tv [untitled] December 4, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST
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old. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future harvard. columbia spark rebels say they want to talk peace with the government as we hear from one of the armed groups negotiations in an exclusive interview with aussies punished. for spain's behind the eurozone approves something to keep beating here is a rescue for london so while the people are struggling with crippling cuts. and america's mounting attacks and questions of its foreign policy spark a worrying movement in different states to secede from the.
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international news live from moscow this is the with me thanks for joining us colombia's armed opposition group fox as it was dialogue and peace with the country's government this statement came from one of the group's top negotiator a tiny and i admire who spoke exclusively to our spanish language channel ahead of a fresh round of peace talks in cuba. q and how on earth are gravel sent colombian officials holding talks trying to hammer out a peace deal letting america's fiercest drive also and their force attempt to put an end to the fifty years of conflict this has claimed more than half a million lives and the sole woman at the negotiating table is dutch fighter time yet no meyer should have told him to join fire ten years ago to fight what she calls social justice and has become a symbol of their revolution struggle that is spoke exclusively to our t.v. in the fields t.v. interview she in the new talks launched we have not taken the arms because we wanted we have to open the arms because the colombian state and the united states
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imperialism have obliged us compel us to do so that's a that's one very important thing to keep in mind. we as an armed organization have always wanted dialogue we have always wanted peace we have always asked for peace the prospects for success during the negotiations in how a mediated by cuba and norway are fragile this saturday they call them in army launched a bombing offensive killing twenty rebels this was fired a unilateral cease fire and then it told me that with people being killed for their views it's unfair to blame them for a while to people who were in colombia want to fight for ideas different than the neo liberal ideas are killed so how is it possible to participate in politics if people who are other ideas are killed. and that's the reason of the i'm struggling along that's the reason why we are still fighting down and told me fired
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is not sponsored by the other latin american countries despite such claims from the west and also commented on scandal cost to ensure diary was founded by the colombian army and was made public gets the full interview here on r.t. it's coming your way on wednesday. it's a good day for spain's ailing banks as the eurozone has cleared some forty billion euros to prod them up and that's part of the cash agreed on and a deal struck in the summer but despite is deteriorating financing the trade it's still rejecting the idea of a bailout for the whole country on a explain the money should be ready for distribution to spanish banks by the twelfth of december this is finance minister gave the green light is part of their monthly meeting in brussels this money will be distribute with thirty seven billion euros going to all the states for nationalized banks and two point five billion
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going towards so-called what it does mean for spain is that they joy likes of portugal italy along with greece those countries who are entering this festive period partly full of the joys of christian guarding their finances responder's people who showed in the recent past that very much upset with the current situation in the country and the fact that the government's asking for money in order to bail out the banks well that's hardly going to put them in good stead with the spanish people who have already been to their theory against the way that the government is handling the situation. meanwhile recent surveys show eighty five percent of spiny is have little or no faith in their prime minister with his government cutting benefits and freezing pensions and dutch politician to one month as believes madrid should allow for economic development a set of us territory and saving the banks. there is a bond a mental flaw within the banking system which is that. the government has basically
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taken over the banks the greed of the banking cartel degree of a central bank they allow banks to print money that is not covered by anything the government does intervene too much in the market. and the way to solve the problem is by government withdrawing by shrinking the role of government by getting government to spend less and types less and regulate less that is what will get the economy back in order and that's what will. cause the job rate to grow again and unemployment to disappear. so. failing companies being supported by government is only a very short term solution in the long term it is a disaster. five e.u. nations including britain and france have summoned stays rain ambassadors to express concern of a plans to build more settlements in disputed lands in east jerusalem he was also joined by a bigger one in washington and warning that israel's plans pose
