tv [untitled] November 27, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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right now they're actually dealing with closing a factory eight thousand jobs are going to be cut as a result they made a decision back in february to sell one point five billion euros just under one point nine billion dollars of assets this is all part of that recently as well they had to be rescued by the government the banking and credit of their company too so it is desperate situations at the moment for sure the company is most certainly under pressure to. russian railways are coming in like a white knight to save the day and it was a time when european companies weren't so keen to trade with russia is that changing it looks like it is exactly i mean for want of a better phrase beggars can't be choosers you know at the end of the day russian railways they have the money to put it up for europe at the moment as i say in the midst of this sovereign debt crisis so they're having to look elsewhere and you know what it's not just about money it's not just all about making the balance sheet look rather a transit at the moment the chief executive of the company he said he wants the
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company to broaden their horizons. if you look on the math it's in a great position in terms of asia too so there's also money as well as developing and expanding the company for future prospects to. talk about financial aspects of this deal means worth eight hundred million euros just over a billion dollars but it's not like you have this money in the pocket somewhere in the treasure chest i mean where is russia where we say came from well that's what's been brazen a few eyebrows actually and that's the question where are they getting all this money from and at the moment it looks like the majority is going to be coming from bank another state owned company actually the largest land here in russia is there going to be putting up the red days but we also imagine that they're going to be going over to european banks as well and asking for some cash from that. european banks it seems that recently is. it's become quite well simpler for russian
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companies to borrow from them yet it looks that way this is a train going out as well because we've also got to courting european banks they're off to us some of some fifty five billion dollars to sell their teen k b p deal to that purchase it seems to be a trend at the moment of these big state owned russian companies and the fact of the matter is european banks they need the service too they need to stay afloat themselves so it seems to be a transaction that's looking rather good for both parties. on the other hand you have these huge companies like russian railways i mean its investment program just keeps on growing and it's borrowing money now from taxpayers point of view and you know my being one of them russian taxpayers wouldn't be more justified to spend the money back at home yeah i think that's why this is definitely arguable and that's why the eyebrows have been risen because some people on the one hand would say you
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know what why are you going out buying these european companies why isn't this money being invested in infrastructure public services developing the country at home as you say domestically bar on the other hand playing devil's advocate here you could say that they're trying to diversify their assets a tangible assets on the balance sheet away from the likes of say u.s. treasuries and it seems to me at the moment the european companies that are vulnerable also they're buying up these lucrative companies to good prices so the end of the day as far as persia is concerned they've got to pay their staff and as far as these russian state owned companies are concerned they want to diversify they water expands and they want to look good as far as their balance sheet is concerned to. least for the time being looks like a win win situation there katie pavlich thank you very much well let's move over to the markets now consumer confidence in the u. . u.s.
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is at the highest level in five years but apparently that's not enough to impress investors stateside u.s. markets are hesitant as to how to react to a broader i.m.f. a deal for financial targets for greece we've been talking about earlier on r.t. now some analysts say the deal may not be more than just another short term fix and it seems a deal on the other hand could make greece much less of a risk factor for at least the next couple of months so european markets managed some gains at the close as you can see there frankfurt putting on half a percent and here in russia equities traded actually in the other direction with the r.t.s. m i six shedding around point six percent at the close with gazprom being one of the biggest losers is down one hundred percent. certainty with greece despite the new potential deal with the i.m.f. is very much reflected in the euro dollar rate you're seeing right now it's down the euro as you can see and the russian ruble managed to strengthen against both
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currency however russia will keep most of its international currency reserves in the euro that's according to prime minister medvedev he also said russia remains hopeful the next tranche of the greek debt settlement will be final and that europe would stay united meanwhile the u.k. trade minister lord green is in moscow and he told r.t. only in the united europe can be strong as not explained. the state of the global economy largely depends on the health of the eurozone in the particular this so-called single market where the u.k. plays a key role i had an opportunity to sit down with green the u.k. minister for trade and investment and a former c.e.o. of h.s.b.c. group he believes that united europe is the key to yuki's sustainable economic growth here's what he said the benefits of the single market are very considerable and very important for us to recognise that the single market is a market of five hundred million people it's
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a grocery prosperous market it's the world's most integrated market. a great deal has already been achieved which enables companies to trade seamlessly across borders but it's not perfect yet a new one of the key preoccupations of the british government will be to press for full implementation of the single market in the coming years the minister also said he believes in integration rather than the disintegration of the euro zone like greece exiting the e.u. as the solution to europe's current economic issues we would believe that it is important to increase the degree of fiscal coordination to move towards banking union and to generally stabilize the markets within the euro zone but we're not a member of it and it is for the eurozone members to address the problems we are clearly interested to should happen because as i say we are part of a trading block which includes the euro zone forty five percent of our exports go to the euro zone. right that was the u.k.
