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tv   [untitled]    November 25, 2012 3:30am-4:00am EST

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and we've come back to see how she'll face even bigger challenge five of the six big energy companies have announced price rises of around ten percent according to use which whose business it is to help people reduce their bills it will drive more into an increasingly common form of poverty poverty is where you spend more than ten percent of your net income on your energy bills and we've seen these recent price increases pushed three hundred fourteen founds and people into fuel poverty that's on top of an estimated seven million people. one survey ahead of this winter found energy prices were the biggest concern for consumers ninety percent said the cost of energy was their main household worry ahead rising costs for food petrol and mortgage payments julie shows me her energy bills carefully conserve to charge
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the inexorable rise since she moved in in two thousand and seven she's afraid that this winter her children's health will suffer again in a way to his blanket his socks and just put it on the move two thousand and ten two thousand and eleven there were sick because i tried to be mean. while julie's children are getting sick the energy companies are profiting british gas prices are up six percent is on track to make one point four billion pounds in profits this year and e.t.f. with the highest price rise of ten point eight percent announced profits of one point six billion in february where are you going to find the extra ten percent that's going to go in your bill from. laura smith r.t. london syrian rebel forces looking to oust president bashar al assad have risk. in
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important endorsement from the west the european union says the national coalition is a legitimate representative of the country's people but it stopped short of giving the group a special recognition now france and the u.k. were the first western powers to give the rebel alliance their stamp of approval with turkey later doing the same and cora is now pushing for nato to install a patriot missile system along its border in order to defend herself russia is among the countries strongly opposing the move widely seen as the first step towards creating a no fly zone meanwhile political activist dr abdul believes that turkey has an alter a motive for its request to plunge the region deeper into chaos. deploying such missiles is not really going to be for defensive measure what do they need to defend against turkey has an army and they can defend against more power for example this is clearly for a larger scale intervention where they want to secure a no fly zone area we've been hearing the country especially britain and france
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advocating such intervention recently we've been talking about limited scale intervention how about how how. comprehensive. how a normal out war style this is going to be i think it is not going it's not going to be a war style it will be a war of attrition it's not going to threaten the syrian government of a sudden intervention they know very well that. go into. a. response from the syrian side that made. a lot of chaos and in the region germany is helping turkey cope with an influx of over one hundred thousand syrian refugees by opening its own doors to those displaced by the violent conflict now this after it officially declared support for the country's rebel forces as more of an ocean of discovered german hospitality is exactly all that the migrants may have hoped
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for. with conflict in syria raging for nearly two years now the exodus continues around four hundred thousand moved to neighboring countries two and a half million are internal refugees people run even though sometimes they have nowhere to go but recently seems at least one more door was opened to them germany is really in principle to welcome syrian refugees manual is german journalist has been covering events in syria this summer he was in the capital damascus during operation a volcano when rebels attempted to seize the city manual says the people of syria are being sent the wrong message supporting the so-called rebel side the so-called syrian national council the so-called free syrian army with they are terrorist activities toward civilians now our government discusses with a very nice face to take a large number of refugees from syria instead of saying we have a huge mistake how we can have that the people can stay in their country german
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peel off turkish origin some darlin rose to prominence after signing a petition accusing the u.s. of preparing a war against syria and iran and calling it an aggressor along with turkey and germany she thinks guilt could be motivating barely budged. germany's military forces have been pretty supporting in many conflicts around the world so they're partially responsible for the wars and as people are running away it means they're responsible for the refugees. but if syrian refugees come here to germany what will they get people in this camp in central berlin or all immigrants and they're angry they've come here to protest against harsh german laws that force refugees to remain at whichever camp the state sends them to that's after a twenty eight day march across the country which involved them breaking these very same laws if you want to. you go with the big games you win or
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something. you go or if you come and then you don't show them you cannot enter even these small place and then i say ok now i have nowhere to go is it is please i'm ok finished people here are from africa the middle east and asia they've been seeking a better life in a better place but it seems what they found here turned out to be yet another fight in their hopes in the way. the people we're meeting here have been running away from atrocities and violence and dictatorship in their homelands forced to give up their homes and their lives there just to survive actually had nowhere to go and they've come here in what may be their last hope but other welcome here enough with a german little sheep singling syrian refugees out they may have better chances but still no guarantees they will get exactly what they are looking for help in finding
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peace at home or help in finding safety in the arms of others written ocean archie from germany. the west's controversial use of unmanned drones in hotspots around the world looks set to go on with the british government now developing new technologies but artie's pauli found out some locals that live close to testing grounds don't exactly share in the government's excitement. for victims in tribal regions of pakistan yemen i'm def gonna stand is the last sound heard before bloodshed in syria as a constant worrying that gets louder before it becomes visible but for residents of the quiet coastal town of abba porth in west wales the sound is synonymous with day to day life this is the area where the r.a.f. tests its watch keep a drone from as you can see there's one taking off behind me as we speak in good weather the drones take off throughout the day and during the night and as you can
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hear the noise is so high pitched and dominating that local residents have called this area the buzz box. for local people. because. they fly over this quite regularly the welsh government build it as a state of the art technology park that would create four to five hundred much needed jobs for the community the reality a hot deserted site where the ministry of defense employs about thirty people to help test the watch keep there is a sense of frustration in the area a number of people who were for it in the beginning. because they didn't realise the level of nuisance that there was going to be there is behind the development of drones say it means less soldiers come home from war zones in body bags but
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civilian casualties a piling up we know from pakistan that somewhere around two to three thousand people have been killed in drone strikes because of these unmanned systems it's a lot easier. to go to war and therefore there will be much more war and the world isn't safe the british government has already spent two billion pounds on development but they're about to commit another two billion on a new armed drone closer to spent it could be spent on hospitals and schools rather than on killing machines despite drastic government cuts on welfare spending financing for the drones isn't up for debate to the dismay of locals the daily testing along with the bloodcurdling noise drones on. r t west wales. well a separatist movements on the rise across europe britain is no exception in just a few minutes want to speak with margaret thatcher's former economics minister about that trend stay with us.
