tv [untitled] November 29, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EST
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but it was just the. top of that is big because. he used the credit in and he built his farm it was it is working he is returning back the credit according to the agreement which he has with the bank but the problem was that he had piece of land in the center of. town. which some. people from the administration wanted to help. and he was backed by these people saying that he has to sell it on a very small price so these are sort of like a raid or a raid there or they were corrupt government because they were. in the state and. he rejected and he was accused and then he's free now he's completely free all the charges. and he is now.
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on the deck against the court which was. the sentences are against the law so he's now trying to get the compensation from the street so but this was one of the cases but it's. case which shows this situation in russia with that unfortunately the criminal war is quite often used against businessmen to get their. corruption beeman or to get their property let me interrupt you for a second you said that this this this case shows the situation russia so this is a very bad showcase i mean this is this is very bad times went to russia because the president wants investments into this country and you say this is it is it shows the situation if this if you should it would have been. different i don't
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think the president took the decision to point me as a special institute for protection of the rates of the business unfortunately and we admit that the government and its president admits that the situation with corruption of course is not good in that i should you do have the legal powers to help business but yes now. i'm working now already for months but unfortunately until now we don't have the war the war would be. i feel in the parliament in two days that i you were here the law i'm working with the organ the government works will more presidential administration works with all of the business unions work on the war because we have a working group together working on this law called into the law i would have special powers i would be able to present the interests of the businessmen in the court i can be a special lawyer a special advocate of business in the court process in the hearings.
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i would have to get any information from the governmental institutions in fifteen days i would have the right to initiate penalties and even disqualification for the government employees if they don't cooperate with the businessmen so many different possibilities which before. didn't exist listen crissy is considered and according to self you consider bureaucracy one of the biggest obstacles for doing business in russia but now to protect business from bureaucracy you create another government out of this which is in that in that in that would see is that a paradox is this how russia lives i would worsen it's not it's not a paradox because unfortunately the institutions which exist and first of all the courts. regulation of. regulation institutions ministries
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different inspections unfortunately and they are not working as efficient as they could have. unfortunately the bureaucracy is unfortunately there's quite a bit of corruption in them that's why the government decided to do a joint venture with us with business and first of all i'm a businessman private businessman and also one of the leaders on our own business where you are a politician but now you're a bureaucrat politician. and not now and some of the value used to be here i used to be a bit of a dealer but. i was one of the leaders of that i see here it's the business union which represents the interests of industrial businesses of russia that's who am i and we agreed with the president that we need a special institution with the governmental powers but that of presenting the interests of business it's a joint venture we have the same target to fight corruption and bureaucrats in but
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we give we joined. our efforts and do a special institution which would be aiming to get to achieve this target but to have the powers of the government it's interesting how it works whenever we mention bureaucracy we immediately start talking about corruption ok. actually high profile corruption cases have recently been dominating headlines in this country spotlight will tell. the service company which is affiliated to the russian defense ministry came into spotlight in late october when it appeared to be in gold in a major fraud case launched by this central investigation committee to former defense ministry officials on two main suspects in a one hundred million us dollars corruption case investigations revealed that the
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suspect had invested we have all the real estate before selling it to a few aides for braces well below market value the investment scandal led to the sacking of russia's defense minister and out on a saturday and a major reshuffle of ministry positions another criminal case was launched into the alleged draft of two hundred million us dollars to develop a russian version of g.p.s. dubbed google nasa the project is currently being developed by the country's need in aerospace company russian space systems go atest corruption allegations have targeted the former russian agriculture minister and the screen nic a film by state run russian t.v. channel has accused her of embezzling more than the billing years dollars from the countries by jan. oh ok here we are the ministry of defense the moves to agriculture now journalist say the next lead the world will be
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the health ministry that i've read in the papers this morning so do you think that these high profile corruption cases minister being used do you think it's symbolic do you think that the real war against corruption in russia is on i can say to you i presume that today when we are sitting and talking there is no corruption in russia. when they heard the people who are corrupt heard about these cases started by the president at least for a week a month or some. time there is no corruption. of course is very important what would be after that would be just a period of non corruption of us and then it will return back or we would really put is that it is a system that i should talk to you because because what you say is very very good
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because if people can work without corruption if the economy in the country can work without corruption it means it's not so bad because because the worst case is what it is where this is degrees where it doesn't work otherwise you think russian economy can work without it i think russian economy can work without going up and of course we have to change the laws if we would continue without corruption and he would see problems of legislation because some. parts of the law conflict with parts of other parts of the law and sometimes you know this. there is a lot of conflict. and the people and the you know the government workers they can use these conflicts to block the movement forward to block the development but of better to change the steadily then to come back to the
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corruption system says boris tea party presidential commission for entrepreneurs bright spotlight will be back shortly after the break so anyway. it was not the military as army announced today it signed a new contract with a unit of the huge contracting firm however it was not the operation to secure and
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. you know use it sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new world most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and world this is why you should care watch only on the dot com. the great russian warriors. prevailing over hazards and asperity. to reenact an epic parade through paris. can they complete that triumph. with people's admiration for two hundred zero. zero zero zero zero zero.
