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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EST

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palestinians raise their hopes for a successful statehood bid at the un despite firm opposition from the us and israel which claimed the status upgrade won't improve life for the autonomy. plan relenting protests in egypt is christians and liberals boycott the vote on a new constitution favoring the document pallone cement the presence in brotherhood's grip on power. and srong a wakeup call for the british press could be on the cards as the long anticipated leveson report suggests the government might tighten its grip over the if you came here.
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hello and welcome your watching r.t. live from moscow now it is crunch time for palestinians eagerly anticipating a un vote which may finally see them granted long sought after statehood the autonomy is hoping to be upgraded to the position of non member observer state joining me live now from all these artes marine airport in new york thank you for joining us and a vote is fast approaching what is the likelihood palestinians will have their status upgraded. well the palestinians are expected to win their u.n. bid by an overwhelming margin according to reports more than one hundred thirty member states of the united nations will vote in favor of recognizing palestine as a nonmember observer state now palestine only needs two thirds of the majority of the one hundred ninety three nations of the general assembly to win this big now the u.s. has been campaigning feverish lead to the rail two days contentious vote on wednesday
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u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton said that washington has made it very clear to the palestinian leadership that the u.s. opposes palestinian efforts to upgrade their status at the u.n. outside of the framework of direct negotiations now france on the other hand is among the many members of the one that is expected to vote in favor of the palestinians and the u.s. has expressed regret over what it calls a clash between allies last year palestine did submit an application for full membership to the un but that was blocked by the us at the security council didn't even come to a vote but the us did threaten to veto that application if it if it did come to a vote at the security council and now here we are fourteen months later with the palestinians going to the general assembly of the un. this is just a symbolic gesture will it actually change anything on the ground for the palestinian people.
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it will it's not just symbolic because palestine does receive this upgraded. status at the un palestine can use their status to try to join the international criminal court this would allow them to press for investigations into israel's practices in the occupied territories the palestinians will also be able to seek membership in specialized agencies of the united nations and the u.s. has publicly threatened to cut off financing to international organizations that admit palestine as a member we should remind our viewers that back in two thousand and eleven the u.s. congress cut financing to unesco after it except that palestine was a member there is also a chance that another consequence could be that the u.s. cuts off its funding to the palestinian authority but of course a lot of. unfold throughout the day as more details are available on this course update our viewers. thank you leave. york.
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now hundreds of people flooded the streets of ramallah in support of the big submitted by authorities in the west bank the palestinian leadership is optimistic about the outcome despite strong opposition from the u.s. and the gaza based activist harry fear reports on why success at the u.n. is so important to palestinians. here in gaza a lot of significance because the palestinian territories geographically noncontiguous we have the west bank. in the west bank in particular societally with the power of mahmoud abbas and here in gaza particular associated with the power of hamas now recently of course we've had the two thousand and twelve gaza war a seven day war with the state of israel and palestinian resistance groups including the resistance wing of hamas as part of the brigades used force against the state of israel in the conflict is. starkly different in terms of
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positioning with the state of israel in terms of engaging with the state of israel in comparison to mahmoud abbas who is seen in the western world as much more moderate in comparison to have presenting a more hardline position including armed resistance against the state of israel so what we have here is a palestinian political dynamic as well if the western world and indeed the u.n. does not support this increased status for the palestinian people and what will almost certainly happen will be but mahmoud abbas is seen as even weaker a palestinian national representative and hamas will be further strengthened to the dismay of israel and the united states well the approval of the bid would be a victory not only for the palestinian people but for the israel israeli population as well says the chairman of the palestinian israeli peace forum.
