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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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reporting from the world talks about v.o.i.p. interviews intriguing story for you. troy the arabic to find out more visit arabic t.v. dot com. it's just after midnight here in moscow in tahrir square fresh protests following the rush to parliamentary approval of a new draft constitution which opponents say strengthens islamic law and betrays the revolution we've got the latest for you this morning also nobel laureates demand to oust one winner from their ranks and that would be the e.u. as they say it just doesn't deserve the place prize follow that up to. the arab spring encroaches on kuwait now with the staunch western ally with the sigmas protests against corruption in the ruling more like a. low
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life in the arctic new central moscow is kevin owen here this first angry protests are once again ignited in the center of cairo after a new draft constitution was rushed through the muslim dominated lawmaker assembly the other documents based in sharia law and opposition activists say is a betrayal of the revolutions ideals journalist bell truce in the egyptian capital there's still tens of thousands of people on the streets behind me who are claiming this constitution well they say is the first of all the drafted by islamist dominated assembly it doesn't represent egypt on top of that it's of course is the sharia law and i'm into it or they didn't issue wording is actually simulation seventy one constitution the problem is that other articles defining sorry and even open to all too conservative for interpretation in addition to that take human rights watch actually i know. how to reply. today and that highlighted the problems
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of women's rights within the constitution in addition there are articles saying things like you cannot insult an individual which can be widely interpreted and misused and of course one of the main issues is a minute you chance to civilians this is the practice is illegal under international law and when the subject of many campaigns by revolutionary forces and he's allowed in the constitution we expect the constitution to be handed to the president today and a referendum in the next few weeks with this continuing disturbance on the streets and more protests are expected really we're not sure how the show back before anything can go ahead certainly on to create today the challenge that i had who are against the constitution they were also against president morsi power grab last week when he made this contentious constitution that curation which basically awarded him supremes power is really people are saying they don't want this constitution they want morsi actually to leave at this point in addition on the on the outskirts of the square there's still ongoing clashes between protesters and
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police which have largely died down right now however my colleague tom bosley has been on the scene today to see the effects on the city of these ongoing violence. after days of around the clock protests a cleanup operation is going on here in the streets of tahrir square there's a lot of debris to be cleared up from there was stones that were being ripped up from the pavements and thrown at the police this building here by the tree the branches ripped off the trees and fires were started by groups of largely young male protesters not representative of the overread movement but a spillover that caused a lot of violence in the streets around tougher square the police built this hastily to stop the protesters getting further down we couldn't get anywhere near here throughout the days and nights of constant protest such was the thick clouds of tear gas and the throwing stones and the fire. it's being live in buildings many
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casualties on both sides being dragged away choking on the tear gas and with injuries from flying stones a number of protesters have died and many many more have been wounded in protests around egypt over the past few days big protests planned in the coming days it's very much not the end of the story here and it may not be the end of the violence that we've seen in these protests. one of our team in cairo there will outweigh the good from the egyptian current party told as if the new constitution does get through referendum it would even further cement the islamist group. if it gets a popular vote that means it's more or less the constitution that we would have there's another critical mass that would allow for an amendment or there's no mechanism to propose an amendment to the constitution after it passes through the referendum
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which means there has to be enough to change within parliament and the hands of the none is slamming the parties so that they can propose such a change which seems to be a question of them with how the parliament of the previous parliament was consequence to the forty three percent of the muslim brotherhood and twenty seven percent of the salafist so even if there is a significant changes and you have a fifty fifty percent parliament of. an islamic that still seems to be a questionable that you would have such a change well for more on the unrest in egypt as well as the wider developments in the arab spring we invite you to head to our web site r.t. dot com what more there for you. unfortunate counterproductive that so washington has described the u.n. general assembly to storage vote despite more than two thirds of the world saying yes to palestine's bid for statehood israel's prime minister has called the move
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meaningless the war the palestinian people they drive would bring no change to their lives more from artie's paullus leader in tel aviv. these ladies certainly are downplaying the significance of this vote although we have seen them with juice the kind of rhetoric that they've been acting over the last few weeks and months so they no longer issue in the same kinds of threats that they were before presumably because they understand that this will only further isolate them in the international community the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly said that this vote does not change the reality on the ground the israeli position is that it is a unilateral step by the palestinians they accuse the resolution of being one sided both the united states and israel saying that it's not going to change the reality on the ground in this despite the fact that we're hearing in some quarters in the international community and certainly from palestinians themselves that it is a significant step at the same time there is a concern of course within as well that the palestinians will now use the new
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status to go for example to the international criminal court in the hague where they can accuse israel of alleged clients and of course these kind of threats in the past has granted some israeli lawmakers as well as many. because there are concerned that could be a wasted over such issues so the united states through its unflinching support for israel has alienated a lot of its old time allies in the united nations susan rice the american ambassador to the united nations after slamming the vote again reiterated the american position is that it will not change anything on the ground to a grand pronouncements. and the palestinian people will wake up tomorrow and find that little about their lives has changed today's vote should not be misconstrued by any as constituting eligibility for u.n. membership it does not this resolution does not establish that palestine