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a threat to the peace effort but prime minister binyamin netanyahu is vying to press ahead and continue construction and jet traffic of its journalists and international affairs expert says netanyahu is aggressive stance could cost him the support of his longtime ally. netanyahu scoring domestic points and he's definitely positioning this. as a bid for big three in january. the loss of even close friends of these you know on capitol hill who have been very staunch very. very reliable so far and. just that. geopolitical move. along because its consequences in the sense that they would you know two state solution my sense is that it can. he's own sake but he spoke if and when this
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goes ahead that means that he will try to impose upon the united states. but with this administration it's. the united states is looking a little less the grassroots movements are growing in each state to secede from the union that the move was launched a symbolic more than a million americans have now signed petitions to the white house saying that i'm good with big government and quot channel state so rights are in a partner. for that. or to moderate here is that after a former colony won the right to determine its own best of the. test a perfect thing of ours here we have moved forward. was four weeks following barack obama's reelection nearly one million americans have moved forward by campaigning to break apart all fifty states have filed online petitions with the
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white house requesting to peacefully secede from this so-called perfecting union a movement that's garnered more than thirty thousand signatures in north carolina where many like michael toggle. see independence as a symbol may twentieth a consistent one to the day that north carolina saved from the union and america stars and stripes ripping at the seams there's no doubt in my mind that it is inevitable i mean something like this with the debt this country has rolling disunion in the among the people they can't last forever and that's through the lesson of history big empires always collapse on their own weight secession supporters like bernard first some say washington's weight of growing debt and loose wars government intrusion and a broken immigration system has become a bipartisan destructive force is beyond reform you can't reform that federal government whether it's the republicans in charge or obama basically the
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republicans are just as bad as far as we're concerned there are other corrupt and are out of touch in southern former confederate states like north carolina culture and social issues play a big role for those like harold cruz who believes the us is too big and thus destined to fail and the south. different country already united states. government we have different values different belief systems critics have dismissed secessionists as disgruntled voters angry over president obama's second term however and that's your thousand a presidential election obama became the first democrat in more than thirty years to win north carolina a red state turned blue with the promise of change four years later tens of thousands of voters in the very same state believe they'd be better off on their own. the average american the things they believe in they're tired of the endless
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wars and here we are talking about invading iran now i can't think of anything more the white house meanwhile promises to review and issue an official response to all petitions with twenty five thousand or more. signatories at least seven states fit that category that we used to be the interstate driving along at thirty five miles an hour by ourselves with the social media as a goal now we're being perished on both sides and lanes by people going faster than we are and it's amazing because here we were thought to be radical fifteen or twenty years ago and now we're mainstream. i mean stream movement to move apart marina porton i r r t. washington's reportedly planning to double the size of its spend at work abroad expansion as part of an overhaul within the defense intelligence agency and is expected to rival the cia the cia plans on hiring more than six hundred undercover agents for the significantly every violent operation of
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the chinese military as well as iran north korea and to militant islamist groups in africa are believed to be among those in the cross has of that expanded spy force as called houghton country recently and said harper's magazine believes that by pouring more money into its spy networks the u.s. is missing its neglected old fashioned efforts at intelligence gathering. this planning change actually can be read as an admission of sorts and that is that the intelligence that's been collected by this massive apparatus has been very very weak particularly in the critical north east. middle east and. and the north africa region and also in pakistan the intelligence community did not see the arab spring coming. in the tori as mrs smith's about the situations and countries like egypt and syria for instance and i think in part this results from
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a heavy focus by the intelligence community overall or on what's called signal signals intelligence that is these very very sophisticated intercept systems to the detriment of the traditional human intelligence and i think now what we see in washington is a general acceptance of the fact that you can't do that the system is out of balance that they have to have much better human intelligence gathered on the ground to be able to interpret what they've gotten from signals and this is an effort to to address that problem but it also means continuously but looming budget for intelligence the u.k. is accused of abandoning families in need of state support it was revealed a number of times told it's now forced to pay seventy three percent of its endings into the time that's going to happen to the right.
