tv [untitled] December 4, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EST
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in the spotlight scheduling limerick negotiations and agenda setting the newly appointed russian g. twenty share proxy diver has a strong financial background the mit graduate almost burbank chief economist is expected to bring her analytical skills to help russia and the g twenty to achieve their goals. welcome to the show thank you very much for being with us and first of all where well look let's start from the summit itself the upcoming summit and many see the g. twenty as a platform for accompanying the world economic crisis and it's been four years since the first g. twenty meeting took place do you think the g twenty has really proved to be a powerful economic instrument for coming in the world. first of all thank you very much for inviting me here regular to everybody. i would say very
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good point to go is twofold first of all of first of them is really. when we see intensification of the crisis to come up with joint efforts aimed at changing the. going back to more stable economy and the poverty and poor point was of course in the fall of two eight and then twenty year you know in several saves first to wall joined by the intervention when all twenty countries grieve. as they will conduct budget and to crisis budget policies which will help to stabilize global demand i and another goal is to change global macroeconomic in wire. and in order to prevent their
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position or for similar crisis i thinks are some of the most problematic calls in the rigol ation on a country and global level and these are always also or in the top of their dens of the from the very beginning because when we speak about financial regulation ill lot of it is not of solving current problems but rather increase in new environment which will be less prone to repeat decision of similar senior why. do people take it so seriously i mean the country is cheering the g twenty when russia certainly does take it very seriously because it gives some so we can all make some political preferences were it's just a matter of prestige. while it's of course at the prestigious if i say that it's
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not. will be. not very sincere. are on nearly here and i think it's critically ill for countries like russia. it's very important to become a share office at twenty because our country is. large developing countries and russia or we tend to criticize the advanced economies are which we mange a role. in our foreign legion globalization on the policy right in cheering and twenty is a chance for us unknown to us presence disappeared but to read this post as. we both know mr carter gonif who's who's one of the top experts in foreign relations in this country and he recently said the g twenty should become well. fledged
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organization we would do bureaucracy well i mean everything. rather than being just a meeting point well well a place for people to get together you have have some coffee zeus' meetings and maybe a couple or three days what would you say what would some rocker see before the good or rather for the worse within the g twenty four and we you know it's a long discussion in the doing here whether it's to get a permanent secretary or not are you think now well right now i think that some informality is good. let's talk in the year away when i'll be a more experienced here for my life ok according to variable putin the russian president employment is among the most important topics to be discussed in st petersburg during during the g twenty summit. this is a major concern for russia i think unemployment has been the major concern for this
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country during blows a couple of decades for does the interior art of our main just for the economy and growth in investment for growth as one of the topic and job creation are fison structure around on ploy unmanned is also one of our priorities. and these torpey. of course it's very important for speak about drops it's a. difference it can be discussed from different perspectives in different countries certainly for the european countries and maybe one for south africa are just fine as in unemployment is a major concern i think in rice or unemployment per serving is pretty low it's absolutely right now in the historically low starting from one thousand nine hundred two grateful for the new rights. on the early year and structural
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changes on the labor market. you draw more efficient jobs is a big task rush and if we look at it from from this perspective then chill russian challenges do not due for that my age from for example rick challenge because this is what will the greeks needs to do it needs to increase competitiveness in create new jobs in new sectors in russia needs to increase competitiveness and to create new jobs to greece yes greece while you are comparing greece to russia and then that's symptomatic because i have read in a couple of the that russia is no different from greece but differences on gas i mean well. do you agree that there we may be facing the same problem where of course russia is. not inside the for the eurozone well around that it was going to
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be enough i thought i would have you know clear arras rule if you know where then we would have to become portugal you remember that there may actually surprise portugal as almost a reference persia goes in terms of g.d.p. if you seriously are we facing similar problems with a not really a not now i am a while or let's put it this way. of course is associated with huge problems with public that is the one and from this press taxi of our problems very different greece is like grocery shelf years ago. and. that country can get out of its. speaking of structural problems to increase competitive strayed from problem this prosperity and are we can say there are still no larry it is. still situation is different because greece has an employment in the us to him. ploy on the people in jobs. has very
