tv [untitled] December 3, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EST
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in the global system in the united states in brazil in south american countries more generally in australia in france which is a net food exporter. one hundred sixty countries are the two hundred ten or so worldwide that our net food importance and therefore couldn't go into more water because they ran out they didn't and they won't although we do have a lot of questions to ask and we've got to ask a lot of society and its governments to make sure that society chooses to eat sensibly not waste and also get the foreign news to be even more productive at the same time i was being good stewards of water denish what do you think about that i mean just how scarce is water well again scarcity is a rather problematic concept i mean typically when you see a scarcity that is just like people think of it in terms of physical scarcity but i think but in terms of water it's a lot more complex if you world. scarcity is typically with relation to what you want to do with it in the arabian desert you want to do camel herding that is not
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a case of the water but if you want to grow by by napoles or cotton in the arabian desert then there is an absolute scarcity of water so the scarcity is very much a relative to what you want to do and at the moment i agree with tony that in fact we are overtaxing the water resources that we have access to ok i'm michael i mean scarcely i mean if you live in cypress it's very scarce yeah absolutely i mean it's it really is a relative term to back up what donnish i mean let's face it look at a country like yemen there's very little water there but then look at a country like say china there's a lot of water in some parts of the country and in some of the western portions where you have a lot of agriculture it's very close to scarcity if you use the one thousand cubic metres per capita as the threshold so it's a relative term very much sell ok tony will let me just go ahead please look at on that please. i think singapore singapore only has five percent of the wall
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so that it needs it therefore doesn't have the ten percent it needs for use at home and in jobs and it doesn't have any for the food so for the half million people living in an area about the size of london or a small island. it is in fact a very prosperous country it proves that water in the absence of water and the scarcity of water doesn't determine outcomes poverty and poverty which normally derives from poor governance and organization of economies is the explanation for people's. being unable to gain access to the water they need for all this whole of the need for jobs for what they need for food ok don if i got to go to you i mean yemen is out of water is it the world's responsibility to make sure the country has water. is it the world's
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responsibility that that goes into the realm of ethics. that's why i'm asking it and while there's a fair enough but. well if you ask me yes absolutely it is our responsibility to make sure that people do but even when we're talking about human being out of water there's a whole set of things that can be done to make make more of what the research what resources that yemen does have there are all sorts of technologies that are available there are all sorts of governance systems in terms of water that are available that we know of that if they had applied sensibly in context like yemen i don't know as much about yemenis situation as perhaps tony does but if they're applied sensibly water of convince efficiencies and prove what is productive efficiencies improve porter's economic efficiencies produce is improved the specter of scarcity if you will becomes more and more distant the problem of water being out of water is a dramatic turn we've definitely sells and everybody it feels like there's like a posh desert out there and there's no water to be had i think it's
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a lot different than that if in gaming you want to have the kind of lifestyles the eating habits the consumption habits that the west has and has been espousing and selling all over the world look at us look at us we're so cool we're so great and you want to be like us now the rest of the world is trying to imitate precisely those sorts of lifestyles and eating habits which are inappropriate for the kind of context in which in which those people are living that's the fundamental disconnect that we need to focus on and not just these i would go so far as to forgive me for saying this sort of a banal statement about the about disappearance of water because that's a very specific political interests if you will in the specific political interests oh they're out of water what do we do let's do a multimillion dollar investment in desalination they're out of water what do we do let's build a dam or you know what let's sell this technology and that's the sort of interest that that sort of conversation helps and that's very unfortunate michael in washington jump in go ahead. you know i was just going to say picking up on what
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donna said there seems to be a tendency that if if you hear a country is running out of water and it's going to require some sort of huge incredible thing whether it be some sort of large dam or some huge project or some major endeavor to rescue the country and bring back water generate more water not really in a lot of cases and particularly in a case like pakistan which i've looked at quite closely i know donnish as well you know you could take relatively simple measures like paying a relatively small amount of money to patch up leaks in water pipes you know it doesn't mean taking a ten second shower either you know convene investing in your a geisha in technologies that use drip forms of irrigation instead of the flood irrigation which is used more commonly in that country and in other countries across south asia and elsewhere so you know i think it's more sexy and so forth to say oh well you know this country is is increasingly water scarce we need to do something now before basically the country water situation really blows up the
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really there are some basic realistic solutions you know whether governments are willing to carry them out that's that's another story ok if we could stay with you michael why doesn't the pakistan government do just exactly what you said. well that's a question that many of us who study the country wonder i mean i should be fair it is being done on a certain extent the pakistani government has come out with some. policies to promote water conservation things like that but i think that it's really a country where the government does not necessarily think about the needs of the people and about issues like water resources management doesn't think about it as much as it should and you know the whole notion of staying with a standard of business standard operating procedure is really the case it's not a country not a government where there's a lot of strategic thought and. you know different types of visions on how to respond to water challenges and there is
