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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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from feinstein. starts on t.v. dot com. nine pm moscow time tonight palestinians raise their hopes for a successful statehood bid at the u.n. later despite firm opposition from the u.s. and israel which claim the status upgrade won't improve life for the autonomy more thoughts on that. britain's prime minister praises the long anticipated leveson report that suggests the government should tighten its grip over the u.k. media david cameron says a new law could be going too far on the subject. and unrelenting protests in egypt as christians and liberals boycott the pumps on a new constitution they're fearing the document will only cement the president and the muslim brotherhood script.
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hello if you just joined us for a good evening shoot kevin owen here at r t tonight's our top story this hour it's crunch time for palestinians eagerly anticipating a u.n. vote which may finally see them granted a long sought after statehood here tanami is hoping to be upgraded to the position of no one member observer state that's the crucial word. is in new york. well the palestinians are expected to win their un bid by an overwhelming margin according to reports more than one hundred thirty member states of the united nations will vote in favor of recognizing palestine as a nonmember observer observer states now. palestine only needs two thirds of the majority of the one hundred ninety three nations of the general assembly to win this big now the us has been campaigning feverish to rail two days contentious vote on wednesday u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton said that washington has made it very clear to
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the palestinian leadership that the u.s. opposes policy in efforts to upgrade their status at the u.n. outside of the framework of direct negotiations now france on the other hand is among the many members of the one that is expected to vote in favor of the palestinians and the u.s. has expressed regret over what it calls a clash between allies last year palestine did submit an application for full membership to the un but that was blocked by the us at the security council didn't even come to a vote but the us did write that application if it did come to a vote in the security council and now here we are fourteen months later with the palestinians going to the general assembly of the un palestine does receive this upgraded. status at the un palestine can use their status to try to join the international criminal court this would allow them to press for investigations into
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israel's practices in the occupied territories the palestinians will also be able to seek membership in specialized agencies of the united nations and the u.s. has publicly threatened to cut off financing to international organizations that admit palestine as a member we should remind our viewers that back in two thousand and eleven the u.s. congress cut financing to unesco after it except that palestine was a member there's also a chance that another consequence could be that the u.s. . it's off its funding to the palestinian authority palestine has long sought to establish an independent sovereign state in the west bank which would include eastern roussillon in the gaza strip which is occupied by israel during the one nine hundred sixty seven sixty a war now in one nine hundred ninety three the oslo accord between palestine and israel led to a mutual recognition of a two state solution nearly two decades later a permanent peace settlement hasn't been produced with the latest round of negotiations for making down back in two thousand and ten. of the new york we'll
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talk more no vote on how the situation the middle east is likely to pan out if the palestinian bid proves successful later normal finkelstein he's an american political scientist not this delighted to have him on the line must say those are very big on the line tonight but norman good to have you there despite the technology that may defeat this israel us claiming that the palestinian drive goes against international accords which say that the stated decision should be achieved through direct negotiations why are the palestinians ignoring the official line do you think. well the palestinian position has been you can't negotiate with another you can't negotiate with the other side on the stairs agreement on basic principles the purpose of negotiations is to resolve the precise points but you have to have a framework which both sides agree on the problem is the palestinians begin from
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international law they say for example if we want to resolve the question of the border between israel and palestine we have to begin with international law. and international laws as the whole of the west bank and gaza and east jerusalem are occupied palestinian terror territory the israeli position on the other hand is they categorically reject international law and they say we have to begin negotiations with what we meaning the israelis want and the palestinians said based on our experience the past twenty years since the beginning of the oslo negotiations in one nine hundred ninety three. experience the past twenty years that we don't have an agreed upon framework for resolving the conflict then we can negotiate a settlement and the house to an authority has gone to the united nations in part
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to upgrade this but also in part for the international community to ratify. that is to say a settlement on the june sixty seven border and a just solution of the refugee question based on the right of return and compensation that these two principles have to serve as the framework for resolving the problem and now that the international community has ratified those principles with the vote of the united nations i think we're one step closer. you know through a settlement based on international law norman as you say it's much more than just a prestige a feather in the cap a butt end of the day there's also a thought is new they could make palestinian lives hard there if it goes through it will see a harder line from israel just make things worse. no that's not really true because the power of the suddenly how the revelation.
