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tv   [untitled]    November 26, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EST

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the fury over the president is a sweeping new powers in egypt it claims it's for us alive with a teenager killed in protests just as muhammad pulls his position appears to weaken . separatism holds us away in strains a rigid religion that got the idea as pro independence parties when a majority of parliamentary seats possibly paving the way for referendum. and all we can be exerted to julian as laundry release is a new book cutting internet users around the globe to stand up against virtual in slave meant by government.
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you're watching our live from moscow with me to bomb would say egypt's president is making steps towards a compromise and agreed to meet senior judges are drage at his seizure of power which makes his decisions untouchable it comes as the first blood in clashes over mohamed morsi is controversial decree it's built with the violence and protests showing no signs of easing journalist belled truth is following events. a fifteen year old member of the freedom and justice party which is the muslim brotherhood's political organization died yesterday in the and i owe you guys to keep old egypt during clashes between pro and anti of brotherhood supporters in addition we've seen very heavy handed tactics from the police we see that the excessive use of tear gas. has seen the use of blood shock but when it should be given quite severe injuries to the face the stomach how to pools of blood i mean issues from the police and this is really not showing any sign of stopping anytime soon we've still mine the crash is happening literally just behind me on to her square as assistant
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which was called by oppositional forces continues they said they will not leave until most he backs down from his contentious concert of that duration but you would see him sweeping powers including powers over the judiciary and makes all these declarations and decrease immune to appeal by anybody or by any means definitely this is unprecedented in terms of a unification if the liberal leftist forces that have seen some of the former presidential candidates like coming sabbahi ahmed el baradei coming together in a cheap a booming economy to save egypt they say so we're really seeing quite as strong i mean from the opposition forces to more of course we see even more protests by the opposition forces who are planning a million man march is the prius today really unifying in addition we had quite dramatic scenes of the journalists in the kid yesterday i'm as a journalist who are rising up against the said decoration which they see to be
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oppressive edition the judiciary as well have staged a possible strike so really we're seeing a country rising up against this president which you could see see scenes that we saw last year during january february president morsi and has responded to these reactions from the opposition forces by saying that this decree would just be temporary and he's actually agreed to meet the judiciary who are holding a possible strike. however many see this to be not really enough of a measure to clear he's actually called protests tomorrow his organization is motherhood and many people believe this will actually result in further violence on the streets and team promus brotherhood supporters me really people are asking for morsi to back down is his declaration the concert of their creation which is really too strong to simply to say that it's temporary people want this to actually and and they want him to show signs of really be democratic president rather than authoritarian dictator as he's proving to be. u.k. based journalist and writer neil clark i believe that president morsi will have to
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address away more issues than just his controversial decree i think morsi is made a big mistake he you know he may have thought that basically people were and he mubarak and barak's gone and therefore you have a bit of leeway but no the underlying problems the corruption with the policies of mubarak out you know that people want to clean break with these policies they wanted radical change not cosmetic change not media a change of leader at the top carrying on with the same economic policies the same social policies etc they wanted a real radical change they're not getting that and so you really are at a crucial stage now where he's got to listen to the people to actually change course he's not going to be easy but i think they were trying to it would be you know these demonstrations are only going to get worse and worse from his point of view morsi did say did claim that the extension of his powers were just temporary can he be trusted not at all because egyptians have heard it before the turn of temporary how is how they got down the years where governments have said they do this on a temporary basis these ended up lasting
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a very really long time argument that's so i think there is that sort of fear among egyptians that what they're getting is a new pharaoh as i said they want they wanted more democracy back in twenty eleven but they also wanted fundamental economic changes which haven't come about because there are widespread concerns about the public about what morsi is done in the last few days that's not what the people in the hundreds of thousands took to the streets when twenty eleven was to have a new dictator but the underlying cause i think are economic factors. and the fact is people voted for morsi because they thought he'd bring changes it but the economy's got worse one in four young egyptians are out of work poverty is on the rise so i think there is this one issue this constitutional crisis at the moment but beyond that there are deeper issues and have to be addressed. pro independence parties have won a parliamentary majority in spain's got the lumia all the regions president who is pushing for a referendum on breaking away from central government actually lost seats and now has to build a coalition and the spanish prime minister has repeatedly warned that separatism is
