off the voting rolls the election stayed close enough in florida that its outcome was you
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know in doubt after election night the florida supreme court the there because of this because of his orders state wide recount of the votes george w. bush sued at the u.s. supreme court in the infamous bush versus gore case claiming that if the entire state was recounted it would create and this is the phrase from the from the lawsuit irreparable harm to complaint george w. bush and quote. so the supreme court gave the presidency to bush and it wasn't until a year later november of two thousand and one that a group of new newspapers completed their count of the florida balance and when the new york times reported on it they buried in the seventeenth paragraph of the story the bombshell that had the supreme court not intervene and had all the ballots been counted in florida as the florida supreme court had ordered al gore would have won no matter how you count in the balance as the times reports if all the ballots have
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been reviewed under any of seven single standards and combined with the results of an examination of over votes mr gore would have won by a very narrow margin why was the story buried the times and other news publications did not want to deal legitimize george w. bush just a month after nine eleven the nation was in a crisis but the fact remains he hadn't won the election al gore had al gore still won't talk about this just like john kerry is only spoken to one reporter on the two thousand and four election theft issue the american people are not to know that the republican candidates and their brothers are or that his brother in this case george the bush were traitors so here we have all the republican administrations of the last half of the twentieth and early twenty first centuries nixon reagan bush want to bush to and every one of them took the white house by fraud and or treason to quote president lyndon johnson and now there are questions
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about karl rove trying to electronically rig the election of two thousand and twelve in three states and democrats very rational liberals are saying there could be a conspiracy there everybody would know about it president porat it there's no way if you got away with it you're been a conspiracy not arbonne well just look at the republican history the last fifty years as l.b.j. told everett dirksen. great. energy and it is. and that's the way it is tonight monday tuesday nov twentieth two thousand and twelve for more information on any of the stories we covered visit our website the thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org. and if you missed any of the night show you can now watch it in h.d. at hulu hulu dot com slash pictures also check out our two you tube channels or along to target dot com also you there you can check out all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget democracy begins with you get out there
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