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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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climbs into darkness as israel pounds gaza again and the body count is rising with more deaths and injuries among children. bought a true story maine's elusive whether palestinians accusing israel of stalling the ceasefire. the u.s. pledges to work for calm between the warring sides we will get out why washington show sympathy for innocent civilians being killed in some parts of the middle east but not so much in others.
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to be a mosque or you're watching r t i'm marina joshie welcome to the program now israel's bombardment of gaza has intensified overnight despite talk of a pending cease fire the number of palestinians killed in the weeklong of sounds of now exceeds one hundred forty was more than a thousand people wounded just take a look at how the tragedy in gaza has unfolded in recent days but be aware that these images are upsetting. i don't know what is the law but it will. go. broke.
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israeli bombs hitting residential district and killing civilians are daily reality in gaza those trying to record the calls like to the outside world are also being bombarded as journalist harry fear explains from within gaza. israel has intensified the pounding of gaza overnight and. particularly the targeting of governmental and police buildings and. police station was totally leveled causing structural damage to. buildings some of the biggest governmental structures in gaza city were targeted including the biggest civil service building here in gaza. in the southern area of the gaza strip was targeted heavily overnight particularly the smuggling tunnels which gazans called the survival smuggling tunnels were almost totally destroyed last i continually being pounded with helicopters and f. sixteen s they were struck over sixteen times last night israel killed three media
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workers short journalists two of them a cameraman for the t.v. channel another for the educational television channel and israel has admitted that it did deliberately target these civilians according to israel these stations that these media workers work for not legitimate journalistic enterprises and therefore susceptible to being targeted any time gazans don't expect to see a cease fire today they hope to see a cease fire yesterday but i don't expect to see it any time soon they remember all too well the operation cast lead and what's happened in the last twenty four hours resembles increasingly. the reports of white phosphorus destroying off the bridge that connects middle north gaza with the south of gaza the isolation of the south of gaza increasingly resembling an escalation akin to that operation cost of winter two thousand and nine. israel is not winding down its assault on gaza while some israeli officials believe all those civilian dass are justifiable collateral damage
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see how the fans ministry commented on the growing number of palestinian children on our website our team dot com. the graphic footage in gaza of dead children to maintain their deaths the hands of israeli israeli air strikes are the fault of hamas. so i can tell you genuinely generally breaks my heart you think that we want to see dead children on any side who are in this predicament that however with the most strategically surgical precision pinpoint strikes when they're hiding beneath their civilian population there will be collateral damage meanwhile how mosques blames israel forestalling peace talks in cairo hopes that a cease fire agreement was a matter of hours were earlier quassia by israel's demand for more time to respond to proposals artie's policy or brings us the details. the tonsils for ceasefire are
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increasingly elusive it's a far cry today wednesday what we witnessed from late tuesday when we were hearing that a cease fire was imminent at that stage a key hamas spokesperson said that the announcement would be made but now what we're hearing from hamas is that israel is to blame for delaying the whole process and thus essential he says that israel has not yet responded to proposals put forward on the table television however for its side says that the draft agreement is too much tilted towards the gardens it also says it wants to see a twenty four hour lull in fighting that would give it some kind of indication as to the sincerity of the gazans to actually enforce such a cease fire it's strange because you have all these discussions around a cease fire but on the ground you have a very different situation so at this stage it is still possible that a ground operation could be called on we in fact are hearing from the israeli foreign minister avigdor lieberman he has said and i'm quote quoting that calls from the international community to refrain from
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a ground operation only strengthen hamas and extend the conflict is a lot of questions being asked particularly over the united nations which has been quiet for the better part of the last week in fact it hasn't issued any kind of statements since this conflict started and this is allegedly because it did not want to interfere with efforts by both the arab league and cairo to try and hash out some kind of cease fire if there is no ceasefire that is agreed to by the software on wednesday we've been told that the u.n. security council will hold an open debate and that this debate will address the whole issue of what to do and what is happening here on the ground u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton is in the region she's already met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and she's on her way to cairo where she'll meet with the egyptian president as well as the arab league foreign ministers but she certainly hasn't india herself to the gazans because already she has stated quite clearly that it is role that has the support of the united states in fact the word she used was that they give them rock solid. supports of course this is going down