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let me just a minute in the recent israeli assault on gaza hamas hamas suddenly how to read revelation its revelation was. all it had to do was point israel into invading launching a ground invasion and israel would capitulate because israel was terrified at the prospect of a ground invasion which would cause many combat lives now in the west bank the palestinian authority suddenly has a revelation the palestinian authority israel's collaborators the palestinian authority israel slaves and the palestinian authority suddenly discovered being israel slaves the slave master needs us as much as we need them because they
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do all the dirty work for israel they set up the torture chambers they were press all demonstrations against israel in the west bank they are israel's collaborators so the palestinian authority discovered they can make they can't put punitive sanctions on us because if they do our palestinian authority might collapse and israel didn't like the alternative option the alternative option would be chaos in the west bank norman and so so if there are these suddenly did exactly what khaled mashal did in gaza sort of into jenin we literally got twenty minutes twenty seconds i want to ask you what will happen do you think that this big bone of contention along the way the israeli settlement expansion if this goes through what's going to happen to that is it going to be frozen will what's going to happen briefly if you can.
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no it won't be frozen but the palestinian authority will have the option of going to the international criminal court which under the wrong style shoes statutes under the wrong start shoes which are the statutes of the international criminal court they state that the settlements are a war crime and the past the will have the opportunity if they get when they get the observers. to go to the international criminal court for israel's criminal behavior in the occupied territories so if you'll start american political scientists not davis thank you for your thoughts on a pretty shaded well that the vote on the upgrade of palestinian state is that united nations just values expected to take place at twenty one hours g.m.t. tonight we will of course keep you fully posted on the outcome of. the what region leveson report in the standards of the u.k.
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press has suggested it should be regulated by a new independent body backed by legislation but prime minister cameron has agreed that contact between politicians and media executives should be made public earlier i spoke about sees a police more insight into the story. lord leveson very damning in his report about the press ethics of some of the parts of the newspaper industry said that they ruined and they quote some innocent people's lives also very critical of politicians cozy relationship that's how he called it with powerful media organizations and what his recommendations really boiled down to was that he says the u.k. needs to create a new independent press watchdog that will be underpinned by new legislation. did the government agree with the findings david cameron has just responded to lord leveson is recommend ations now he says he wholeheartedly agrees with the report he agrees that the system that we currently have in the u.k.
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of press regulation is badly broken and it needs a radical overhaul however he's concerned about creating new legislation in order to underpin a new watchdog he thinks that it's possible to make long lasting radical changes to the way that the press is regulated without changing the law let's take a listen to what he said in the house of commons the issue of principle is that for the first time we would have crossed the rubicon of writing elements of press regulation into the law. we should i believe be weary of any legislation that has the potential to infringe free speech what was the opinion of the other side of the barricades if you like from the journalists well we actually had the labor leader ed miliband responding as well he said that he agrees with lord leveson recommendations but actually he thinks that the law should be changed now the journalists and the press community they're not very enthusiastic about changing the law or in bringing in more stringent regulation. could be enforced by new laws
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they say that that could threaten the very nature of freedom of speech here in britain now we spoke to one journalist a little bit earlier and let's take a listen to what he said. the trouble is freedom of speech is that it's not like any other industry it's not like estate agents or lawyers in which you can drop regulations it's a fundamental thing that we all have and it's a it's a natural right. so it's not something you can just sort of tinker with this is a long build up to the publication of this report is this it was just a final decision the final findings or expect more debate on it. more debate certainly kevin this is just the start of it we've had lord leveson is recommendations but the how to go about implementing them is really going to be up for debate now in an unprecedented move nick clegg the deputy prime minister the junior partner in this coalition government he's going to be issuing
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a separate statement a separate response to the leveson findings now if that doesn't show a split in the way on how to handle the situation i don't know what does so it looks like whether or not to underpin this new regulatory body by law is really going to be the bone of contention and the debate that's going to be waging one about it is only just starting. for a still kobold great accuses the hague of bias after. the former cost of the journal the killing torturing so you've. got. feels the heat with media mogul because blasting chancellor merkel for concealing the true cost of saving greece we view all. this break.
