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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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moment of truce after days of fighting there appears to be a ceasefire between israel and hamas but will it last we'll have an update on the efforts to bring back some stability to the region. and ready set shop americans are gearing up for the big after thanksgiving day sales for us but a planned walkout by wal-mart workers has the big retailer worried we'll look at what the workers are asking for in this ongoing battle between labor and business. big brother watching from above now that more people are questioning the use of drones some police departments want to keep the public in the dark but should
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citizens have a right to know that drones are hovering over their cities are it's here looks into the issue in a moment. it's wednesday november twenty first four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our. we begin with the deadly conflict between gaza and israel a cease fire has been in effect for just a couple of hours now it was announced at a news conference in cairo with secretary of state hillary clinton and the egypt's foreign minister over the past eight days israel and gaza have been firing missiles back and missiles and rockets back and forth resulting in nearly one hundred fifty deaths in total both sides both sides launched more than three thousand rockets allowed to long ago before the ceasefire announcement a public bus was bombed in tel aviv reportedly resulting in twenty eight injuries
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the spokesman for the israeli prime minister's office alex cells cells spoke to r.t. international earlier today. of course you insist it's simply responding israel simply responding to attacks against hamas but let's take a look at some figures more than seventy palestinians civilians killed in the past seven days whereas thirteen israelis have died in rocket attacks actually from gaza since the last major israeli operation four years ago is that your government's response disproportionate to you. it's definitely big numbers and we do and we do know of this the terrorists in gaza continue hiding behind civilians so please if you think that it must stop so we call upon all the international community and we call upon everybody who really doesn't want this violence first of all to pressure on terrorist organizations to
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stop this violence and to call upon them not to use civilians then israel will stop any kind of operations because all we need is safety all we need is speace all we need these peaceful life for our children and for ourselves we just want safety for us. and the ceasefire is in effect for now however it remains to be seen whether both sides will continue to respect it. oh workers at the nation's largest retailer are gearing up for a black friday strike wal-mart employees say they're not paid enough and face poor working conditions but wal-mart is now trying to stop the protests from happening and they've taken their fight to federal courts the retail giant filed an unfair labor practice charge against the union that it says is behind organizing the strike are to correspondent christine for as our ports on the showdown set to take
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place in just a couple of days. on your mark. get set. go. what was once a day for deals has become more of a mob scene this was walmart on black friday last year once again this year low prices are guaranteed to bring high turnout well this year wal-mart workers are hoping to shed a light on why these prices are so low here's a few of them saying why they've chosen to speak out we live in america and we work for the world's largest company and we're still not making it because that would choose between paying my bills and have enough because i'm fifty two years old and i can afford my own apartment and what i will make a lot more thousands of wal-mart workers are expected to go on strike both on thanksgiving night and on black friday fighting against changes that have been coming each year since wal-mart founder sam walton passed away when he was there
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there was profit sharing they didn't do these things like open today paramount thanksgiving that people don't like and you know people talk about the fact that they felt like they were part of you know a wal-mart family the people cared about them the management cared about the associates the changes in policy and cuts in health benefits and hours led many employees to organize into groups like our wal-mart but soon after many of them were punished it's going to be thousands of workers a wal-mart stores across the country and you know as that organizing and demanding better pay better benefits and respect on the job wal-mart management has responded by firing people reducing their hours and just generally trying to intimidate workers from organizing and joining getting to you. will set a great deal and that they're custom ers and their workers were very happy it was. wal-mart has asked for an injunction against the strikes but it wasn't granted and wal-mart supporters say the owners are job creators and have the right to run their
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business as they wish. our average wage is about twelve dollars and forty cents an hour for full time associates we also offer better comprehensive benefits packages as low as seventeen dollars a paid ferry which is very affordable and we also pay quarterly bonuses which is something that not a lot of retailers do and just this past quarter eighty two percent of eligible so seats received a bonus and we know that they appreciate that they also get a ten percent discount card so you have to factor in all of those things when you're looking for how we're helping associates the question of whether you'd be here you have you know under law answered i'm pretty liberal she says it won't work as well we don't have the. workers complain about a lack of clean water low pay not enough staffing and again we're talley ation for speaking out despite the company itself making a fortune because the walton family has as much wealth as forty five million
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american families as evidence of that wealth a sign of growth i'm standing here on the construction site of a brand new wal-mart being built in washington d.c. now critics say it is this wealth and this power that make the company impenetrable to change the whole lot of people are watching what happens this week as a sign of things to come for the u.s. economy now as far as walk friday journalists won't be getting a front row seat to the action wal-mart says in-store cameras that won't be allowed between wednesday november twenty first and monday november twenty sixth. in washington christine has now our team. also ahead here on arts here we all know the u.s. uses drone warfare overseas but more and more drones are being used here in the u.s. and that has people asking questions coming up why one police department wants to keep their drone program a secret. and
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. here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that many americans call i don't know. i'm sorry i mean the dying here is an awful lot of money for you solo artist who you know what that is my self you know want to listen to futurism be on liberal the christian. consumer go to the voters.
