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tv   [untitled]    December 1, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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and somebody rightfully asked that means you've lent out all of our gold by our metrics that's a slogan. that's just. been working out to take on the banks turns defrosters and not seem to lead by i should mention that intellectual flyaway is supposed to be coming over to london soon where he will face a serious grilling from somebody who actually knows what they're talking about not those halfwits on c n b c m s c oh good for you so according to the austrian court of auditor's now they're going to actually have to audit the gold reserves of austria held in london and it says the quote says. but today it has left open whether this will include the physical gold holdings. yeah this is really running into a conundrum isn't it because for decades the central banks have gotten away with holding up a representation of a theoretical value in
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a vacuum pertaining to astronomical astrophysical quantitative analysis of what gold might look like under certain conditions but not the actual gold. the central banks are being asked where's the gold and in the case of gordon brown of course he was forced to sell four hundred tonnes of britain's goal to satisfy demand from none other than germany so gordon brown had to sell sixty percent of britain's gold back in two thousand and one to satisfy germany's request any blind about it and the coalition government including cameron was born today are lying about it they don't have a gold and now they're being completely flamed by the actual market up up up up up up well for those who don't know who have followed the gold manipulation story the central bank goldman if they should story or the got to gold antitrust action committee story. article points out that data alleges that western central
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banks have manipulated the price of gold for decades to support their currencies especially the us dollar and to maintain artificially low interest rates many of these gold transactions are carried out with reserves of central banks so they may be storing in their vaults only half the gold that officially counted now again he mentions the devil's currency the us the devils currency most some more of my work that stolen of course. and then they say that it's in order to maintain these artificially low interest rates again this goes back to convincing us to believe in all these various toxic debt schemes that rely so much on low interest rates all. these bubbles and frauds rely on low interest rates not only do they still money from savers like cameron i was born they've sold stolen over sixty billion pounds from savers here in this country and that number keeps going higher the new chairman of the bank of england mark carney he looks as though he'll be getting
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into stealing more money from granny by imposing more quantitative easing but this is the problem when you have these artificially low interest rates and the problem when you don't really have a goal that you say have it forces you into a situation where you have to justify policies that cause hardship in the population so you become very much like the very people you say you're fighting the terrorists so there's no difference now between any of the terrorists whether is extremists anywhere in the world or cameron mark carney mervyn king jaja born they're all the same well let's move on to this we have this hoax and prank economy created by this fake debt based currencies so let's move on to our world we live in due to this someone invented a four hundred million dollars google deal and may have made money from it for a couple of hours google's i co-op purchased seemed real now the acquired company
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is saying it was a hoax that originated from aruba but stopped short suggest someone made a killing so max this is a penny stock which is the company in work rhode island that offers why fi and the rumor was put out in a press release some p.r. newswire a respectable company that that they were being bought for forty million dollars by google the shares went from less than a penny to five cents more this is a pump and dump scam ok and you had this huge move in the market and people got burned but you know the global bond market is a huge pump and dump scam where you've got people talking up the value of sovereign debt like the u.k. gilt market to three hundred year highs and when it crashes it's going to crash spectacular lame people are not. paired for a nobody in this country or around the world is preparing the population for the paper apocalypse exactly and also the article one of the articles about this story does point out that this is part of the trend of news jacking they call it where you want to be trending on twitter for example the world is becoming and sexual it
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was and sexual like insect and sex jawohl so good world is becoming like bees looking for pollen and there triggered by fair means pheromones fair means or something i invented it's a combination of a of a scent and an idea federal mean. and when something like this comes into the blogosphere prices skyrocket temporarily and you have this amazing incident of fraud but since fraud has gone public with facebook and group on and these second wave dot com stocks there's no way to stop it because without the fraud goldman sachs to go bankrupt overnight j.p. morgan with fraud without their ability to commit massive market running insider trading live more scandals they would go bankrupt overnight jamie diamond would be on the street selling apples as he should be because he has no talent other than to be a ponzi scheme wilting fraudster so fraud is the blight blood up but no nowhere more
