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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EST

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three broadcast quality video for your media project free video down to r.t. dot com. week's top stories from our t.v. star and moves up in the international arena becoming a un recognized observer state which could allow it to pursue israel over claims of war crimes. power struggle spirals rival forces gather strength in a showdown over the draft constitution and the president's selfless supreme authority. and watch this space called wiki leaks on the way. promises more ground shaking revelations next year the top forty. this is r.t. weekly news review with me kerry johnston the palestinians moved
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a step closer this week to being fully recognized as independent the u.n. voted to upgrade the administration's diplomatic status to a nonmember observer state a middle east correspondent reports now on how the move may signal a change in the way the world sees israeli actions. it might have been a foregone conclusion but that didn't dampen the jubilation on the streets of palestine. overwhelming support for upgraded palestinian state has to a nonmember observer state in the un one hundred thirty eight voting in favor nine against forty one abstentions speaks of import of political and legal victory to hold israel accountable in a practical way on its violations of the national law and its violations the rights of the palestinian people especially on the expansion of illegal settlements
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palestinians can now apply to join the international criminal court and other global organizations giving them better bargaining chips in dealing with israel but it came at a price within hours tel aviv announced it was building three thousand more homes in the west bank a sure sign that the situation on the ground won't change overnight does it's not a step forward it's a step aside or even you know a step. back that's really a pity the international community gives hand to this violation the u.s. was also quick to cast a cloud over the palestinian party mood the unfortunate and counterproductive resolution at the united nations general assembly that just passed today's grand pronouncements will soon fade and the palestinian people will wake up tomorrow and find that little about their lives has changed but washington's unflinching support
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for tel aviv has separated from some of its longtime allies in the un more and more countries are turning their back on decades of negotiations that have led nowhere what has changed has been the continual failure of the us controlled so-called peace process to lead to any kind of an. to occupation and what i think was the catalyst here is that political pressure on other matters in on the palestinian authority from their own population from their own people who were saying you know what we've had twenty one years of failed diplomacy we're not looking for twenty two we want something different and that's something means a real shift in policy first and foremost the consensus on the international stage is that israel needs to stop building settlements deemed illegal by the un certainly being around community are you know is a horde. of provocation which heroes are cars. so
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god. it was a little more than a year ago that palestinian president mahmoud abbas came to the un in a bid for statehood since then tel aviv and washington's approach to the middle east conflict has gained them an ever shrinking minority of supporters the irony is that the bid was passed on the watches of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his right wing foreign minister avigdor lieberman it was last year that lieberman boasted in the united nations that the moral majority of western states was with israel it now turns out he was wrong and whether israel wants it or not it's increasingly clear that something needs to give policy r.t. tel aviv. egyptians are supposed to decide on their new constitution in two weeks but if this week is anything to go by it won't be easy there was widespread anger as the president granted himself sweeping new powers the supreme court judges couldn't rule on that just in
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a sea of the draft charter after supporters of mohamed morsi stop them getting into the chamber where the court has now suspended its work indefinitely in protest what is tom barton is and kyra. unrest returns to the streets after the revolution that toppled hosni mubarak after the election that brought in mohamed morsi egypt is in turmoil once again these round the clock protests have been going on for over a week now it resembles early two thousand and eleven when hosni mubarak was removed from power but that was nearly two years ago shouldn't the revolution have ended by now the mood on top risk where became defiant again after last week's to creba president morsi meaning his decisions would face no legal challenge we had the revolution to get rid of a tyrant the dictator. and we in in order to do that we made elections and rid of illusion and actions to choose someone to the present us and
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turned out that this guy is also a tyrant himself however morsi claims his new powers are only temporary you know any of that the big hitter in the world here. will tell you it is a temporary thing it is full emergency pull does the serious the same thing six usable on the president obama and we stayed under emergency rule for seventy years opponents say egypt's new constitution is too islamist and could set the country on the road to religious dictatorship but some sections of society are keen to show their support for morsi and their scorn for judges who would block the constitution and i'm here to support the president morsi for them so patient might it be for them is opposition from the constitution court. or most of us knows that since it is the morsi is that he got elected by the people when it was at the fight for his failure the rifts in society are undeniable and perhaps more even than or thora tarion ism the favor is that chaos will tear apart any gains made by the revolution