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with the israeli public but it's been received very differently from those living in gaza. while washington's almost unflinching support for israel is raising doubts that mediating mission can upon itself will bring biased results plus america's track record in selecting word to push for peace and protect civilians isn't helping as our town now explains the crisis in the middle east probably like no other crisis reveals the double speak of u.s. foreign policy the u.s. basically gave a green light to any of their actions with regards to palestinians and israel has been taking advantage of that quite extensively because as president obama explained there is no country on earth would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders makes complete sense nobody should but one may ask what about all those countries that the us has bombed iraq afghanistan pakistan yemen and others or is it that when you refer to civilian deaths as
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collateral damage somehow feeling civilian sounds more justified when it comes to the doesn't mean you usually hear u.s. officials speak along these lines of course in a conflict like this civilian casualties or inevitable but the u.s. is not always like that when the government was killing civilians the u.s. forced to sympathize with the innocents there in most graphic terms but it appears in washington sympathy for suffering tenby selected this is hillary clinton on syria the shooting death of a one year old recently by the syrian regime's tanks and troops. is a very stark example of what is going on. one may ask what about those horrible shots of children dining gaza is it somehow a less stark example of what's going on it seems america's world police mindset and standing up for the weak thing doesn't apply to palestinians instead we hear the
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same mantra from u.s. officials that israel has the right to defend itself which effectively implies that in the eyes of washington the killing of civilians in gaza is justified the u.s. is most recently blocked the u.n. security council statement calling for a cease fire in the israeli gaza conflict demean the statement unbalanced against israel just as the us has blocked all other palestinian related un resolutions in the past whether it was on israel continuing to build settlements on occupied territories or other initiatives put forward to ease the years long suppression of the people there by blocking all efforts of the international community to mediate a solution in washington contributes to the status quo under status quo here is that the root causes of the crisis have not been addressed and is the root causes remain any ceasefire looks temporary there was a major israeli assault on gaza four years ago to more than a thousand people did not solve the problem so one may argue the status quo almost
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guarantees that the cycle of violence will continue and gaza sentiment is growing within israel with some politicians going as far as calling for the area to be flattened like erosion of israeli born political activist yuri horace told us the country's rather it is becoming more cruel. we've seen. a good show on the son the son of former prime minister shown in opinion article in the jerusalem post calling for genocide i mean you know i think it's i agree just not just that he he wrote this article but. the editors of of a distinguished newspaper in israel i mean albeit a you know unknown right wing newspaper but still and use the. newspaper that is part of the mainstream allowed him to to to areas such opinions people in rwanda people in the former yugoslavia were sent it to the hague you know ever have
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to having everything written words as cruel and inhumane as as as the ones there that mr sharon has has written and i have to say it's not a certain individual politician here and there i am very sad i'm ashamed to say that recent opinion polls were published in israeli newspapers i believe in its recently have shown that nearly ninety percent of the populace. in the country support its operation is in support of what is considered by many to be collateral damage. of of get the killings of the children and women and the elderly violence on the ground and diplomatic wrangles are not the only battlefields in the middle east they're also online and they're proving decisive alex are asking now explains. the latest military conflict in the gaza strip may go down in history as the first war ever declared on twitter the official account of the israeli defense force announced the start of the pillar of defense operation and one of those
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literally told the enemy to run and hide but later hamas had their say using similar war rhetoric this exchange has been retreated thousands of times since and numbers do matter on twitter through hits likes replies and retreats more people than ever before turned to social media and the question is who is winning this online warfare and numbers speak for themselves according to the hashtags dot org website the gods are under attack crash tag is ten times more popular than israel under fire pray for gaza is twenty times more popular than pray for israel and gaza hash tag is almost twice as popular as israel in a nutshell this is the battle between a heavily funded state propaganda machine and citizen journalism from the outside looking israel's content is better produced more powerful shiny and glossy take these banners for instance which were posted on i.d.'s official facebook page how
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mars has also been manning the information war trenches some say clumsily as these tweets may suggest but the effect of social media boom among young palestinian activists in changing public perception of the palestinian israeli conflict has been huge youngers a residence regularly rushed to hospitals and taken upload photos and videos of tragedy and inhumanity and some of the pictures have become symbolic of israel's disproportionate use of force the graphic and vocal message in those tweets is perhaps the reason why palestinian citizen journalism is proving more effective and why israeli social networkers simply cannot compete with the content coming out of gaza whether this first war started on twitter can become the first war lost on twitter is a question but one conclusion seems evident enough israel has not grasped the destructive power of social media. as its holding the people of gaza in its grip. and here's some information that we're getting off the wires here we're hearing
