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tv   [untitled]    November 23, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EST

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russian companies were singled out at the tech success. and organizers designed the competition to acknowledge the country's fastest developing and most innovative small and medium sized businesses as well as boost their profile on the world stage coming into the ceremony the list had already been to thirty companies which represented the entire spectrum of industries and regions across russia. so created i t company hardware maker enter school and a handful of medical firms on the lookout for the next device are made to keep us all on our feet another one of those in the top ten c l r. electronic archive. catalog but it's also one of the leaders. with partners l r co-produce is.
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all about documentation and just files for. you can also be used for some of the more cool. for example the push to museum of fine art in moscow is in the process of digitizing many of its most treasured works capturing the timeless beauty of the paintings and objects that grace its walls and hollows requires more than just a simple camera. until the two thousand.
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digital devices. there is a wide range of devices here from super professional to really basic ones presence can produce. unmatched anywhere in the world. digitization needs the pushkin museum has turned to a moscow based company specializing in super high resolution images they claim their system is the best way to get a top notch completely objective representation of priceless pieces of art. don't have to take the paintings down from the walls they do need to set up and calibrate the light just right doing so ensures the resulting image is an entirely accurate reproduction of the painting as it is in real life but today the resolution of even the best digital camera really exceeds twenty made pixels ever many museums purposes simply isn't enough. to develop an entire set of technologies that allows their technicians to boost picture resolution without warping the image or losing
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any data through stitching software composition this requires a bit more ingenuity than you might think. instead of just snapping one shot of the whole painting at those takes individual pictures of each section but to avoid distorting the original demands what's called a shift lens at the root is a camera with the usual c.c.d. sensor which is what converts to incoming photons into a digital image however the lens itself is made to rotate around the center following light and information to the stationary c.c.d. sensor the more separate pictures it snaps the higher the resolution. of painting broken down into twelve sections two hundred forty megapixel picture such a clear image restore spot damage. come to the conclusion the different pieces of all need to be filmed using a different color palettes typically this consists of two hundred fifty six color feels just the this means. for example when we work with complex pieces of the
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plane. in such cases we use extended. to fifteen hundred color fields. to ensure that we give the best possible match. the resulting images are so precise in terms of detail and color that they can serve as the master print against which future potential fakes could be compared to these kinds of super high rez unbelievably accurate reproductions of the first word when it comes to archiving masterpieces and even for the creation of high quality catalogs. or two dimensional scanning methods do the job for paintings and pictures like these they only give us one side of the story when we talk about three d. objects that means all kinds of additional information is hiding just out of sight in places like the fair a pint of monastery technology ensures that no detail is left behind the aging interiors of this beautiful example of medieval russian art has been filmed and put
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on display for all to see and treasure. here still use the same shift when set up to take additional steps to ensure light is properly and evenly cast on the segment that they're filming the images they are indispensable for stores as they study and understand what exactly needs to be done to keep things like the dionysus fresco around for future generations to enjoy. and the technology employed here has benefits if you never make it out to the fair part of monastery yourself thanks to episodes pictures you can explore the walls that survive centuries and you can rest assured knowing that you're seeing the frescoes exactly as they are in real life the color palette is a difficult the lighting presents the image as it was intended and crucially the proper perspective of the arcs and curves are kept intact as a result of the shift lens. therefore you could almost feel the glare of heavenly inspiration jumping out through your screen. well there's another kind of scanning
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out there one that involves a near constant monitoring of the skies this is the moscow ground station of a company called scan x. which is recognized as one of the top thirty innovative companies at the tech success ceremony we mentioned earlier it all started with rather simple computerized weather stations worked out by moscow state university researchers in one thousand nine hundred one the company developed these helix shaped weather data reception stations which proved useful for schools and state agencies alike but their big breakthrough came in the mid ninety's when they decide mix to revolutionize the field of data reception. with. designed and built a so-called personal data reception station but it was unlike others in that it was much smaller for example as there is so three satellite reception stations measured twelve meters one like this one which is about three meters and needed while one hundred people to maintain it what they want to achieved is that even a person who is not very good with computers. the system in the course of two days
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but it can also be installed on many roads and streets small size and weight. as satellites cas overhead images from space are being down to scale x. is receivers for this company the main idea is to be able to get the pics in real time and they have to set up a network big enough to spend the entire country. in russia itself to scan the city with the skies full force its own centers as provide the kid for universities as well as state weather emergency resource monitoring agencies in total scale x. has played over two hundred fifty stations across the globe. really doesn't operate its own satellites board it does do is allow for the images to reach those who need them faster and more conveniently than otherwise possible but there are more than just space imaging middle men there are technicians have to rework the pics to highlight just what the. looking for. their images which
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can be a statically stunning in their own right can serve a myriad of purposes many of the space snippets are for government watchdogs but they can also be used by concerned citizens and groups to spot the legal deforestation or even track poachers over their most recognizable alternative applications is likely internet mapping services which they provide for russia's dominant online matchmaker yandex scanning says presence on the market has been driving the industry forward with their strategy having been dictated by financial constraints early on their no helping push a slimmer more effective approach to space imaging. basically demonic belies the market where access to data and data went to one big national center then it was either so little distributed freely or depending on whatever the government policy was and by the way in many countries it still works that way we have given users want let's say particularly well off that what you need to to get this data on
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their personal computers is a fundamental change whether good or bad people are going to use it to their benefit depends on us. and how we teach people to use it but it's for the best way we can't ignore the problems that the old faces in a war. that mantra lies at the heart of scan x. is cost are you websites where anyone can monitor potential environmental problems they've created a similar site especially for government agencies to keep an eye on emergency situations for space there's nowhere for forest fires to hide and scan x. can also help both the authorities and anyone really capture things like oil spills which may not necessarily be obvious to the untrained eye on first glance. then of course some of their shots could be used to simply check up on how construction is progressing in preparation for the olympic games in sochi with two years left until the opening ceremony you could witness the landscape being changed right. your eyes
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. over the years scan it has accumulated a sizable archive of all their uploaded data all told they've got more than two hundred terabytes of space images on record all of which they hope will make the world a more transparent place. for turning their attention to open innovations for a given that it was spread out over some twenty thousand square meters of exhibition space and there were more than one thousand innovative works on display we probably could have done several shows just on the company's own technology present so in the coming months don't be too surprised to see more about some of those innovators mentioned at the top. despite what event organizers would have liked not all big announcements were emitting from moscow there were quite a few other important bits of news items in the world of tech recently as well more on them right after the break. is.
