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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EST

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police crackdown on the car of protesters pressing the president to abandon his colleague robin decree all leave as demos or start to look like a rerun of the revolution. palestinians as say they'll go to the international criminal court to if it's confirmed their leader yes that out of five was poisoned and hope a state has upgraded at the un will help take a course. and terrorism evolve france draws up plans to contain homegrown islamic radicals operating in cells to the ways of the european union.
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it's five pm here in moscow you live with us on our t.v. good to have you with us egyptian police fired tear gas and protesters a mass into the square but still the demonstrations against what is being seen as a dictator like paul grabbed by the president shown no sign of ending a one hundred thousand people calling on mohamed morsi to leave after he gave himself authority beyond the reach of the courts artist tom botton is in cairo here in the streets of central cairo the sights the sounds and smells of protest and of civil disorder are very loud and very clear tucker a square is just over there and a large crowd of protesters are burning stones at the police who are giving just as much back picking up stones themselves and firing back along with them there's vans firing gas canisters into the crowds the stench of tear gas is thick in the air the
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police or protesters everyone i like has their eyes and noses we're cheering for melissa tear gas there's more tough cut tales trying through the air as well only pavements have been ripped up. as of some of the branches of the trees it's a real street but there's a green going on now through this night in such a journey that these people absolutely determined the crowds of protesters don't know how much more she was changing the right to make that declaration that he didn't want to give yourself sweeping was last tuesday they wind up completely missing. the ration luly they will all have to risk right. mohamed morsi for his part has said that he does not want to become a dictator he wants compromise he's trying to work with the judges and he wants to make sure egypt gets a proper constitution however people here are simply off buying that judges
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themselves have gone on strike they've been protests in cities around egypt and these have been the scenes with protests some protestors having died reports of many more having been injured we've seen both police and protesters being carried back by their calm rates having been wounded by flying stones and choking on on tape gas the situation here immensely tense that this is really not just a constitutional crisis that it was it's not the of the political crisis that unless most of them do something to. get serious about giving up these cars and not trying to take the kind of power they see mubarak has been these protests seem likely to go on and on. egypt's supreme constitutional court has accused morsi of targeting it specifically khaled. al-harbi newspaper says
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the president is putting himself above the law and compared his behavior to fascism . divided. civil war fortunately this president is doing the very same things for which. before. this is what we are looking. people are saying no to the new newly born. looking at this crowd you cannot tell who is muslim or christian who's liberal leftist this is the people who are saying no to new religious fascism making the president of. the president and the muslim brotherhood behind him have already lost their credibility they have promised so many things in the past
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never kept their promises that's why most of these people are in the streets they were talking about over a million up till now because they are not happy with this right you can share your opinion on the what's going on in egypt and what it will eventually lead to by costing you no thought at archie dot com here's all the votes are lining up say five thirty of those who voted believe morsi will cancel his new laws in order to stay in power almost as many say this disturbance will see the military and allies of ex-president mubarak return to power one in five or think further instability would lead to an intervention by western powers like the bia and a little less of them that say mostly will resign and really take place very now at r.t. . they have been president and where he's taking the country is the focus of debate on peter lavelle's cross talk show coming up at fifteen thirty g.m.t.
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. because the wrong. conclusion. i think used to be revolution the reason he had to act is the judicial council was going to overturn him blocked the constitution and prevented from being finalized and i think the white house is going to give them a little space it's not pretty but i dispute the idea that always in history temporary powers become permanent powers the general rhetoric back a morsi is always a little more time a little more time and that is let's consider that. since last year the brotherhood they've had powers and they've been in parliament and we've seen how they reacted to every single crisis the police is brutal as brutal as ever he is currently targeting the general public prosecutor so in my opinion that that is just a take over.
