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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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today's news and the week's top stories on r.t. the u.s. lays into israel over plans to build three thousand more satellite homes immediately after the palestinians u.n. status was upgraded. egypt divided as tens of thousands rallied both supporters and opponents of president morsi a referendum on traditional new constitution set two weeks time. as the world's top whistleblower promises more sensational revelations next year he talked of joining the son of an exclusive interview. this is artie's weekly news review welcome to the program. the us says it's trying
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to steer israel and the palestinians back to the table so far to no avail washington has criticised israel's approval of three thousand more settler homes in disputed territories the move came immediately after the un voted to upgrade palestine to a nonmember observer state despite america's opposition party's poilus lead looks now at how the vote affects the situation in the middle east. it might have been a foregone conclusion but that didn't dampen the jubilation on the streets of palestine overwhelming support for upgraded palestinian state has to a nonmember observer state in the un one hundred thirty eight voting in favor nine against forty one abstentions it's an important political and legal victory to hold israel accountable in a practical way on its violations the national law and its violations of the rights of the palestinian people especially on the expansion of illegal settlements
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palestinians can now apply to join the international criminal court and other global organizations giving me. bargaining chips in dealing with israel but it came at a price within hours tel aviv announced it was building three thousand more homes in the west bank a sure sign that the situation on the ground won't change overnight does it's not a step forward it's a step aside or even you know a step. back that's really a pity the international community gives to this violation the u.s. was also quick to cast a cloud over the palestinian party mood the unfortunate and counterproductive resolution at the united nations general assembly that just passed today's grand pronouncements will soon fade. and the palestinian people will wake up tomorrow and find that little about their lives has changed but washington's unflinching support
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for tel aviv has separated from some of its longtime allies in the un more and more countries are turning their back on decades of negotiations that have led nowhere what has changed has been the continual failure of the us controlled so-called peace process to lead to any kind of end to occupation and what i think was the catalyst here is that political pressure on other matters and on the palestinian authority from their own population from their own people who were saying you know what we've had twenty one years of failed diplomacy we're not looking for twenty two we want something different and that's something means a real shift in policy first and foremost the consensus on the international stage is that israel needs to stop building settlements deemed illegal by the un and certainly be international community are. horrors this won't be a provocation which heroes our cars are going to run so god. it was
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a little more than a year ago that palestinian president mahmoud abbas came to the un in a bid for statehood since then tel aviv and washington's approach to the middle east conflict has gained them an ever shrinking minority of supporters the irony is that the bid was passed on the watches of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his rightwing foreign minister avigdor lieberman it was last year that lieberman boasted in the united nations that the moral majority of western states was with israel it's now turns out he was wrong and whether israel once it or not it's increasingly clear that something needs to give policy r.t. tel aviv where u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says the palestinians need to be persuaded that talks are the only way forward for human rights activist steve hein believes settlement expansion is not the right path towards dialogue and peace. i say it's very important when the u.s.
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calls these certain expansions illegal when they call them counterproductive we should be using the word illegal because that's very clearly what this act is a further three thousand to be built illegally occupied palestinian territory and this is a obstacle to peace if we're serious about a two state solution and if we're serious about moving towards that. there's no way that this assessment expansion can be seen as in any way a move towards getting back on the table and moving towards the peace talks that both sides so desperately need in the latest upsurge in violence in gaza we've seen documented proof that israel launched indiscriminate attacks they failed to distinguish between combatant and civilian in the same way that hamas attacks very clearly aimed at civilians which is a violation of international humanitarian law in the sense that target civilian. indiscriminate nature of their arsenal only by building on international consensus
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that we've got that israel and even the united states are further away from can we hope to move towards a long lasting peace. egypt supremes court has postponed a ruling on the legitimacy of the panel that drafted the country's new constitution after several thousand supporters of president morsi prevented the judges from entering the building c. has set the date for a referendum on the charter for two weeks time and with harsh criticism from opponents who claim the draft undermines basic democratic freedoms what is tom barton reports from current. unrest returns to the streets after the revolution that toppled hosni mubarak after the election that brought in mohamed morsi egypt is in turmoil once again these round the clock protests have been going on we know it resembles early two thousand and eleven when hosni mubarak was removed. and power but that was nearly two years ago shouldn't the revolution have ended by now
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the mood on top risk where became defiant again after last week's to creba president morsi meaning his decisions would face no legal challenge we had the revolution to get rid of a tyrant a dictator. and we in in order to do that we made elections and we made that evolution and the actions to choose someone to the present us and turned out that this guy is also a tyrant himself however morsi claims his new powers are only temporary he nor any of the the two in the world. will tell you it is a temporary thing it is full emergency told us the seems the same saying sift usable on the president obama and we stayed under emergency law for seventy years opponents say egypt's new constitution is to islamist and could set the country on the road to religious dictatorship but some sections of society are keen to show their support for morsi and their scorn for judges who would block the constitution
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and i'm here to support the president morsi films operation might it be for them is opposition from the constitutional court yeah or most of us knows that since it is the morsi is that he got elected by the people when it was at the fight for his failure the rifts in society are undeniable and perhaps more even than or for a tarion ism the failure is that chaos will tear apart any gains made by the revolution this is something new in egypt that's why it's it's more sitting in a way where you find that people are facing each other in the streets in the ministrations and facing that type of violence from islamic groups egypt's president its government its courts its very constitution are now matters of heated debate one of the few things most egyptians do seem to agree on after the long night of. eric a new day is proving elusive tom bottom party.
