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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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we see. many. wives who have been beaten who want to leave their abusive husband there is one story that was the worst story which is a girl who had been sold off by her family and she was beaten by the older man who she was forced to marry and she tried to escape and they caught her and brought her back and because she had tried to escape she had to be punished her husband then cut off and cut off her nose. example. should not be housed.
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him i'll tell you a story of a young woman i met i find inspiring i'm not going to promise a happy outcome but at least it was an inspiring story she was a young woman who was forced into marriage in a very conservative part of the country in the south east she was forced into marriage at the age of around thirteen and from somewhere she was getting a lot of abuse in this home and she was very unhappy and she found it in his up to run away which when you're coming from an area of the country where women are not seen on the streets alone imagine a girl she was now fourteen or fifteen making her way from the southeast of the country all the way to kabul and there she found shelter and she was lucky. that she then found that had husband's family rose up against a they called upon a lot of the tribal elders in that area they were furious they felt like she brought shame upon her they got the support of parliament they got the support of the minister of interior is an indication of quite how conservative those views are
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even in the heart of government and in the end this girl faced the president's office the ministry of interior parliamentarians and they said to her you must go home you for seamus and she said no if you send me back to that village there is not one that will hear my death cries kill me here kill me now i'd rather that than go back to this village so defiance was extraordinary this courage in a girl so young and eventually the government backed down and they let her stay in the safe hands she's getting an education she's much happier now she may someday soon get a divorce she's been trying for several years to get a separation. and so i can't claim that she's yet happy she's still having to be very much protected because the husband's family frankly still want to kill her at least take her back and there she might get real risk but she is trying to forge a life.
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poor families can't afford to have. girl children who can't work in the fields so there is. a tremendous economic push to marry your daughter off at a very very young age sometimes as young as ten or whatever where that america's armed forces are in terms of their use and graphics the need be the racks those materials so. they have to so there too. i was ten years old to believe parents made larry enough gunmen know in twenty two that this man and his family were growing leavers he promised my father to be money one of my children's father is my brother and my husband doesn't know it we have in court about a woman she her car children. her bra going to
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her. to marry me marry me out of money my fifteen barred sort of marry my one year old but otherwise who would kill you. how can she. get marya with a wife hold with a kid there's a practice called bad which is the use of women and girls as compensation crimes so what you sometimes see happening if there's been for instance of rape or a man. they'll be a traditional judge go out and counsel a gathering of altus and one of the ways that they can try to result states is rather than. punishing the perpetrator of the rape or the murder they'll take a girl from one family the perpetrators family and they'll give that guy. usually in marriage to the victim's family.
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and i hope until both of them will you see how difficult it is to obtain justice because you are a woman it hurts you because you know that you can do anything to change the situation if you will and this is because society is in the hands of men and maddow has someone who at this point the concept of justice is still nonexistent in court . it's very hard for women particularly conservative areas of the country to seek help and sadly if a young girl or a woman goes to the police complaining about something like to master violence or ready for a forced marriage. being met with a lot of hostility sometimes she can be ostracized by society so basically things that problem should be kept in the home and we also sometimes see women. until recently a woman could be knocked out for having been raped even the woman when they get raped they go to the gym instead to lessen their wives what they're going to go to
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the courts in afghanistan or. really where are the rights of women to protect their word to sister and what are they were managed to run away because of domestic violence they were not about to continue with that. kind of terrible lives they bought their way home and then been there as men drafted their husband traffic and then. they stopped but we. need to realize that both of them are better men and that in turn their back to their village. or they give. them an organization or they. apartment up from an affair which is a sponsor about the. if you try to get back to go belly. up with a warlock with a powerful. monday. for gift in the hands of their husband
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black them on the public place. and each up then five. forty five. at a public place in front of all the relatives. and you took them were crying i. quote the six thousand dollar. debt you took he put your husband probably because. you put shame on the village and on the family name so they have to enable their religion and pay the fine. punished by their. killing the one that might use it for the war lost like killing a bird. we are out of your point where the concept of justice is still nonexistent . today we have jungle law if this constitutionalist benefit photo was lost they put them in practice otherwise they look like
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a waste of paper same we have in our constitutional. freedom of speech event and inishmaan house we didn't have and we don't have freedom of speech element to part of democracy we have been of our constitutional freedom for press more than four times to be that your analysis inside of the parliament. in itself proves the lies. which is sort of a dick or lies that were in the beginning of parliament most of this parliament didn't make an amnesty law criminal forgive themselves nor because you had to look at once there was a discussion about the sentence of a woman who was to be stoned to death tribute being the shari'ah judge he didn't want to contemplate the woman could be at least symbolically stoned in the square not being hit but still insulted because he was told that it was still a crime in any case. at a certain point was the response was well should be hit was pebble sent by a lot of so i don't know who it will be. charitable. number on the phone for
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example if women do not obey islamic law and aware strange clothes and go out seducing her young people need to mention boon misha especially those who don't have the possibility of getting married and the things he know that are in our opinion this is not the right behavior and no more pick with him now we have you defy the laws which appear to be all up to protect women's rights so bad then the implementation of those laws are in the hand of the word lots and one hundred something and there was a shot of the power so we need to change democrats and we need to change death point of view is the last one the strike but still. don't. wish to the. list of rights was the constitution of our group has done is given for them because to do with your daughter will fly. has been that law is not
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put them into properly we have a lot of war lords war criminals we have organized criminals we have a lot of illegal on groups they are the main causes influences all of our views in that woman right in africa just.