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palestinian officials threatening to appeal to the international criminal court if it's proven that the late leader yasser arafat was killed his grave was opened on tuesday and samples from his remains collected three teams of international investigators will test them for radioactive substances results are said to be revealed in a few months inquiry was launched eight years after our sites death which was officially calling a mystery illness israel denied palestinian accusation of assassinated arafat saying it had nothing to gain from his demise and a political analyst oman a shop he says the new investigation into our five deaths could actually be used as a tool to cause a rift between rival palestinian political forces. if there is a poisoning of president arafat someone must have put the poison in his food or must have put his poison on his skin and to do that it must be someone from his
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close on two hours and to open this investigation would create disputes within the fatah movement and within the close people to yasser arafat who are now the closest people to mahmoud abbas so therefore the question is is there a political objective on the part of qatar to support such an investigation or is it just an investigation because people really want to know what happened to their leader and they want justice to be you know achieved. american hari into our father's death comes as the u.n. prepares to vote on whether palestine should receive none member of the other staters at the organization if approved it would mean international recognition other palestinian state and give additional powers like taking issues to the international criminal court and participating in un general assembly debates france has already said it will vote in the favor of the bit at the u.k. is also reportedly leaning towards backing the resolution while the u.s. is strongly opposed chick i don't me our senior policy analyst at the reason
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foundation think tank says the bid is the only option for the palestinian authorities to strengthen their positions. short run i don't doubt they will make things worse. it really is that world ready been saying that this is an inflammatory for about fifty louve which essentially says that the fellas dinny and are not going to live by the agreement of the men in the oslo accords and if that's the case then they feel no need to continue negotiating negotiations are beginning going to regions with the palestinians so i think for a while for sure this is not going to help the peace process but you know i think from the palestinian standpoint the freeze peace process was not going anywhere anyway and so the phones they are concerned they don't have all that much to lose perhaps right now in pushing that probably israeli standpoint obviously on one hand not to do anything about this move with about a bus it doesn't look good it makes them look weak on the other hand if they we
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couldn't of us any further as actually the foreign minister of israel has been calling and then they lose their only one you know your contention among the palestinians on the whole might probably help us because it will definitely strengthen him with the palestinians and might not hurt him too much with the israelis. we'll be bringing you full coverage of palestine's un bid to birds live here and online also at the website you can find out about a crisis in the making it's a big outlook for the american middle class with a new study showing the gap between rich and the poor suddenly grown to its widest in decades. and the rushes microphone mobile carrier gets a one point seven billion dollars welcome on the london stock exchange to find the prevailing doom and gloom economic.
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a far cry from gun toting al-qaeda in the afghan mountains the terror now facing france's much more sinister blending right into society and the cause of it our friends use short of cash and opportunities are flocking to radical islam those are g.'s alessia chefs he reports tracking homegrown terrorism is not proving easy. the recent national police raid on radical islamist groups in france made headlines with a rasta made in all regions the youngest suspected terrorist was only nineteen but it was not the age which shocked so many little we discovered a network of seven additional people living primarily in paris strasburg and can all these people were born in france and are french nationals they are linked to
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the radical islamist movement police say the group was plotting at least twenty five terrorist attacks against jewish organizations and schools and age of twelve detainees were french natives who had converted to radical islam and experts say this worrying trend is gathering pace as the financial crisis group's europe and many youth are finding themselves out of work if you go and you say you are excluded in the best way to change your life. and most of it would not work with the majority of course but did the majority need to have permanent fruits of people converting economic crisis deepening it probably creates more exclusion and so more people to requote in the midst of communities or to convert to. islam france is no stranger to combating radical islamist groups since the nine hundred fifty s. it has been countering all jiri in iranian and lebanese terrorists and more
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recently al qaeda but this is a totally different matter just like most of europe over the years france has grown very successful in reinforcing its borders and preventing most of the threat coming from abroad but with more and more homegrown radical organizations appearing on its soil tracking down possible terrorists with sports would be very hard if not completely impossible security services believe for now the situation is under control as the conversion to radical islam is still relatively rare but no one can guaranteed stays this way as the number of violent incidents by french. islams is already on the increase of secret service are really well experiments to fight these kinds of terrorism and they are watching very carefully in the suburbs in your town that the leader of the most cues and all the people who are probably in. radical muslim countries but this doesn't mean that we will stay safe from any. security specialists going many arab immigrants living in french suburbs have
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already had a taste of warfare taking part in different middle eastern conflict over the past decade as to what could happen if their experience in views are mixed with growing anger of native french youth perhaps time will tell looks erosion of ski r.t. reporting from paris in france. coming up one of the world's top alleged whistleblowers bradley manning is to be heard in the public for the first time in years and it feels like hearings are likely to hear claims of brutal mistreatment while he was in confinement for alleged beating thousands of secret documents to wiki leaks. and are you sometimes afraid that what you say on twitter might be inappropriate not to worry because british policy will tell you fine you and maybe even jail you for it i report on cyber censorship coming up after the break.