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is a state and yet talking to the average israeli on the street largely the response here is muted most israelis are the. talking to are actually by and large ignoring this fundamental and historic occasion which is a far cry from the kind of reaction we witnessing on the streets in the house fine . the attitude of international community to the palestinian driver state has changed in the space of a year or two let's focus on europe for instance it twenty eleven palestinian sort you may recall to finally receive membership of unesco the un's cultural agency now at that time the majority of european states either have stayed all rejected the idea but at the un vote fors day the czech republic remained the only country to say no to the palestinian resolution now while many of those who abstained last year decided the support the motion now goes a very stark to vist a film maker harry fear explains why the vote was so crucial for the palestinian people while this is increased recognition is increasing status in the united
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nations is a manifestation of increased world international solidarity with the palestinian situation and this will actually bring hopefully a manifest improvement for the palestinians in respect of their access to international law and that ability to have the rule of law applied to their relationship with the state of israel so here in gaza where we just witnessed an israeli military operation exacted on the gaza strip in which fifty nine children were killed seventeen babies were killed palestinians are hoping that this increase in legal status will deter. a another on thought like that in which palestinians believe that the crime of facing war crimes committed against the population here. in the west bank they have a situation not with such sort of military violence but they have on the ground direct military occupation they have according to palestinians in palestinian terminology an illegal colonise ation process with illegal settlements being built
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so that what the hope is in both bits of palestine that is left there will be so. practical improvement albeit a small one for them and for their lives harry fear the will follow the palestinian bid officials in israel say they will now build three thousand new homes as part of his ongoing settlement activities in the west bank action the u.n. considers illegal let's talk more about this with phyllis bennis director of the new internationalism project of the institute for policy studies joining us on the line from washington d.c. for this morning to you how will the palestinian leadership deal with this latest settlement for the now that it's been granted more political power by the u.n. . we don't think that there is going to be a significant shift in palestinian diplomatic strategy right away. this gives one more indication that for israel the settlement construction process is thoroughly
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political it's business in this case it was designed explicitly to punish the palestinians for having the audacity to go to the united nations something that ironically the israelis call a unilateral act when of course going to the un is the ultimate act of multilateralism but i think that what we're looking at is really a continuation of what we've seen all along the settlement construction that has gone on for many many years in the occupied west bank and east jerusalem there are now over six hundred thousand illegal israeli settlers living on occupied territory which means they are they are breaking the law every morning simply by waking up that hasn't changed this is going to make it worse what this does i think is two things one we heard earlier it will give the palestinians the possibility of going to join either the international criminal court which could allow some level of accountability for israeli war crimes additionally it means they could have the
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possibility to join the international court of justice as a member as a state in which case they could do what countries do in the international court of justice all the time bring a lawsuit against another country in this case the state of palestine could sue the state of israel for its illegal occupation but what about the other room for cases might be you mentioned the settlements thought announcement is being seen as a punishment. from the palestinians with sanctions too over this vote in the u.s. of course lawmakers they want to be might cut a part of the sign to the big success of the u.s. in the remodelers emboldened tonight but it could actually have a negative impact broad impact on the west bank and gaza. you know i think that one thing that susan rice said was correct about the only thing she said that was correct was that this is not going to have
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a huge impact on the ground it's not going to make things significantly different by itself on the ground besides the question of joining international agencies such as the international criminal court or the international court of justice the other aspect that we're looking at here is that this becomes a marker in the shift of discourse on this question globally here in the united states we've been talking for some years about how the us political opinion political discourse has changed away from the traditional uncritical support for israel it has not yet changed the policy but it has massively shifted at the level of discourse the un vote yesterday is exactly the same thing on the level of the international discourse where we are seeing countries around the world including the u.k. including germany countries who were never prepared to opposed the u.s. israeli position is we are going to else who was jamming outside and i'm allowing
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it to go forward to lose to you for this what's changed. what has changed has been the continual failure of the u.s. controlled so-called peace process to lead to any kind of end to occupation we hear constantly from the u.s. and from israel that the only way that there will be peace the only way there will be two states as if that was still a possibility is between in discussions between the two parties as if they were equal we never hear that what will make possible a lasting comprehensive and just peace is the end of occupation the end of apartheid the end of israel's violations that has nothing to do with negotiations those are obligations under international law and what i think was the catalyst here is that political pressure on the man's in on the palestinian authority from
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their own population from their own people who were saying you know what we've had twenty one years of failed diplomacy we're not looking for twenty two we want something different and the different thing was to go to the international community to reclaim the central of the of the u.n. and the central of the of international law as the basis of any solution for this thank you for your thoughts phyllis bennis director of the projects at the institute for policy studies them about thank you so much. still to come on the program with. helping germany improve the massive you reach for a debt to greece was exposed to croyle with billions of squandered euros after the short break.
