tv [untitled] November 28, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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police crackdown on the car a protest pressing the president to abandon his. leave as demonstrations start to look like a rerun of the revolution. twin car bomb attacks in the syrian capital damascus amid fears a wave of western support for the rebels will cause civilian deaths. palestinians say they'll go to the international criminal court if it's confirmed that leader yasser arafat was poisoned at the state grade at the u.n. will help their calls. for terrorism evolved from scrambles to contain homegrown islamic radicals blending into the european way of life.
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on air online live from the new center here in moscow this is r.t. the demonstrations in egypt against what is being seen as a dictator like power grab by the president showed no sign of ending one hundred thousand people calling on mohammed morsi to leave after he gave himself authority beyond reach of the courts true is in the egyptian capital. had to kyra's major chords with the country's major chords the constitutional court and the appeals court say they are going to strike of course the judges themselves are also still on a partial strike the journalists in the case and their own so who first strike to seeing really quite a lot of movement that a major sectors within egypt society which the president is really going to have to do with as things escalate on the street as well fish caches do continue between
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protesters and the police which started early last week right down below us right now police are firing excessive amounts of tear gas and bad shots at dozens of protesters who are still in the streets reporting from the seeing my colleague tom barton has more here in the streets of central cairo the sights the sounds and the smells of protest and of civil disorder very loud and very clear tucker a square is just over there and a large crowd of protesters are doing stones at the police who are giving just as much back picking up stones themselves and firing back along with them those vans firing gas canisters into the crowds the stench of tear gas is thick in the air the police a protest as everyone alike is as that is the noses we're watching for militias tear gas has made itself cocktails flying through the air as well all the pavements have been ripped up as have some of the branches of the trees it's
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a real street battle is being joined on our last night in such a day these people absolutely determined the crowds of protesters that mohammed morsi was changing was to make that declaration that he did once again so sweeping was last tuesday we will have to leave the mohamed morsi guy making the locus in this country but after within five five months or more since he had more sense starting to run trying to celebrate this step to use. just bar on that ball of the bar in this country to be on his side a lot of these people don't know my mother see as president was not like crossing the border. just before he picked up this problem all right making that awesome support of a grant from bremer seemed to stop the ration was a baby was thomas was. members of the constitutional assembly said they
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could vote on a new constitution in the coming few days after that morsi has promised to shed his newly acquired powers but blogger and journalist while as count has told me that he still believes real democracy is a long way off but the fact of the matter is that everything is going in the opposite direction of what the revolution is called for. the constituent assembly itself is a reflection of how unwilling to share power in the muslim brotherhood are and along with morsi. he says that he will give back hours as soon as the parliament is that is elected but he's not allowing the gyptian to share in writing the constitution so this to me seems like a false promise about giving back power because the one thing he can do is allow dipshits to write their own constitution and share power and he's not doing that the judiciary have have have been a tool for the mubarak regime but if we come to think of it when people protested mubarak they were protesting police brutality and we see that morsi is giving
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promises to the police that they will act with impunity and does not want to bring anyone to justice for the crimes they've done. you two can share your opinion on what's going on in egypt and what it will eventually lead to you by casting your vote at r.t. dot com here's how of the votes are lining up so far lots of the calls for go over those who voted believe that morsi will cancel his new laws in order to stay in power about one in four say this disturbance will see the military and allies effects president mubarak return to power almost as many think further instability will lead to intervention by western powers as we sort of libya but only ten percent say that morsi will resign and new elections will take place because to hear from him. dot com. the united nations is preparing to vote on whether palestine should receive non member observer status the organization approved international recognition of the palestinian state and given additional powers such
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as taking issues to the international criminal court and participating in un general assembly debates while the u.s. strongly opposes the bid france has already said it will vote in favor of the resolution also has overwhelming support from developing nations spokesperson palestine national authority. it's looking likely the motion will be passed. palestine is very optimistic about winning the necessary votes the number of countries that have already co-sponsored the draft resolution surpasses sixty five not mistaken and so the palestinian leadership is pretty certain of success well there isn't a better time to take the step there now after israel's recent most recent assault on the gaza strip all palestinian factions have reached an agreement that this could this should never happen again while palestinians are divided there is you know among the palestinian political system in its entirety. islamic jihad