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which you should do just what their name implies they get between people and drive them apart like a wage and these issues seem to always take the forefront in the media it's things like abortion gun rights marijuana legalization. and the weather well the weather isn't really aware. people sure talk about it way too much there's only so much room in the national discourse and these wage issues just eat up all of the time and attention but the thing is that there's a little so they call the tenth amendment you know the one that says that any powers that aren't specifically delegated the federal government are reserved for the states and last time i checked the constitution doesn't have a special weed clause saying that marijuana has to be an all or nothing a national proposal and that goes for abortion and most of the wedge issues also there's a simple answer all these wedge issues just left the states make up their own ma ains but then again without wedge issues what would the mainstream media have to
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distract us with but that's just my opinion. the emission free accreditation free in-store charge is free. range amongst free. three stooges free. the old free blog just plug in video for your media projects for free medio dog party dot com. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is all you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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you're watching r.t. welcome back the average family in the u.k. is being forced to hand over two thirds of their earnings to the government a new study claims households with one breadwinner are paying seventy three percent of their income into time but receiving no benefits in return for his paula boycott looks at the implications. up to seventy three percent that's the amount of tax that your average british household pays once an average british household that's two kids two parents with one breadwinner so a lot of people who are just trying to raise a family being corbould by this tax that goes towards your income tax your national
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insurance a lot of other european developed countries they also pay a high rate of tax but nowhere near as high as the u.k. we've got the netherlands that pays around forty eight percent tax germany pays around forty percent average families that pay in tax now we spoke to a few londoners on the streets and asked them about how they feel about how much tax they pay let's take a listen i'm not particularly looking for office person these players such as think that it should be fair across the board move people should pay a portion at least. you know get from it really. feels like it's going to the five parts of the. communities it's just. too good. looking to do. so as you can see a lot of people just extremely frustrated that they aren't getting any of their local services back it's demoralizing figure and as the government had promised to
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recognize marriage to provide some of these tax breaks they haven't done that yet and in the run up to christmas with prices on the rise through prices fuel prices just the price of heating a family's home this is very very bad news and a lot of people feeling extremely frustrated about it. it may be said to me but it's been revealed that the u.s. now relies on iran when it comes to the treatment of its soldiers despite american sanctions imposed on terror ron the pentagon medicine from the islamic republic to treat both by name you know stuff. and also your thoughts. on line facebook isn't. people's privacy advocates revealed its new cell phone up and up automatically uploading every election take the mobile device to the social networks one day to service this from montreal on our team. to some other
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news making headlines this hour iran claims it has captured and not the u. us drone of those territory the command of the country's revolutionary guards the unmanned aircraft and iran's airspace over the over the persian gulf and was brought under control by an air defense units of the iranian navy the navy commander says eagle aircraft which is usually launched from launch more ships last month a rainy and planes fired at an american drone which tehran claims violations of the country's borders and in twenty eleven iran captured another unmanned aircraft and refused to give it back. nato has approved the deployment of patriot missiles on turkish border with syria alliance says the move would be purely defensive to protect ankara from the syrian conflict the u.s. has warned syria's president assad that he'll see a military response if he uses chemical weapons and crosses the red line this amid a fresh wave of u.s. intelligence reports suggesting damascus is preparing to deploy its chemical weapons. thousand protesters have clashed with police as they try to
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storm the city hall in belfast the rest erupted after the council's catholic majority voted to remove the british flag from the building most of the year causing your fears a backlash from the protestant contingent of police and two security guards were injured with demonstrators vandalizing police cars and trying to smash through the gates the union flag has previously flown at the city hall for more than a century. sustainable family businesses are being seen as the solution to drive the country's economic growth with the younger generation using prestigious education to learn the skills to take smaller businesses to the next level. the man who knows the recipe for success. it's every little kid's dream to have endless amounts of ice cream and sweets but for gurpreet singh it was a reality he got a taste of his family's business and what would soon become his destiny from
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a young age but. today gurpreet has taken his grandfather's vision and built an ice cream empire that boasts thirty five stores across northern india and a factory that churns out four thousand liters of ice cream every day singh is doing what most family businesses fail to do build a sustainable and successful model that lasts beyond the third generation he credits his business degree from the u.k. and his work experience at a restaurant there for much of his success. the. right one. hundred you know. your forefathers.
