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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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i am. well i'm tom are going to washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. the republicans really think susan wright isn't rice isn't fit to be secretary of state or is the benghazi which brought about politics as usual was her panel what mccain and company are really up to in tonight's law and liberal rubble also even though arizona's restrictive abortion ban is blocked from taking effect officials now state are still trying to prevent women from getting abortions and we're going to see an end to the conservatives war on women.
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you need to know this once there were three amigos. but. they were the biggest stars of their day. soon. course free. to come back on the. block. always three amigos please three amigos. they stick together through thick and thin from the queensland to the holy land from the ball field to the battlefield they are senators joseph lieberman lindsey
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graham and john mccain they've been called everything from the three amigos the three blind mice and the axis of error by the website downsize d.c. dot org. those are the real three amigos big but because lieberman is leaving the senate the two of egos needed a new amigo and they chose one of the republican party's rising stars new hampshire senator senator kelly or yeah i owe. someday we'll figure out who real clear politics even speculated may have been mitt romney's running mate for mccain and graham picking a woman as their new third amigo was particularly useful since the three amigos first job as the new of the new political year was to take down a woman u.n. ambassador susan rice so she'd be so badly tarnished that president obama wouldn't nominate her to replace hillary clinton as secretary of state and why would they care so much about destroying the reputation of a rhodes scholar a stanford graduate in one of america's most distinguished deployments well given
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that the three amigos have always been basically a political hit squad a two bit republican gang that's usually promoting wars to either enrich their military industrial complex sponsors or to score points political points against democrats it's a fair bet but it's all about either more war or politics and surprise it's about both if susan rice is taken down by the three a mayor or the next in line for the secretary of defense is massachusetts senator john kerry if he moves to the department of state senate seat opens up and they'll be a special election in massachusetts to replace him which means the big defense contractors can throw a few million bucks at scott brown and very possibly get another republican in the senate and get rid of a democrat president obama should have seen this coming thinking naively that the three amigos might actually have real concerns about what happened in benghazi something embassador rice had nothing to do with but which she dared discuss on
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sunday morning t.v. shows the obama administration organized an hour long private briefing the acting director of the cia susan rice herself and the three amigos so all their questions could be an. but of course they weren't interested in facts or truth or even the impact their behaviors may have been international relations all the three amigos wanted to do was to smear rice so obama would be forced to drop for kennedy opening the way for scott brown excuse me kerry opening the way for scott brown to get back into the senate as you can see here. susan rice should have known better and if she didn't know better she's not qualified she should have known better i would do everything in my power to block her from being the united states secretary of state she has proven that she either doesn't understand or she is not willing to accept and face so how could she say five days later definitively there is no evidence of
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a coordinated al qaeda attack when there's a rame of evidence this is about the role she played around four dead americans when it seems to be that the story coming out of the administration and she's the point person is so disconnected to reality i don't trust her in contradiction to what ambassador susan rice said on every sunday show when she first went on on this incident that this was a course not a spontaneous reaction to a video those comments were deeply troubling and that's why we wrote the letter and i have to tell you with the comments she made on the sunday shows that was either incompetence or blatantly misleading the american people. to catch any specifics any actual questions and discussion of issues not so much just like the original three amigos never uttered a peep when colin powell or condi rice or george w. bush or dick cheney were lying to congress the american people about weapons of mass destruction in iraq to give a damn about the truth it's all politics for this bunch and hopefully the obama
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administration has now realized that the new three amigos just like the old three amigos is still just a small time gang a republican out to take down democrats and promote wars. as ones are you ready to rumble join me for that i had flown liberal neil mckay senior reporter with human events hello it's a headline and editor of the guns and patriots column and horace cooper conservative commentator and senior fellow at the national center for public policy research and i see two things happening one of two things happening here with susan rice either a racism republicans have gone after van jones they've gone after eric holder and now they're going after susan rice or politics they want john kerry as secretary of state they don't want susan rice in there what else could it be course everything with you guys is either racism or war on women the truth of the matter is they're
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both have an almost unprecedented for the ambassador to you and to come and comment on these kinds of events like the attack that happened in benghazi her eagerness to stand up and take the responsibility came with it the flak associated with it and she made several false statements are misstatements those were material misstatements or false statements and she's going to be held accountable or she has nothing to do with her race this has nothing to do with it or this is first of all you're you're mischaracterizing she didn't lurch forward and say i want to go on the t.v. shows the administration asked her to do it was she. yeah secondly the information that she put out and this is why they this is why the three amigos met with the head director of the cia she said on television exactly what the cia said here's what we know but they don't condemn but later they were false five days later she was she was speaking they knew
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a day later that that narrative was faults and five days later she went on five shows and said basically put out a false narrative for the election so should the question be instead of so let's take this woman down because she says she made a false narrative should the question be why would it in ministration official who knows what she's saying on t.v. is wrong saying that could it be that there's actually national security issues a state could be that maybe she's trying to protect assets on the ground it load of the interview there's a eyes on there's huge national security you guys are a bunch of moloch six times a relational policy of the united states government to go on the talk shows and make blatantly false statements because it's in the name of national security you can say i certainly have who can say i'm zoraida. going to say i'm sorry that the information that i have access to doesn't allow me to comment on there is there is no evidence that susan rice believes she was lying who wanted to say are so why
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doesn't she say hate this was august this is when i went on this during the thirty's you know you said that last week she never said he gives i said i told bogus narrative now she says that you know the director the cia said what she said was what we told her to co-host credit when he made a statement at the united nations that he later decided it wasn't accurate he publicly came forward and acknowledge that and corrected himself and the record she has yet to do that bush had an interest in the oval office weapons minister and when she did what she did it was politically opportune so you want to talk about politics guys or the citizens arrangement quite a lot it is only so have i so. what about making my point your attacks on clinton lisa rice were you trying to get this black woman here's the cia's statement on this it's were as it were to go here it is good news for the currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the u.s. embassy in cairo evolved into a direct assault against the u.s.