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that there has been an explosion according to the israeli ambulance service reports and will that happen in tel aviv will of course be bringing you more on this as we get it and of course we'll continue our coverage of the ongoing confrontation between israel and gaza next hour and we also hear from a spokesperson from the israeli prime minister's office. culture is that so much different each musician finding the mark when the carnage continues in gaza israel claims its bombardment of the gazans using self defense at the same time denying the palestinians. do we speak your language they will not advance. news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you
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which. louis. thanks. for. the. welcome back you're watching r.t. live from moscow leaders of one of syria's largest asyik minorities have rejected the new rebel coalition as sign of the seemingly intractable split among and to us
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of fires the kurds describe the western backed unity group as a foreign proxy a little earlier as well most rabble factions also slammed the foreign based walk and unilaterally declared in this law nic states in the city of aleppo despite these divisions the opposition coalition is getting more recognition from western countries as the sole legitimate voice of all syrians the u.k. is the latest e.u. country to give its full endorsement by peace activists john rees questions how much support the west moves have was in syria. and i think many of the people in the ground low coordinating committees have never liked the business of western intervention they've made a point in their statements in their press releases and the things that they've said that they don't like that it's they don't think they're genuine revolution can come by the western assistance and certainly by its military and so i think they're very very many people migrate towards representative but the danger is as we saw in
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iraq and in other places unrepresentative groups once they get the support of the west can come to dominate large numbers of people on the ground. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world amnesty international has released a report can damning bahrain's government for failing to improve the human rights situation in the country the documents as a gulf modesty has expanded its oppression of to say and since last year's uprising when police brutally clamp down on demonstrations so violence and bahrain has been repeatedly criticized by human rights groups really poor is the first official condemnation of civil rights abuse in the country. the un security council has unanimously decided to sanction armed rebels in the democratic republic of congo has five earths have easily capture of the resource rich eastern city of gone more than twenty three group forum after accusing congo of flouting the peace
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agreed after a decade of conflict with neighboring rwanda which saw up to five million people die by the un statement fail to mention one or uganda which congo claims support the rebels. two suicide bombers have struck a u.s. base in afghanistan's capital killing two guards the attackers apparently try to reach the gate but detonated their devices when police spotted them reports blame the taliban for the assault couples trying to beef up the city's security had a holy day this week. now in the u.k. millions are said to be left in the cold this winter as cash strapped families struggle to pay gas and electricity bills as artie's laura smith reports there is little comfort from the average giants where the race for profit in full swing. it's a bitter winter's day in london and inside this plot it's not much warmer single
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mother of four julie has only one thing on her mind as the cold bites how is she going to pay her ever rising energy bill i decided to take few libel from the ceiling and i only use one in my it's only sitting in my kitchen on my you just one like trying to cut down. off the bill less time but in regard to bill. we spoke to julie last winter when she was already struggling and we've come back to see how she'll face this year's even bigger challenge five of the six big energy companies have announced price rises of around ten percent according to use which whose business it is to help people reduce their bills it will drive more into an increasingly common form of poverty poverty is where you spend more than ten percent of your net income on your energy bills and we've seen these recent price
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increases pushed three hundred fourteen founts and people into fuel poverty that's on top of an estimated seven million people who are already one survey ahead of this winter found energy prices were the biggest concern for consumers ninety percent said the cost of energy was their main household worry ahead of rising costs for food petrol and mortgage payment julie shows me her energy bills carefully conserve to chart the inexorable rise since she moved in in two thousand and seven she's afraid that this winter her children's health will suffer again in a way that when accomplice or his blanket his socks and the children just put it on the movie we call two thousand and ten and two thousand and eleven there were sick . because i tried to be mean not to. well julie's children are getting sick the energy companies
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a profiting british gas whose prices are up six percent is on track to make one point four billion pounds in profits this year and e.t.f. with the highest price rise of ten point eight percent announced profits of one point six billion in february where are you going to find the extra ten percent that's going to go when you're below them but what i don't know if you're a smith london and i'm a hands me is also a major headache for an increasing number of people in greece because there is a little release on the horizon with a proposed cut of twenty two thousand more jobs with down to a mistake by the imam so i had to r.t. dot com for the whole story. plops bearing all is sure to draw attention but staging a provocative protest was heard several feminist activist on the welcome attention from french protesters. you're watching r.t. live from moscow and let's not go back to our breaking news story of an explosion