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we have. one of our states on which. we're taking. from islam his point of view in islamic law it isn't pretty good for women to work to study or to go into offices. here but islam does prevent some things for women women cannot sit in the middle of an assembly of men. furthermore women are obliged to wear the huge job. or if they cover themselves there aren't any problems.
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lastly women are not allowed to become judges and mme coming out of. the religion of islam doesn't allow women to undertake a role in which you have to give our judgments. these laws are respected so there aren't any problems.
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the war.
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we need to teach the community that the rights that we had struggling with that today if anything to copy back they think that's all. gave to have well in afghanistan the majority of women married below the legal age of sixteen and if they don't have a right to a divorce they have the right to what's called a separation it's really hard for them to get there is a man just needs to say divorce three times and that's it he says he said divorce from his wife become only of one before now an afghan woman asking for divorce was never even heard of to be on one of a long long wanted i was through our days the women come to us to ask us to resolve marital issues. sometimes we succeed sometimes we do not. point a couple gets divorced but we don't want anything to do with those women for women
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it's a long hard struggle to get a separation and one of the major obstacles that she finds is that she doesn't necessarily get access to her children this is to become and up to police. they ask some information about the new patient that arroyo to his people. around forty percent which burnt area and two to five years but you have suspected for self-immolation and just the right. percentage or the name or documentary fight. in malaysia. i mean. bishan who warned
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her. unfortunately. this. young woman. chosen what happened what has happened to you my husband often beats me when we argue he who was that my husband. my husband what did he do did he beat you yes means to be chewed yes. every time that we argue every day yes it's unclear how many of these cases might actually have been killings or attacks by men that are dressed up as it were a suicide it's this very rarely investigations certainly rarely criminal investigations after these cases take place the minute problem in afghanistan.
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because of the economy condition of some people. not good. to hold to the. economy. may come lacked. between the husband and wife and sometimes there is not a thief to solve the problem then there were men who are on the body and groups of self immolation you will hear people in the obama administration talking about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't care about the women of afghanistan that a they open office is going to have can see it isn't spend lots of money to learn the media they think of the literally billions of dollars that have been spent by the us in that country on my lap fifty billion dollars in economic aid has been
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spent on the. reconstruction of the economic infrastructure and social fabric in afghanistan isn't as if there are sixty countries from the international community who manage them. in is where is all this money go and where has all of the help that was supposed to be going to women go and buy the real problem is that no one in fast and their gang provinces in order to improve women situation there very often money returns to external advisors me. to external free will. that always comes from abroad that are very very small percentage of the total us money for afghanistan is going to the women not just these you have to add also the role of international cooperation there is a study by oxfam from about two years ago that said that all of the money meant for reconstruction forty percent of it returns to sender through the expenses for
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personnel a brunette. and i did it and most of the money ends up in the pockets of those who sent the money in the first place. this is upsetting for us because this money comes from people who live in foreign countries money that these people have worked hard to earn and they have given money to their governments with a move helping poor countries. capacity building group ability for the local population like the one the punji a foundation built for its we who then ran the project rather than forgot about it i think our lady it's shows that that many spin and chart camps project. this sign out of the country. to the country with no sustainability and no impact as much has been expected they have to be careful about the afghans that
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they support you know are they. afghans that really have the ability to be social changes or are they highly westernized elites who merely run in n.g.o.s and welcome the world to other thank you for example there was a basher doest who was the minister of planning during the first karzai administration about writing about a guy. and then he became a member of parliament but he didn't talk about it i mean that it down and a man who was much loved by the afghan population. as planning minister he conducted resends us of the local nongovernmental organizations that would reason up in afghanistan since two thousand and one. opinion a lot of the twenty two hundred nongovernmental organizations including the census. commanders the removal of one thousand nine hundred of them to president karzai. so they must feel cooperation is a tangible problem in afghanistan and you know and i think there aren't any control mechanisms for how monies invested inside the country. by release i want them to
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understand how the money that they give to their governments is used the level are very well money that they expect to be used in the right way without which it was a cavalier early money that arrives and then passes through the government manages the reconstruction work. and the work of the local nongovernmental organizations so it is clear that if the majority of the government is made up of the corrupted wool or it's where their money will end up in their pockets on their little about the international community has encouraged their corruption that effect our country today. hard to believe. that after spending you know. hundreds of billion dollars in afghanistan is still going to stand as the warst and the award for the rights of
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the children afghanistan is. the second country that they put there for the power to afghanistan is the highest and the award of maternal mortality that each fifteen minutes one woman dies from in my turn maternity because of lack of access to the clinic what a lot of money has arrived in afghanistan to improve the situation of women but i don't think it has brought many improvements have. expectation that to be the suspect it has at them it has a human i'm not cussing that has a sap sap classes or. so that's all right but we need and what we fight for the. welfare of those of us.
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