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diplomatic post in benghazi and subsequently and xanax there are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations but they knew that was that there were competing narratives that were active when that was written so so you know that was put out by the ca but the cia also had competing narratives that they chose chose to withhold no it so by the das majority of american people are looking at this going who cares you think you know they're going to say we don't want to there is an investigation going on by the state department there's an investigation going on by the cia you've got the f.b.i. on the ground you've got military intelligence everybody's looking into this into they're trying to hunt these people doubt you know the real question that should be asked is why after that that could that consulate it wasn't an embassy in benghazi had was an act. whatever what are you going to call it why when that thing had been attacked five times that anybody let in a baster walk in that door on nine eleven that's a legitimate question asked that has but that has nothing to do with i go in and it was said is or is there a turkish ship in waiting at the un of this has anything to do is susan rice he has
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a u.n. well that is a fair question about the what led to this the american people actually are concerned pugilist released a survey showing of third of americans identify that issue as one that they are concerned about and they'd like to get worse we are all concerned about it we'd like to know more about it so i am not certain racisms of if not whether it's rice is stupid i mean john mccain came out and said that this woman who's a rhodes scholar right and i got a scholarship to oxford got a scholarship to stanford was stupid the guy who made sarah palin is vice presidential candidate he said that she is stupid well that range acted stupidly in retrospect. what she said what she did was engage in a series of either false statements or a false narrative a little relied upon she told the truth as she knew it at the top and it's a good omen upon her to clarify is that it was in the wrong hire administration has an obligation to come clean this this has nothing to this she put she's really is
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clean you guys are trying to make her seem dirty she's clean she's certainly when they get to just clarify you don't really believe that this is an attack on her because she's a black woman i don't really care i believe that i think that there is you just said that what i see in the no i was i was dead serious what i see in the right wing blogosphere is when they do is when is when the general right wing mob decides to go after somebody in this group i don't know if you missed it here is somebody who's african-american whether it's our coal industry or whether it's. going to lease or rice yeah but here is the rise is not part of this administration everyone knows that mr graham and mr mccain jump at everything that the radical right wing wants to do right yes well that's not a good idea i think it was already. a waste of time a chamber mccain supported clinton in the balkans and graham is on record in two thousand and four two thousand and five criticizing the bush analysis of iraq to see every on the strange evolving into i'm saying he criticized president bush's handling of iraq in two thousand and four two thousand and five thing he did
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different when obama became president that's my point and you're saying republicans acted differently with a democratic president absolutely and democrats acts differently when there's a republican as president more of a rumble after the break yes walsh. wealthy british style son it's time to. it's. really happening to the global economy with. global financial headlines kaiser reports. it was not.
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a huge contract. it was not the operation to secure. a. contract. it was the campaign for making billions of dollars for. forty. eight billion dollars. for two years. more news today. these are the images being from the streets of canada. in china. today.