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to meet. wealthy british style holds a restaurant on the. market why not ground zero find out what's really happening to the global economy with max conjure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.
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i've. the official. favorite. quiet. time.
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oh and welcome back to technology update in recent weeks there's been a veritable avalanche of big announcements in the world for that reason we headed out to the newly open spoke of a cube where many of the world's biggest players are currently setting up shop we've come out here to see just how all the latest moves look from a russian point of view this. makes to see a. challenge from a long time so. enthusiastic fans. can be found sides of the battle. each taking their fight. for something a little. seven inch i pad mini microsoft. with the surface device basically the overall tablet market is getting more competitive with android devices on the rise. of google.
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change the whole idea. to account for one hundred percent of the tablet. the rest of the markets are. very very small sliver of controlled by windows based devices. however in russia. has a little over twenty five percent of the remaining three quarters of the. people. are more for entertainment for consuming content. the microsoft surface for creating content for work is
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a very convenient cover. that is. hardware. operating systems as well. as probably the major. in terms of traditional. systems. to translate that into. the world becomes. they can't see. the surface tablet launch. on the mobile device. has worked hard to reverse. this
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point it is hard to say if they'll be successful. to showcase their new operating system. parties across the globe. bodes well for the company though is the fact that in recent years microsoft has shown that it's able to branch out from its traditional strongholds and still find success early lead in terms of gesture recognition software its connect and related gaming systems have proved a major hit for the old and young alike but here the real thing to see at the launch party was the unveiling of windows eight along with the much touted surface tablet the company has totally revamped its windows operating system from the ground up the pricing developers have ditched their iconic start button all together one thing probably everyone can agree upon is that a total retool this client required major work. company employs many specialists
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engineers and developers. in creating windows for the first versions over twenty years ago today. the overarching theme of this new system is to create a similar experience across all devices that means that the way you interact with your home p.c. will be the same as how you surf on your mobile gadgets. all the big news was coming from abroad. russian companies also announced a number of big projects. the one that made the biggest headlines. no less important was their announcement of a new app store for. now. will be able to reconfigure devices. of their own as well as replacing the google. services.
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of course. users access to the place where they won't even need it says they will have a great. social. newly launched gateway to the web is another optimized based browser the developers have. compressed which preach incoming traffic to allow for faster surfing what used to be just a. combined address and search tool crucially this ought to be another warning sign to google which as you can see by comparing the two companies directly compete on many fronts. with this latest move appears to be trying to expand its so-called ecosystem that. is one of the country's two largest email servers and dominates the search engine game its own
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browser store to help all of their online products together seamlessly. the world is filled with rumors about potential partnerships with apple and microsoft the services in russia. products and back channel chats aside producers are confident that they have an ace up their sleeve when it comes to keeping one step ahead of the competition and its biggest and most important markets in a world where information is power looks to be in the poll position. of information. confident predictions. of competition in this.
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also recently. showing that it's not just a one horse race in terms of rushing in. are you gathered bloggers and tech heads alike for a big event of its own. conference the company seemed to differentiate itself from the likes of you by focusing much more on the lighter perhaps funder side of our online world and the main thing that i took away from the presentations and the event as a whole was the c.e.o. was focused on the intersection of entertainment and information. through appears to be quite comfortable with its focus on the entertainment minded internet users you. three percent of mail. if i'm not mistaken. network services. or clear demonstration.
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company providing entertainment. to be no real surprise that one of the biggest pieces of news from. the world premiere of warface this free online blockbuster has been made available in russia before anywhere else. are you by crytek has been billed as the only free online first person shooter of its kind so far more than four million people have signed up to join the action every little element of the game mechanics has been tested to perfection the thing is. you can't make any mistakes if a game is. exploited to their advantage. that the virtual world is built upon will collapse straight away for that reason game to be good it has to go through full detail checks theories of all game mechanics are created by developers that never even reach the gamers of the. testing regime is far more in-depth than i ever
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imagined in addition to those game mechanics everything from the interface to physiological responses get tried out for starters they check to see if things like maps and extra information are easy to see on the screen breathing hard. various stages of. training adequately prepare you for. the game designers of the world famous team. expect. the. triple a great. game.
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this. translates into high quality. considering that the worldwide market for games is worth more than fifty billion dollars and the. big payoff. time.
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we have a vote before all give him a note so we have a lot of groups of the called citizens who says also our views in the whole mood right enough to my mind it was like many of that marriage wasn't forced my just. when i was in yes you can embrace. and you certainly can do it through the barrel
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of a gun effective social change you can be. the afghans themselves ask . people in. how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't care about the women of afghanistan.
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do we speak your language or not a day of. school music programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news that will turn it into angles kidney's stories. you hear.
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and then try to alter the spanish find out more visit. more news today violence is once again flared up if these are the images going forward he said and seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all today. and.


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