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looters that takes your breath away a few tourists travel to these paul it's no prepackaged comfort but the joy of the wild these guaranteed is gagne's a zoology professor he works in the u.s. and travels to these remote areas in russia every summer as he says he come find untouched landscapes like these anywhere else in the world. we're going off the list below sea line. if i go wrong the wrong and surprising and you'll go straight to the water and so we did our plan to get closer to the sea lion and shake its flipper failed before. one animal whose par you definitely wouldn't want to shake here is the brown bear you can literally spot agrees the here by every small weaver. for the bears are so
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full that they have a very good sense of flow to be able to think that we have to keep an eye a wind direction at. them and also told that could be dangerous so we're going to go just to show what people required. and quite we went but the wind was not on our side and the bear got away they're usually the first to avoid contact with humans but during spawning time when both people and bears go fishing people often shoot at them to scare them away and every year here in the region you hear about someone being killed by the predators. but at the mugger down nature reserve where we are no one disturbs the bears peanuts another local resident to haiti's peace being disturbed here is the howlers eagle in has a wingspan of two and a half meters ignace only here in russia far east because of the bundles of salmon
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and seagulls which feed the giant bird in his studies if gainey focuses on birds so he took me to one of his favorite places here mara island it has the biggest colony of seagulls in the region and the climb up was tough. but the prize was worth it. if there was no city or to hear a good. day you will have tons of people coming here not just to get some for me on the beach here nothing is guaranteed you have to struggle to get your piece of road through snuffing really well you can fly on oprah did you have to align yourself two bucks. or so were you have to be the bat. maybe for the wildlife here is the lack of visitors this for the better but when
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you stand on top of phenomenal and like this you just can't help wanting to share the beauty. which brightened. from things to see. don't come. free. education free. free. free. free. free.
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download free volunteer video for your media project free video dog r t dot com. it wasn't so you'll only go to euro skeptic was a form of insult something to be derided and sneered at but in the midst of a protracted euro crisis with no end in sight with the case own see it so with. the king increasingly. no one's laughing now we're joined by phone by conservative tells the lord lawson right from the very start that the european project was in you was going to fail so thank you very much for joining us why those words why didn't. i was trying to warn my friends and colleagues across the european. you need not to go down this road because it was doomed to fail it was doomed to fail
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because you cannot have a currency. without a political. and you cannot have a political union in a democracy and list the people of the country wish to move away from independent nation states towards a full political union united states of europe which is what the architects of danceable do i live fearful that people don't want to live believe nice they don't want it the great majority of the people of your don't want this political union. and they're not likely to want it therefore the current union can't work and therefore you shouldn't buckle now at the beginning with the euro skeptics that very much lost their opinions last that why weren't these points that you were putting across at the time i think the time. there were a lot of people didn't understand what monetary union really meant what it would lead to what it was not what was necessary if it was to be even halfway successful
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i don't think even with a political union there would be any economic benefit but at least you could sustain it with a full political union. going to happen i believe many people didn't understand what dean's nods were there were some people who are well it probably won't happen because this was a sin some years before it was due to happen and people probably would happen and also there has been. for many years in throughout europe an igloo you need only kingdom of form of political correctness in which it was felt that anything which was european was a noble ideal and anybody who criticize it was desperately politically incorrect or appear as it was so to the public is put it with its basis in peace and democracy if the public didn't. and he better he did. i think the principal promoters of it
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knew that it was a gamble and in my judgment it was a grossly irresponsible gamble but they were gambling they wanted their objective and they had been for a long time was a full political union united states of you and they thought that the room or service logic would of monetary would force the political union to arrive and that's what they wanted the reason why it was an irresponsible because as we see if in fact the peoples of europe don't want to. going to get a political then you have an economic disaster and that is what we have now but they of course one of the defects of the europeans the european movement you know the european people european movement the people mostly but over the years there's been a fundamental contempt for democracy. they believe they know better than republican
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large they were the main culprits well there were a number of the architect reluctant although i knew very well he was by. opposite numbers finance french finance minister when i was johnson extract here for a number of years. very. dedicated man. who believed passionately he was. responsible for it the there were also other in parities i don't want to single out individuals particularly there are other imperatives which drove both different ones different crew france and drove germany. and everything happens within the european union is always a matter of what france and germany they are the heart of the matter they are the great alliance maybe to marriage of convenience not of love but nevertheless it is that marriage which is the core of the european union the germans