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so than in the city of london they world headquarters of fraud you know you also mention the paper apocalypse and i want to go to the next story about this ground we are literally running out of superlatives to describe how much we hate bonds this is jeremy grantham. fund manager in boston yields are pitiful dangers of even a slight recovery that could wreak havoc for long duration portfolios lou and monetary policies globally certainly have added to the specter of rising yields bonds are going to crash is that a black swan like that flyaway cutscene time they would have us believe you know it's an obvious build up to a system that's built on fraud lubricated by the platitudes and bromides by the fake intellectual to leave the scene when he goes on these very shows like c n b c he's part of the problem ok buddy you put out of all till the spread and then you
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make the market go haywire with zero percent interest and going to cash in every now and then there's always a cost of funds is near zero that's not smart that's just gaming the system why why does anyone pay this guy any attention. so back to the story of our hoax some prank economies in which we've been divorced from any understanding of the value or wealth or or how wealth is created so all we have are ponzi schemes and the hope of getting in early that everybody hopes to get in early on one of the they're not really against jamie dimon or lloyd blankfein are any of these other ponzi schemes being operated around the world the only time they get angry is that they weren't involved early on but because they have they have compromised the society they have to compromise morality that compromise ethics that's when the devil takes over when you have the devil's currency and zero percent interest rates and warren buffett and charlie munger down there you know almost playing with each other while they're
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picking insider information and manipulating prices and calling themselves geniuses that's the devil. so here in london we have this story restaurant boss starts pay revolt on bank swaps one of london's top restauranteurs has stopped paying royal bank of scotland thousands of pounds a month to service a complex derivative contract he says the lender missed sold him so this is sammy wasi friend he's the co-founder of michelin starred chinese restaurant. and he said he's already started to miss this four thousand pound payments to r.b.s. which is of course owned by the taxpayer he said because he realized after paying two hundred thousand pounds to this interest rate swap that he didn't know why he was paying it was totally fraudulently sold he gave them the two hundred thousand pounds but whatever he owes left he decided i'm not going to pay it and you stop paying it now sammy don't pay sammy's part of the global insurrection against banking terrorism sammy don't pay sammy don't pay don't pay that you don't appease terrorists and that's one thing we've learned from terrorism over the years is that
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you don't appease them what churchill say is like trying to feed a crocodile hoping that you last ok that's what the globe is all about now they're trying to just give jamie diamond extortion money give give carney the new guy so much torsion money given wall street in the city of london so much torsion money please donate me please to finally a man i mean stand up to me who glass to my forget is standing up to these guys he should be on the show you have an open invitation come on the show we're going to fight these gangsters took over the summer so finally the devil in the detail of this story here why this is important why it brings us back to the top of the show where we talked about the austrian gold now missing and nobody knows where it is industry observers have become concerned about the potential cost of the scandal of these missile swaps and a cabinet minister is understood to have warned colleagues privately that the compensation bill has the potential to bring down
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a major british lender. yes but. x. the story is here that over and over we're told that only our debts are real but they're so big and only we know the secrets to these complex derivatives that only we can interpret they use the people forever must sell your software sold to us well they must be anti-fragile. oh all right stacy never thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you. stay tuned for the second talking soon and event obama of the yes man.
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while. california desert offers an air show and an easy was a matter you. left the residents never profit from the performances you'll see of coming our signature there and you look up and there's one captain on your he's an alpha beta gamma he was always the final trinitarian he's let me go out with out there know what's going on so i can pinpoint. the dirt right now. shells become income mortal danger and a piece of art. sticks and just been making some
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temporary. bombs and. on our team. the gold fever. turns south asians into slaves. but also among brothers involved in the mines and since i started working at the moment i stated. multi-nationals. a cash cow to be milked dry and if i think that in this country gold medal as an environmental cost which is unacceptable to local business was labelled illegal and controlled by criminals in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups prices colombia going to pay for.