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the world's most notorious whistleblower jewel in the sun she is promising a new sensation exposure next year to rival the release of thousands of secret american diplomatic cables two years ago in an exclusive interview with r.t. we could also claims the u.s. is becoming it to try to turn state the help of social media. the problem is that all the time everyone nearly everything they do on the internet is permanently recorded every web search to know what you were thinking one year two days three months ago or you don't know but google knows it remembers the national security agency intercepts requests that would have us border it knows will be a national security agency whistleblower who was the research head of the national security agency's signals intelligence division describes this as turning a key totalitarianism that all the infrastructure has been built for absolute
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totalitarianism it's just a matter of turning the key and actually the key has already been turned a little bit and it's now affecting people who are targeted for us drone strikes organizations like wiki leaks. national security reporters who are having their sources investigated is already partly turned and the question is would we would go all the way. meanwhile on a more personal note the sounds dismissed reports his health is deteriorating and see the full interview with the world's top of the anytime you like and i web site r.t. dot com. coming up shortly ballot box drama in kuwait your position void of entry poll saying they're unconstitutional i mean new government that little and . dark. for the british media knows leveson publishes his damning
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report the types of press speculation in u.k. details off the short break. a lovely quiet morning a family gently sleeps in district heights maryland when fifty armed f.b.i. agents storm the house and guns drawn despite the family pleading that they were unarmed the law enforcement agents opened fire on a weaponless teenager my asian huli thankfully sholay suffered minor flesh wounds but the key issue is that it remains unknown as to why the house was stormed so here in america for no reason guys in black uniforms storm someone's house all alone and some rounds and left with no justification or explanation yes the family still doesn't know why this happened the f.b.i. is remaining silent you know i understand that there are some very bad individuals
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out there doing some very bad stuff at home but if you don't even really know whose house you're storming or why you're storming it then maybe you should lay off the siege for a while you know what take a few minutes to think it over have a cup of coffee and maybe even do a little google search about the fourth amendment but it's just my opinion. wealthy british style sun it's not on. the. market. scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two kinds of reports on our team. the great russian warriors.
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prevailing over hazards and asperity. to reenact an epic parade through paris. can make complete. with people's admiration for two hundred. all oh oh. oh. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture.