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you know colbert you to distract us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells a sensationalistic garbage he calls it breaking news i'm having martin and we're going to break the set. a client of american power continues. things are
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so bad. might actually be time for a revolution. and it turns out that a killer drink at starbucks has a surprising. mr . well keeping drone use
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a secret it appears that's what's happening in california a california county there is out there a freedom of information act request from an organization called muck rock and the electronic frontier foundation they request as part of their ongoing efforts of conduct a drone census across the country to find out who has them and who wants them but when the san diego sheriff was asked to fork over drone documents he said there weren't any efforts there was no cause for alarm but after looking into the responses from other city is it became apparent that san diego did in fact have documents pertaining to drones so why the big secret for more on this r t correspondent among the lindo joins us now hi there ramona so can you tell us how it came to light that san diego has documents relating to drones. there's rael is as you mentioned earlier the electronic frontier foundation and marc rock have been conducting this drone census where they're using the freedom of information act to
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get this information regarding drones from several different law enforcement agencies now when they asked andy was sheriff departments and he was shares department didn't give them any information but when they're poring over the documents that were handed over from the seattle p.d. they noticed that some of the sales people who were trying to sell unmanned aerial vehicles to the seattle police department had also been trying to sell these same drones to san diego share of they were able to find this sales quote which really details how much the system would cause the city along with cause for training so even though they send you a sheriff at the time of the request has said that they had nothing to do with drone systems the documents which were handed over by the seattle police department definitely showed that there had been some sort of inner interaction between john manufacturers and the san diego sheriff's department. so what do you think doesn't
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look like there was an intentional coverup. well i just got off with the san diego sheriff's department just a few minutes ago and what they tell me is that there is no intention to cover anything and that they have been as transparent as they can be with the public and the press however many investigative journalist will tell you quite the opposite i've been on the phone all day today with fellow journalist and send you to say that they've also been stonewalled before when they file for your requests with the san diego sheriff's department however as i mentioned i did speak with. department spokesperson just a few minutes ago who did mention that they have looked into drone surveillance in the past however that it does not fit their purposes at this moment and therefore they say that they're not going to buy any in the near future did they comment specifically on the contradiction that was there that they sat there was never any
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intent there were no documents when in fact it did come out that there were documents and they respond to that. right well i asked him about this they again refused to comment on the investigation that croc had. had brought out reiterating the fact that they were very transparent and that they may at some point look into drone usage in the future they say that they are not. actively searching for drone manufactures to service them with drones they said that they were approached by this drone manufacture and according to the shares apartment there's nothing nefarious however when the shares apartment comes back with the responses that there's no right for the public to know about this and they come out and deny and then later facts come out say that they they were dealing with many factures there's still a lot of suspicion within the public and in the press about what their shoe
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intentions are now why would the san diego sheriff's department want to keep this a secret from the public. that's right and this is not unprecedented i mean we were remember that up in the seattle police department contracts were being made with drone manufacturers without the public knowledge a lot of backlash so there's always that possibility now the san diego sheriff's department also has not applied for any sort of approval from the f.a.a. that excuse me from the f.a.a. to conduct any sort of testing. when it when it comes to drones over san diego county so there's also that the county is not prepared with regulations to all that so if there is any sort of negotiating negotiations happening with many factures it would likely stir up a lot of controversy about whether the agency will be flying those drones over the
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city of san diego right now this was all this all came to light after this freedom of information act request was requested are filed by these organizations are known as california the public they're entitled to know this information. well many of the public and many journalists believe that yes because when you talk about drones i mean when we talk about drones they're known as these unmanned aerial aircraft which just cause havoc in places like pakistan and afghanistan so whenever you hear that there's going to be drones and up to thirty thousand drones flying in the skies over the u.s. i mean that really puts a lot of concern into people's minds i mean these drones that will be used here in the united states will most likely not be weaponized however there's always these surveillance privacy and you know data security issues the more that we get into
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this drone technology the more advanced they become you know they have infrared sensors and one of the uses that the senate was cher's apartment said that they are looking at possibly using drones in the future is when it comes to eradicating marijuana fields or at least spotting marijuana fields in out in the hill country so so definitely a lot of security and privacy concerns when any time that you bring up drones and anytime you bring up domestic surveillance here in the u.s. right i know vermont you spent some time on the border there and it's there on the border where drones are used can you talk about how drones are used on the border and and by local police departments we are looking at video reporting on the border that's right we were reporting on the border now the department of homeland security has acquired several drones to monitor not just a southern border along u.s.