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trade minister lord green talking to. you can catch that full interview in the coming days on r t meanwhile that's all for me for now bill is back soon as the news continues. if you're passing through rushes to be a region you really can walk on the wild side thousands of kilometers of unspoiled countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the land and enterprising locals so the fruits of the forest by the side of nearly every road such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fisherman and provides a business opportunity for hunters canady has been hunting for more than thirty years and works for a company providing expeditions for tourists this season ducks are on the menu. for two things a successful duck under a blanket and
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a bubble silence which means that i need to be very quiet i'm not going to write in the. office. but when you've been in the business as long as he has the birds don't stand much chance. there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive but environmentalists are fighting back the heart of just us forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island. here wolf pups who've been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have
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a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up. and this is what i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf island a chance to get close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to act as foster parents for the next generation will come here using the older walls as a surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every year i place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs his parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's an important part of the world's development and a major factor in the success of
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a project which has seen more than twenty generations of cubs grow up here it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolfs reputation in russia. but the keepers here hope their research and dedication mean that wolf island remains a place where visitors can truly understand the call of the wild. party night here in moscow new video footage gives more credibility to claims that syrian rebels are now using surface to air missiles against government forces the footage shows a helicopter being hit by a missile and bursting into flames it was purportedly shot near a key army base outside the city of aleppo which rebel fighters have been trying to seize for several months arab gulf states have been accused of supplying the rebels with weapons throughout the conflict while france has openly admitted it wants to
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sponsor the syrian revolution paris has pledged one of the half million dollars for the opposition which according to professor paul shelton first will lead only to more fighting in syria. france major interest will be to continue with so large armaments throughout the world not industry but it i don't think it really cured serve justice they didn't care in the case of libya all they were it was tomorrow i was going to happen and they didn't really care who took over afterwards they probably more thing the so-called syrian opposition knows that they are not united the only thing that unites the rebels that they would like to remove the current government they come from a very wide range of. religious viewpoints. viewpoints nic origins. ever more to succeed in syria they were not be able to come together and they would be in no round of fighting to determine who
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will dominate all the other groups. russia risk. it calls france's illegal decision to allocate money to the syrian national council saying it shouldn't enable violent regime change we've got all the details as well as a view on how the crisis should be resolved online. another arab spring country libya is also welcoming aid from the west washington is helping the country improve its military the revolution torn country is reportedly hosting hundreds of u.s. soldiers who are training the new libyan army that is going to report some why america is so happy to help. the pentagon's new outlook forget about full scale invasion is and large footprint docu patients instead think of special ops and proxy armies next destination libya the obama administration has received congressional approval to allocate money for a special unit reportedly made up of some five hundred people who will train the
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country's forces according to one libyan militia commander a team of americans is already in the country looking for recruits a major obstacle in their way a vastly divided society there isn't an army of libya now and the army is not going to be because whenever you try and get militias which have been region says to a variety of rays of things that the national interest so they have allegiance to a drive or to a sect or to a religion rather than having allegiance to the nation or to the country you cannot build an army but with training and aide felipe bia the u.s. may have more pragmatic goals then tonight in the army you were just teaching them the best way to fight if we're training eventually because the two really about it not so much about you know teaching people how to use rifles and how to use new equipment it's all about really more about indoctrination in making pretty eighty