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was. i was in the glow of russia's north through way from civilization in a three hour helicopter train from the nearest village. so they stole one family have been living here for a long time in tents made of reindeer screens. so . lodging runs in ada signal and minutes they also grew up in the two but left it at the age of six and never returned they now live in the city in apartment building but still remember their
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regions. was not in you is a dancing teacher. was. still his tenses he tells the stories about his motherland. lives in europe to now has a one thousand strong rangy had when the enemy only saw the light and mocks around who it is gather their tents and move to another posture they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter we men and children for them for the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds even though there's sometimes a similar. twenty
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one sixty moscow time this is r.t. now egypt's national assembly so expect to vote on a new constitution later on thursday hoping to appease tens of thousands of protesters across the country has been mounting for a week now after president morsi granted himself on challenge powers although promising to abandon them again once a new constitution and parliament are in place join a spell truce got the latest from cairo for you. when this constitution is drafted and goes through referendum president morsi wrote in his controversial constitution that gratian his extra powers he's assumed will and to this is after the referendum however the real issue the heart of this debate is the constitution itself and the way that it's being drafted the opposition forces really see the constituent
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assembly as an illegitimate body because at least a quarter of its members have staged a walkout including key representatives from the church and liberal leftist forces for example said this constitution they really see has been drafted by president morsi supporters members of the muslim brotherhood and the other is the most groups still left in the constituent assembly so i'm afraid this document will do nothing really than to increase the anger of the opposition forces who at the moment is staging an ongoing sit in in tahrir square we have a protest call today by opposition and pro morsi supporters which if we if we expect to see quite a lot of clashes on the streets this is also already been. very violent we've seen the death of at least one protester in these clashes between rival protesters as curses continue on the streets surrounding cairo we go now to my colleague tom barton who has more from the scene we're still in the center of cairo where
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protesters have emerged from around the side of this building in a cycle of to and fro bucholz with stones and tear gas with the police the police just stood over there and they keep emerging and firing tear gas canisters back at the protesters the protesters all morning have been rocking cars and trying to pull the doors off smashing windows throwing stones they've also been picking up the take aspirin aides of the police and throwing them back at the police some of the stones lining a bit closer now that the police come back and this has been going on for about two days now it's back and forth bottle last night. they set fire to buildings and the police and the protesters dragging back casualties who have been with always watching and choking on the tea gas and head injuries and other injuries from the flying stones all of this set off by muhammad mercer's declaration last week he is
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now going to expected to make a television. a television address to the nation to try and explain why he took such unprecedented powers people in tough risk where haven't seen such violent protests there more peaceful and the larger protests as well they want to send a message rescind this listen this announcement rescind these powers you've given yourself they're supporting largely the country's top judges who have been on strike and they the judges say that they will not allow this measure despite a mohammed morsi trying to say he is trying to find a compromise it seems likely this will go on until the situation can be just fused . and online tonight for most r.t. dot com we've got there tonight footage of an obscenity laced performance which cause international outcry then soon to be banned from the internet in russia am talking about other countries for a tease the other side of blocking access to video clips of the tories punk band
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pussy riot. it's got a lot of clicks in the past maybe not for much longer in russia more than online from us and mystery man we reveal the billion dollar gas deal between ukraine and a spanish contractor is very open tonight with kiev clueless as to have actually done business with. chance wrangler merkel's been called to account in germany over why she signed off on seven hundred thirty million euros worth of concessions for greece a hefty bill that will be footed by german taxpayers is artie's peter oliver in berlin. opposition members of the social democrat party have merkel and her center right coalition that's the start is not merely a rubber stamping service and if they want to push through this latest package they're going to have to prove to m.p.'s that it's in the best interest of germany what this latest package contains is
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a bond buyback scheme lower interest rates only the debts that greece has as well as the hunting over of profit from these debts what they sensually means though is that for twenty thirty germany is set to lose around seven hundred and thirty million euros to implementing these latest measures all of that of course not making great reading for chancellor merkel she said time and time again that the german taxpayer would not be hit financially by germany giving help to greece now but they have to admit that that is going to happen and this is all happening on the basis that greece can pay some of it back by twenty sixteen where it should be back on its feet almost well considering the current state of the greek economy not an optimistic statement to make the opposition i mentioned the social democrats they're saying that any debate on debt restructuring for greece will have to wait