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a tendency to look to the international community to international aid to help improve the water situation and international assistance when it comes to water assistance in pakistan it involves building big dams and you know grandiose projects like that that could have a lot of political value for the donors such as you know the u.s. . you know tony if i could go ahead ok i was i was just going to say i think that if you don't mind i think michael is quite right in pointing out some of the limitations in there but i think you hinted upon something that needs to be stressed a little more that water it's not just a question of you know these aggregates at the national scale it is also a question of who has access to water and who suffers from it and who has no problem at all i'm sure the elites in yemen are elites in pakistan in their lives everywhere in the world who tend to have never experienced the water scarcity or even elites in southern california compared to the kinds of water scarcity that farmers are experiencing in the central valley valley is nothing compared to the
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kind of scarcity that people in the cities are experiencing if you would so the point is that why doesn't the pakistani government investor why doesn't the pakistani government didn't do it i would disagree i think it is it is a huge priority for the pakistani government or many other governments to try to ensure. sufficient water supply to them it is just that the people who suffer the effects of so-called water scarcity who cannot get enough water for themselves also happen to be the weakest in the poorest and with the minimal of the voice and it becomes that sort of political issue that in the dominant climate at the moment the dominant neo liberal kind of a climate we have market is going in everything those are the kinds of voices we don't want to hear because that is politically uncomfortable i think technology sexy technology sells national have an aggregate sell you know calling names if you will you know this government that they're going to is is relatively easy but eventually those governments name don't need to be called to task but the eventual issue is that it is a question of equity it is
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a question of people having access to water with regard to god to their social power and that's a sort of dynamic that the global system at the moment is not willing to confront gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on water security. and. technology innovation all the developments around russia. the future. mission and. accreditation three. four judges three the arrangement
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three. three. three. three blog plug in video for your media project and free media dog r t v dot com. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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please speak your language. programs in documentaries in arabic in school here on the. reporting from the world's hot spots seventy yard p. interviews an intriguing story for you. live in trying. to find out more visit our big teeth. and if. you could. please. welcome back across talking about the mind you were talking about the politics of one. such. case the first student. and i to go back to tony in london in the
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literature there's a term the age of easy water is over what does that mean. when the population of the world was a million that was no pressure on resources when it was a billion and about eighteen hundred it also wasn't a really very big pressure on resources although smith was with but not those with the fools around the same time did point out that we were doing difficult things to natural resources. and of course he was right but he was also wrong because as it turned out two hundred years later when the population was. six or seven billion the farmers had increased their productivity in parts of the world by ten times so that means they were working that was ten times harder so we have it's very hard to. deal with
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a call and such is easy war so when we have so many things changing we have got more soldiers staying roughly the same although we're mobilizing more of it but if the farmers science and technology and governance get the farmers to produce ten times as much with the same water we clearly are in a constantly changing position and we are at this point in history where seven billion and if you're a pessimist used to talk about nine and a half billion in future if you're an optimist like me you'd probably say eight and a half to nine billion by lying to twenty fifty. cents on could because one is being an optimist and suggesting that if we are as industrious and clever as well as good stewards of water and that's the important part which is hard to get people to do if we can be good stewards of water we can in fact get to twenty fifty twenty one hundred. because in a position where we we haven't destroyed the water resources but in order to do
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that we've got to do a whole lot of things namely in what i call a what people call the food supply chain we're going to get consumers to be sensible to. to consume sensibly not throw food away choose the right foods to be healthy and to keep your environment healthy make sure that the corporations in the middle of that food supply chain are also doing responsible things around twenty i don't laterally anytime soon don if i go to you people you love the term peak oil but there's also the term peak water does not mean anything to you and what should it mean to others. did you say peak oil or people water. i haven't heard the term before could you explain no no no that's not a thing i'm asking you if it means anything to you because i can because i can talk about it and tony go ahead jump in yeah which is following on the idea of people over there seems if you look at the numbers on oil and gas that's we've reached
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a point where on about an hour in the case of gas a little bit in the future where the next and the amount of gas. being mobilized after that the volumes that could be mobilized will get less and if we've got the demand for those products those energy projects which got us for the peak level then if the variability is going down then we've got a problem but of course energy is in some ways more complicated much more complicated than water because whereas with water we've got one in the room and in the soil and the same sort of energy we've got three or four different fossil fuels and we've got four or five different renewable energies and the situation is quite complex and i don't want to complicate our you know my own watching for the cause you know we should be looking at water and oil as being the same power as when it comes to scarcity. the question is should we look at water in oil in the same way
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in terms of how to respond i think the answer is no in this case i mean these are just very i certainly think there's i certainly hope i'm not especially. and i'm not an oil economist i'm not in a common position to comment along the specificity of that but i think there's a lot more flexibility you know water is something that hypothetically is available domestically and it is indigenously in every country there's a lot more flexibility it's not as politicized this oil is politicized water for sure but there is more easy options and it really is not is fraud and tricky basically as oil is so i think it would be a mistake to try to conflate those two and it is true that you we need to look at the trajectory of these resources in the same way that yes i mean running out of oil depending on oil from certain parts of the world except for water you know it's true that we it's a finite resource the state the obvious. and you know it's irreplaceable however
