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tv   [untitled]    November 24, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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covered. parents versus social workers document being the last stop get me the land stamp good many children have become prizes to fight for why does the last threaten families of the social order to see in the form of they have a right of your home anymore if they feel that they have any kind of suspicion about the well being of the of your children are often just better at bringing up kids than their own mom and dad you think we have an industry that is. concentrated on the other for trade to. a nation of free cretaceous free in-store charges free. range
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missions free. three stooges free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free media oh don r. t. dot com. welcome back you're watching r t with me we think. it was conceived as a beacon of transparency and prosperity and it has since invited a stark criticism as a symbol of bankers' great and harsh economic times millions have already been spent on the european central bank's new headquarters in frankfurt but more are being poured in and delays are dragging the project down are days where if an ocean i want to investigate. at a time when many europeans are unable to pay their mortgages and a kicked out of their homes and spain's forced to approve a suspension of addictions after a woman killed herself in desperation the u. . rypien central bank is preparing for
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a house warming party the european treasury symbolic new building will be the tallest on frankford skyline when it's complete but so far it seems the projects faced sky high criticism first of all for its ten digit price tag. we think the project is to shoot an ugly we asked the e.c.b. to use its money more carefully something taxpayers untrusted to them. stephen meissner from germany as part of reason doesn't see any reason to spend that much money on a piece of real estate but he says he sees a reasonable explanation of why the sky's the limit for the european union's economic monopoly they never run out of money it's they just come to me and the other taxpayers they go you have to pay more you're paying more of it more or maybe because it's e.c.b. the european central bank just print the money and while some may see an upside down logic here german m.p. mr scheffler explains it's more than just a piece of architecture. e.c.b.
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wants a palace a building to demonstrate his power through a million more million less makes no difference is to make a statement about its power and credibility but that's a notion that's taken a serious knock in recent times the seventeen nation euro zone's unemployment is at a record high brussels and seized on the sterett immeasurable which the government's cut spending and raise taxes increase in peoples and as well as euro skepticism here it is future european central bank headquarters here in germany and the building was initially supposed to be a symbol of integrity and competence efficiency and transparency of the e.u. main financial institution but many now gloat that the project that there is already far behind shadow and over budget may be sending a slightly different message online cynics have compared the bank's future premises with the biblical story of the tower of babel it was meant to reach up to heaven
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but ended up instead abandoned left as a symbol of hubris and conceit if you look at it it's considered i guess modern architecture sort of looks like sort of like it's been flattened and squeezed and turn around and it looks like a medieval sort of collapse on itself so it's kind of maybe a fitting symbol i think it's very possible that the euro it solved the currency may not even be around by the time they finish the building the construction is due for completion by twenty fourteen and it's already known that the president of the e.c.b. will have a room on the forty first floor some say he will not just see a breathtaking c.t. parama he'll also have a bird's eye view of the turbulent ups and downs of his own troubled empire the e.u. fated euro zone. notion r.t. germany. syrian rebel forces looking to oust president bashar al assad have received an important endorsement from the west the european union says the
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national coalition is a legitimate representative of the country's people but it stopped short of giving official recognition france and the u.k. were the first western powers to give the rebel alliance or stamp of approval a turkey later doing the same car is now pushing for nato to install a peach missile system along the border russia is among the countries who strongly oppose the move widely seen as the first step of creating a no fly zone meanwhile ali mohamed he's editor in chief of the syria tribune and he says the rebel coalition is receiving western support so i can just send within its ranks. we don't know this as they don't control anything on the ground and you know there was one of them to be this sort of is a process which does not make sense for france and it provides the policeman has a league of their own sort of the syrian people the fucking groups and their leaders the release the video see that this version of how to present them and that they thought they would be keep fighting until they reached their goal