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well go back to that i slow liberal rumble joining me again neil mccabe and horace cooper let's get back to it first of all a number of republicans talk about grover norquist number of probably going to come forward in recent days to disavow grover norquist pledge to never raise taxes public and senator bob corker republican senator lindsey graham saxby chambliss yes a republican representative tom cole called on his fellow republicans to take the president's deal and extend the tax cuts for ninety eight percent of americans letting them expire for the top two for two percent so neil you had breakfast today with grover norquist who's a small kid i have i have a little test kid here to measure whether you've been poisoned or not but you didn't tell him you were coming on the program or no i didn't know ok then we probably don't yes you seem you seem healthy. and his point i did
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do was everybody still kissing his ring or other parts of him the place was packed today and in fact a representative from boners office is off the record so i'm going to be violence for confidence but. a representative from baiters office was there to express their support and he also mentioned that congressman cole had been shut down face to face by boehner himself and told this is not moving forward i predict chambliss of course called as i wrote in on human events dot com chambliss called grover norquist to apologize and say he was confused chambliss terrified now that erick erickson was talking about taking him i got a flash burns reading eric's column this morning. but so i think that what's going to happen is people get twisted up there's a great fever to try to get people to sort of defect chuck schumer put out a press release based on his floor remarks in the senate yesterday saying that certain publicans want a divorce from grover norquist i will tell you no such divorces happening ok well
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thank you for the insider report. horace isn't a guy who asks a like that if it were self is not elected official he's a multimillionaire k. street lobbyists and he acts asks elected officials to behave in a particular way to swear loyalty to him rather than the constitution isn't he an enemy of the state i don't know that he's a multimillionaire in his car i've seen his car i've been to his house and when i look at the public reports of a lobbying activity his name isn't listed but moving from that i think the question us fails to appreciate this fact many republican voters in fact an overwhelming majority of them share the no tax view so the insecurity of them are american voter i go to the taxpayers look and vote republican yes our republican voters and even if mr norquist didn't stand up a dear friend of mine and say by the way i want to remind people this is an important issue those voters would mr chambliss isn't afraid of what grover is
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going to do to him he's afraid of what georgia republican voters are going to do they have and if we want to understand what's going on in the washington fight today we need to understand we really are red and blue states and america where republicans predominate they have different views or democrats are going to have are both states. you know because of winner take all we we end up with these majority. you know parliamentary because it hurts all because of the bruises but yeah i you know i do a radio show for three hours every day it's on dish network direct t.v. sirius x.m. i get so many calls from from liberals in red states and from conservatives and blue states i mean it we're a purple nation it's what you know the the states regardless of whether we're a purple nation or not the states where one party dominates over the other it results in that case it sounds like what you're saying is that if grover norquist didn't exist somebody would invent exactly remember the that how this started issue among republican primary vote ok and i don't reagan asked grover to start a t.r.
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because he wanted to have a grassroots conservative. sort of nonpartisan organization that would pressure people not to raise taxes this was this was right after reagan had brought jude wineskin as a as an advisor to the reagan administration when askew in one thousand nine hundred seventy six wrote a piece for i think it was human events. go on i'd have to go back and look but and he. was in earlier in the investor this is at the tail end that grover did this dude was out of their skin and in one thousand nine hundred one right he was one of the early guys but in seventy six he wrote this piece in which it was it was titled do you know the to santa claus there and his his it was the national observer sees me and his hypothesis was that the democrats had always been santa claus they brought you know soul security medicare on employment workplace safety unions all these things food stamps democrats are sad because they're giving people stuff republicans always said no can't do that can't afford that republicans were scrooge republicans a had to figure out how to become santa clause so let's become the tax cut santa
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clause and that's where grover comes in and b. they had to figure out how to force the democrats to shoot santa clause their own set of laws and the way you do that is when you have a republican administration you spend money like crazy you cut taxes you run up huge debt you don't say a word about it and then as soon as a democrat comes in office you start screaming about the debt and try to see if you don't read that. it still should senekal if you have really quadruple what exact had to happen provided the way it's exactly what happened during the clinton administration group old spending and quadrupled the deficit then in this forward you're going to get all your god has influence or an article written in one thousand nine hundred six that sort of led to believe it that became like the foundation trilogy every really really has for thirty two years this is been this is been the republican party tonight and your eyes are going out to remember the the clinton administration yes first week that bill clinton right after the election the first week after the election when the republicans were screaming
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about what the national debt there had been no discussion about it at all for twelve years before. or that they were in the wreck during the time the regular radio who knew of her own primary had one hundred ten last pro is not talking about the ready to be much of the jazz radio well yeah george w. bush tries talking about but he was talking about the trade with george not the not the no using sort of the federal budget and george h.w. bush actually wanted to assert the line item veto you know that you cut really well for him doing it well you didn't get it but what about the republican primary voters is this a drudge today pew has a poll out for the first time with fifty four percent of americans saying that health care is not a responsibility of the federal government who do you think is making up the lion's share of that fifty four percent of republican primary voters that pushes very dramatically on these you know related story we have the so-called fiscal cliff which i think is just a scam we're hearing from republicans in the media that you know we have to have