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against the constitution artie's enter from a report from barcelona. well as expected aftermaths has been reelected as the cattle president albeit with a reduced majority but the result does up the ante in terms of the region's battle for independence and that's because mr mass will now be required to fulfill his pre-election promise of holding a referendum on to session and that would place the region and him on a collision course with the spanish government because they say any referendum would be against the spanish constitution and what's more the prime minister mariano i hope he will be desperate to keep hold of one of the country's wealthiest regions as he tries to stave off a european bailout why this all happened today and why people voted in this manner it's probably because of the economic crisis for many cattle and this was the tipping point they say that their region is very wealthy it has an economy the size of portugal's but in terms of the number in terms of the size of taxes they pay much more to central government than they actually get back from madrid in terms of
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investments in schools and hospitals so they're annoyed about that and particularly when you consider that unemployment here is around twenty five percent so if a referendum does happen i suppose you could say that you would expect people to vote in favor of it although i say that those people who are against separatism do point out that if catalonia does withdraw from spain it could also mean it has to drop out of the european union and not many people in catalonia would be in favor of that if that turns out to be the case and maybe they would prefer the status quo so there are a lot of ifs and buts but what we do know as a result of today's election there is a growing sentiment of nationalism and a sense for independence here in catalonia and care spokesperson for a group dedicated to helping separatist movements that believes in catalan nation could have a mutually beneficial relationship with the european union. brisson the poorest to
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have be shown a great majority of their citizens of catalonia in favor of it in the band and it is so overwhelming because it is a great majority are not immune or it is really words to say we have the opportunity to cast the book out to cast further our representatives in the parliament with this objectivity and this to start institution a process for in the balance of catalonia which is a process those not all days thin economical or do everybody may believe that actually their reasons are because what we won is the political wing done dance which means the one to decide about the political and the social political policies like immigration education commerce theory is excessive etc etc so it's not an army that's alone is a rich country we do have g.d.p. of two hundred thousand million a year which is like and dead my economy we have to understand that in the european the climate of context we are country of super rabbit we are not that it should
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syria that country and our we have six have the balance of companies our products we export fifty five products to the to the words how we are in a strong economy what happens is that the e.u. have really we live facing this tax burden from the spanish state on the spanish state machinery are trying to fear campaign cancel and so we are european see the signs and know there's not such a presser that that the we would be out of the european union and seven a half million of people suddenly enough how that would be more difficult actually to manage to good order when it's necessary to be out and says not a consideration and we don't believe we're going to be out of the european union like a scotland are not going to be outside european union just because we are exercising universal rights as is the universal right of such a nation. we're talking of the most here. coming up in
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a few minutes it's made only of modern tie is but often is the opportunity to report from a small makeshift beda when school solenn that's. the mission taking the children only place to study social grace. waves of corruption are rocking russia hundreds of millions of dollars vanished for apec building projects and russia's got a nice satellite project a real estate scandal has also led to the defense minister being fired note i said fire in russia we hear a lot about corruption scandals and the reaction is usually a firing or a forced resignation and maybe that would be ok another country but russia has big
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dreams in a big country that has big corruption spoiling all of those dreams a country can't survive with every infrastructural or scientific project is sucked dry from within whether the government is unwilling or unable to sternly punish these offenders is a huge topic by could tell you that if there's no real fear of punishment this will just keep going on for ever perhaps it's time to put a big asterisk for high level corruption next to the moratorium on the death penalty but that's just my opinion. if. you believe.