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well israel is being split clearly the government of israel has. its best to. work with the only country on the world in order to prevent that but seemingly it's a huge success for the palestinians. like myself like many other peace activists and you it is really politicians who believe that this was the right thing to do because at the end of the what the u.n. has voted is not only in favor of the palestinian appeal but they voted in favor of peace voting in favor of peace and two state solution is voting in favor as well as voting for palestine. egypt's national assembly is expected to vote on a new constitution later on thursday hoping to appease tens of thousands of protesters across the country rage has been mounting for a week now after president morsi has granted himself unchallenged powers although promising to abandon them once a new constitution and parliament are in place journalist true has the latest from
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cairo. when this constitution is drafted and goes through referendum president morsi wrote in his controversial constitution that gratian his extra powers he says humans will and to this is after the referendum however the real issue the heart of this debate is the constitution itself and the way that it's being drafted the opposition forces really see the constituent assembly. body because at least a quarter of its members have staged a walkout including kiva presence tips from the church from liberal leftist forces for example so this constitution they really see has been drafted by president morsi supporters members of the muslim brotherhood and the other groups still there in the constituent assembly so i'm afraid this document will do nothing really than to crease the anger of the opposition forces who at the moment are staging an ongoing sit in in fact we have a protest called to say by opposition and pro morsi supporters which if we if they
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meet we expect to see quite a lot of clashes on the streets this is also already been very violent we've seen the death of at least one protester in these clashes between rival protesters continue on the streets surrounding cairo we go now to my colleague tom barton who has more from the scene. we're still in the center of cairo where protesters have emerged from around the side of this building in a cycle of to and fro bucholz with stones and tear gas with the police the police just stood over there and they keep emerging and firing tear gas canister. back at the protest as the protesters all morning have been rocking cars and trying to pull the doors off smashing windows and throwing stones they've also been picking up the take aspirin aides of the police and throwing them back at the police some of the stones lining a bit closer now that the police come back and this has been going on for about two
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days now and back and forth bottle last night they set fire to buildings on the police and the protesters dragging back casualties who have been with our eyes watering and choking on the tea gas and head injuries and other injuries from the flying stones all of this set off by muhammad missed his declaration last week he is now good today expected to make a television. a television address to the nation to try and explain why he took such unprecedented power as people in tough race where haven't seen such violent protests there the more peaceful i'm allowed to protest as well they want to send a message rescind this rescind this announcement rescind these because you've given yourself they're supporting largely the country's top judges to be on strike and they the judges say that they will not allow this measure despite mohamed morsi trying to say he is trying to find
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a compromise it seems likely this will go on until the situation can be diffused. in karrie well this while a scandal says there's a growing feeling in egypt that the still a long way to go to real democracy. the fact of the matter is that everything is going in the opposite direction of what the revolution is called for the constituent assembly itself is a reflection of how unwilling to share power the muslim brotherhood are and along with mohamed morsi. he says that he will give back powers as soon as a parliament is elected but he's not allowing the gyptian to share in writing the constitution so this to me seems like a false promise about giving back power because the one thing he can do is allow dipshits to write their own constitution and share power and he's not doing that still to come here not a belgrade accuses the hague of bias to the forefront my view liquids
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a form of course of in general of killing and torturing so during the nine hundred ninety s. you can slowly being born. and from knowing feels the bailout hate big media and lawmakers blasting chancellor merkel for conceding the true cost of saving grace. the price. looking at some talks you simply do not believe they come speak and goodness how they can wrong oh. it's an international sled dog race with those driving the dogs. coming from as far away as a strand in canada and the us i come to russia and everybody is so very friendly they welcomed me with open arms and the scenery is so beautiful it's very much like alaska and so i felt at home the first blood joke was brought here from australia
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now let's try and come to this remote russian village to take part in the race it's not surprising they love it this thing and trail ira mazie. but even more amazing is the story of how racing first started here at all it wasn't the top mushers of sled dog racing who set the trail ablaze but a nun and for all friends who brought their idea to life. five years ago mother press camera built a dog kennel in the village kids from the local open age came around to take care of the dogs and one day they state their life might seem extreme to some the boys wake up at six to feed the dogs before school in the evening they spend up to three hours training their four legged friends but smother her scare also encourages her kids to become dad hands on the computer and internet the boys regularly updated their website and they're in touch with their busy mother twenty four seven on the phone itself. but children are the most important thing my only interests not play
