tv [untitled] November 28, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EST
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fall of baghdad we had a christian holiday and they converged to create what was an obvious day of danger right trust the company i trusted and this is a fortune five hundred company that i just don't believe it was to me down the road it was closer was going to have hostile activity for sure i just. didn't cross my mind halliburton and k.b.r. had news from multiple sources including multiple sources in the military that the roads that day were under active combat operations and were black closed and or red no civilians they knew. there was more than a good chance that they would be killed why would they say this convoy in camouflage trucks down that road in the middle of battle is about contracts i believe fulfilling a contract and replacing us if we died there's
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a lot of different contracts being offered out there and tell about who wants most of them if they could have them all they would take a moment. and. they were to continue doing business with their r.v. whatever the risks were was nothing but the money there's no duty honor country. among anyone it how britain k.b.r. their contract with the army provided them literally billions of dollars of revenue every year that the contract profit and the contract profit that they may became more important than the lives of the men that they hired kill bag or replace people they try to do with us. they killed my friends. as far as i'm concerned. they try to kill me i know they know people talk about oh
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they they gave their lives for this thing and i back and assure you they did not. they were stolen from them they were. screamin and didn't want to go. and there wasn't any thing greater glorious about the whole. obscene ordeal they didn't die they didn't pass away they were murdered. k.b.r. got billions of dollars worth of contracts in iraq without a bidding albertan got the government contract without competitive bidding. in the case of power burn most of the contracts they've received to been sole source contracts which means they're either given the contract it's just offered to them or the only people to bid on it a lot of federal officials will defend this saying this is the only company that
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could do the work conservatives especially who favor a free market system should be outraged about the degenerate state of the lack of competition in defense industry one in china greenhouse a top contracting officer at the army corps of engineers alleges favoritism and rule breaking at what did until i process that was corrupt that was geared toward preferential treatment to k.b.r. k.b.r. whisp pre-selected the duration of the contract was pre-determined. the most blatant abuse that i had experienced in my contracting career the american way is competition and i cannot sufficiently stress that in defense industry when it comes to the big programs there is not competition it's monopoly and cartel behavior it is corrupt is corrupting it is corrosive to our national defense. there is nothing there where is. your old who wants it and when they're doing that you'll never read
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about everyone had. we get anything out of the band in three months. and no one. can see my name is jay patterson proud to work for halliburton my name's ben carter and within the first week of being in iraq i knew that that wasn't going to be the company that i wanted to be with halliburton was hired to provide clean safe. cooking cleaning shower water for the military one of halliburton's employees saw something wiggling in the water in his toilet bowl so i went and tested the water in our water storage tanks there was no chlorine in them none the water we showered in every single day was extremely contaminated and when i talk about contaminated water i'm saying malaria
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typhus. cryptosporidium i mean the list is really really long how britain is accused by its own employees of exposing troops to contaminated water in iraq and i tried to modify the troops but they're exposed to a serious health risk i was told to resign and my concern they were only concerned with making their profit and didn't care how it may affect the troops of the sixty seven water treatment plants that how a bird run sixty three of them were providing safe water and the marines were showered in it every single day.
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sorry. i was there to help them. there's a lot of soldiers over there they might come home without a bullet wound but there's a lot of them that are going to come home with pathogens in their blood because albert. and they don't even know to get tested for it. unless somebody tells them and i'm sure how burton is not going to be the company to tell . when i joined halliburton i knew i was going to work on some big things we put out a few fires that were. once ran into a small challenge of getting smashed plaster our troops with the biggest bang in our troops get all americans to. feel just a little closer to home. i would say. at least.