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wealthy british soil. is not on the books because. the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars report. this is our t. good to have you with us he may be cooped up in the ecuadorian embassy in london then wanted by the west but top whistleblower julian assange has found time to release a new book based on one of the episodes of his exclusive interview show for team
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his demand for the freedom of cyberspace folks bone to cause a reaction as long as smith reports you may be wondering what you need us dollars has been doing coop stock in this at quid or an embassy for noyon six months well now you can see for yourselves because he's been writing a book the text is largely based on the program he made for all t. an episode called sod the politics when he interviews history co-authors oh no wayne jip issue. how to protect data copyrights in full cement this is a politics drove the list goes on but the authors are quick to point out it contains new material to athens calls the three. activists it's your standard google user who knows who your community. who you know what you're researching potentially your sexual orientation your moral values then you know you're so much more than your mother it's a cozy called the station filmed with the floor at specific and comfortable chairs
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jeremys the woman even says he insisted on a bottle of whiskey and some cigars to make the conversation flow more easily could have been i mean. is it that we have civilian wise we don't we don't see tanks coming into this maybe a special interest actually but we most people don't see tanks or bugs i mean to go around you normally or even even down that road but now we take our personal lives and we put it all we put it on facebook we communicate using we communicate using mobile phones which in our midst to the internet. and the military has control. of control that august but the off demand that the episode airing was far from comfortable for the cypherpunks and it's not seen as a coincidence following his apparent jeremy zimmerman was stopped at the airport while leaving the u.s. by two s b o offices and interrogated about wiki leaks and just songs and jacob
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appelbaum is no stranger to run ins with laura foresman because of his involvement with julian assange since he represented wiki leaks at the two thousand and ten conference he's been repeatedly targeted agencies go to court order for his twitter account seized a laptop a mobile phones and detained him no fewer than twelve toy the u.s. border and also discussing the future of the internet how it can be safe for individuals and transparent governments and powerful institutions. director of center for investigative journalism given mcfayden says pushing for transparency is a tough mission in an exclusive interview to our team he explained the old deals whistleblowers are having to go through in their battle against governments and corporations are usually surprise win or lose their spouses the husband or the wife
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leaves them because they can't take the pressure the financial pressure of courts police is very great. unless you have nothing or you have a great deal to fight if you're in the middle it's very difficult. so to fight against a major opponents in a huge corporation for example is extremely difficult they have no numbers of lawyers they have millions of pounds to spend attacking you and they will go after your private life to go after all kinds of aspects of your life force apart the employment records to say that you were always a crazy person even if you've just been promoted they'll do all kinds of things to discredit you and that's very hard for families. and often go to the employers your employers and so you've got this terrible disreputable person working for you so the pressures are hard. you can watch the full interview with kevin mcfayden later today at six pm g.m.t.
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. but during his military says a nato officials are helping to find a place to deploy patriot missiles along the southern border and cry has denied the move is offensive saying it only wants to show up to counter possible threats from syria this comes amid reports syrian government jets have bombed the rebel headquarters of the free syrian army near the turkish border in another attack activists say ten children were thrilled after an army plane dropped a cost a bomb on a playground east of the capital damascus rebels have also reportedly captured a high point let me in the country's role seizing ammunition after taking over a helicopter base on sunday. base really defense minister is saying i heard barack says he'll leave politics for good once a new cabinet is formed in three months he's previously served as the country's prime minister foreign minister and a chief of general stuff paris announcement comes just days after israel agreed
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a ceasefire with gaza's militants hamas the says his resignation proves israel's military operation was a failure. there. zone finance ministers and the i.m.f. first said to decide whether to finally grant agrees that its much needed second bailout although they are undecided whether some previous loans to athens should be written off to avoid debt and interest payments becoming unsustainable greece has met all the demands of international creditors by imposing a new set of biting cuts sparking some of the most violent protests in months. but brainy authorities are dispersed a peaceful march with tear gas during muslim celebrations for the holy month of this that comes as a month after the state banned all public demonstrations opposition activists are valid to continue defying the ban until the demand for a democratically elected government is met the phrase uprising has lasted for
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almost two years with activists calling for more freedoms and better access to jobs and education from this really leaders. it's either a poor education or none at all for one small bed or one community outside jerusalem that's because the heart which serves as a school in this settlement is under threat of demolition because it's considered any legal structure but as part of their reports locals believe there's more to this and the lack of building permits. it's the end of another school day but as these students scramble the difficult part home it's far from clear that don't have a school to turn to tomorrow it will supreme court has decided not to demolish the building for now it's one of the ugliest petitions i've ever seen and there are so many ugly petitions against palestinians in the west bank the school is. made of tires and. it's about half
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a kilometer underneath very fancy houses and villas of frodo mean legal structure was built three years ago entirely from tires held together with mud in george's. one of about one hundred pupils mostly girls who are taught here it could be the only chance she'll ever get at an education other schools are too far away and inaccessible. we are a very poor school in winder it's america and in summer it's very hot we have no air conditioners or heating and our children often fall asleep because of the heat and dust we also have no use for them to play in and you have to carry all the quitman here by hand the john allen big one community has lived in this no man's land for sixty years they fled their traditional homelands in the negev desert during the one nine hundred forty eight war of independence but now israel which has occupied the area since one thousand nine hundred sixty seven wants them to move again. the settlers come with guns their main goal is to keep all the syria
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without palestinians so they can kill the dream of building a palestinian country aid hamas is a father of seven like other bedouin farmers most of the herding grounds for his goats and sheep have been swallowed up by nearby settlements the state has never given him and others a building permit and the makeshift homes have no running water sanitation or electricity and now their children could be left out in the cold for first of all it's a policy probably against education when you don't have an educated person you can easily manipulate the way they think so i think that's the focal point it's about demolishing about school or aiming that against the school the case has been back and forth in the courts a demolition order instigated by settlers is still valid and the community could be displaced at any time the settlers accuse the bad ones of building the school for
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political purposes a tactic they themselves often use but they ignore the fact that if the school is closed down these students will inevitably drop out of education and become an even bigger burden on the state. r t outside east jerusalem. right now on our website the u.s. the point is a problem of a party animal as its cultural ambassador to the middle east find out how the punk rock star andrew w.k. is planning to unite the human race. and class the biggest shopping day of the year for online u.s. retailers says expected to bring more profit to the black friday the full details on cyber monday and plenty of other stories on r.t. dot com. if you're my grandma came for better fortune in france even cleaning or dole keeping may now be out of touch the unemployment rate among the countries of four million foreignness is twice that of the national average and as are. found out some outsiders blame the native french for their troubles.