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all palestinian factions support this step and wanted to succeed and they realize that. they agree amongst one another that the priority domestic priority now is for rebuilding and for reinvigorating the democratic institutions of palestine consolidating this reconciliation and moving forward as the state of palestine towards steps on the ground that would reverse the israeli occupation and entrench independence the recognition may boost palestinian chances for success at the international criminal court they say they'll turn to the hague if it's proven that late leader yasser arafat was murdered his grave was open on tuesday and samples from his remains collected three teams of international investigators will test them for radioactive substances results are said to be revealed in a few months the inquiry was launched eight years after arafat's death which was officially caused by a stroke following
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a mysterious illness israel denied palestinian accusations assassinated saying it had nothing to gain from his demise catch up with more analysis and the timeline of the story at r.t. dot com. in syria up to fifty four people have been killed and dozens injured by twin car bombings in a damascus suburb mostly populated by president assad supporters and the worker from the syrian social club a pro-government group pushing for reforms things these blasts are being used to shift balance in the civil war they have all sorts of objectives first of all obviously to give the illusion to give the sense of the feeling that the government is not in control in the hope that people would start losing support we know that the theory has been from the very beginning that the people are afraid of the government a. strong grip. and immediately shift sides of the theater
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and people are still working with these enough people the support of the got to be prevented from falling so yes this is a tactic in a sense. well some western countries of pick sides in the syrian conflict iran is pushing hard for a negotiated solution. takes a look at the east an alternative to the european way of bringing peace to damascus . the conflict in syria sees no end but iran a key regional power and indicated syria is continuing and intensifying its efforts for a peaceful resolution to shuttle diplomacy has been spared headed by the head of the iranian column and ali larijani a very influential politician who you know ron known worldwide as a former chief negotiator for iran's nuclear program his recent stop overs have included meetings with president bashar al assad in syria hezbollah in lebanon and he took his leader now he's in iraq iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad up those
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after it's by discussing how to bring peace to syria with the leaders of egypt and turkey at a recent summit in pakistan and just to underline the diplomatic mission to find no one violent and to the civil war on its doorstep they had an offer to host representatives from all sides of the fighting in syria at a closed door today gathering dubbed no to violence yes democracy took his request for nato missiles to be deployed on its border with syria drew the scorn of iran's foreign ministry was that all that would do is aggravate tensions across the whole region and violence has actually already intensified following the latest interventions from western and some arab diplomats when the syrian opposition formed the syrian national coalition as and see it quickly received a commission as legitimate voice of the people from the likes of britain and france which even backed its conviction by confirming it would send one of the help million dollars to get the new organization up and running none of which has done
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anything to stop the attacks in syria and the loss of life the dividing lines inside syria are being played out and told the wider by the international community and. divided approach with russia china promotes and peaceful from the beginning other nations showering the armed opposition in syria with cash and encouragement with no coordination the ordinary syrians caught up in the crossfire don't know where they stand apart from a hail of shells and bullets original. reporting from iran. one of the world's top alleged whistleblowers bradley manning is to be heard in public for the first time and his. claims of brutal treatment while he was in confinement for allegedly leaking files of secret documents to wiki leaks that story still ahead here. because. maybe even for
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a reporter inside the censorship coming up after the break. you can tell in ordinary russian. in the blink of an. anthropologist in those days different clothes different food from different animals. but what about. my journey. to the big city was all shiny skyscrapers and shopping malls much like any other prosperous. so. a small town just outside. of. these
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dumplings came from here to dominate the russian cuisine but only in siberia. with cabbage and making sure you can have. thought the main dish. although it might draw the whole of us most people in siberia see nothing wrong with hunting the only if you decide to participate. when you look upon martin. as in the middle of a swamp only accessible by air transport in the summer months and winter appalls the script. it's inhabited by siberian a large muslim minority that migrated head before the russians.
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and this. israel siberia maybe not the stuff of tourist brochures but distinctive enough to show that after all these yeahs siberia still not quite like anywhere else. cultures that so much given to each musician my remark was revolutionary dictator in the making of president mohamed morsi the presidential decrees granting him wide powers has reopened the debate about. wealthy british style stock.