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zero zero zero parents versus social workers docu nabby pm last stop any mean that kidnapping children have become prizes to fight full why does the law or threaten families of the social for it to seem in the form of they have a right of will or minimal they feel that they have any kind of for suspicion about the wellbeing of the of your children are often a just better at bringing up kids than their own mom and dad in from what we have an industry that is so. concentrated on the other for trade to.
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welcome back to spotlight logon just a reminder that my guest on the show today is boris tough presidential commission for the entrepreneurs' rights in russia. to talk of well you talking about corruption you're one of those who are very active in the fight against corruption which is of course against the right in the interest of business in russia. these people of course don't like what you do but people who did
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develop the legal firm framework say some government officials they they are known to interfere into into business been do so many businessmen don't want you either because they say that we don't want any interference that they are going to interfere just leave us alone so do you have any resistance from the people that you are supposed to to help. of course i'm helping the businessmen who need me and who are doing transparent normal business mostly industrial business in russia of course there are some businessmen who are connected in the schemes and of course feel themselves very. profitable leave us alone. see how many businessmen they don't go for corruption schemes because it's a principle because they're being effect afterwards they go to jail sometimes
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but they do the braids and now i have for these months i got more than six hundred cases. when the business asked me to help. and among them i can see quite a lot of businessmen unfortunately in jail and according to my opinion to the binion's. we have a special. legal so we. public summary of every case which is sent to me we have a special institution which is called the central business against corruption which was organized by below i see one of the union business unions and the ministry of economic affairs economic. ministry we cannot mix of russia. and they do the same and the scene here in north is rate his rights were abducted and we help and when i see how many people really suffer in russia some of them in jail
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you mentioned it in one of your interviews that the main targets your target audience the people that you first do want to help are the medium size and the small businesses but most of our television of usual say that that business in russia where money is generated is oil and gas and the big business is the giants so is the small business really as relevant as to as to build a structure like yours to help them unfortunately percentage you're going to do is not related in small relative as it should have been you wouldn't have a laser gun tree of small and medium businesses. present much bigger portion of g.d.p. than in russia where about seventeen eighteen percent in g.d.p. is small and medium small medium business and mostly i didn't really like france and germany i can vary in italy it's about sixty six the. chain it's about
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fourteen. it's much bigger and it's political representatives it actually is different in germany eighty percent of small and medium businesses are industrial businesses and there are more than sixty trade. that's way because the russian economy is an oil economy and the resource economy but there's no future if we wouldn't. change because living only on exports of raw material brings us some big risks. we depend on the international markets we can't live as a stable economy without our own production without our own business. in different sectors and first of all innovative industrial sectors of the economy that's what we are trying to achieve now changed into his lesion give stimulation for business to invest in russia and this structure will change. steadily
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little by little and of course it has to be profitable to invest in russia but also it has to be c. . that's what i'm doing now and then with smell because we have to protect business we have to protect businessmen and when we have to protect their businesses their property owners if we were waiting for this interview with you for quite a while and when we flew it decided to leak it we have asked some small business men are of the routine issues they have to face and how they think you can help them here's a story from one of them a contractor who works in there a beautiful occasion of moscow streets and parks. there are cases when we see the absurdity of bureaucratic requirements my firm participated in a bid to supply more school playgrounds with training and playing facilities we didn't win which we thought was unfair so we filed a complaint to the federal m.p.
