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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm EST

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less kind told us there's a growing feeling in egypt of the still a long way to go to real democracy the fact of the matter is that everything is going in the opposite direction of what the revolution is called for. the constituent assembly itself is a reflection of how unwilling to share power in the muslim brotherhood are and along with mohamed morsi. he says that he will give back powers that as soon as a parliament is elected but he's not allowing you deficients to share in writing the constitution so this to me seems like a false promise about giving back power because the one thing he can do is allow dipshits to write their own constitution and share power and he's not doing that used to you just a few moments here and i'll take you live from moscow. tucked in between the russian mainland japan and the suckling island is the island of
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minute on named after french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look at what's in store for us here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the borders own and was completely restricted to visit is now the speech u.s. place is open to tourists unique plants and animals are its top attraction. treaty has been exploring the deaths of the world seas for several decades but it's here at more your own island where he has finally found what he'd been looking for . the water here is very clear the visibility is very good and the underwater world here is extremely rich i've been to many diving locations across the planet including the island of bali on top of my list while some go to the cycling region
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to enjoy the sights others convert the islands nature's riches into a healthy dollar it is home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the tonight shock hundreds of thousands of tons of fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious salamon caviar and necessary attribute of any feast in russia the owner of the enterprise says a good fishing season can bring in more than one hundred million dollars net profit . at a large extent this is old to do what suckling offers environmentally the tonight show operates in only and natural habitat and mild climate unique natural sights and delicious seafood succulent can offer a diverse holiday for those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe the question is whether this distant land would ever be able to become a major tourist destination.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought. i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. wealthy british stock. market. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to cause
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a report. called recount in germany over why she signed off on seven hundred thirty million euros where the concessions for greece a hefty bill that would be footed by german taxpayers. the opposition members of the social democrat party have merkel and her center right coalition that's the bundestag is not merely a rubber stamping service and if they want to push through this latest package they're going to have to prove to m.p.'s that it's in the best interest of germany what this latest package contains is a bond buyback scheme low interest rates only the debts that greece has as well as the hunting over of profit from these debts what this century means though is that for twenty thirteen germany is set to lose around seven hundred and thirty million
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euros to implementing these latest measures all of that of course not making great reading for chancellor merkel she said time and time again that the german taxpayer would not be hit financially by germany giving help to greece now they have to admit that that is going to happen and this is all happening on the basis that greece can pay some of it back by twenty sixteen where it should be back on its feet almost considering the current state of the greek economy not an optimistic statement to make the opposition i mentioned the social democrats they're saying if any to perish on restructuring for greece will have to wait until after the general election takes place here in germany so with the chancellor with the election starting to come into view and to a merkel essentially being politically embarrassed by having to go back on a promise she's made it's all stern to be a very interesting to pay when german politicians discuss the latest financial aid
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package for greece. coming up next march cause for statehood see similarities between the central banks of congo and britain you hear me correct they speculate about what's filling their vaults. rebel surround sound banking goma they're looting the bank a un source said later another un source denied that there had been money in the bags insisting they were full of being a lot of the central banks are collateralized by beans that's similar to the bank of england mark carney is going to be arriving to the bank of england in a few short months and he'll find that in the vaults of bags of beans and some of boris johnson's links but other than that there's nothing to collateralize his bank so yes of course you've got incredible similarities central banks are being looted the rebels whether they're in africa or in england. the motive is the same.