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small employment so gross i think it's russian i wouldn't blame her or him or they be newcomers from abroad i mean people coming from a bullet in the leg that's common never. listen any questions any problems any topics that you are getting great is because the g twenty meeting in st petersburg will discuss before something new something sensational some breakthroughs can issue. well veto victor which we would like to bring in our intention is to become of investment and when we speak about jobs from one of you we discussed it's also in new hands of all can at least topic. grade we for example in our. employment jobs we minister for coronary because we're going to ops from the point of view often. job creation and investment rather than
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just policy it's really to. ministers work. in another topic and then there you would like to. believe has never been done before our ministry of finance in financial truck we would like to raise. your off that. in a while which has already been discussed many times. that they would like to look at it in more consistent and detailed manner than it used to be done before so there are several new twelve books which we introduce and we're also monitoring the situation and we are off on group b. is probably didn't new suggestions or a new angle. into existence topics ranging. well look what can you name any of
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these teachers i know for instance we now look on trade how we can reframe on the world on trade in. point. right what kind of new initiatives we're going to need y a w two all russians in your member can know this. we. said and then of you would like to one generally. on topic. development. has been very successful in some poise. which can be a black couple to developing countries who can share all experience so soon you die russia's g. twenty sure about spot like you did actually we will take a break so stay with us to continue think of you in less than a minute. while
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. those who. offers your show and an issue. what's the matter you. let the residents never profit from the. notion of coming all signals are just there you look up and there's one check in on you he's the alpha beta gamma he was always the fine now trying to treat he's let me go with out there know what not to get pinpoint. right now. dog shows become income mortal danger and a piece of art. exempt director. from . our team.
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welcome back to spawn knob and just a reminder that my guest on the show is your day over russia's g. twenty sure. what we started talking about new proposals the new ideas that may be introduced at the upcoming st petersburg so make and this is an idea i read about it to give the developing economies more power in the i.m.f. where your are a for a financial you come from a bank said so do you think that this decision really may be taken out well those.
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been conducted for a number of here so already i. eventually it will be taken we will do as much as we can to speed up to three businesses and you know the global economic landscape has changed in the last twenty or thirty years and many developing countries are plain delusion roll them out cheney's number two coralie and so on when i am asked for instance was created in these countries who are completely on the point that tries it didn't play a significant role in the i.m.f. now it should be changed moved because the. landscape has changed and because everybody expects there to be big dollar sixty recipients as someone with developed countries so we see more equality see in practice in the need to have more equality in decision decision making well we've seen beautiful pictures of st petersburg
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here talking there talking of st peter's group can you tell us what is saying is we've chosen for the second time first for the g eight meeting a couple of years ago now for the g twenty meeting why why the northern capital well as our thrasher you know you are always so like to serve in russia. most of the while russia has a lot of treasury treasure is but that's kind of a diamont. one all our biggest down on them on our treasures so getting people is greatly ridgwell when we build a city he called to do with the window to europe so send me the so you're trying to trying to keep. this tradition i mean to leave you guys a window open to the world while you're really it's one hundred years which our window to the world is a big challenge for russia to host such a meeting or is business as usual. while it's always a challenge to who is to imaging particularly come up with gender. we will
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make impact on global economy brains it's not so difficult to come with any hands and i'm going to heaven in the hope is always some ports are important and it's a big chill and are otherwise a horse in the middle of course requires sound are going to know when someone of an additional tasks but i think this is russia is almost business is the overall rating from hosting the g twenty meeting are there any other responsibilities russia we continue to be long behind russia supposed to organize a person just says that there is no permanent second yeah no broker see which does everything. all everything has to bid. the presidency this means the peroration of the documents first for discussion and then final document.
