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tv   [untitled]    November 26, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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since twenty ten the u.k.'s gaps in calls from death toll have risen sixty seven percent while those from norway down seventeen percent and the u.k.'s north sea supplies have continued to do window it's a mature markets as you can see you could tell that on your screen deals with most of british gas as you can see that look at where this gas would be traveling from them with say that the pipeline would be running from veba in russia to germany under the baltic sea bypassing ukraine altogether so not to do with all those are price gas wars that we've had in the polls and britain reported today i want to extend the same threat to norfolk you can see there on the red just on your screen as far as coast is concerned we're talking four hundred eighty million dollars of initial investment to get this off the ground now as far as i'm concerned as far as vest as a concerned we've got some interesting comments actually made about this because this is logical and that was going to be penn state of gas to go around so let's
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hear from others on the nuts at all of his from gas from banks. it is a really it would be really logical thing to do. as sometimes discuss currently the whole capacity of north stream is actually not demanded the tears partially replaced export to the e.u. from through other directions these potential link. probably makes more sense than building a self stream right now but in order to balance better gas exports from russia and in order to forgo the ruse the mordant rules of the european gas market to divide potentially the transportation and distribution. thanks very much katie pilbeam at the business desk. and moving on the eurozone finance ministers are meeting on monday to discuss greek debt problems they'll try and convince the
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international creditors to send the next tranche of bailout money to greece within the next few weeks and has to come in time for the country to make its next debt payment early on monday i spoke with steve jacobson chief economist at sachs a bank in copenhagen he says there will be no when when situations somebody will have to accept the loss. part of the solution this time around will be that greece is giving up to ten billion euros to buy back some of their own debt and retire but you have to remember that indebted in itself is what we call an o.s.i. a public sector involvement in this means that if sensually we have started the process of taking have customs a greek debt so you know one hundred twenty percent one hundred twenty percent to twenty two percent of g.d.p. doesn't really matter everybody knows that if your debt to g.d.p. is higher than ninety you have a huge future tax on your growth and you have negative downside for years to come
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but if you were one of the finance ministers what would you suggest as the solution i will start negotiating who should take the losses here because we need to reduce greek debt to g.d.p. below ninety percent if we really wanted for greece to have a future vote on his own but also certainly in part of the euro zone in europe so you need someone to take the loss of course the consequence of losses will be that countries like germany finland then the netherlands will have to take these losses and have sold them into their fiscal deficit something which is politically impossible to facilitate certainly twenty thirteen is an election year in germany so whatever is the most rational whatever is the best solution for greece is and remains out of reach in terms of being a political solution. and let's not check out the equity markets on wall street equities or in the rad that's following s.
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and p's biggest weekly gain since june the main reasons for concerns of the so-called fiscal cliff and the on result problems in the euro zone over in europe stocks status monday's session a lower the for the sand the downslope hosmer sands and quarter percent respectively and here and russia equities trade in sympathy with gold. markets finishing the day with one percent losses for both the my sex and the r.t.s. and now checking out the currency markets the ruble performed as you can see the spanish today mix against the main currencies meanwhile the euro continued to push higher for versus most of its rivals including of course the euro and the dollar. and a record two hundred forty seven million bargain crazed shoppers hit the u.s. stores on the so-called black friday and over the past weekend they spent fifty nine billion dollars that's thirteen percent more than
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a last three or according to the national retail federation in addition to the much anticipated crowd madness which of course included the usual screaming host saying and passing out brick and mortar retailers saw a one point eight percent sales decline compared to last year's block friday instead of hitting the stores many shoppers took advantage of online sales those topped one billion dollars in a single day the day i should say it has long been considered critical and making the retailers books to be a year and about eighty percent of consumers admit to taking advantage of non gift promotions over the weekend meaning that of course there's nothing sweeter than pampering yourself under the pretense of getting all your christmas shopping done. and up next we'll talk to the director of the center for investigative journalism gavin about the difficulties whistleblower stace when trying to promote
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transparency and that's after a short break. was . i was in the middle of russia's north truly from civilization and in a three hour helicopter train from the nearest village. they stole one family have been living here for a long time in tents made of reindeer screens. look .
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lodging runs in ada signal and then it's they also grew up in the to draw but left it at the age of six and never returned they know leaving the city in apartment building but still ruined their regions. was planted here as a dancing teacher. was. next to his den says he tells the stories about his motherland. laws in europe to now has a one thousand strong rangy had when the enemy only saw the light can and most around you it is gather that turns to know the pasha they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter and then children for them. but the two families have less of
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a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds in these songs a similar. we speak old language. programs and documentaries in arabic. it's all here on our team looking to the world talks to be r.p. interview intriguing story for you.