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this is something new in egypt that's why it's it's more sitting in a way where you find. that people are facing each other in the streets in the ministrations and they're facing that type of violence from islamic groups egypt's president its government its courts its very constitution are now matters of heated debate one of the few things most egyptians do seem to agree on after the long night of mubarak a new day is proving elusive tom bottom party. the us benefits from promoting unrest in egypt and across the arab world that's the view of independent journalist china mcgrath. the region has been thrown into economic chaos which is ironic you know that this is the. place on this planet where there are still easy cheap crew to go after but the region is economically destabilized politically be stabilized and so we see frustration beginning with the arab spring that's what you
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know everybody called it when it began but it is the frustration is still there you know that you know it and i think the west has gone a long way to work encourage the structure of the west is deep in this already you know we were threatening egypt cut off aid money we don't have to get them in the first one is but we try to get our aid if they didn't step up and do something in the gaza situation where there is talk at the waiter's today about nato putting missile batteries in turkey to prevent any so-called weapons of mass destructions coming out of syria into turkey we have our administration now that wants to go ahead and put arms directly in the hands of the libyan rebels the so-called freedom project i believe my opinion is this is a direct attempt to be stabilize this region because when it's the stabilize and there is no governing authority it makes it really easy for a big corporate special oil interest to be and they're getting yet that the energy resource. now too in the sand is
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a promising some new shock revelations to rival the hundreds of thousands of secret diplomatic cables published by wiki leaks two years ago in an interview with r.t. the editor of the whistle blowing web site also claims the u.s. is becoming it to ten state but help of social media. the problem is that all the time everyone nearly everything they do on the internet is permanently recorded every web search to know what you were thinking one here two days three months ago or you don't know but google knows it remembers the national security agency intercepts the request if it flowed over u.s. border it knows will be. a national security agency whistleblower who was the research head of the national security agency's signals intelligence division describes this as turning a key totalitarianism that all the infrastructure has been built for absolute totalitarianism it's just
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a matter of turning the key and actually the key has already been turned a little bit and it is now affecting people who are targeted for us drone strikes organizations like wiki leaks. national security reporters who are having their sources investigated is already partly turned and you know the question is would we would go all the way. and you can watch the full interview with julian assange july website r.t. dot com. now u.s. army private bradley manning the man charged with handing over classified u.s. documents to wiki leaks spoke out for the first time ever two years saying he considered suicide while in detention as pretrial hearing the twenty four year old said his detention conditions triggered anxiety attacks and want to hang himself writing has been locked up for more than nine hundred days the longest pretrial detention of a u.s. soldier since the vietnam war the chase my dark hair and the author of
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a book on that says the imprisoned private provokes a mixed reaction from the military. both opinion in the military and intelligence and law enforcement is quite divided about this i am not going to lie most people in the military have a very strict by the book attitude towards many of the rules not all the rules but many and would like to see many convicted but i have talked with infantry one of whom who is caught on camera and that infamous collateral murder how a cop your video who sees bradley manning is a hero who sees the leaks of the iraq war logs including that helicopter video as an unqualified good because now americans can finally see how that war is actually going and ditto for the afghan war logs there are also people in the f.b.i. who think such a thing is we get leaks is very good for national security in including the former director of the minneapolis office of the f.b.i.
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foley roundly who is the time magazine person of the year two thousand and two and i have a long interview in my book with the former top cia analyst ray mcgovern who also sees this public knowledge of this benefit to the public debate about our force to be in in measurable good so there is disagreement that the military and intelligence communities about this. coming up election turnout has tumbled in kuwait your position has paid off its twenty one agents in the rooms and rates that. the prime minister the press and the public pay for blood money exemplar he says britain's media used to be braindead regulation. just ahead .