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for different meetings in the evenings minister of finance meetings and meeting solve specific groups on different topics are quite friends are some minutes or four are the communities which work with zyklon b. which is business community and civil community youth community a labor of. outreach to other countries all of this has to be organized by the presence. of the meeting will be held in the constitution of ski poles well what about the budget of the meeting has it already been determined and are you as one of the people responsible happy with the budget. you know nobody here is a value everybody wants to have morning and of course well ministry of finance so. far from both but from the process. you know some some new bands can be requested by our partners and so on but. really since we use
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existence so it's is the course of this one of them live smaller than for instance the cost of our apec meeting and they are the head and as a result of if it means rebuild the whole thing i wouldn't say that those costs are ok but there may be another problem if you make a mess of the palace which is one of the treasures i'm sorry it will cost even more to restore it women well they cannot make and that's ok what about the what about the citizens the the people living you see i remember that after the g eight summit they were not really happy to have it i mean this said there were a lot lot of problems for them while the meeting was taking place will you take this into account while certainly it's taken into account and actually. just mentioned he's
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a citizen of some kind he's the head off organisation of the religion is a former citizen to. take a lot of. these they really would like to me. very interesting meeting at. becomes or for the citizens and their years to have written consent. which is close to the airport you don't need to go to this city to get a consensus or everybody reacts traffic have exams and you have a lot of travel on the rebar rather than are on the road so to learn while also to minimize traffic jams. a lot of this is a matter of concern the ok another thing i wanted to ask you is the troy journalist started talking about the so-called troika the recent previews heard the yes and the next so it doesn't really exist this choice war or it's the invention of journalists now you know that you know it certainly does exist. and it's one of the
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i'll turn to you when the creation of permanent secretary it was discussed in other ways to create troy called three presidents who was the sort of the superstar years as sort of secretariat who will courage and aid with each other. all the activities and it will allow it to preserve continue between different presidents in this story could exist for instance in the cold war we had several consultations with mexicans which really too could very he received trying to transfer everything to us to explain to us some. which they know from of and i was in the process now we work very closely with mexicans but they change the government so i will see. who will be our counter but there but we are already
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started two or work or four was traveling are we discuss with them some of the topics we think of how to create two year program programs on some of the this year's and also we agreed that we may share outreach rate since the. troll a i like to refresh us so distant from russia event some of the outreach in the region can be done bios trial lab rather than the rest of the troika today is russia mexico in australia yes how do you work together i mean i mean do you get along fine absolutely but one of the charms those ways are friendly with mexico is russia i mean it's a lower well you know in the year before and so a communication when you're going to have video conference and distance between my business ok the tell me tell me what you know what will be the role of xico and the role of australia in organizing this meeting in st petersburg to their way of the
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there were certain special knowledge of most of our musician our workers your spin than us our rights. our course a nation of laws some of the civets is and preserving continuities is a roll of the troika ok last question. i hope i'll have a chance to meet you after the after the group meeting what would you call success . what i call success while of course see all too and success is. really being poked well half a million quid all decisions of the million quotes will have some impact on the people on technically speaking and i hope that we can come up with some good conditions and joy and paul is serious which will eventually lead us to change in even a global economic situation going out of crisis and region new financial or global financial and monetary system architecture but this is impossible is it or possible
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are you up to mr person is oh i'm an optimist you're not going optimistic think about of course it's impossible to solve all these problems when the world of the they found it right by make an important steps is always possible some. people say that that a well informed optimist is a person is so you are going for him are you you're afraid that five insurers are asking you how can you keep keep optimistic concerning the world situation the world economy. you know somebody is that person must kind of become leaders. and witty exhilarating positions. we need to force solutions brothers and cry for impossibilities so i think that it's our task to not to be just blind optimists.
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to think practically to design these types and see how much we can do right now in order to achieve for. me we believe well all i can say is there is that russia's choice of the ship or the stone was what. was correct and. their presence there and forms and optimistic is what we can only write for thank you thank you for being with us and just a reminder that my guests today. russia's g. twenty should and that's it for now from if you want to your sales spotlight or maybe if you have someone in mind if you think i should into the story you can always drop me a line algorithm of cat t.v. are you feel i did let's keep spotlight internet spotlight will be back with more
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