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any role anymore and regardless of whether parsky has huskies window race or not she hopes the competition will take place in the village next year. but called these dogs and the children it really is not the weaning but truly just the taking part that counts. hello welcome back and we will return to our top story in palestine statehood bid at the u.n. to talk more on the vote and how the situation in the middle east is likely to pan out if the palestinian bid proves the success one joined live now by harvey a communications advisor at the palestine liberation organization thank you very
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much for joining us firstly considering the international support for the palestinian statehood why have previous efforts to create an independent state failed so far. and there all our perspective we have a statement that if the naacp of amber one hundred eighty eight which is what we call our historic compromise for peace whereby we recognize over seventy eight percent of historic palestine in exchange of exercising our right to stop with every nation on the west bank including east jerusalem and the gaza strip what we know as the occupied palestinian territory now i think the most important point here in going back to your question is the fact that for the past sixty five years israel has enjoyed precedent culture of impunity that has allow israel to violate sixty five you want to solutions in almost every single international treaty so the question for the day after this vote will be if we can we can turn all this overwhelming international support with countries like italy like belgium like
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sweden the has joined our bit over the past few minutes if we can we can turn this into a real political action so we can enjoy the peace and freedom of the palestinian people to serve but isn't the palestinian leadership breaking international accords by trying to achieve the stated by the u.n. rather than direct negotiations. well we are we have been very clear on this issue we are a country and we are a people just like any other country and we have rights any single to all right but we're going to acquire the day after is our sovereign right and we are going to keep it in use on moment what we're doing in the united nations is not a move just to go to the international criminal court if that's a question we believe it's our right then and long overdue right we've been waiting for sixty five years if you remember the first time the palestine went to that you were to have its partition sixty five years ago and then we disappeared from them up what we're doing sixty five years later it's we're adding palestine back to them
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up and we are going to the united nations to stay there with all its system with all its international treaties and with all the right of we are going to game the following the small. but do you feel it is the best time to go forward with this bid when the palestinian people are literally divided are they between two factions hamas and fattah should unity between the two parties be addressed first you think . i think how much of the very clear in their leader khaled mashaal including the hamas prime minister ismail haniya both of them have doors. for statehood they have been made very clear that the p.l.o. remains a sole legitimate representative of the palestinian people they have made very clear that they support peace efforts to get a state in the only thing that hamas has said is that if eventually we get to a peace agreement with the state of history this agreement has to be said for
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a national referendum which is the same this really is actually going to do is still the question is not why we're going now i think the question is why we didn't go before and i think what we're doing now it's over to do is step four and over do . this if this debate is that you are seeing all over the occupied palestinian territory including the gaza strip including occupied this juicer them including all refugee camps eleven million palestinians or the world will be celebrating today what we see as an overdue right that we are getting so again the question is not why now the question is why not before. ok we will have to leave it there i'm afraid to thank you very much for your comments that was a heavier. the communications adviser at the palestine liberation organization. wide reaching leveson report into the standards of the u.k. press has suggested it should be regulated by a new independent body backed by legislation prime minister cameron has agreed that contact between politicians and media executives should be made public earlier i
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talked to artie's polyploid co for deep insight into the story. it's been a massive inquiry it's cost three point nine million pounds of taxpayers' money to look into the press standards and the ethics behind the way the press works here in the u.k. it was all off the back of public revulsion at the phone hacking scandal that led to the closure of the news of the world newspaper. press complaints commission isn't there so why does it work. well in short it doesn't work the status quo as david cameron said is unacceptable and according to lord leveson as he just said the press is. too many innocent lives and it's ruined just too many innocent lives and the critics are saying that if you regulate the industry more and if you are independent with legislation it could be the end of british free press as we know it and of course
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a lot of other people say that is entirely an issue blown out of proportion because there's been a lot of money spent talking about how to regulate the press when a simple search on google can result in the unadulterated unregulated findings let's take a listen to what some of the members of the media think about it right now the trouble is freedom of speech is that it's not like any other industry it's not like estate agents or lawyers and what you can drop regulations it's a fundamental thing that we all have and it's a it's a natural right. so it's not something you can just sort of tinker with ok so it sounds like there are going to new regulations but what is the report recommending . well what lord leveson recommends is an independent watchdog by the press for the press but it should be underpinned by legislation that all sounds very vague at the moment and it's up to the government to decide how that should