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which is syria so i don't think they would be able to. recruit or we can focus. on the long black it was the brother who is an important member of the coalition and of the sometimes the who is the main background so for the old the your p.c. brigade that fights in the scene the brigade of the future if there's something there that must have a very it's really. not clear what its purpose are for the coalition at all. in light of the petraeus allen scandal in the west the public is now focused on eve every juicy detail of their family drama but many believe that the real scandal here is the eggs they're extending power of the surveillance in the country was a blower and former national security agency official brian binnie potter party william benny shares his views on the american government's ability despite its own citizens. f.b.i. has access to the data collected which is basically the e-mails of virtually
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everybody in the country. and they have it at the f.b.i. has access to it all the congressional members are on on the surveillance too it's not no one's excluded they're all included so yes this can happen to to anyone if they become a target for whatever reason. if they were targeted by the government the government can go in with the f.b.i. or other agencies of the government can go into their database of all that they would collect over them on them over the years and reanalyze would also work to actively analyze everything they've done. over the last ten years at least. and you can watch out full interview with n.s.a. with veteran and was a blower in a few minutes right here on r.t. . the west controversial use of unmanned drones in hot spots around the world looks some to go on but with the british government out of helping a new technology. found out some locals close to the testing ground share the
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government's excitement. for victims in tribal regions of pakistan yemen i'm just gonna stand it's the last sound heard before bloodshed in syria is a constant wiring that gets louder before it becomes visible but for residents of the quiet coastal town of aba porth in west wales the sound is synonymous with daily life this is the area where the r.a.f. tests its watch keep a drone from as you can see there's one taking off behind me as we speak in good weather the drones take off throughout the day and during the night and as you can hear the noise is so high pitched and dominating that local residents have called this area the buzz box. for local people the noise. and whining noise send they fly over this quite regularly the welsh government
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build it as a state of the art technology park that would create four to five hundred much needed jobs for the community the reality a hof deserted site where the ministry of defense employs about thirty people to help test the watch keep up there is a sense of frustration in the area a number of people who were for it in the beginning now opposed to it because they didn't realise the level of nuisance that they was going to be there is behind the development of drones say it means less soldiers come home. from war zones in body bags but civilian casualties piling up we know. that somewhere around two to three thousand people have been killed in drone strikes because of these unmanned systems it's a lot easier to go to war and therefore there will be much more and the world isn't safe the british government has already spent two billion pounds on development but
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they're about to commit another two billion on a new armed drone that is spent it could be spent on hospitals and schools rather than on killing machines despite drastic government cuts welfare spending financing for the drones isn't up for debate to the dismay of locals the daily testing along with the bloodcurdling noise drones on. west wales ok as promised in just a few moments our team will look at the government's domestic spying program on its own citizens with former national security agency official turned whistle blower william binney. please speak your language. programs in documentaries in arabic in
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school here on all t.v. reporting from the will talks posts of a p.r. people interviews intriguing story for you. it's been trying. to find out more visit our big teeth don't call. it was not the military as army announced today it signed a new contract with a unit of the huge contracting however it was not the operation to secure and rebuild the devastated country caliber company taxpayers for its contract for akin to rock. it was the campaign for making billions of dollars oliver was reasonable and ordered bills to exceed one billion dollars iraq for sale. for profiteers one of.
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the great russian warriors. prevailing over hazards and asperity. to reenact an epic parade through paris. can they complete that triumph. with people's admiration for two hundred.