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thieves teabags been on his gold doesn't matter what your business deal is the number one rule is know who you do your business deal with the time she should it's government that is doing it isn't it that's the story of the way it is indeed well basically what we have now is ukraine admitting that it signed this billion dollar contract with a quote artist and he got away with it well we'll find out all the details in the business bulletin in just a minute. thirty seven minutes past the hour welcome to the business bulletin the european union is launching an attack on the ratings agencies trying to limit the industry's influence and to and what it use as the conflict of interests the european
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commission has come up with a draft plan that threatens to halt the agency's access to government debt and put some restrictions on their ownership and busters will also get the right to sue the agencies if they can prove they've lost money is the result of gross incompetence on the part of the agencies the move follows a number of cases where the so-called big three rating companies that fitch moody's and s. and p. received harsh criticism for their actions oftentimes or downgrades caused extreme market volatility now the ball's in the european parliament's court house to accept or deny the plan. there is a very general feeling of dissatisfaction in the behavior of the big three the big three are not behaving and haven't behaved in the interests of the economy of the whole i don't think i think that is incontrovertibly they say that they have acted
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in the benefit of the investors. that is possible but i've met some investors who believe. that either they're acting in their own commercial interests or a commercial company. and let's now quickly run through the markets first to the currencies the ruble ended the day stronger to both the euro and the greenback the euro is gaining two the dollar rebounding from wednesday's losses now moving on to ask what do you swore street stocks are up standing wednesday's games mainly on the hopes that the u.s. government will manage to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff and a european after he's ended their trading session on an upbeat note as well more than one percent for london's footsie thanks to all that optimism coming from the states this marks the third straight day of gains in europe and here in russia the indices recovered from wednesday's losses demonstrating pretty robust gains of wine
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and three quarters of the south for the r.t.s. . ukraine on thursday admitted the one the billion dollar liquefied gas contract signed this week was basically a sham just on monday the former soviet republic proudly claim that will soon overcome its dependence on russia's gas and now it turns out it's presumed partner spain's energy giant to know so knows nothing about the deal let's cross over to the business desk where the top. so nick this is turning out to be a real embarrassment for the ukrainian government isn't it it is indeed in terms of the problems tiger actually is one of the biggest coaches of all time the story of colm because it's not clear that any any money actually change turns the judge what you want to pay attention to in this picture is the man on the left and his name is thought to be jodhi saudi born he's selling a contract worth one point one billion dollars for
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a spanish company called gas natural from those looking for natural gas terminal on the cranes black sea coast you know before the champagne to even be drawn from the bottle because for those it was. had absolutely no knowledge of this deal they had no intent coming to ukraine had no operation at the time or planning to have some in the future but. who is this ball and. it's not pretty clear he has a mobile phone number and that's not even sure if it's really his name the ukrainian seem to be aware that he wasn't actually from the company they were whether he was acting as an agency or as a middleman the ukrainian energy minister explains the relationship. just because there were a number of documents signed by the spanish representative right now we're trying to figure out whether he had the right to sign these contracts unique case he took
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part in all of the negotiations on behalf of this company. and i wouldn't you think that the ukrainians would ask for one of the top for no sufficient like the c.e.o. to actually sign the deal you would have thought perhaps this is the genius of the hoops in this. convinced the for technical reasons none of these people could attend and he was empowered to act on their behalf but that's actually pretty funny because like a simple phone call to finance his headquarters in barcelona would have confirmed his identity or the lack thereof. again i'm not quite sure how business is done in ukraine but at one point one billion dollars deal of this size you thought there'd be plenty of phone calls between the energy minister the c.e.o. of of the nose and who knows what not just all revolving around this one individual such of the sort of the unlikelihood of the story that your position in ukraine is calling for a public inquiry and it's going to fall to allege that the president got
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a coup actually set up this hoax himself now. ukrainian politics is notoriously tempestuous and. pleasant but it's hard to see how it could benefit from this because it's so transparently obvious that it wouldn't succeed that they would be found out immediately which is really what happened right that the billion dollar question is do the ukrainians still want to build the cell and terminal s. that are they still looking for alternatives to russians down clearly i mean you saw there they had the president the prime minister the energy minister a whole host of officials all witnessing this signing it was a big deal they all serious about this idea they want more energy independence from russia now as it happens the prime minister promised result of has just arrived in norway and he's believed to be talking to an. the he is not clear whether they're talking about l. and g. but certainly they all get a bit we're discussing how to use more gas in ukraine i bet as ours will be asking
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to see the norwegian partners passport or something to confirm his identity will absolutely fascinating moving on. the french the chinese i should say are buying yet another landmark french why enery a forty five year old metals tycoon and now owns a shop told bill phone bill. it's atop a state of france's prominent bordeaux region the chinese have been extremely active in buying wineries in the area over the past couple of years they bought around thirty properties there and according to some estimates china is now the biggest export market of bordeaux wine at least on terms of volume the region does have a history of foreign ownership but some of the local producers are now starting to worry about the chinese expansion here's what one of them recently told r.t.
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. as a kid with that was all these people they come here and buy lenders they buy it because they were jury are they really good investors the taxes go up because of them but they will keep the wind quality up there should be a steep protection policy here we think. that's it from the business desk more news is coming your way after a very short break. well . science technology innovation all the list of melamine still around
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russia we've got the future covered. live.
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explain. these continues here at r.t. the hague tribunal for war crimes has acquitted kosovo's former prime minister and his aides for a second time. was facing numerous charges of murder and torture of serbs in the war yugoslavia at the end of the one nine hundred ninety s.