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one of the children the u.s. uses and as you very successfully plan to ensure that the elite in the countries concerned stay loyal to the u.s. . a lot in terms of foreign policy the state law to them in terms of opening their economies up. to u.s. multinationals will be a movie a very important. for the united states and yes it will start buying american arms and substantial qualities libya has lots and lots of money to spend according to the state department this year alone the u.s. spent six point three billion dollars financing foreign armies it argues investing in foreign militaries helps build. better alliances and further american interests abroad from the point of view of the u.s. government of course it's very useful to have other countries militaries integrated into the us they get the training then they get the equipment they get the arms it's the full package the idea of proxy armies is not new but america's track record of training foreign armies has hardly been flawless you have the school of
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americas for instance which is trained all the the armies that became the torturers of latin america that started after world war two i would say the training troops is especially in the middle east in the case of iraq or in afghanistan something of a catastrophe it's premised on a fantasy that if the u.s. buys the uniforms gives them the guns provides in the training that somehow these will be reliable forces you can see in the case of afghanistan the governments are united the governments are partners but the afghan troops don't consider the americans to be their friends in fact they consider them to be cultural aliens who are occupying their country more than fifty coalition troops were killed this year alone by members of the afghan security forces word is out that the obama administration wants to leave around ten thousand troops in afghanistan to continue to train afghan forces and carry out special operations after twenty four teeth when according to the obama administration american forces are supposed to have completely left the country the afghan government has less than two years to agree
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or reject the idea the u.s. government may be looking at training armies abroad is a smart investment sort of like outsourcing makes sense in business it's cheaper than having u.s. troops on the ground no need to explain dead troops coming home makes sense from a lot of perspectives but that strategy has backfired more than once in the past populations that didn't want to see their military become a student of washington's wars in washington i'm gonna check out. the u.s. military is following its own rules including flying killer craft the problem is working on a. for the group wolf that justified the attacks which killed hundreds of civilians that's coming up shortly. to scream crisis like supermarkets looking up even basic food and efforts to those on the losing side of the all star much more. in the. most police. forces are apparently bracing for
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nationalist roy it's over the sentencing of a mixed martial arts champion who calls the death of a student in the fall and what explains from the halls of the russian capital and m.m.a. championed by the name of for us to was found guilty in a russian imports of reckless homicide killing a club patron and with one punch but he was released from court today after serving about fifteen months in detention now this is has sparked some concerns about potential race riots because the m.m.a. champion in question was from the russian republic of dagestan in north carcasses and this case is quite similar to a different case back in twenty ten that had sparked a massive race riots all across russia and pleading right here in my national push ads where it which is where we're standing where thousands of russian nationalists had gathered clashed with police there were massive arrests as well as people who
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had been hospitalized and after there was the release of more from before today russian nationalists leaders have promised in effect to create. a two point zero another sort of clash over over this racial issue of course as you can see behind me things are quite calm police are certainly on high alert but it doesn't look like there's going to be anything approaching the kinds of violence the kind of ethnic violence that we had seen back when those clashes took place now. uses martial arts skills to as effectively deliver one very strong punch that had knocked out the nineteen year old student who had fallen to the ground received a concussion and ends up dying three days. later now the judge had found that the punch actually only affected the soft tissues of the nineteen year old. self is not what killed the young student which is why was released from court. always put his . head there for more stories pictures. right now for you
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ready to call the story enterprising companies are offering everything necessary to survive the end of the. part of the compound of the russian urals demanding an improvement in standards and the release of some inmates held in solitary confinement. several human rights groups have condemned the drone warfare rule book to be produced by barack obama it was policies to justify the use of unmanned aircraft targeted drone attacks are a tactic widely used under the current us leader despite. i'm retired colonel morris davis told r.t. the drones can't put an end to terror. i don't have just a drone program we have drone programs and we have