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same's generation here in india is in a unique position for the first time many of his peers have been able to get a higher education at a prestigious university and they're using that education to innovate their family's business they're also taking control of their family business at a time when india's middle class is growing experts say that if this generation is able to use their education to cash in on india's growing consumer power it could help drive india's economic growth in the coming years something rajiv basu they've us says indian families are taking to heart. the best education to be seen as equals around the world. i think it has a lot of. you know. families going forward gurpreet hopes to take his family's company even further. or he wants to sprinkle stories across all the major indian cities and branch out beyond just ice cream too. if.
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you forget the. business. and of course. the. good. building something that will be good for his family's future the fact that it's good for india's economy well that's just the cherry on top preassure either r t new delhi india. coming up its capital account with hosting the list and that after the break. if you are passing through russia's very region you really can walk on the wild side thousands of kilometers of unspoiled countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the learned and enterprising locals so the fruits of the
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forest by the side of nearly every road. such spectacular scenery makes it a paradise for fisherman and provides a business opportunity for hunter is. going on he has been hunting for more than thirty years and works for a company providing expeditions for tourists this season ducks are on the menu. for two things a successful duck hunt a. silence which means that i need to be very quiet right in the. office. but when you've been in the business as long as he has the birds don't stand much chance. there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive but environmentalists are fighting back the heart of just us forest provides
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a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups have been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up. and this is what i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf i had a chance to get close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to
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act as foster parents for the next generation of wolves who come here. using the old awards as surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every year i place infant walls with one year old wolf cubs his parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's an important part of the world's development and a major factor in the success of a project which has seen more than twenty generations of cubs grow up here it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolfs reputation in russia. but the keepers here hope their research and dedication that we foil and remains a place where visitors can truly understand the cool of the wild. good
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afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for monday december third two thousand and twelve reuters reports some wall street banks are looking to help their foreign customers skirt new u.s. regulations for over the counter derivatives they're looking at ways to route trades reportedly via non-u.s. affiliates exploiting the lack of a precise definition for what exactly constitutes a u.s. person now it may not come as a surprise that wall street will be trying to find a way around regulations it doesn't like but what is the antidote well lucky for us former f.d.i.c chairwoman sheila bair is here to lend her experience and perhaps provide some answers and it's a theme we often talk about on this show financial regulations that disproportionately hurt smaller players sheila bair lays out some specific examples from her time in the regulatory trenches in her book we'll revisit these in our reality check and this so-called look guard list now reportedly leads back to the
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former greek prime minister's family george happened grails mother is reportedly on the list of breaks with swiss bank accounts tied to an account containing more than five hundred million euros according to the telegraph we'll discuss it all in loose change let's get to today's capital account. well the financial crisis was years ago but our next guest says our financial system is still fragile and vulnerable to the same type of destructive behavior that led to the great recession and she would know she was in the trenches when the crisis was unfolding and cleaning up after it as chairwoman of the f.d.i.c which is most of our viewers well know insures bank deposits and is tasked with instilling
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public confidence in the financial system so sheila bair is now chair of the systemic risk council and she's here now she's author of the book bull by the horns as you can see right there came out pretty recently and we're very very lucky and happy to have you in studio and to be here to talk about all these issues thanks for being here ok so i want to start with that set up so you say that the financial system is still vulnerable it is the same kind of practices that led to the financial crisis so of course the head of the financial crisis you were saying the problems with the mortgage market housing and the securitization of mortgages what would you complete today that has you the most concerned in terms of products or systemic risks well i think there are two really sets of fishes one is we really haven't fixed the things that we knew were problems leading up to the two thousand and eight crisis only about thirty percent of dodd frank has been. leveraged too much using borrow money borrowed money to fund your operations we haven't increased capital requirements which restrain leverage we have more capital into the banks to .
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