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on a bus and at tel aviv for that you know across live telecast foreign policy or who is here for us well tell it tell us what's happening in tel aviv right now how big was the blast. well this is exactly the scenario no one wanted to see unfold in the last few minutes we heard a massive explosion we're not far from where the bomb explosion took place and the sirens and the ambulances have been rushing past nonstop now now the latest information is that twenty people have been injured we do expect that this number will climb and almost by the minute we're receiving alerts of those numbers going up the police have indeed come through and it is a terrorist attack to quote them it seems as if it is a suicide bombing whereby one person climbed the best strapped with explosives and then had it explode now it happened at the intersection of two busy streets here in central tel aviv no doubt has sent a massive elosha around the country in the hospital in the area it is on alert we receiving reports of
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a on standby to receive large numbers of people that police on the scene they've responded to this and at the same time there is a manhunt underway we're being told that it is believed that more people who are responsible for this attack are in the area and this does have the impact now. all the the kind of cease fire talks that have been under on the go so he talking to israelis i mean the past few days they did say that all that was needed was for one missile to strike a home or a building in southern israel or elsewhere and for there to be a huge number of casualties for that to be the sign for netanyahu to go ahead with a ground offensive so they have the prognosis is weak the prognosis is poor that we could now see an intensified reaction on the ground but let me just bring you up to date those numbers climbing we're now hearing more than twenty two people have been injured so certainly the situation here unfolding by the minute. thanks very much and they for this policy bring us the details and as i said it will be monitoring the situation there and bringing you updates here on r.t.
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. up ahead though laura lester and her guests discuss high stakes betting by trade using rappa technology. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for tuesday november twentieth two thousand and twelve the securities and exchange commission is expanding and enforcing the probe intensifying scrutiny of the exchanges the f.c.c. is looking more closely reportedly at how they develop new products communicate with investors and provide incentives to trade this is all according to the wall street journal and heart stems from a probe order types a number of which benefit high frequency traders sounder air can say there is here to help us read through this and speaking of high frequency trading australia is clamping down australian media outlets report federal officials announced changes to market rules including mandatory kill switches for algorithmic trading to avoid
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you know us style flash crash down under our other countries ahead of the new whilst small disgusts and navigating the post-election economy i moderated a panel on the issue take a look behind me malden economics featuring john malden bluebirds richard yeah marone pimco c.e.o. mohamed el larry and barry ritholtz and more we'll play some highlights from the sidelines let's get to the day's capital account. take a look at this according to the wall street journal today in this article federal securities regulators are stepping up oversight of stock exchanges as they scramble
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to catch up to trading advantages that some say have developed for sophisticated clients at the expense of ordinary investors now i bet you can guess who those sophisticated clients with an alleged advantage are their high frequency traders and the f.c.c. scrutiny has increased in part the wall street journal piece says because of its findings from a probe into some order types benefiting high frequency traders now the concern is that exchanges might have given some firms more information about how their systems operate giving them an edge now that as you see probe into order types was fueled by a complaint in two thousand and eleven from a former wall street trader turned was a lower he said a c m b c interview in september that he kept banging his head against a particular trading strategy take a listen. this class of each of the strategy high frequency trading you know is predatory it is disruptive to markets and it's actually unbeatable without a regulatory change. it's kind of in a bad place my career and i my reputation was at risk and i said well i'm going
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to get some good out of the right reason. all right so here in studio is a market watcher wasn't speaking out because he's in a bad place in his career but he gathers and observe the whole market data and he can help us decipher the real issues here with high frequency trading he is founder of next and we're so happy to have you in studio eric thank you so much for being on the show today you're welcome thanks for having me you know well first let's start out because that whistle blower that kind of launched this this probe into the issue with orders he in that sound bite you just heard he was kind of saying as to why he did this he said you know my career wasn't going so well so i thought i should go out you know the right way so that might make people wonder why he's doing this but you were saying that you know i mean you think he's pretty credible i had dinner with him a blitter holds house. he's a real standup guy. facts fact.


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