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welcome back to our weekly news review. the newly elected to kuwaiti parliament has been called into question the shiite minority grabbed the biggest type of seats but the opposition boycotted the bought it the ruling one of his decision to amend the voting rules you see tough enough reports. polls are closed doors olds are in but the battle over kuwait's political future has only just begun as expected the new parliament is largely consisting of folks who are considered to be closely allied
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with the ruling power but that is because the opposition didn't front any candidates in a boycott of the vote they've even questioned the outcome before the last ballot was cast voter turnout varied widely from polling place to polling place but with a very low numbers at some locations the legitimacy of the results are certainly bound to be questioned now the crisis was sparked after the islamist dominated parliament it was dismissed over a row with the ruling power of the situation was then brought to a boiling point after the emir issued a surprise decree changing the country's complicated voting laws critics allege that it was a move in order to force a more compliant parliament which had sparked massive street battles as well now the political rift is only likely to deepen the question is whether the opposition is now going to take their fight to the streets and whether the monarchy will respond with a heavy hand course what happens here has implications far beyond kuwait's borders as an opec member any sort of unrest is bound to affect oil markets the country is
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also a hub for the pentagon's ground forces with thousands upon back troops stationed here as a military counterweight to iran now the gulf monarchies have been struggling to fend off possible instability from the arab spring with varying degrees of success kuwait is largely seen as the most tolerant of the countries in this region but the worry is of course that the trend could be reversed recent months have seen as fleeting clashes between a position groups and security forces who have used tear gas stun grenades and rubber bullets to disperse crowds of political gatherings of more than twenty people have been banned and activists are complaining of the clampdown against the center authorities and did allow thousands of protesters to gather for a peaceful rally on friday but the worry is. but the next few weeks are bound to test the limits of the government's tolerance as well as the self-control displayed by the opposition what happens here in kuwait could very well write the next
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chapter of the arab spring this account for no r.t. kuwait's. britain's coalition government is divided following the leveson report into press standards u.k. newspapers were accused of wreaking havoc on the lives of innocent people the report is calling for a legally back regulator which critics fear could clamp down on press freedom. reports. revelations that the british press gave. a wave of public revulsion and one of the big media scandals. at the time that. not just story. but downing street as well as the allegations went all the way to the heart the british government to douse the flames number ten ordered the creation of the leveson inquiry in order to investigate the claims and now two years in the making after a chorus line of celebrity witnesses and millions in taxpayers' money the leveson
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report damning about the press and heavily critical of both the police and the government for what it says was their cozy relationship with the media cameron has been shown with hunt to have been actually batting for the murdoch empire was part of all of this so you know i think there needs to be a bit more of a focus on the failures of the police. to do anything about these criminal acts lord leveson his recommendation is for highest standards of self-regulation by the press in forced by legislation and that's what critics fear could stifle the already declining newspaper industry and deal a huge blow to the freedom of the press in the u.k. is there any way in which you can be a little bit censored or a little bit monitored. most people. they know with britain now in the midst of a post leveson hangover is the country's two top politicians who are likely to be the most embarrassed david cameron might be suffering from some uncomfortable
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flashbacks back in october the prime minister promised to support the leveson recommendations as long as they went bonkers cut to last week i have some serious concerns and misgivings on this recommendation they break down into issues of principle practicality and city but david cameron's change of heart regarding the inquiries findings would be causing him half the headache that nick clegg might be nursing at the moment the liberal democrat deputy prime minister used to talk about liberal democracy a labor previous cessna's will be remembered as the government who took your freedoms away we want to be remembered as the ones who gave them but not anymore here he is off to leveson published their report i have always said that i would support lord justice leveson reforms providing they are proportionate and workable and i will come on to why i believe that is the case as far as the report's
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corporate core proposal is concerned namely a tougher system of so for a glacial supported by new independent checks recognised in law recent polls suggest that over two thirds of britons have little or no faith in the newspaper industry anymore and with revelations about the strong links between the police the politicians and the media it's not only trust in fleet street that when dealing i think going to be the word you know obviously we've been very worried about murdoch and his press for some time i think it's always gone on but we should keep an eye on it and be aware of it. with opinions raging for and against new legislation it's turning into a no win situation for those in power by questioning the results of the inquiry david cameron looked. his critics like he abandoned the victims of media intrusion get press which is what got the government in trouble in the first place. r t
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london. but we have plenty more stories on our website including flying into trouble washington develops its drone program the u.s. state crashes and then mrs civilian authorities questioning safety i don't want to dot com. also online literature hoax news agencies are left red in the face after publishing a scientific diagram they claimed was proof of iran's ambitions critics say be produced by any science student. now let's take a look at some other news making headlines this hour. about suicide bombers attacked in the u.s. military base in the city of jalalabad in eastern afghanistan interactions officials say there were as many as nine militants involved in the persian explosions went off outside the gate and a gun battle ensued says at least six afghans were killed in several months troops injured. c.c.t.v.