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a lovely quiet morning a family gently sleeps in district heights maryland when fifty armed f.b.i. agents stormed the house and guns drawn despite the family pleading that they were unarmed the law enforcement agents opened fire on a weaponless teenager my asian huli thankfully sholay suffered minor flesh wounds but the key issue is that it remains unknown as to why the house was stormed so here in america for no reason guys in black uniform storm someone's house all alone in some rounds and left with no justification or explanation yes the family still doesn't know why this happened the f.b.i. is remaining silent you know i understand that there are some very bad individuals out there doing some very bad stuff at home but if you don't even really know whose house you're storming or why you're storming it then maybe you should lay off the siege for a while you know what take a few minutes to think it over have a cup of coffee and maybe even do
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a little google search about the fourth amendment but that's just my opinion. british. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. is
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a report. that we can use review to kuwait now where pro-government candidates have won the lion's share of seats in parliament after saturday's election but the islamist led opposition which boycotted the vote claim the turnout was no was twenty six percent dismissing and or making body as a legitimate position has valid protests until the us back to monaco dissolved parliament. reports from kuwait. well voting in kuwait's highly controversial elections may be over but the battle over the country's political future has only just begun lots of new faces in the newly elected parliament which is deemed to be far more government friendly than the previous assembly but that is because the opposition didn't find any candidates you know boycott of the vote that protest was deemed to be
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a success with official estimates of placing voter turnout at roughly thirty nine percent in stark contrast to the sixty percent voter turnout that we've seen in the last three elections in this country the opposition claims the turnout was in fact much lower and in its eyes the new body is illegitimate in fact they told the new assembly on constitutional and according to the popular committee of four boycotting election votes the new body doesn't represent the majority of the great people and has lost the popular and political legitimacy the question is of course whether the opposition is now going to take its battle to the streets and whether the monarchy will respond with a heavy hand now what happens here in kuwait has implications far beyond the country's borders as an opec member any sort of on a rest is bound to have an effect on world oil prices the country also serves as a hub for the pentagon's ground forces with thousands of american combat troops stationed here as a military counterweight to iran the gulf monarchies as a whole have been struggling to stave off the effects of the arab spring with
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varying degrees of success kuwait is largely seen as the most tolerant of all the trees but the worry here is that the trend could be reversed over the past few months the country has seen increasingly violent escalating protests between the opposition and security forces with the latter using tear gas stun grenades and rubber bullets to disperse crowds political parties are banned as are political gatherings of more than twenty people and activists are claiming of a clamp down against dissent here in the skun treat authorities and did allow thousands of the opposition demonstrators to gather in a largely peaceful rally on. friday of course the coming weeks are bound to test the limits of the government's tolerance as well as the self control of the opposition what happens here in kuwait could very well write the next chapter of the arab spring you see catherine of r t two weights well some analysts say regime will have staying power as long as it enjoys the support that comes with being
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a key u.s. ally but the most important element in all of this is whether or not the opposition is able to stand up against this family the ruling class the ruling class in kuwait and most importantly standing against u.s. imperialism kuwait in and of itself is not terribly important but when seen in the context of the g.c.c. and seen as one of the most reliable u.s. allies particularly juxtaposed against what is happening in bahrain then we understand that the united states and the western powers cannot allow the saw family to fall you have to see that kuwait is a launching point in a possible war against iran so all of these taken together really shows that the united states has both political geo political and then of course social reasons why they want to maintain the status quo. britain's a free press learn to face its toughest regulation three hundred year is it crossed the line when court hacking the voice mails of celebrities and a murder victim point boyko reports now on the inquiry and expose the see the
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relationship between the paper's a police and politicians. revelations the british. phone on a wave of public revulsion and one of the big scandals. at heinz. not just story. but downing street as well as the allegations went all the way to the heart the british government to douse the flames number ten ordered the creation of the leveson inquiry in order to investigate the claims and now two years in the making after a chorus line of celebrity witness says and millions in taxpayers' money the leveson report damning about the press and heavily critical of both the police and the government for what it says was their cozy relationship with the media cameron has been shown with hunt to a very nicely batting for the murdoch empire was part of all of this so you know i
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think there needs to be a bit more of a focus on the failures of the police. to do anything about these criminal acts lord leveson his recommendation is for highest standards of self-regulation by the press in forced by legislation and that's what critics fear could stifle the already declining newspaper industry and deal a huge blow to the freedom of the press in the u.k. is that any way in which you can be a little bit sensitive or a little bit monitored and most people say no with britain now in the midst of a post leveson hangover is the country's two top politicians who are likely to be the most embarrassed david cameron might be suffering from some uncomfortable flashbacks back in october the prime minister promised to support the leveson recommendations as long as they went bonkers cut to last week i have some serious concerns and misgivings on this recommendation they break into issues of principle