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for the whole hour for food. please. tell me about that line over there what line of my luggage and i know that line is for that. you eat. several times dining halls were. all it takes is one iraqi that's an insurgent and because they knew what times we were going to eat every day they knew when to expect to hit. and that happens because k.b.r. won't go to a twenty four hour feeding schedule where they just always have food that they won't do it because it saves them money. because they get paid by how many soldiers they now by how many soldiers they say feeding the troops the pentagon has found some serious problems with work on that contract as well pentagon auditors found that a hello burton contract to provide food and housing for american troops had a staggering one point eight billion dollars in unsupported cost it was all
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a scam how burton was charging forty five dollars for a can of like coke or pepsi. and a military free and. now these sodas were made right there in the desert it's not as if they were brought over from the united states so those were made with arabic wraps you know coca-cola pepsico whatever right there in the desert so it's not as if they had an exorbitant transportation they had the little mobile units that we had to put on clothes and a lot of. how to burn one hundred dollars for a ribeye of clothes i washed.
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culture is the same i'm going to use music as a minute to mark latham revolutionary or a dictator in the making president mohammed morsi is presidential decrees branding him powers has reopened the debate about. to least be told language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on all t.v. reporting from the world's top spots fifty yard p. interviews intriguing stories for you here. it's been trying. to find out more visit our big all teeth dog called. the great russian warriors. prevailing over hazards and asperity.
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to reenact an epic parade through paris. can they complete that triumph. with people's admiration for two hundred zero. zero zero. zero off to cool. parents versus social workers docu nabbing pm last dockett clammy mean that many children have become prizes to fight full why does the law threaten families of a social for it to see in the form of they have a right of willful minimal faith in what they have any kind of for suspicion about the wellbeing of the of your children are often
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a just better at bringing up kids than their own mom and dad and from what we have an industry that is so. concentrated one. of the for trade children. wealthy british style happened last time to. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines two kinds of reports.
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whenever we got our laundry back it felt worse than when we turned it in everything was still grimy and i was told by my chain of command that i was not allowed to wash my laundry on my own i had to take it to k.b.r. to have them washed even though we all knew that they were doing a horrible job because they get ninety nine dollars. for a bag of laundry that i could do at home for three dollars a legal way a statement from the girl taxpayers money. from the company is overcharging taxpayers. company billed taxpayers for its contract work in iraq it is your money that's being used these contracts have managed to call cost plus which is the opposite of trying to save money it
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guarantees that everything that you buy will be paid back and read if it see it is justified and you'll be given a profit in addition. critics. say the more taxpayer dollars halliburton and more halliburton. cost plus encourages you to write up the cost of the program because you are going to get a percentage of the end result because so there is no incentive to stay at motel six stay at the ritz carlton in kind of folks the place they chose for orientation the way it was a huge resort set right on the ocean. so it was better than the window. it was faint save marble floors mahogany wood were those just beautiful they had seen. and you could go on real wave runners. in the
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water they were running wave runners and we got paid by the hour to do it i was told this don't question and enjoy it several government agencies are currently invest. gating of halliburton overcharge for work already completed in iraq. and i had five star meals catered to him every day it was so lavish oros the vegetable platters beef plodders fish platters to cause was contrary k.b.r. looked at it the more money we spend that's more money we get our pockets we have made over there compared to military when those guys were living in tents and we had our condition private which is tenfold we're standing on we're completely everybody else getting sick well thrust the transactions talking paid millions of dollars why can't even give us attempt. to look when. the soldiers are sleeping mom these little cards in the middle of their theirs or one of these k.b.r.