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believed in europe passionately they. felt particularly the older generation in it gradually changing they felt enormous guilt. over the behavior of germany during the twentieth century the two world wars which germany was responsible for and therefore they felt that germany was not trusted germany had to reinvent itself as not being judged new being europe that was the only way germany could exercise a political influence in a political power which was commensurate with its economic strength. so there was why germany wanted to be as it were not just a european it's not so much the case with the german people. it's the political dots and that is why the german the germans have never put this thing to a referendum in germany because they know that the people aren't with them but the
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political class the leadership are all of that mind let's talk about the case position within the has there ever been a time when then the sit as being so in question now there hasn't and i tell you why because the nature of the european union is changing and it's changing in a way that we would never of joined it probably in the first place if it had been like that when we joined and it is having been an organization which was something which we could happily live with it is now moving towards a different kind of organization which we would not want to be part of we would have good relations with friendly relations and trade with the rest but not be part of it if you like it may be past its sell by date we say past its sell by date so all we know likely to be a referendum in the near future i think it's quite likely it's not up to me obviously it's up to the government but i i think it is quite likely and the question is really what the terms of the river of them will be what do you think.
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well if it look as if the terms of the referendum he becomes and we shall see but what it looks is being is a referendum. some way to empower the government to insist on hey repaired creation of a number of powers away from the european union back to the member states if they wish them and the united kingdom in particular does wish them to have be repaired tree and the problem is of course that you have your referendum and the referendum. would. undoubtedly be one hundred but then what happens you cause you that's not binding on the european union you say there's a referendum saying the powers must be repatriated back from the center to from brussels to london to simplified language but what happens when the european
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use a live story we don't do that it would be that the others were then wanted needed to lead to a dismantling of the european dream and we don't want to do it so then where are you so it doesn't solve the problem and i think there will come a time when there needs to be a referendum on the basic question of do we remain in the european union or do we side and say then negotiate of an amicable relationship with the european you bought from outside well david cameron being. dismantled. well you don't going to what david cameron movie doing if he does do it in we shall see is not dismantling the you i mean he you will presumably continue with the other members we should do but it will be a different relationship between the united kingdom and he will be one not one of membership one of some kind of association why now have we seen such. an influx the
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public when it comes to the i think. the public feel that there are a whole lot of petty restrictions which come to us from europe or european law which we can't change which you have to go along with even though we ourselves don't agree with them and they don't like that the they don't like the they feel the public feel also that the decisions of british judges are actually better decisions than the decisions of the european court and yet we have to be subordinated to the european court and also i think that they can see little we're not of course part of the euro zone we're not thank god thank goodness we had the good sense to keep out of the simple currency but nevertheless they can see that the single currency is a mess the europe the european economy is
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a mess and therefore it is not particularly inspirational so if the u.s. gets a laugh that at the beginning you know they'll be vindicated that a lot of what you were warning about his counterpart i always found a position. on your pick stream comfortable. for a different reason. than the debates in the house of commons during my time there and this is continue to some extent have been extremely polarized been the euro fanatics who think the europe can do no wrong anything is european must be better than anything is national and then be a whole group of xenophobes who hate foreigners who hate europe and think it's the work of the devil and the. they they both speak with loud voices both groups of a people in the middle like myself who are in no way hostile to europe as i said i
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live after a time in france and i voiced. enjoyed the company of many european friends people and who they look at the thing objectively and say what makes sense what is makes economic and political sense but if united kingdom and indeed for europe when i tried to persuade the european countries not to go when i was transferred not to go down the route of money it wasn't because i thought it would suck brittany to manage and i knew perfectly well that we would never join i was trying to prevent my european friends from making these big mistakes for their road sakes thanks hun come back to reality i think it's time to come back to reality yes and to learn the lessons of the us and thank you very much for joining us.
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