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international criminal defense lawyer. michael. says bias was built into the hague tribunal system from the very start. i think by and large this tribe you know. more or less the private servers here are trying. to grab you know. when it came to congress and. i don't think it should be that surprising and big there is a political element here. you know who gets charged what i would charge who or. how they are how they would be in the sentence it is that they were all going to see and i think when you look at the history you want to describe you know you will see that. carter did more than any other europe in that's why i mean it's one of the periods of this particular crime you know. going does. there is
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a political element to a. lawyer michael can of us that more is national news in brief the army's been called in to restore order in the two museum turn of civil after three days of clashes that have left three hundred people injured thousands of demonstrators there demanding more funding the resignation of the local government reports say the police response has been tough with officers firing the bird shot and tear gas or protesters the many that participated in the last year's revolution is struggling with poor social conditions and poverty. a french quarter so for the manslaughter verdict against continental airlines the company that was blamed for that concorde crash back in the year two thousand and twelve years ago one of the supersonic jets crushed shortly after takeoff and from strong women with those pictures killing one hundred thirteen people a piece of debris which fell from another continental plane on the runway just before critically damaged that concorde on takeoff the plane is retired in two
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thousand and three by british and french airlines. places used tear gas water cannon and smoke bombs to break up a protest at the copper mine. injuring activists buddhist monks in the process they were demonstrating against forced evictions to allow the mines expansion witnesses claim police caused a fire in the camp resulting in severe burns to some of the protesters the mine belongs to me military and the chinese army's manufacturing company. now a developing story tonight international flights to damascus have been grounded amid fierce fighting between government troops and rebels in the ranks of the opposition forces could be children as young as fourteen according to claims by human rights watch after one rebel group slashed. its fuelling violence by allowing foreign mercenaries into syria international support is with another opposition group the foreign based coalition after france britain and some other countries promised to help this struggle all this as
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a ram take steps to increase its part in mediating the syrian crisis results for national reporter taking sides could be an obstacle. in the conflict in syria says no end but iran a key regional power and indicated l.-i of syria is continuing and intensifying its efforts for a peaceful resolution to undermine their diplomatic mission to find nonviolent and civil war on its doorstep there and offered to host representatives from all sides of the fighting in syria at a closed door today gathering dubbed no to violence yes democracy took his request for nate to missiles to be deployed on its border with syria through the scorn of iran's foreign ministry was that all that would do is aggravate tensions across the whole region and violence has actually already intensified following the latest interventions from western and some arab diplomats when the syrian opposition formed the syrian national coalition as and see it quickly received recognition as
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legitimate voice of the people from the likes of britain and france which even back its conviction by confirming it would send one to help million dollars to get the. new organization up and running none of which has done anything to stop the attacks in syria and loss of life the dividing lines inside syria have been played out and torn wider by the international community and its divided approach with russia and china promoting peaceful dialogue in the beginning other nations showering the armed opposition in syria with guns cash and encouragement no carbonation the ordinary syrians caught up in the crossfire don't know where they stand apart from a hail of shells and bullets or if national t.v. reporting from iran. will have a crisis in syria is of course pressing for a round there are other issues to worry about israel's long been threatening that military strike against iran's nuclear facilities at a target analysts say could come as early as january but in this case israel
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couldn't count shouldn't be on u.s. support according to one american statesman speaking here of brzezinski areas. i don't think there is any implicit obligation of the united states to follow you know stupid. israelis do decide to start a war simply on the assumption that will magically be drawn into it i think it is the obligation of friendship to say well you're not going to be making decisions for us. policy director of the national rate need american council that hosted that event told us that the u.s. could be drawn into a war with iran against its wishes. whether the u.s. blindly backs israel or follows bibi netanyahu into a military conflict with iran i think that remains to be seen but i would say that the sanctions policies that we've seen the pressure policies some of the lack of
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flexibility in being able to negotiate has been driven by the influence of hawkish pro israel lobbies in congress and here in washington and that. you know for the u.s. and frankly for israel that is not a policy that is is beneficial to their interests at the end of the day we're faced with either a diplomatic resolution to this standoff or we see the escalating pressure the escalating antagonism that cannot survive indefinitely that eventually is going to reach a tipping point and whether it's deliberate or it's accidental we're going to end up in a war twenty two fifty five moscow time thanks for being with us the news that continues in full five minutes from now.
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wealthy british style. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. if . would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from funniest impressions. whose friends totty dot com. the great
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russian warriors. prevailing over. asperity. to reenact and at the parade through paris. come a complete bed triumph. with people's admiration the two hundred zero. zero zero. parents versus social workers docket nabby and last stop me that kidnapping children have become prizes to fight. why does the last threaten families of a social for if you see me in a female they have a right i'm beautiful minimal me they feel they have any kind of for suspicion
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about the well being or feel for your children are often just better at bringing up kids than their own mom and dad using what we have an industry that is so. concentrated on the other for trade with children. the system. should.
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