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it's not i have never heard about the whole notion of looking in and together and away from a policy point of view or from any other point of view i think that would if i go to the debate if i go to donnish i mean you can make money off of it that's what i'm getting at ok i mean and i'm not i'm glad i'm glad to have the ethical response there they should be the same but people do treated the same because you could make money off of it. exactly and that's where that's where that's where part of the tragedy of water happens to be particularly in the domestic water supply sector because in many countries particularly in the global laws in the west in the united states the society thought that with the government in the society thought that it was part of the social contract for the government in the state to provide fresh drinking water and clean drinking water to all of its populace in much of the global south in sub-saharan africa south asia or latin america and so on we have relinquished that responsibility but many of the states have basically these commodified bottled water if you will which is which is an absolutely. and basically allowing in out for these governments in the states in the societies to
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essentially renege on their social contract not considering water supply of clean drinking water as a as a as a human right that everybody should have access to if you have the money you can always go out there and buy nestle or if you don't have the money you can always eat out of a little cesspool which is outside your touch and that is where the part of the tragedy of the water lies that it has been commodified to such an extent that it has been inserted into this global capital mechanism way which is bought and sold and people speculate on it and god forbid there be some way that it will be on the commodity markets and when you do that to a resource then you have the kind of stuff that is have that has happened or you have the kind of. conflicts that we've seen in the context of oil there's nothing inevitable of water is a qualitatively different resource and i don't think it should be should be conflated with something like oil we need seem to need presently we don't need it five hundred years ago we need it now and who knows if we need it another five
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hundred years from now things might change tell me what is water we will we already have a lot is my point ok so tony do you think it's been politicized water because water wars like you said you start pick up a kalashnikov. well you see there the reason it's. i invented the term embedded virtual also because i had to explain in the middle east the place where countries were really out of war from the fifty's sixty's and seventy's all of them by nine hundred seventy why despite running out there was no conflict i was a scientist to try to understand the water issues in this region and it was only when i looked at the food imports of egypt that i realized that what you did was quietly go into the world markets for food because of the u.s.d.a. that's yesterday like the culture ways of running agriculture in the european union way running agriculture staple foods around the world market a half cost so if governments faced this crisis of running out of food because it
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would run out of water it didn't matter there was no politics of tool all we did was import hard cost foods that have cost food so if you want to problem your food problem and without politics all struggles and economics it's the next stage when you are there actually running out of also for other activities other parts of the economy that the politics get very intense and we could perhaps be facing another phase when they've politics between the countries will be more intense but what we're finding in the middle east which i tend to follow is that because of the water reuse options you can every time you use a cubic meter of water you can in fact get seventy percent of that back by recycling it by treating it and recycling it it costs but nevertheless in volume terms you do get the extra seventy percent and these volumes are not enough to educate and grow a lot of food but they are do enable you to keep the economy in place in ways which
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were not foreseen before because desalination has fallen in cost from a knife in the head in the seventy's and eighty's when it was you know two and a half dollars a cubic meter u.s. dollars was about a dollar a quarter by. people are making more than it was for six fifty six cents or sixty cents or if they say a dollar but no one in this program goes on much they pay for water and certainly that's very interesting the only way to so we have to be going to mine or in washington shows is michael eisner you want to jump in there go ahead yeah i think it's we should say that to some extent it is appropriate that water is politicized and that's because there really is some potential for a conflict over water at some point not necessarily today but sometime down the road take south asia this is a region that i focus on more than any other region very few countries get along and most of the region share is rivers india and pakistan of course share the indus
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and india china bala dash they share rivers and it's very very easy for a country and operate parian country to take some sort of punitive measure such as for example hypothetically cutting off river flows to the country downstream and something could happen that way but i think that what is even more concerning when you want to talk about the potential for a water conflict is not a country war between countries but really conflicts within countries in india and pakistan there are tremendous amount of tensions and disagreements over river sharing allocations punjab and sindh in pakistan and a variety of states in india and you know something else to say that i think it would be inaccurate to say that water could actually trigger a war between countries but i think that water issues decreasing quantities of water or water insecurity couldn't put in place the conditions that could one day lead to conflict for example and again this is the key race gentlemen thank you for
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that fascinating discussion on water we have to we have to wrap it up here many thanks my guest today in london and washington thanks to our viewers for watching us here r.t. see you next time remember i'll talk to. to keep the story. and. to. keep. wealthy british style some time to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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up and there's one check in on you he alpha beta gamma he was all the the final trinitarian he's let me out there know what's going on so i can pinpoint. the dirt right now. shells become income mortal danger and a piece of art. stinks and it's just been making him three. bombs. on our team. the gold fever. turns thousands into slaves. but also among brotherhood involved and since i started working at the moment i stated. multinationals. trying to be milked dry at least i think that in this country gold medal as an environmental cost which is unacceptable you know to
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