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the modest effect on our t.v. . well into the. technology innovation. developments around russia we've. covered. download the official publication. choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need. any time. guys are welcome back to the kaiser report time now to go to new york and speak
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with andy bichlbaum of the yes man and the culture jamming activist you all are preparing a new film the yes men are revolting day to day. thank you very much and good day to everyone breaking news right now the chamber of commerce saying it will reverse its position all on the climate change bill what we need. are you here representing us. to live work there and you cannot live in your home. but there is a smart and i see earth disguised as a fraud or are you really going to get. their hopes tied the yes man yes made it so good pranksters own proposing is pretty you know spread out all over. and
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a bit about the kaiser report. thank you so much max all right to be here ok so the yes man are revolting people can't participate on kickstarter by contributing or donating to the film you've got over one hundred seventeen thousand of the tutor a thousand dollar target we're going to add another fifty thousand to that right now what do you say to that indie. today with the last day so you better act. yeah you can go to the yes men are revolting dot com all right so tell us about the film the yes men are revolting this is the third film that we've made and it follows our evolution as characters as people as we take on some of the biggest corporate criminals in the world. it's about how we lose hope like a lot of activists do and then regain it as we realize that we're really not alone and there's this really giant movement that's behind us and actually helping in all
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kinds of ways seen and unseen and taking on the enemies of democracy i guess you could say companies like you know some of the worst companies out there governments that don't care about people but serve those companies. some of those companies like stratfor that is in the news recently that spends a lot of time spying on activists we take on these targets and. there's a lot there's a lot of people doing that and that's that's kind of what this film is about its goal is to inspire people viewers to take action themselves and at the end of the film we're going to give them a platform to do that we're in the process of building it right now and it's a human stuffed platform called so far called the action switchboard that's going to give every viewer a way to get plugged into ongoing direct actions you are one of the pioneers i
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would say in one. only this kind of spectacle and a hoax and media culture jamming but also with financial activism for example when you are out there talking as personifying the dow jones spokes person there was a huge move downward in the price of down jones stock and it showed the connection between irresponsible behavior i'll buy a major corporation and how that irresponsibility is monetized how it's capitalized how they basically thrive on their stock price which is tied to irresponsibility now you're raising money using crowd funding and we also have programs like strength the debt so financial activism in the interaction between finance and activism is really coming together in an interesting way your thoughts yeah it's very interesting i mean there's no public support for filmmaking in the us so we're actually forced to resort to things like kickstarter it takes a lot of time it's
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a lot of work we'd rather be filmmaking but you know since there is no public support for filmmaking we have to do it that way that's ok we're doing ok and the example you mentioned where we managed to impersonate the dow chemical company on the twentieth anniversary of the bhopal catastrophe the world's largest industrial disaster for which dow chemical has met responsibility and we announced to the world that it was finally taking responsibility for this disaster and as you mentioned the dow stock price tumbled by several billion dollars when the world believed that that was true which kind of points to the problem with having markets decide what's right and what's wrong there's something running parallel with culture jamming it could be called capitalism jamming and situation like. crowd funding platforms like kickstarter are kicking the traditional capitalist
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models and opening up the phone. makers like yourself so it would seem really in the keeping with what you guys are doing tell us a little bit about actions switchboard what's that all about the action switchboard is a platform a human staff the platform that we're building that is going to be available to anybody to launch their own direct actions or get plugged into ongoing direct actions attacking and holding to account some of the biggest most nefarious corporate targets there are. it's going to be a platform but behind it are going to be people who will help you actually work on projects come up with new ones and carry them out exposing some of the biggest corporate villains out there i want to ask you something since you guys yes men have been so successful in portraying these corporations in the wicked the
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wickedness of their ways the you've gotten smarter and more effective the powers that are fighting back have also got nasty here so in new york this week a hacktivist is on trial and faces many decades in prison for hacking in doing two big global intelligence company that you alluded to earlier what does the severity of the charges indicate to you i think the severity of the charges indicates that the corporate world is actually kind of threatened by this sort of activism and i want to say a bit of background on this company stratfor this is a really nasty piece of work there a corporate spy agency and they spy on behalf of large corporate clients like dow chemical among others on activists that's one of the things they do and they've spied on the occupy movement and on animal rights activists on both paul activists and on the yes men. and think about spying on bhopal activists they were hard. by
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dow chemical to spy on victims in bhopal having ultimate responsibility for the bhopal catastrophe and these activists wanting to hold out to account what does dao do because tao can't actually do anything legally against them they hire a spy agency called stratfor to spy on those activists so the stratfor this company . spied on the us. because they had no other recourse their emails were hacked and the world found out what they were doing and they just want to say it's utterly reprehensible for a company to be spying on its victims and that's what the world found out stratfor was doing among many many other nefarious activities and whoever did hack those e-mails whoever expose those e-mails from stratfor revealing all this did a tremendous service for democracy and against those who would.