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monopoly service they never even considered it now complaint was turned down on the grounds we didn't mention our firm's fax number and our papers but we simply don't have a fax machine we don't need it for the business we're doing and there is no war which would oblige a businessman in russia to have a fax machine so the whole situation is ridiculous. informally the authorities are right. he understand that it's. absurd and just has to stop and interested in cases like. the i got a letter from one of the business men from clinton months east region who was exactly in the same situation he was. on the way to sign a contract with the government on supplies of some equipment and he were according to him he was you know. the contract wasn't unlawfully wasn't.
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so we interfered we have a special. who is my have to say. you are wiser who is specializing on cases on the government contracts. feared now the contract is signed with this company and one sees we have a lot of cases going there and we not only work on cases each case by case but also work on journaling his solution change the contractual system we now and decided to join forces with. one of the control biggest control office what is it a budget troubles the state budget is going to and the way we make a joint inspection which will control the situation of with government contracts and saying them how they're saying and how their. executives as a matter of fact this control regime does
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a control you do you live on government money or your fund by the business i don't have any money yet because. he said that i have to start working as an institution from the first of december so i don't have yet official is going to be budget or the bill will be it will be a special. government state institution on the government budget starting from the first of january you mention hunter mentees quidditch is very interesting i was just about to ask you how you work with the regions because it's to be relatively easy to run the business started business in moscow st petersburg in the major cities but the further away you move the deeper. you dig into russia is. really the situation in so many drones we can do business much easier than in moscow who have good regions like. like. like.
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that it's easy you know this is not easy ideally business going deep but how do munchies get digging deep. because not between their main business is all well and everything is you know under this but. petersburg not the best region for doing business in russia actually moscow was on a special report done by a world economic forum on the last place and in the russian. but they can see we are doing our regional net. in a wood point there. are on the regional level so we're going to have decided on the thirty six people who would lead who would do this work in the region you know your point here from moscow or a bit because i know that places like pins are. really how we.
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as a decision both to keys as a matter local government or the governor. so it has to be agreed between to say and how are you going to work with them is going to be likely incorporation or is it you know it would be a system. each would have but learned knowledge of the moscow office is going to be used. but we do a special road map which is has a. strange name called red button. it would be the red button which every businessman can. press if his claim to the government is being rejected we would not deal with all the claims but only if the claim is rejected by one of the governmental institutions and this would be a system glued. regional federal would have a special system of. expertise which would. be all the legal and. backgrounds of the cases and so on so on
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so it would be a system or would call together that and the would hope it will work no mere on in charge or any other one but small enough to me the system should work as a system we've been talking about corruption a lot today as an obstacle for business but there were times we were going but these times not to. go when the gangsters the organized crime was the main obstacle for business is it obsolete no i haven't been away with that at least for maybe five years. and. it's. the society and. regulation of the government which practically solve the problem doesn't exist anymore as a problem for business unfortunately they are the problem corruption. of the former gangster is there and now one of the business men. but isn't a small but some of them are working for the state and which and sort are i or any
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you. can say that you know. the way old the ninety's. for many of them you know they have all their own way and some of them in jail but they don't think the majority of them most of them civil ways themselves and businessmen now working in the normal transparent way legal way some of them are working for the government because the government or i mean the better to see is growing in russia we will economy means we are. back to be running here as less working places in the private sector. and more working some places and the government thank you thank you very much for being with us and thank you for this frank interview and just to remind you that my guest today wasn't what he said he thought because the actual commissioner for entrepreneurs and that said the all the spotlight will be back with the landscape
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