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all to the arabic to find out more visit arabic don't call. whistle blows and it's defenders of the trees fighting back against the culture of corruption the recent high profile whistle blowing cases such as that of wiki leaks founder julian assange ones have given us a glimpse of the often harsh realities that face those who are brave enough to expose the secrets that those in power would rather we kept hidden so what do you do if you have information that you feel should be exposed who do you turn to would
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tell us a bit more about that we're joined by guys i'm excited director of the center for investigative journalism but you here today to talk to us about the new whistle playing great in the k. . we set up a whistleblowers group in britain because whistleblowers have very little protection here the law exists to nominally protect them but it's very weak and it means that. whistleblowers are encouraged to deal with the problem inside their own company inside their government agency wherever it happens to be and that exposes them immediately to possible retribution and victimization psychological pressures on whistleblowers are quite intense they usually surprisingly lose their spouses the husband or the wife leaves them because they can't take the pressure the financial pressure of courts police is very great. unless you have nothing or you have a great deal to fight if you're in the middle it's very difficult so to fight against a major opponent in a huge corporation for example is extremely difficult they have unknown numbers of
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lawyers they have millions of pounds to spend attacking you and they will now go after your private life they'll go after all kinds of aspects of your life falsify the employment records to say that you were always a crazy person even if you've just been promoted they'll do all kinds of things to discredit you and that's very hard for families to take and often go to the employers your employers and say you've got this terrible disreputable person working for you and so the pressures are high and so one of the first things they asked us was when we asked them what do you need what would help you most and they said psychological help. some kind of console somebody to talk to so we can vent the problems with them and get some advice. and they lose their homes a lot. too just to do a couple days in court could cost you fifteen thousand pounds. which is more money than any working person really has here so you can't fight very well and there's no
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unions in a lot of areas of british life so you can the union can help you so you're very much on your own which is why we formed whistleblowers u.k. so that there be a collective group like a trade union almost to support whistleblowers by themselves i'm the only person in it who's not actually a whistleblower you know all the rest of them are all whistleblowers though i've worked as an investigative reporter i've worked with who were so close for thirty five years and i've seen what's happened to so many of them we had one whistleblower who helped me a great deal on a film in this country and he was stabbed on the street and barely survived and i felt after that that we had a particular obligation to help these people ek with the blameless are often heralded as some of the best stand it but from what you've been describing it sounds like there's really a very long way to go. a long way to go though the law was probably well intended but it's very very weak employers and the government did a great deal to take the teeth out of the law what they do in effect is they
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suggest that you you go to an outside regulator but there's are no right as outside regulators of any independence to go to so you're stuck with going to somebody inside the company and reporting it reporting what it is that concerns you for example corruption. unsafe conditions chemical hazards all kinds of things that will be very disturbing to people so we have a real obligation to find some protective form that really works now and sweden for example there's a law there that says that if you don't whistle blower you go to prison and that's strong enough another words that encourages you to to whistle blow if you see something of a social importance something of undeniable public interest then you have to fight to expose it similarly. the americans have all of which means that if you see. save the government a lot of money because exposing tax evasion the government will give you ten
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percent of what they saved so we have case after case after case now of whistleblowers in america receiving enormous sums of money one woman received one hundred thirty one million dollars as a ten percent of what she saved the government tax avoidance so those things are encouraging to some whistleblowers we don't believe in that here we don't think that people ought to take money because it'll it'll suggest that we're only doing this for the money is there a coach say in the covering up it's a long time culture it's one of the few things that you could say is uniquely british in a sense that the idea that when the police kill somebody nobody's ever convicted there's been a thousand deaths in police custody in this country in the last twenty odd years and not one policeman not one has ever been convicted it's always been covered up there's a famous case in two thousand and six where a brazilian electrician was shot to death by seven. uniforms plain clothes police
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in front of forty horrified passengers on a tube the diminish his killings of quite a well known killing here and not one cop was even prosecutor let alone convicted and the woman who gave the command order to kill him was herself promoted and she's now the head of all counterterrorism in britain that's how we define cover so yes the answer is yes how's you going about taking on this. well by encouraging whistleblowers with support with legal support so they are properly defended and they can pee properly or look after their own interests in court where they're psychologically supported so they're not alone whether solid solidarity network or other for example we have a court accompanying service so that when a whistleblower goes to court another whistleblower from any group goes with them told their hand to make sure they're not alone and they're facing a whole panel of lawyers on their own we send somebody with them it's usually
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a nurse because we've got a lot of nurse we're so blowers and they're the best we've got they're fantastic. because it's a tough world and they're the ones who do it for no money they've got they're paid badly and so why should they tolerate the abusive conditions often many of them are subjected to. those people are the ones who are the strongest and the toughest and they stand behind our military people they stand behind our financial people when they go in court there's usually a nurse with them or a doctor or somebody who from medical group who goes with them gavin universe could have janice just so and often with the guys in the back of an investigation that the people who think i just how vital with the two investigations were first hand witness is like the documents are critical to an investigative report that has any credibility we have to work to the same standard as a lawyer in court what we do we have to be able to prove and a whistleblower who is a first hand witness or who can take documents out becomes very important in that