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a military program is governed by the law of war and international law and then we have this other program governed run by the cia which is a civilian agency that i'm not aware of what any internationally recognized legal authority for a civilian agency to go overseas and kill you know a war on terror is a war without end because it's really a war on a tactic not on a group of people so you know terror can't surrender so be fighting this war for you know the long as we live it has been the argument you know since nine eleven that the president is the commander in chief has unilateral authority to do anything necessary to keep the country safe john mccain and others here are saying that the administration needs to stand up to morsi because he can't put himself above the rule of law. if you compare his powers to the powers that our president has taken over the past decades so you know compared to the powers that morsi has taken you know our president has done
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a lot more. now some other headlines from around the world the man alleged to have given secret u.s. government documents to wiki leaks says he was punished while in confinement waiting for trial bradley manning who's giving pretrial testimony said he had been subjected to often brutal mistreatment as outlined by the torture supporters of stage rallies for his appearance the former intelligence officer is facing a number of charges including aiding the enemy. there's outrage among hundreds jewish community off the far right politician proposed creating lists of jews who pose a danger to national security the national party leader was bombarded with accusations of being a fascist and condemned by the government the same m.p.'s also known for its harsh rhetoric against the minority living in hungary and backing uniformed vigilantes or . at least nineteen people were killed and over seventy wounded in iraq's capital baghdad by three. blasts cars exploded outside three mosques where
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believers were celebrating a traditional holiday honoring the prophet muhammad's grandson. on tuesday at least ten people died in a wave of bombings which hit two cities in the north and one near the capital. fifty thousand people taking to the streets of the bangladeshi capital demanding a trial for everyone responsible for a massive victory some two hundred factories were closed in the wake of the demonstrations the protest is accusing the bosses of neglecting safety standards comes days after more than one hundred people were killed in the blaze that left them trapped in a close factory. updates least five hundred homes were evacuated in the village of north wales after a nearby river burst off the trench will rain overnight extreme weather spread over southern britain leading to over two hundred warnings being put in place emergency workers together with volunteers help those affected get to safety in lifeboats flood levels are continuing to rise across the region despite an earlier forecast
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of drier spells to come. with austerity and winning fortunes now are part of life across the e.u. desperate measures are called for in britain for example even basic foods are being put under lock and key with one supermarket forced to crack down on a shoplifting epidemic or to serve. so you can mark it as like the shea casing the cut price deals are always popular but in the midst of a recession watching the pennies is proving more important than ever that's why it was. but it's not i mean moms that go to iceland but also apparently shoplifters too is that the supermarket chains been so blighted by things that they've been forced to step up their security measures traditionally it is good such as c.d.'s and alcohol that a shoplifted and say carry the extra security but now it seems food products all all say being targeted in iceland and perhaps somewhat bizarrely if they learn the
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tracking thieves meriting this extra hefty security casing. to find just. there we go we've got the goods and my lands being freed from the security box now fourteen pounds or seven pounds a kilo there's actually pretty good value for the me because one of iceland's most stolen items so it's a sign of tough times that people are struggling to afford even the basics or is this just stealing plain and simple prices of food is going up so you cannot know people. you know people do it because obviously they know. they need the food. but i think it's a good idea is good for iceland to do that they need to take care of their profits really having to steal food. from not just shows is
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a move people are struggling. some people have claimed these the targeting the choice of cuts of meat and selling it on to pubs and restaurants for profit and in iceland the land has been the only products they fall to receive the extra security blows that might be one explanation there's a saying no. i doubt that the top fifty in the u.k. is a growing problem feed inflation in the nikkei was one of the highest in the e.u. and as the costs continue to skyrocket it seems that for many people desperate times really do you call for desperate measures sir artie london. to bring us up to date for the moment more news in about five minutes from now yes i'll be back with more the top stories very shortly stay with us for that.
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and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch r.t. any time. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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