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impede democracy so whoever did that did a tremendous service for all of us and i want to thank them. all right andy because the yes men are two guys and they've done remarkable things in bringing awareness to the insidious and weakened ways these corporations but there are just two guys is there a way and i think this might work into the action switchboard question are you trying to scale the yes man in other words the world needs a thousand yes men they need ten thousand yes men how can you take what you do the essence of what you do and to use a business to scale it up to create a thousand ten thousand yes men out there is that the is not the point is not the goal and is it possible am i on the right track in asking this question and is this what we're going to be looking forward to yes. the simple answer is yes and the
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world needs all. all kinds of activism the world needs people to get off their asses and do something with ever it is whatever they can do from wherever they are to. fix democracy and take it back from those who have stolen the. one way one thing you can do is the sort of activism that we've been doing fun media getting activism it's one component of it it's only one component of it there's a lot of components of it like hacking e-mails belonging to nasty corporate spy agency is a really important thing to do. but what we do is one thing you can do and we've been helping people to do this sort of thing for about three years now and we've found that there actually is nothing special about us in regards to this kind of activism. anybody can do it anybody can come up with a great idea and carry it out often it takes a bit of coaxing
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a little bit of reassurance maybe a bit of advice along the way. and that's what the action switchboard is going to be we've been doing this in person for about three years and we've helped a couple dozen projects happen. actions that other people have taken that are fun and media getting a little bit of help from us a little bit of advice from us we're going to take that and as you said scale it up to the entire internet in other words much of the world and help whoever wants to figure out actions to take fun getting actions and. do those things but seeing that there's room on the internet for a p.d.p. social networking platform that's dedicated exclusively just scaling up activism to do battle with the corporations i want to ask you we have about thirty seconds left i noticed that some of the old world order guys like version ski has come out
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recently. with a statement saying that the grassroots activists out there are becoming a huge threat to the status quo so bells are ringing in the. eye of the old world order and the new world order as some call it is this proof of success or is how far we had to actually defeating these guys will grassroots activism has been extremely important for a very long time it's what's always defeated the bad guys and made good things happen for hundreds of years and you can point to civil rights struggle the new deal in america that created the social welfare state and the things we hold as basic tenets of civilization all of the progress of activism people taking to the streets so now is no different but now the situation is very dire because the entire planet is facing catastrophes because of runaway capitalism
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so there are many ways to take action and we want to encourage people to do whatever they can to hold these nasty folks to account and rein them in and take back power. of the yes man rather time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report. thank you max great to be here all right and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and steve herbert i want to thank my guest anybody of the yes man if you want to send an e-mail please do so at kaiser reporting r t t v dot are you telling us by all. the great news. prevailing over. asperity.
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through paris you've. come a complete mad triumph. with people's admiration for two hundred years. old the lobos. parents versus social workers docu nabby pm last stop and me me that not many children have become prizes to fight full why does the last threaten families of the social four if you see me in the form of a her right of willful minimal me they feel they have any kind of for suspicion about the world will feel for your children are often just better at bringing up
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kids than their own mom and dad. and from what we have an industry that is so. concentrated on the other for trade it's true. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all day. the. news.


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