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process we have one with us a man named ian foxley he's a left him a colonel in the british army or was he was sent to saudi arabia to supervise a commercial arms deal worth over a billion pounds he got there and discovered there was hundreds of millions of pounds missing in these accounts there was clear corruption going on and he confronted them and barely got out alive from the country. it was quite an adventure was like a james bond story getting out of the country in front of the saudi secret police they're pretty dreaded you enter that system and you probably don't come out in one piece and he was very lucky to get out and even on the front page of newspapers now all of us but he's a leading figure in our organization and we have many people in the same place so we've had a lot of experience with as investigative reporters with the centrale any of that import of their evidence to people out there you know what saying at the moment so maybe thinking about with that but i have information they won't fix things what would your advice be to the main thing is to protect yourself and your family when you start. we tell people here very simply if you can telephone somebody don't do
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it from your office don't do it from your home if you want to send an e-mail to a reporter or somebody else don't do it from home don't do it from your office don't tell anybody what you're doing tell nobody act normally so nobody suspects later on there might have been you so just to protect yourself so you're not in serious trouble later go outside your main town to a small internet cafe which which does not have a closed circuit television camera make sure it doesn't and if it doesn't you've got seven or eight minutes to make a phone call or e-mail to the press and then leave quickly and wait for them to contact you. with high profile cases like daily in the songs and i know the eve covered that yourself very closely it seems like the message is that the war on with supplying is gearing up actually strangely enough it's quite the opposite
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because. first of all courage is contagious. and julian assange just nothing if he's not courageous and he's broken more stories exposed more injustices more crimes and mass murder by the american government than anybody has ever done and he's still around he may be living in uncomfortable life in the ecuadorian embassy but he's still with us and he'll get out of it but what's more no one person who's ever used wiki leaks not one person has ever been caught let's talk about the media's role when it comes to with we seen the response to julian assange is being very divided why do you think the media's message has been say. what the media's also been hostile to do in. particular the guardian here in the new york times i mean basically the establishment press. the liberal establishment press if you can call it that are probably the most critical strangely enough they're not supportive of people like julian assange and or even some whistleblowers we. gets
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their particular anger go and there's no doubt about that because they're also he produces more stories in one afternoon than they've produced in twenty five years and that makes them very angry because it's he's not a professional he's not one of us he's a strange australian crazy man and they are frightened by that. because it by the way encourages others and one of the interesting things about wiki leaks is far from it being suppressed there are thirty three new wiki leaks all around the world there's even one in bold the area there's one in the appalachian mountains of tennessee in the united states for coal miners to put out the truth about what happens in the coal mines i mean there's a lot of very interesting stuff going on prompted by that so far from being a discouraging thing i think a lot of people are quite encouraged by what's going on we certainly are for people watching the idea of a whistleblower is often deep throat from the watergate scandal and i say the figure that stays in the background see can you explain and summarize why it's so
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important that we protect these people because courage is contagious and if they are not caught. that's encouragement to everybody else. it's like any whistleblower anywhere it's fear that prevents them if we can reduce that fear then more will come forward so they'll be more investigative reporting better and more in-depth and skeptical reporting we'll learn more about governments and corporations that we need to know that now is secret the secret world is a dangerous world and we're trying to pull some curtains and open the light and point out it and that's what was a boy will do and the more whistleblowers we have the more lights going to come out . and thank you very much for joining us pleasure. here is that so much. material. to the so-called has been
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friends don't talk t.v. dot com. news a secret laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and world events this is why you should care only. looking at some dogs you simply do not believe a const beak and. nice how they can wrong. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as a strand in canada and the us they come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like
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a lot and so i felt at home the first sled dog was brought here from australia now it's trios come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this trail are amazing but even more amazing is the story of how racing post started here atoll it wasn't the top. grazing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and for all for those who brought their dia to life. five years ago kava built a dock kennel in the village kids from the local open age came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their full legged friends but smother her schedule also encourages her kids to become depth hands on the computer and internet the boys regularly
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update their website and they're in touch with the busy mother twenty four seven on the phone itself but children are the most important saying my only interests not play any role anymore and regardless of whether parsky has huskies window race or not she hopes the competition will take place in the village next year. but called these dogs and the children it really is not the winning but actually just the taking part that counts. i.
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