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a balanced approach this seems to me like one of these false equivalency things if billionaires are going to pay a little bit more we're going to screw the poor people you know and retirees they're going to have you know if there's some blame bricks until sixty five ninety i don't lay bricks until you're sixty seven you know it's just a design would be bad there you go you know waitresses you know you have your knees are given out tough you know push it to seventy a.b.c. news washington post sixty percent of americans support raising taxes on those who earn more than a quarter million dollars sixty seven percent oppose raising taxes excuse me and those salaries raising the medicare the retirement age for medicare so you know he's out on there sure as you could have it is easily said of them so i could go outside the studio and i could pull one hundred people and seventy percent of them would say would you support raising taxes on someone else seventy percent would say yes i mean this these polls are kind of silly why are they selling it that's the issue that's at hand right here is the raising taxes on the top two percent of course or it's a way way way way above forty percent are somehow captivated by the two again you
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are failing to appreciate that there is a. real difference of opinion on these issues and those guy people when they come to these men go i know i think it's i think it's just tragic it's that forty percent of americans roughly have come to believe this fantasy that if they were going to get that number to sit down and rachel in bed or kwame's will fall off the table you know i'm sometimes you know if you know i always challenged you an aspirational figure and so i'm stunned by what they you know this you call it a fantasy but you should we be aspirational that there is an american dream there is no absolute in the american dream is to live a middle class life it's the it's there it's what my dad had you know not me i didn't say that dictates i just are not returning to even then i thought you had romney if so you've got you know no ratio of the american dream what about. your book my dad was president of the society i've read most of the and it's all
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about have your results and you have any free single one of those who are a shoo alger books the little kid who gets rich gets rich because an old an old old rich mentor basically gives him money oh that's a terrible thing to add i mean i just. met my services just as the american dream is not her if you're talking about the same thing the the tax increase on the top two percent or three percent that the president's talking about is only going to generate eighty billion eighty billion a year it's a symbolic and is a set of islamic. people who are just. as if they all are. again so clearly you believe that fantasy there is no evidence that see i think we should be rolling back the reagan tax cuts i think that you know if you look at the time periods of time that we had the greatest growth in g.d.p. that is approaching that last at least you know it i suppose evey's would be my will say actually that dwight eisenhower republican accent dwight eisenhower
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defended the ninety one percent top tax increase tax top tax and he was bent over the way he was wrong which. nixon defended a he was wrong or can't either but so is right but tom nobody was paying ninety percent for real because there's because what happens is the democrats when they had three million dollars to quit taking money out but everybody did their businesses so that they could pay their employees of these away democrats raise the rates so that they can sell deductions that's how the game is played that is well that's how they've always corazon republicans want to lower the rates that so you can't sell deductions of the rates are low the reality though is that during that period of time when the top tax rate topping them tax rate was ninety one seventy four percent from from nine hundred thirty the five hundred thirty three nine hundred thirty three to just an ok and no until until the eisenhower here in the regular mr ok during that period of time you had you had c.e.o.'s who were not living in mansions they were you know and only one private well you had some people
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who were having which you didn't have this landed gentry you were writing history of the middle child history the simple fact the three middle quintiles were growing in income at a rate faster on the top quintile about was going to really pay if nobody was really paying seventy five percent nobility they were they were keen on money every business no nobody has a way our value of the system did not grab the money that those rates said they would now today that's what we do that's the plan is to gauge in the i.r.s. and the rate deductions in a way to actually get that money and what has been his matching and why his have every sense of what has happened since we dropped those tax rates ever since the reagan ten minutes is is all this hot one minus because it's cheap if you don't trust bureau money somebody right nobody lowest unemployment i don't house hostlers and he was hiding in education i didn't get to last long i think it's no most people are those people i think he's on are there i keep their money but there are twelve people on wall street who are and two billion dollars last year earned shore
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you know and are paying a max. fifteen percent income tell it in reality tell me that's not so but in reality this tax increase is going to hurt guys who own dry cleaners and restaurants and farms and this is retail houses they had a state tax of fifty five percent is basically what so you pay taxes your whole life we need to bring that back yes no no you don't pay a tax on the whole you are you're dead and you know we're out of some sort of what's left or as the arctic science guys are going to be they should thank you after the break every break the war on women is still going strong despite women voting heavily against republicans say she was earlier this month what dirty tactics are republicans in arizona now using to influence a woman's right to choose.
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stories. go to alex thomas. prime. minister. coming on to cut cut cut .


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