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executives are driving these forty thousand dollars vehicles they and their secretaries are driving at least a thirty to forty thousand dollars vehicle with everything imaginable all of that you could put on a broom ramzan leather interior and cd players and all these extra minute these are you know you don't really need more time why do they need an h two hammer why do they have cadillac escalates in iraq for halliburton managers what is the purpose. they get the wrong equipment ordered the wrong stuff. pewter still in boxes new vehicles they push them out most they called burn pits and i just set it on fire climate as the was to get more money for the right equipment or the right stuff they needed why would you need to order some bias from a quip and just because i'm a patient and you burn it. and destroy it. you
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got brand new trucks over there and then there's not even oil filters so when the motor blows what do you do. new truck and bill the government said if. they would have a spare tire created then we had a blow to. us by ford and these are maybe eighty thousand dollars vehicles maybe one hundred thousand dollars you know they're expensive trucks. burning fuel in front of the iraqi people we're not really doing anything to help. entire convoy is where every flatbed truck was empty the allegation come from twelve truckers complaining that the company was wasting government money by running empty trucks on the convoys and billing the government for their. travel. and taking a chance. when there was no purpose when you went up. i want to
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make a better life for my family always have a roof over their head not to worry about where their next meal is coming from but then you know you look and you go up and down the road. and your butt is getting healed for. not even as much as a band-aid. that's how i can kill him i can your money. halliburton cues to hundreds of millions of dollars in improper charges pentagon auditors have found potential over charges of sixty one million dollars now the numbers are apparently even larger than previously thought it's unreasonable and unsupported bills that exceed one billion dollars if anybody's overcharging the government we expect him to repay that money has been proven so many times that
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halliburton is overbilled them. and then the pentagon still pays them anyway i don't know who it is that is protecting halliburton i don't understand why the military would protect them if you look at their board of directors they've got contacts in the state department contacts in the military. people who work for halliburton once worked for the military. when you hire top pentagon officials and when the vice president is your former c.e.o. you're going to get the access that other people don't get is reportedly not coincident that vice president dick cheney's old company got a huge contract to help rebuild iraq time magazine's that is gotten a hold of a pentagon e-mail saying cheney's office coordinated halliburton multi-billion dollar deal all the revelations came out about how burton getting all these fancy no bid contracts there was not a single hearing in the congress house or senate about the mysterious bidding
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processes around iraq and halliburton. that's ridiculous the oversight responsibility belongs to the united states congress it belongs here and it's not happening here the senate should spend a little less. advertising allegations of wrongdoing and spend more time talking about what is going right if anybody believes that the contracts handed to haue a bird for iraq were. you know it is the moral equivalent of insider trading. you know i've got an ocean in the middle of kansas and i'd like to take you surf and it's just phenomenal i mean course they were insider deals of course it was payback for old old friends and political supporters and campaign contributors they're very strategic and how they allocate their political contributions you'll see most of their money going to the committees that oversee military matters and funding for.
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when you pay influence money in the form of campaign contributions people look the other way the u.s. army announced today had signed a new contract with a unit of the huge contracting firm. and stock has quadrupled in value since the war began and taxpayers are being ripped off. the people in charge say we want to give to contractors because they can do it cheaper and behold the evidence is now coming in and it isn't cheaper and we're not actually getting what we're paying for. we were writing contracts with. how the burden others to do things the iraqis could have done better and far far cheaper and by the way we would have got iraqis off the street and give them jobs let us stop the war profiteers learn to say no to them and learn to say if you continue to you're going to go to jail
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because that's where you block my amendment would stop them. there hasn't been a single major piece of contracting oversight legislation passed by the congress since the war began not even a significant amendment has been passed despite all the enormous amounts of fraud and waste and abuse there needs to be a special committee established a bipartisan committee to take a look at waste and fraud and abuse the amendment is not agreed to them and is not adopted and of leahy in them many if not take retail.
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trimmings in this tree even for specialists of voice can produce several sounds it warms the to do lenience the art of throat singing comes naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from the unions believe not only animals but also all surrounding objects like reverse forests and even stones of souls by imitating the sounds they believe assumes can capture the power of nature. was.
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there are special instruments that accompany the singing if gainey says there is even a legend about his instrument a gill it says once there lived a poor shefford who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed it on the horse was revived as an instrument that there was a tip stop the fall is because of the spirit of the horse coming to his dream he said make an instrument from a tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings. and to remember me make an engraving of my head part of the instrument he did so i called the instrument again which means come back and this melody only instrument is called. to fly as one of the most famous groups in the republic there. next goal is to tour broad they say for you or opinion since difficult to pick up and sing so i asked
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them to teach me and see if i can do it little you cheer it up. share it oh you. did that was sure to say can you know who was thank gary r o. but now it is part of the song and not the actual throat singing which i wouldn't even try to repeat. so maybe you have to be born here to be able to sing like this puzzled so until i met she looks like it vinnie and i don't even speak their language but she is from japan. most of us to one mind from two hundred years ago until sappy here she's not planning a professional singing career but she keeps practicing just because it's become
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