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until after the general election takes place here in germany so with the shadow of the election starting to come into view and merkel essential being politically embarrassed by having to go back on a promise she's made it's all stern to be a very interesting debate when german politicians discuss the latest financial aid package for greece. peter all over international news a brief tonight human rights watch claims that syrian rebels have been sending children as young as fourteen in their fight in their ranks so often opposition groups lashed out at turkey saying it fuels violence by allowing foreign mercenaries hired to fight against assad into the water own country this is france britain and some other countries pledged support to another level of violence the foreign based coalition paris has already agreed to allocate one point five million dollars to the group. the army has been called in to restore order in the two museum turn of its they are now after three days of clashes left three hundred people injured thousands of demonstrators there are demanding more funding and the
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resignation of a local government reports say the police response those being tough with officers firing birdshot and tear gas at protesters a town like many that participated in verses revolution is struggling for social conditions and poverty. french court overturned the manslaughter verdict against continental airlines the company which was blamed for that fateful concorde crash back in the year two thousand and twelve years ago one of the supersonic jets crashed shortly after takeoff in france killing or one hundred thirteen on board at the time it's believed a piece of debris which fell from another continental plane on the runway just before it critically damaged that concorde on takeoff conic claims and retired in two thousand and three by british and french airlines. to be used tear gas water cannons smoke bombs to break up a protest at a copper mine that injured activists and buddhist monks in the process they were demonstrating against forced evictions to allow the mines expansion witnesses claim
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police caused a fire in that camp that resulted in severe burns to some of the protesters in my belongs to the myanmar military and the chinese arms manufacturing company. the hague tribunal for war crimes has acquitted cost of his former prime minister to his aides for a second time rambo shara did you know it was facing numerous charges of murder and torture of serbs during the war in yugoslavia at the end of the one nine hundred ninety s. a drug deal so far only sent one cos of all of pain in compared to over fifteen guilty verdicts the serb says it will and they select on the public says this acquittal only proves how prejudiced a. tribunal. what i'm going to call united states the country that really matters. with their own rules and that's a tribute. to pretty much the interviewer serve to make sure that.
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the. party in our war room to ninety. five western intervention military and diplomatic i think later during the next year we're going to have a chance to actually when it came upon agreement general bank. you know what. was against international law because the security council did not have the right. always the general the general assembly so i think all. about get out of the region amid. internal. good great selection of programs lined up for tonight next in capital account host laura lister looks at just how strong the crisis battered dollar still is the next show tonight and after this break.
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which brightened. from funds to. start on t.v. dot com. you
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know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture. downloads you for sure. so choose your language stream quality and
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enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch it all it's all you need is your mobile device what you are seeing any time. good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lister here in washington d.c. these are headlines for one set of ever twenty eighth two thousand and twelve it's been more than a decade since argentina defaulted on its debt but the saga continues with creditors to this day a new york court ruling just last week came down pretty hard for the country according to the financial times and could benefit creditors like vulture funds in general but what influenced the economic development of latin american countries like argentina more broadly versus say their neighbors to the north james robert robinson author of why nations fail is here to discuss and here in the u.s.
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president barack obama reportedly speaks with corporate c.e.o.'s from firms like caterpillar and goldman sachs about fiscal cliff solutions here's what he said to the public. and i'll go anywhere and i'll do whatever it takes to get this done it's too important for washington to screw this up. but it's washington and really once again the nation's economic fate may be held hostage by negotiations at the highest levels of government where does this properly we'll talk about it plus manufacturing is slowing and businesses are worried about the fiscal cliff that's according to the fed's beige book out today what is the beige book anyway and who cares we'll tell you why it matters and word of the day let's get to today's capital account.


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