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you just love me enough you know use that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that just offers a forced breeder on the island of bohol and at the heart of. his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grow. and his horse is worthless sometimes it gets lonely here but that horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes they bite as well it's part of my every day life. been home to it rats like me just laugh for centuries most still live off the land
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and cattle and fish. is my call is often called the pearl of siberia for an ascent to be the pearl of by call it's all end of think forests. and vast stops. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly becoming a magnet for nature lovers and curial seekers you're quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about a t.v. or even run in water for most people a tent is the on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. in journey to buy coal can be a trip of a lifetime and the local say once you've seen it they'll be coming back again and
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again. this is art the man charged with the biggest security breach in u.s. history is expected to make his first public statement so this is a resin twenty percent but he manning's pretrial hearings have begun amid reports of him being mistreated and even tortured in confinement before trial chase meda lawyer and author of a book on manning says even some members of the military support of manning's alleged actions. both opinion in the military and intelligence and law enforcement is quite divided about this i am not going to lie most people in the military have a very strict by the book attitude towards many of the rules not all of the rules
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but many and would like to see many convicted but i have talked with infantry one of whom who is caught on camera in that infamous collateral murder helicopter video who sees bradley manning is a hero who sees the leaks of the iraq war logs including that helicopter video as an unqualified good because now americans can finally see how that war is actually going in ditto for the afghan war logs there are also people in the f.b.i. who think such a thing is we get leaks is very good for national security including the former director of the minneapolis office and be f.b.i. colleague roundly through is the time magazine person of the year in two thousand and two and i have a long interview in my book with the former top cia analyst ray mcgovern who also sees bits public knowledge of this benefit to the public debate about our war is to be in in measurable good so there is disagreement that the military and
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intelligence communities about this. if you want more on the bradley manning case i had to r.t. dot com where we will explore the weekend leagues whistleblowing website which gave a platform to expose the u.s. government secrets doesn't get it so often we see these julian assange his latest claims of a banking conspiracy plot to drain the size budget by blocking its cash flow to head online for the story as well as all the details of us funds a very own legal battle. there hasn't been anything yet. it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is. journalism on we. we want to present. something of.