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it's always busy at this market on a sunday and from the looks of it you could think this is tehran obey route rather than the french capital this paris neighborhood stands just a stone's throw away from the famous eiffel tower but hardly anyone imagined just twenty years ago that the native french population would be finding itself in a rapidly decreasing minority here this man moved from pakistan in search of a better life but this has not been a smooth ride i don't have a proper work here i don't work here. because they don't speak french there is many unemployment in france and the front frank people is also doing have as much work. here how they will give us work and this situation is like a ticking time bomb the jobless migrant population is getting more aggressive towards the native french which they believe to be the main cause of their troubles this is
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described as anti white racism. who wrote a book about the phenomenon. there is real lack of authority in those. suburbs there is not enough police force criminals are not immediately punished the verse phenomenon is widely spread among young people at middle school it's mostly insulting people hell out of insults can happen at school if your district has a conflict between neighbors sometimes it ends up in a fight and use paper paul suggested that the wide french population in breezy and slums were afraid to take a metro ride home after dark. surreal bizarre nasa says aggressive migrants in the neighborhood where he spent most of his life are one of the reasons he joined the nationalist party member i'm putting up my political ads and i hear some noise carson circulus and arab looking people in the cars tell us oh we thought you were the police so they're not interested in politics they are interested in drugs in
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the revenues from drug trafficking so they beat the police up there are a thousand lawless areas where the law of france is not respected in europe despite their concerns officials are reacting as if the problem does not exist racism is a poor relation ship was in a society so between a majority who holds the power of the political support of the jap or the judiciary power and so on and different types of minorities within the society so if you talk about auntie rights racism that want to mean that whites are a minority within their own society which is absolutely wrong in western europe which is many whites christer and whatsoever is an absolute nonsense but with more and more cases of aggression towards the local french many parisians are thinking what else must happen before the authorities stop turning a blind eye to what they say is a worrying trend. alexi rush of city r.t. reporting from paris and france. now will bring you more news in about half an hour
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stay with us then coming up with r.t. sport. was. in the middle of russia's north thrown away from civilization in a three hour helicopter train from the nearest village. so they stole one family have been living here for a long time in tents and they don't bring india's canes. lodging
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runs in a signal on minutes they also grew up in the two but left it at the age of six and never returned they now live in the city in apartment building but still room and they are regions. was planted here as a dancing teacher. was. the two of his dances he tells the stories about his motherland. laws in europe to now has a one thousand strong rangy a had when the enemy only saw the lichen and marks around who it is gather that turns and move to another pasha they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter and
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then children for them. but the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds even though there's sometimes a similar. story . was.
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hello welcome to the weekly small round up with me kate partridge and here's a taste of what's coming up. over and out spotlight mosco psychology you know i am ray after five months following their european exit and the five on trashing at the hands of genoa. plus big day and nicklas backstrom scores on his birthday as did i must go and stay joint all with him i'm just gone. and europhiles decibel moscow trying to reach the top sixteen of the euro only and stay on course for the sevens crown. but let's kick off with football and the crunch of moscow dobby on sunday saw do not lie with russia sponsor five one which month the end of.


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