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actually work in practice. footage of him with sanity laced performance which of course an international outcry may soon be banned from the internet in russia most don't see the party dot com to find out why the country's authorities decided to block access to video clips of the notorious punk band pussy riot more on that story online and also there you will find the stream and the billion dollar gas deal between ukraine and a spanish contract to ease up in the air with kiev clueless as to who may have actually done peaceniks with. the hague tribunal for war crimes has acquitted cost of his former prime minister and two visits for a second time how did he was facing numerous charges of murder and torture of serbs during the war in yugoslavia at the end of the one nine hundred ninety s. political analyst alexander povich says the acquittal shows just how prejudiced the hague court east. tribunal where the. main man he
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really wanted was going all over the united states were. not really matter and so i don't know what went wrong rules this tribunal was going to. be much be in trying. to make sure. you don't think already in all the war or groom and you were. by what you meant to mention remember. i think greater. men we're going to have a chance you are going to. go on. the way with fed up with international law because you're clearly not would not have the right bar a tribunal on the general assembly so i think one of the all of the debate about. a tribunal. take
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a quick look now at some other international news human rights watch claims that syrian rebels have been sending children as young as fourteen to fight in their ranks that's after an opposition group lashed out at turkey saying here was violence by allowing foreign mercenaries hired to fight against the sad into a war torn country this as france britain and some other countries pledge their support to another rebel alliance the foreign based coalition paris have already agreed to allocate one point five million dollars to the group. a french court has overturned the manslaughter verdict against continental airlines the company which was blamed for a fateful concorde crash in two thousand and twelve years ago one of the supersonic jets crashed shortly after takeoff in france killing one hundred thirteen people it's believed a piece of debris which fell from another continental plane on to the runway critically damaged the concorde on takeoff the iconic plane was retired in two thousand and three by british and french airlines. police in mind maher used tear
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gas water cannon and smoke bombs to break up a protest at a copper mine injuring activists monks in the process they were demonstrating against forced evictions to allow the mines expansion witnesses claim police caused a fire in the camp resulting in severe burns to some of the protesters the mine belongs to the military and a chinese arms manufacturing company. chancellor angela merkel is being called to account in germany over why she signed off on the seven hundred thirty million euros worth of concessions for greece a hefty bill that will be footed by german taxpayers artie's peter oliver is in berlin. the opposition members of the social democrat party have merkel and her center right coalition that's the start is not merely a rubber stamping service and if they want to push through this latest package they're going to have to prove to m.p.'s that it's in the best interest of germany
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what this latest package contains is a bond buy back scheme low interest rates on the debts that greece has as well as the hunting over of profit from. what they see in chile means though is that for twenty thirteen germany is set to lose around seven hundred thirty million euros due to implementing these latest measures all of that of course not making great reading for chancellor merkel she said time and time again that the german taxpayer would not be hit financially by germany giving help to greece now they have to admit that that is going to happen and this is all happening on the basis that greece can pay some of it back by twenty sixteen where it should be back on its feet almost considering the current state of the greek economy not an optimistic statement to make the opposition i mentioned the social democrats they're saying
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that any debate on debt restructuring for greece will have to wait until after the general election takes place here in germany so with the shadow of the election starting to come into view and do a merkel essentially being politically embarrassed by having to go back on a promise she's made all stony be a very interesting debate when german politicians discuss the latest financial aid package for greece. and coming up at sixteen thirty g.m.t. max keiser and stacy herbert see similarities between the central banks of congo and britain speculating on just what is filling their vaults. comparable surround central banking goma. they're looting the bank a u.n. source said later another u.n. source denied that there had been money in the bags insisting they were full of being a lot of the central banks are collateralized by beans that's similar to the bank of england mark carney is going to be arriving to the bank of england in
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a few short months and he'll find that in the vaults of bags of beans and some of boris johnson's wigs but other than that there's nothing to collateralize his bank so yes of course you've got incredible similarity central banks are being looted the rebels whether they're in africa or in england and the motive is the same. something to look forward to in coming up after this break breaking this. story it's technology innovations all the developments from around russia we've
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gone to the future covered. more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are relieved
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a. mum. mum of two got the. job.
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here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dollar i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country you sir are a fool you know what kind of mind they're terrorist cells but i don't want to wish to feature a something on liberal the christian jews can secure the beliefs of others. hey what's up guys i'm having martin so yesterday i mentioned that the international action monitors from the un watchdog group organization for security and cooperation in europe will be sending forty four delegations to monitor polling to speak.


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