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waves of corruption are rocking russia hundreds of millions of dollars vanished from apec building projects and russia's got a nice satellite project a real estate scandal has also led to the defense minister being fired note i said fired in russia we hear a lot about corruption scandals and the reaction is usually a firing or forced resignation and maybe that would be ok another country but russia has big dreams in a big country that has big corruption spoiling all of those dreams a country can't survive with every infrastructural or scientific project is sucked dry from within whether the government is unwilling or unable to sternly punish these offenders is a huge topic by could tell you that if there's no real fear of punishment this will just keep going on for ever perhaps it's time to put a big asterisk for high level corruption next to the moratorium on the death penalty but that's just my opinion.
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the great russian warriors. prevailing over hazards and asperity. to reenact an epic parade through paris. can they complete that. with people's admiration two hundred.
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this is r t hello again several nobel laureates demanding that the e.u. be stripped of its peace prize they've written an open protest letter saying this use when it doesn't fit the brief accusing the norway based committee of adopting the award beyond its original purpose earlier spoke to r.t. sarah first. and that less said they said that the twenty seven nation blocks getting this award contradicts the valley's a safety a case with the pricing what they want to see happening is the one point take and million dollar prize money may not be awarded this year and they all say said the clearly not one of the champions a.p. thing a consensus here amongst the thing that you can indeed among many many people when
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this award was announced this get with that really the awarding of the five year ping you know the keeping of the spirit of the neighbor. the. peaceful place and you personally yourself have covered stories of protests unrest across the e.u. over the last few years how did they decide to award the peace prize to the e.u. . thinking about the prize was awarded at a time when the e.u. is they think the biggest crisis it's face since its creation we're seeing huge say she'll of rest i mean what a lot of people are saying is that the european union at the moment really for a lot of people. come to represent divisions within society we see those divisions between the rich in the poor between those who employ this around employed you know the people that we speak in see in these countries really feel very very let down the vision of the european union was about peace and democracy and that's certainly not what people feel that they're getting now the committee praised the for voting
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after the second world war and spreading stability to former communist countries promoting peace and stability within the e.u. now it's not all bad the does provide heat amount in a day nation but i think what we seeing happening in the e.u. in the last year really has been very far from the idea of you know a peaceful union not first on the nobel committee is a right a controversial decision. as you know ninety thousand and nine we thought it would it be president obama many people feeling that was said being awarded a piece activity thing like that at some point in the feature i guess very much not in keeping with the we are talking about sequels the reactions that they're reading to this latest piece of information about it being contested we had an n.e.p. tara back in say it's highly devious was even fulfill the rules under which the award should be given i mean really very strong reactions to this prize being awarded to as he said may have been a project that many people feel represents the total opposite the peace. not
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a good day for the emir of kuwait tens of thousands of people protested a recent decree of his to limit voting power as business liberals demonstrators will walk from the political spectrum rallied in the capital to no single they see is rampant corruption of the ruling monarchy sees lucy caffein offspring following the rally. this is the heart of kuwait simmering opposition movements for thousands gathered in the streets to protest what they see as not support shown at the top of the suppression of the rule of law as well as increasing clampdown on dissent it's not unlike the whole nation of liberals as well as hard line islamists who have all joined together in protest of the country elections many people in this country now feel that the political system along represents them which is why they're calling on people not to take on saturday and not participate and. come on saturday to. talk to them to. be friendly lawmakers such
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a silly thing for the stability of a country which has been pushing for one political crisis to the next over the past few years more. animals because you know no. deal and then. it. became increasingly violent clashes in the streets between the opposition and security forces sort of teasing to pass a stun grenade was the bullets in order to disperse rallies effectively more fears about a clampdown on dissent many ounces of spoken out either against you or the government arrested for their comments the crisis was far too early or this year when kuwait stopped before it had an old deputy's parliamentary election results which would give an islamist a majority if the court had been reinstated the previous assembly which is