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footage has revealed a collapsed tunnel in japan where at least five people killed the incident trapped an unknown number of vehicles the accident on the highway west of tokyo caused a fire with plumes of smoke seen exiting four kilometers long tunnel the road remains closed while the cause of the collapse is being investigated. both korea says it will try to launch a long range rocket later this month after previous attempts failed the move is likely to further strain relations with washington and neighboring south korea the u.s. has previously suspended food aid to the north thought of pyongyang went ahead of the rocket test in april so really triple that ballistic missile range. do the states has held. an emergency meeting for the upcoming. burthens breathed a sigh of relief this week as german nor makers supported it trimming greece's overwhelming debt aside from releasing more cash the deal slashes interest rates to
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those payments and pushes back a steady deadlines greece is not the only eurozone state imposing austerity on its people are struggling to reach budget goals this size of patrick young says the greek is unfair on both countries given the same anyway. i think there are a considerable number of people who would like to cut greece loose at this juncture a because it's probably the most humane thing to do but second of all because ultimately the greek government has simply field to do anything that has really been supposed to do in terms of privatization and so on many times it's enacted legislation but failed to follow through the taxation system in greece is broken all of these sorts of horrible things lead us to the fact that greece is governed in a third world fashion at the moment not in a first world fashion and that ultimately is causing a huge amount of frustration with a great many e.u. finance ministers some of them because they've got lots of money such as say
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germany and poland and so on some of them because they've actually taken their medicine the poor irish twenty five thousand people on the streets of dublin at the weekend complaining about your stereotype medicine they've had to get annoyed they're hearing that the greeks are going to get all manner of concessions in order to be allowed to get through the next hurdle and get there next be a light that's not fair it's very unreasonable of a lot of people and that's leading a huge number of politicians to be increasingly fed up with the whole situation. but a few minutes time russian cossacks where next their historic march towards paris to london it was so with us here in alt.
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remains in this tree even for specialists how a voice can produce several sounds it kwame's but we didn't use the art of throat singing comes naturally picked up like a language. a language of communicating with nature it said that's where throat singing originates from the unions believe not only animals but also all surrounding objects like reverse forests and stones of souls and by imitating the sounds they believe assumes to capture the power of nature. was. there are special instruments that accompany the singing if gainey says there is even a legend about his instrument a gill it says once there lived
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a poor shefford who had the best horse that won every competition but jealous people killed it on the horse was revived as an instrument that those that have suffered a fall is because of the spirit of the horse came to his dream and said make an instrument from the tree the sounding board from the leather of my face the strings . and to remember me make an engraving of my head part of the instrument he did so i called the instrument again which means come back and this melody only assuming is called cross. to fly as one of the most famous groups in the republic their next goal is to. they say for you were a peon since difficult to pick up and sing so i asked them to teach me and see if i can do it little you cheer it up and they were. shared and oh you.
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did that was sure to say can ya do was to thank gary r. oh. but now to be part of the song and not the actual scrooge singing which i wouldn't even try to repeat. so maybe you have to be born here to be able to sing like this i thought so until i met she looks like it to vini and i don't even speak their language but she is from japan. most says to heart and mind that you come from two hundred years ago and feels happy here she's not planning a professional singing career she keeps practicing just because it's become part of her nature.
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in lines of three arms length apart word march. on an ordinary autumn morning in the provincial french town of montrose life is taking its usual laid back course but today the townsfolk are in for a surprise russian troops from the napoleonic wars have. it's a great day. the likes of these men have not been seen here for the past two hundred yes it's almost as though a full parade has travelled through time bringing with it all the splendor of the pill bred horses weapons adama but with typical of the day. and the russian cossacks are here again marching towards paris. messily but it comes from a family of cossacks and he's learned to sing the old version of the sea when his horse became lame during the journey the silly had to trail behind the procession
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he still believes the question of who won the battle of is relevant to what you would say the bottle ended in a draw but it was an honorable droll there's no doubt the french emerged victorious they did override the battlefield and whoever sees the battlefield was the victor but even if it was a victory it was a costly one. blood to ensure good morning oh jeez hats off for pereira. the excitement of the grand tour of paris his still a long way in the future for now the cossacks are just beginning to get ready for the journey. and it all started here exactly one year ago we. had sawn. vassily is making ready to run.


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