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practicality but david cameron's change of heart when. guarding the inquiry's findings would be causing him half the headache that nick clegg might be nursing at the moment the liberal democrat deputy prime minister used to talk about liberal democracy a labor prita cessna's will be will be remembered as the government who took your freedoms away. we want to be remembered as the ones who gave them back not any more here he is after leveson published their report i have always said that i would support lord justice leveson reforms providing they are proportionate and workable and i will come on to why i believe that is the case as far as the report's corporate core proposal is concerned namely a tougher system of so for a glacial supported by new independent checks recognised in law recent polls suggest that over two thirds of britons have little or no faith in the newspaper industry anymore and with revelations about the strong links between the police the
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politicians and the media it's not only trust in fleet street that. i think. obviously we've been very worried about this pressure sometimes i think it's always gone on but we should keep an eye on it and be aware of it. with opinions raging for and against new legislation it's turning into a no win situation for those in power by questioning the results of the inquiry david cameron looked to his critics like he abandoned the victims of media intrusion for some good press which is what got the government in trouble in the first place. r t london. now we're getting continuing reports of explosions in syria's western city of homs with at least seven people killed and more than thirty injured when a blast happened there a mosque and a stadium witnesses say there were two separate car bomb attacks it's fear the
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number of dead could rise with many of the wounded in critical condition syrian media claims that previously the army killed schools of rebels in an offensive targeting their hideouts in the outskirts of homs. earlier this week gruesome footage of me showing syrian rebels killing ten and i. mean for their lives or the gunmen is referencing the al qaeda linked. front which is being behind several sunnyside attacks. the internet and found access across syria was cut off by the opposition why they think the assad government for the information blockade use on this to patch says it primarily benefits to those that rebel militias. become a massive problem again with syria and we've had this problem from the beginning which is the skewing of information coming out of the country the syrian observatory for human rights was responsible for a lot of the mishal bogus claims that allowed the west to sort of justify the backing of the for you syrian army terrorist groups the leaders of our western
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countries particularly nato countries or encouraging the syrian terrorist rebels guerrillas whatever you want to call them to really accelerate the bloodbath in that country because in the eyes of washington and london the bigger the blood out the quicker they can have reaching change just a report just came out this week with a supplying satellite units to rebels rebel groups terrorist groups essentially in syria so they can communicate while the internet is down to their country there was an initially sold in the media on places like the washington post as a move by the assad government possibly to shut down rebel communications but actually a point for their investigation it looks like it's possible that actually the combination of the united states operatives and the syrian rebels could actually be behind the bringing down the internet and the reason is is because if the blood escalates in that country the last thing that the west wants is any reports coming
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out on the internet of actual rebel terrorist atrocities in that country atrocities that we've seen quite a bit of recently. german lawmakers overwhelmingly back to giving greece its next pay out vital to keeping the country from sliding into bankruptcy it means athens that can now pay wages and bills this month proved package dogs like other things slashing interest rates and releasing more cash but are so angry merkel acknowledged the weariness of germans in further greece but insisted the measures to bring stability to the eurozone. crisis says the germans are you know once prescribe to the greek government. i think there are a considerable number of people who would like to cut greece loose at this juncture a because it's probably the most unique in thing to do but second of all because ultimately the greek government has simply field to do anything that it has really been supposed to do in terms of privatization and so on many times it's enacted
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legislation but field to follow through the taxation system in greece is broken all of these sorts of horrible things lead us to the fact that greece is governed in a third world fashion at the moment not in a first world fashion and that ultimately is causing a huge my diverse tradition with a great many e.u. finance ministers some of them because they've got lots of money such as say germany and poland and so on some of them because they've actually taken their medicine the poor irish twenty five thousand people on the streets of dublin at the weekend complaining about your stereotype medicine they've had to get annoyed they're hearing that the greeks are going to get all manner of concessions in order to be allowed to get through the next hurdle and get there next be a light that's not fair it's very unreasonable of a lot of people and that's leading a huge number of politicians to be increasingly fed up with the whole greek situation. but a few minutes russian cossacks reenact the historic march towards paris when it was
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staying with this. if you're passing through rushes to veer region you really can walk on the wild side thousands of kilometers of unspoiled countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the land such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fisherman and provides a business opportunity for hunters there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive the heart of just us forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs are targets taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find
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a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups have been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these wolves are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up. this is what i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf island a chance to get up close and personal with the locals and it's these guys going to act as pasta parents but the next generation will come here using the older walls as surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every year i place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs his parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolfs reputation
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in russia but the keepers here hope their research and dedication will mean that wolf island remains a place where visitors can truly understand the call of the wild. in lines of three arms length apart march. on an ordinary autumn morning in the provincial french town of montrose life is taking its usual laid back course but today the townsfolk are in for a surprise russian course that troops from the napoleonic wars have returned it's a great day. the likes of these men have not been seen here for the past two hundred years it's almost as though a full parade has travelled through time bringing with it all the splendor of the pillbug.


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