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with. the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to report. to the. science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've. covered. the life here in moscow a economic predicament fell public mood and now for us to contend with a tide of home grown terrorists and the cause of it. short of cash and opportunities of flocking to radical islam those. reports stopping the trend is not proving easy. the recent national police raid on radical islamist groups in
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france made headlines with a rasta made in all regions the youngest suspected terrorist was only nineteen but it was not the age which shocked so many little men we discovered a network of seven additional people living primarily in paris strasburg and can all these people were born in france and are french nationals they are linked to the radical islamist movement police say the group was plotting at least twenty five terrorist attacks against jewish organizations and schools and age of twelve detainees were french natives who had converted to radical islam and experts say this worrying trend is the other in place as the financial crisis group's europe and many youth are finding themselves out of work if you go and you say you are excluded and the best way to change your life is to become and mostly it will not work with the majority of course but did the majority there need to have permanent fruits of people converting economic crisis is deepening it probably creates more
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exclusion and so more people to quote in the mist in communities or to convert to. islam france is no stranger to combating radical islamist groups since the nineteen fifties it has been countering algerian iranian and lebanese terrorists and more recently al qaeda but this is a totally different matter just like most of europe over the years france has grown very successful in reinforcing its borders and preventing most of the threat coming from abroad but with more and more homegrown radical organizations appearing on its soil tracking down possible terrorists with sports would be very hard if not completely impossible security services believe for now the situation is under control as the conversion to radical islam is still relatively rare but no one can guaranteed stays this way and the number of violent. students by french muslims is already on the increase our secret service are really well experiments to fight
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this cancer terrorism and they are watching very carefully in the years and that the date of the most skiers and all the people who are traveling. radical music but this isn't mean that we will stay safe any. security specialists claim many arab immigrants living in french suburbs have already had a taste of warfare taking part in different middle eastern conflict over the past decade as to what could happen if their experience and views are mixed with the growing anger of native french youths perhaps time will tell. r.t. reporting from paris in france they forget to go online for more of the stories we have here as well as special reports exclusive to our website also there a fresh crisis in the making it's a freak out that for the american middle class with a new study showing the gap between rich and poor has suddenly grown to its widest in decades. and russia's megafauna mobile phone carrier gets
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a one point seven billion dollar welcome on the london stock exchange defied the prevailing economic boom and live. a silly joke or venting your anger on twitter and facebook could now make a jail sentence courtesy of the british authorities the growing number of prosecutions resulting from offensive provocative or even misunderstood posts. reports from london. do you think before you tweet what if you're in a bad mood or you just have a controversial opinion would you post that as your facebook status you might think that what you type is insignificant considering the vast expanse of the internet think again for something that you type on here you could end up in. paul
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chambers two years ago the accountant worried that he might not be able to fly due to bad weather tweeted robin hood airport is closed you've got to weaken a bit to get your together otherwise i'm blowing the airport sky high arrested questioned for a towel as convicted and find the tweet lost him his job and cost him thousands in lawyers fees chambers case branded the twisted trial true such widespread condemnation that it was eventually overturned by the high court nineteen year old linford house posted a photograph of a burning paper poppy on his facebook page a symbol of remembrance for the soldiers that die in war arrested questioned and held for twenty four hours before being released on bail and we're very worried about people being taken to court for essentially having a fit of bad temper and saying things in an intemperate way i think that's wrong
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because people start to look over their shoulders and wonder whether they're actually allowed to express the opinions that they're actually hold and also worried about the kind of people who are getting these convictions often they are people with political views and it's a very bad thing when people start to be told that they can say things because their political views are finding others the law used to convict most social media offenses was drafted before twitter and facebook even conceived it was meant to protect individuals from being harassed or threatened over the telephone and free speach. advocates question how that relates to posting your opinion online the trouble is that when things are post on things like twitter and facebook is that they're there for all to see and for people to share and share the deputy becomes an element of mob rule and then pressure is put on the police forces to act on that rather than abiding to the legal system that we currently heard of teenager matthew
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woods found out all about more brule after making offensive tweets about a missing five year old girl an angry crowd gathered outside his house and he was arrested and sentenced to twelve weeks in jail but i don't think it would ever expect a political. force. if. somebody to me i want to be rude but i don't want the director for the police to come around in order. to vote for a. grown up society that has to use the tattletale on each other nor isn't quite sure how to respond to those wanting to test for freedom of speech in the u.k. really goes the u.k. is director of public prosecutions has promised to draft new guidelines on how to respond to online offenses but campaigners say that it's not just guidelines but reform that urgently needed if the u.k.