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and mexico but also the northern border now these unmanned aerial vehicles the purpose of them is to help catch drug smugglers or undocumented immigrants which are crossing the border now this program costs hundreds of millions of dollars and even the homeland security. department itself there are others have said that this program has not really given them much results when you take a look at how much it costs and how many drug seizures. have actually happened now besides trying to catch drug smugglers and immigrants crossing the border will remember that in north dakota a local. local law enforcement agency there called the homeland security department to help them arrest of family which was suspected of stealing livestock and they're able to surround that family and arrest them without firing any shot so these are
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the things that are. that the drones are currently being used for here domestically . interesting yeah we are seeing that they're finding a lot of different uses for drones these days so we we know about this we know that at least on some level there was. i guess the sheriff's department wasn't completely truthful or they didn't they didn't disclose all the documents when they did in fact have them this is what was revealed through this investigation but so we know that this is happening it was kind of happening in secret in san diego is it possible ramon that it's happening and other areas of the united states and is it possible that other cities are getting ahold of drones are planning on it without the public knowing and therefore not being able to respond well in many of these cases the public doesn't know what is going on behind the scenes and that's concerning to a lot of journalists and just
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a lot of the people in the public which really want to know how their government is spending their money and whether their government is actually spying on them as i mentioned earlier in seattle when the police department there was secretly acquiring these drone systems i mean there there was a lot of anger in that community and we haven't just seen protests there we saw protests in oakland when the. you found out that the sheriff's department there was looking into a drone usage there and that's why we see the really strong importance of this drone census which is being conducted by the electronic frontier foundation and muck rock where they've gone and as hundreds of law enforcement agencies whether they have whether they're using or planning to acquire this drone technology and that's really given out a lot of knowledge. and power to the citizenry and then they'll they'll react accordingly you know and that's what the privacy advocates are hoping for anyway.
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thanks for staying on top of this that was artsy correspondence from mongol and. also ahead here on our team thanksgiving tradition at the white house and to pardon a turkey all until about how generous as president obama when it comes to pardoning . find out when we return. our t. is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia
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today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. if you just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old i just tell the truth. i confess and i am a total get a friend that i love traveling hip hop music and. he was kind of a yesterday. i'm very proud of the role that i'll just see its place.
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pepper spray that just burns your eyes right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything you've spewed by a lot of. thousands of times and stronger than any kind of the body of ever put you know.
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and now putting an ad to a bloody massacre that happens each and every year and keeping with tradition today president obama part of the turkeys cobbler and that gobbler you know they say the life is all about second chances and this november i could not agree more. so in the spirit of the season i have one more gift to give and it goes to a pair of turkeys named cobbler and gobbler. for many though the president's
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empathy for the poultry just underlines the lack of pardons granted by obama when it comes to his fellow humans at this point in his presidency obama has granted clemency less frequently than any other us president in modern history the numbers say it all take a look obama has pardoned twenty two people and granted one commutation of sentence since taking office and if you will applied for a pardon with the justice department's office of the pardon attorney under obama you have about a one in fifty chance of getting clemency. compare that now to george w. bush who gave pardons at a rate of about one in thirty three of those who applied or under bill clinton one in every five people who applied received a presidential pardon that's one in eight excuse me now the constitution gives the president the power to forgive people who are found guilty of federal offenses
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whether you acknowledge an unfair sentence or community work done since the crime a pardon can allow people rights they lost by becoming felons that includes voting business permits gun rights and more and while obama may be saving all of his pardons i guess we'll see for his second term he has only granted one commutation which allows a person currently serving time to get an early release from prison for those people each day counts and though obama may have pardoned gobbler and cobbler it will be interesting to see who the other lucky turkey is who is on his dinner plate tomorrow. and we are going to leave it up there but coming up next on earth he is the capital account with lauren lyster let's check in with lauren to see what is cooking on today's agenda lauren wells begin to cook and i heard you talking about turkeys and you know they will appear on the show today too because in the investing world you want to avoid them and you don't want to be
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a turkey because it essentially means you're a sucker so one thing that's really important to look at is volatility so there is an index to gauge this and to bet on it it's called the vix and people are always looking at it as kind of a gauge of fear to see what kind of fear exists in the market and what's been going on with the vix is it's been very low and some people have seen this is a sign that things are hunky dory some of seeing this is a sign that investors in the market are complacent and that really stormy seas are ahead that people are prepared for but is this a much too simplistic view to look at volatility with this specially with central bank easing and with the macro economic picture factoring so much in the complexity of markets so we have a volatility analyst chris cole who's really going to get into the nuts and bolts it's a much more complex picture revealing a bull market and fear live so don't be a turkey watch this part of turkey's verite are getting even or they're getting or they're being called suckers i guess wolf on your show things lauren that's going
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to do it for the news but for more of the stories we covered check out our you tube channel you tube dot com slash r t america at our website r t v dot com slash usa follow me on twitter at liz wall back here and half hour. culture is that so much a given to each musician to find the mark when the carnage continues in gaza israel claims to omar many of the gazans using self defense at the same time denying the palestinians. more news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images kobold has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are all today .
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hardy welcome to the big picture.


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