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a silly joke or venting your anger on twitter and facebook could numb that you a jail sentence courtesy of the british authorities there's a growing number of prosecutions resulting from all sensitive provocative or even misunderstood posts are tea party worker imports from london. do you think before you tweet what if you're in a bad mood or you just have a controversial opinion would you post that as your facebook status you might think that what you type is insignificant considering the vast expanse of the internet think again for something that you type on here you could end up in. paul chambers two years ago the accountant worried that he might not be able to fly due to bad weather tweeted robin hood airport is closed you've got to weaken a bit to get your together otherwise i'm blowing the airport sky high arrested questioned for a towel as convicted and find the tweet lost him his job and cost him thousands in
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lawyers fees chambers case branded the twisted trial true such widespread condemnation that it was eventually overturned by the high court nineteen year old linford house posted a photograph of a burning paper puppy on his facebook page a symbol of remembrance for the soldiers that die in war arrested questioned and held for twenty four hours before being released on bail and we're very worried about people being taken to court for essentially having a fit of bad temper and saying things in an intemperate way i think that's wrong because people start to look over their shoulders and wonder whether they're actually allowed to express the opinions that they're actually hold also worried about the kind of people who are getting these convictions often they are people with political views and it's a very bad thing when people start to be told that they can say things because
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their political views are finding others the law used to convict most social media offenses was drafted before twitter and facebook were even conceived it was meant to protect individuals from being harassed or threatened over the telephone free speach. each advocates question how that relates to posting your opinion online the trouble is that when things are post on things like twitter and facebook is that they're there for all to see and for people to share and so the definite becomes an element of mob rule and then pressure is put on the police forces to act on that rather than abiding to the legal system that we currently heard of teenager matthew woods found out all about more brule often making offensive tweets about a missing five year old girl an angry crowd gathered outside his house and he was arrested and sentenced to twelve weeks in jail but i don't think anyone ever expected political correctness to become a criminal law. if. somebody is rude to me then i want the
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right to be rude but i don't want the right to feel the police get to come around in order. to vote for a. grown up society that has tried to use this tattletale on each other the lower isn't quite sure how to respond to those wanting to test freedom of speech in the u.k. really goes the u.k. is director of public prosecutions has promised to draft new guidelines on how to respond to online offenses but campaigners say that it's not just guidelines but reform that urgently needed if the u.k. is to uphold its freedom of speech online. r t cyberspace. some other world news in brief now syria first away up to fifty four people have been killed and dozens injured by twin car bombings in a damascus suburb mostly populated by president assad supporters one state news
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agency blamed terrorists of the attack the region has seen fierce fighting between rebels and the government forces in recent days the violence comes after france decided to donate more than one point five million dollars to the opposition. iran has unveiled it to upgrade it domestically build lighter submarines and overhauled whole crafts it's the latest part of terence efforts to improve its defense capabilities we have great is being made because it fears possible future attacks from the likes of israel all the u.s. against its nuclear program is now planning a major naval drill. deadly floods in panama has forced more than six thousand people out of their homes as hundreds of houses were very varied underwater some roads have been washed away by massive landslides downpours have eased off since she's day rivers overflow their banks damaging bridges and buildings. others has once again been swamped by thousands of greeks angered by
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the bailout deal agreed by the country's creditors the country will have to imagine more and more painful measures to get the full five billion euros needed to save it from defaulting on its loans and many are angry that the government accepted the deal despite tremendous opposition at home i mean that again epping says that the agreement hailed as a breakthrough in the e.u. is just a quick fix. the figures that has been shown to have been for cossotto reports years have always been true rosy the e.u. and the world and the i.m.f. are very much afraid to drop public opinion in europe to europe but there will be no growth for the next five or six years to come so we always say there is improved . in an economic growth around the corner who want to at the corniche not in their reserves not able to fulfill all the requirements to have been put forward this is the all problem of greece by next year spring of next year all the cuts that have
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been proclaimed now they have been announced will start biting the greek public even more and more protests and it will be more a cry for more help and more real large packages so we're not off the problem in fact i have to admit that i'm afraid that the problems go to stay around for quite some time public anger is also mounting in the u.k. where trade unions have promised a winter of discontent aimed at the government's austerity drive laura smith spoke to british trade union leader bob crow the full interview is coming up later today but here's a quick preview. with a site that is about sewing that workers save enough for enough when people pay the tax. not be able to afford to go to university their kids not be able to get social housing or the social benefits being eroded child benefit being stuck. that is good to do something about it. if you don't fight then you're to put up with
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a posse sign if you do want to fight you've got a chance of winning. we'll be back with more international news in thirty minutes coming up in a few moments our special report iraq. issues that so much of the huge musician. market revolutionary dictator in the making president mohammed morsi is presidential decree spreading in wide powers has reopened the debate about. live
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. live . live. live live.
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live. live live live . more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day.


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