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perceived as being the only family what's more the electoral laws were changed in this country in such a way that many people have gathered in the streets they feel that it is impossible for the opposition to win a victory in saturday's election which is why so many people are calling another kuwaitis to boycott the boat now we know that the western countries will be watching. what happens in the week week this week as a member of any sort of underground underground in this country in the world prices as well and these will reach the nation as a front for its ground forces into what it perceives as threats by iran but what hearing is it really feel like they're stuck in the middle they don't necessarily feel that the government wasn't there to go in transport it's really easy was the opposition to protect their social liberties but that's it shows the power is like this one show that the dots were wolf alone isn't enough to insulate the countries from people taking to the streets and demanding
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a reader see in their political system you see catherine office check out a few stories online reporting on abuse in detention for the american soldier accused of revealing the military's crimes whistleblower bradley manning speaking for the first time about the brutal mistreatment he says he's been subjected to in prison if you want to read up more about that you can from us at r.t. dot com is there life on the solar system small this planet this story suggest broken nasa scientists claiming they discovered water and mercury shaded craters lots of it too hidden from the rest of its sun scorched surface could mean life maybe maybe not interesting story from us at r.t. dot com. there's been a collective sigh of relief in athens as german lawmakers passed a massive new aid package for the indebted nation aside from releasing greeks more cash it also slashes interest rates delays payments even pushes back austerity deadlines result has paid for all of the reports now those footing the bill for the war happy. germany will be giving more financial aid towards greece we saw m.p.'s
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voting with four hundred seventy three saying yes to this aid package one hundred saying no and eleven abstentions now what this does mean no and it's been talked about throughout the week is in next year alone it could cost germany over seven hundred million euros but we are seeing the politicians at least giving their support financial support towards greece however that support isn't being particularly backed up by some of the electorate here people on the streets of germany suggesting that perhaps greece should be left to its own devices if that is enough because we won't see this money ever again. at some point it should be stopped it's high time they were capable of helping themselves we're ok for now but someday we could also going to broker this island spec north to vegas is all you should be on and look we've already given at least so much more on an issue started only a lot going on on one of the stars. and there's nothing more is mine and i don't
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think that's true well they were people speaking just outside of the reichstag but that seems to be reflected across the country a recent poll taken by a german television station says that forty six percent of germans want to see greece left to default left up to its own devices however the politicians in here in germany have voted through this next round of financial aid but it wasn't smooth sailing we saw a very confident looking angle or merkel posting her vote but that belies some rumblings of revolt within her own party and own coalition the worst people saying that no no we are just going to rubber stamp any things put before us you've got to prove this is in the best interests of germany of course all of this coming around as we enter what will be the campaigning season ahead of a general election here in germany next year so it does seem that the german politicians at least are on the side. in trying to give more financial aid to
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greece so that is the increasing amounts of the electorate who seem to be suggesting they should be cut loose peter over in berlin couple of world news stories now we start off in syria must warn you though the video about to see a little part of it anyway very graphic syrian rebels reportedly upload this show in the execution of ten prisoners lying face down on the ground these are pictures of the men pleading for their lives you see this some of them appear to have been taught how to stopping it we can't show you the video is too graphic it should get rid. of the conflict the government air strike has reported to have hit three residential buildings in aleppo neighborhood controlled by insurgents a pro rebel group says at least fifteen civilians were killed in the strike including women and children. in states real bridge collapse in new jersey sending two tankers loaded with hazardous chemicals into a key waterway big mess the vinyl chloride which is a highly toxic and flammable chemical leaked into the creek which then feeds the
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major delaware river the nearby area was evacuated more than a dozen people have been treated for respiratory problems though the authorities say the danger to public health and the environment despite that mess is minimal. just stuff a twenty nine minutes past the midnight hello. steel the big story of the day and of course if if you're working in steel is bad news if if you're an investor in it because the demand for it is going down and down and down over the years isn't it absolutely and it's especially bad in europe and all the details in just a couple of minutes after a very short break.


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