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right. from science to. don't come. i. i. my guest today is william binney a whistleblower former national security agency official he was one of the first to reveal the agency's massive domestic spying program mr binney revealed that n.s.a. sought and received access to telecommunications companies domestic and international billing records that it has intercepted somewhere between fifteen to twenty trillion communications mr binnie also claims that in order to cover its
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warrantless surveillance the agency concealed it under the patriotic sounding name terrorist surveillance program mr beaty thank you so much for coming in light of the patricius slash alan scandal while the public is so focused on the details of their family drama one may argue that the real scandal in this whole story is the power the reach of the surveillance state i mean if we take general allen thousands of his personal e-mails have been sifted through private correspondence i mean it's not like any of those man was planning an attack on america does it prove does this scandal prove the notion that there is no such thing as privacy in a surveillance state. well yes that's what i've been basically saying for quite some time is that the f.b.i. has access to the data collected which is basically the e-mails of virtually
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everybody in the country. and they have at the f.b.i. has access to it all the congressional members are on on this surveillance to it's not no one's excluded they're all included so yes this can happen to to anyone if they become a target for whatever reason. if they were targeted by the government the government can go in with the f.b.i. or other agencies of the government can go into their database pull all that data collected go down on them over the years and reanalyze it also retroactively analyze everything they've done over the last ten years at least and it's not just about those who could be planning who could be a threat to national security but but also those who could be just it's everybody i thought at the end naris device simply takes in the entire line so it takes all the data. in fact they advertise the way they advertise they they can process the
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lines at session rates which means ten gigabit lines that's the nearest. not the s.t.s. sixty four hundred but the i forget that this is another device that they have that does that but it does tend give the take ten gigabits that's why they're building bluffdale because they have to have more storage because they can't figure out what's important so they're just storing everything there so all the e-mails going to be stored there for the future but right now it's stored in different places around the country but it is being collected in is that has f.b.i. has you know you say to a collected in ball quick value even requesting. providers and then what about google you know releasing that it's this biannual transparency report and saying that the government's demands for personal data is at an all time high and for for all of those requests in the u.s. google says they complied with the government demands ninety percent of the time but they're still saying that they are making the request it's not like it's all
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being funneled into into that storage what do you say to that well i would assume that that's just simply another source of the same data that they're already collecting. mark klein in his declarations in the court about the eighteenth the facility in san francisco documented the n.s.a. room inside that ace t.n.t. facility where they had narrows devices to collect data off the fiber optic lines inside the united states so that's kind of a powerful device that would collect everything that was being sent it could collect on the order of one hundred over one hundred billion one thousand character e-mails a day one device. so that's that gives you an idea of the magnitude of the kind of collection that's going on well we are saying they sift through healing in so billions of e-mails i wonder how do they prioritize i mean is it like foreign
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nationals first what what's the how do they prioritize how do they i don't trip i don't think they're well first of all i don't think the filtering they're just going to store ok so then it's just a matter of selecting it when you want it so if they want to target you they would take your attributes and go into that database and pull out all your data that's what i was going to ask are they reading my e-mail. i should say there was no yes ghana's then generally my e-mail. do you think now that i said that they will stop looking into my help but i don't think they will make any difference no if they have they had you on the target list you're on the list or are you one part but i'm sure i i i believe i've been on it for quite a few years. so i keep telling them everything i think of them in my e-mail so that they when they read it they'll understand what i think of them do you think we should all likely messages for the i want to say you know mailbox sure mr binney you blew the whistle on the agency when george w. bush was president with president obama in office in your opinion has anything
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changed that the agency in their surveillance program what in what direction is an instruction taking program changes that it's getting worse. they're doing more that's why they i mean he is supporting the building up of the buff they'll facility which is over two billion dollars they're spending on storage on of data so that means that they're collecting a lot more now and they need more storage for it so that that facility by my calculations that i submitted in a sworn affidavit to the court for the electronic frontier foundation lawsuit against innocent. would hold on the order of five thousand exabytes or five zeta bytes of data just a current storage capacity that's being advertised on the web that you can buy currently and that's not talking about what they have in the near future ok so what