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is to uphold its freedom of speech online. r t cyberspace. some other world news in brief now iran is unveiled to upgrade the message light submarines and overhauled holograph is the latest part of terrans efforts to improve its defense capabilities the upgrade is being made because it fears possible future attacks from the likes of his round all the us against his nuclear program is now planning a major naval drill almost two hundred people are taking to the streets of chile's capital something are going to protest against a new fishing demonstrated new quotas and what they can catch threaten the livelihoods of independent fishermen going to thrive. only ended in skirmishes as police who moved in to disperse crowds arrested at least ten. deadly floods and forced more than six thousand people out of their homes as hundreds of houses were buried underwater some roads have been washed away by massive landslides and downpours of eased off since tuesday rivers burst their banks damaging bridges.
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that were in charge of the biggest security bridge in u.s. history is expected to make his first public statement since arrest in two thousand and ten bradley manning's pretrial hearings have begun amid reports of him being mistreated and even tortured in confinement before trial chase made our law and author of a book called manning says even some members of the military support his alleged actions. oh the kid in the military and intelligence and law enforcement is quite divided about this i am not going to lie most people in the military have a very strict by the book attitude towards many of the rules not all the rules but many and would like to see that you convicted but i have talked with infantry one of whom who is caught on camera in that infamous collateral murder helicopter video who sees bradley manning is a hero who sees the leaks of the iraq war logs including that helicopter video as an unqualified good because now americans can finally see how that war is actually
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going in ditto for the afghan war logs there are also people in the f.b.i. who think such a thing is week in week so it's very good for national security including the former director of the minneapolis office of the f.b.i. only roundly who is a time magazine's person of the year two thousand and two and i have a long interview in my book with the former top cia analyst ray mcgovern who also sees that sir public knowledge of this benefit to the public debate about our borders should be an international good so there is just agreement that the military and intelligence communities about this will be back with more news for you in about thirty five minutes from now in the meantime artie's crosstalk will be discussing post revolutionary egypt that softens breaks things.
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to mean this is true even for specialists how a voice can produce several sounds it wants to do the unions the artists throat singing comes naturally picked. like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from to the news believe not only animals but also all surrounding objects like reverse forests and even stones of souls and by imitating the sounds they believe assumes to capture the power of nature. the.
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there are special instruments that accompany the singing guinea says there is even a legend about his instrument a gill it says it wants to leave to poor shefford who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed it on the course was revived as an instrument. that was it of some pitiful is because the spirits of the horse came to his dream and said make an instrument from the tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings. and to remember me make an engraving of my head part of the instrument he did so i called the instrument again which means come back and this melody only instrument is called. the. two flies one of the most famous groups in the republic their next goal is to tour peru and they say for you are peons it's difficult to pick up and sing so i asked
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them to teach me see if i can do it. chill it up. cerro you shared their order that i was sure it's a candle up. and was you think gang are all. the. but now that is the part of the song and not the actual throat singing which i wouldn't even dare try to make it. so maybe you have to be born here to be able to sing like this i thought so until i met she looks like a deveny and i don't even speak their language but she is from japan. most says. the chapin from two hundred years ago until they hear she's not planning a professional singing career she keeps practicing just because it's become part of
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her nature. to. study. we welcome the cross-talk are beautiful about revolutionary or a dictator in the making president mohammed morsi is presidential decrease granting him wide powers has reopened the debate about the nature and pace of political change in egypt his supporters see him cleaning house of the old regime loyalists more as he's opponents claim the muslim brotherhood is showing its autocratic impulse. and. started. to cry.
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