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are they going to do with all of that ok they're storing it why should anybody anybody be concerned well if you ever get on their enemies list like a train as did or for whatever reason then you can be drawn into that. surveillance do you think they were general petraeus who was idolized by the same administration when general allen well there's certainly there's certainly some questions that have to be asked like why were they targeted to begin with. what law were they breaking or what probable cause did they have in beginning and even so the job for trade is i was one would argue that ok they could have been there could have been a security breach or something like that with but with general allen i don't quite understand because what they were looking into his private e-mails of to this to this woman and well this is that's the whole point the whole point is what president was there is a telling and why did they i'm not sure what the internal knowledge like it is you
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know well that's part of the problem this government doesn't want things in the public that it's not a government a transparent government so they whatever they're doing whatever reason they had the motive and whatever the motivation was i'm not privy to it so i don't really know but i certainly think that there was something going on the background that made them target those fellows i mean otherwise why would they be doing it there is no crime there it seems that the public is divided between those who think that the government surveillance program violates their civil liberties and those who say i have nothing to hide so why should i care what do you say to those who think that you're concerned that the the problem is if the if they think they're not doing anything that's wrong they don't get to define that the central government does they do the central government defines what is right and wrong and whether or not
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they target you so it's not up to the individual to even if they think they're doing something wrong if their position on something is against what the administration has then then they could easily become a target tell me about the most outrageous thing that you came across during your work at the n.s.a. well. the violations of the constitution and any number of laws that existed at the time. that that was the that was the part that i could not be associated but that's why i left there they were building social networks on who who is communicating and with whom inside this country so that your entire social network of everybody of every us citizen was being compiled over time so they're taking it from one company alone roughly three hundred twenty million records a day that's over time that that's probably cumulated up to close to twenty
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trillion over the years the original program that we put together to handle this to be able to identify terrorists anywhere in the world. and alert anyone that they were and under jeopardy would have would have been able to do that by encrypting everybody's communications except those who were targets so that in essence you would protect their identities and the information about them until you could develop probable cause and then once you showed probable cause then you could do a decrease in target them and we could do that and isolate those people all along that wasn't a problem at all there was no difficulty in that but it sounds very difficult and very complicated easier to take everything and then it's it's easier to use the graphing techniques if you will of the relationships for the world to filter out data so you don't have to handle all that data and it doesn't it doesn't burden you
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with a lot more information to look at then you really want to look then you really need to solve the problem so do you think that the agency doesn't have the filters now you know you have received their callaway award for civic courage i congratulate you on the website in the press release it says it is awarded to those who stand up for constitutional rights and american values that great risk to their personal and professional lives. under the code of spy ethics i don't know if there is such a thing i assume not your former colleagues they probably will look upon you as a traitor how do you look back at that oh that's pretty easy they're violating the foundation of this entire country what our entire foundation of what how why this entire government was formed is founded with the constitution and the rights given to the people in the country under that constitution they're in violation of that
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and under executive order one three five two six section one point seven governing classification you cannot classify information that just to cover up a crime which this is and that was signed by president obama also president bush signed it earlier executive orders very similar one if any of this comes into the supreme court and they rule it unconstitutional then the entire house of cards of the government falls what are the chances of that what are the odds well the government's doing the best they can to try to keep it out of court and of course we're trying to do the best we can to get into court. so we just thought it deserves a a ruling from the supreme court ultimately. the court is supposed to protect the constitution all these all these people in government take an oath to defend the constitution and they're not living up to their oath of office thank you thank you for being.
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so. we won't go into the future to look the old pass you by as the best and brightest
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take minds gather in moscow some came to work while others came to play to get up close and personal with devices that recreate masterpieces and scan russian treasures from inside and from space to keep us safe from oil spills and forest fires a leisure energy gadget geek as i see major search for the next big thing in the computer world and russia's old giants of numerous goodies going to take the fight straight to their competitors launch on monday here on r.g.p. we've got the future of coverage. parents versus social workers docu nabbing pm last stop me that kidnapping children have become prizes to fight full why does the law or threaten families the social for it to seem in the form of they have a right of willful minimal faith that they have any kind of suspicion about the
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world morphing of your children are often a just better at bringing up kids than their own mom and dad. from what we have an industry that is so. concentrated on the other for trade children.
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the a. lucky. girl her. mother. lives. luck .


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