tv [untitled] December 4, 2012 6:30am-7:00am EST
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you're back when former president george w. bush asked is our children learning well for what it's worth that's a really good question as it turns out a harvard university study shows that foreign students are now outpacing american students at a staggering rate recently students in shanghai who took international exams for the very first time out scored every other school system in the world the u. whereas on the other hand came in twenty fifth of math seventeenth in science and fourteen in reading skills look what i'm getting at here is that there's still a long way to go to get this country back on track and it doesn't seem like our elected officials are the ones leading a successful race to the top but there are a few education leaders that know the difference between good policies and bad ones one of those people is rob the last superintendent of detroit's bloomfield high school rob posted an alert on the school's website calling attention to
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a number of recent pieces of legislation that he says are aimed to quote corporate ties and dismantle public education in a letter he states i never considered myself a conspiracy theorist until now this package of bills is the latest in a year long barrage of ideologically driven bills designed to weaken and defund locally controlled public education handing scarce taxpayer dollars over to for profit entities operating under a different set of rules i believe this is fundamentally wrong and in fact what rob is objecting to is the idea that we're handing over public education facilities to for profit companies one of the bills rob is fighting senate bill six twenty one allow the lowest achieving of five percent of all michigan public schools to be converted to charter schools now by basing a complete faith in standardized tests to determine the company. teachers and the
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abilities of children there's a human element to completely missing from this equation and rob understands that anger stands as a personal initiation of marketplace competition into america's educational system is one of the reasons that students in the us are falling behind it so for being a vocal grassroots leader and urging others in his community to stand up against policies that would only hurt public education superintendent rob glass is today's hero so who is the villain well that person is suzanne thank her calmness for fox news and author of how to choose a husband her most recent articles and titled the war on men were suzanne outlines her expert analysis on why less people are getting married because she says women aren't women anymore. that's funny because last time i checked i had all my lady parts so what the hell is she talking about well she says quote in
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a nutshell women are angry they're also defensive though often unknowingly that's because they've been raised to think of men as the enemy now the men have nowhere to go it's this precisely this dynamic women good men bad that is the stronger the relationship between the sexes yet somehow men are still to blame when love goes a wry. first of all this isn't true i don't know what kind of man hating a rock you were raised under but i don't know any women who are inherently angry at men and no we were raised to think of men as an enemy we're just raised to think that we should have the same opportunities and it's that men have but that's not all or mindless blather continues she says quote men want to love women not compete with them they want to provide for and protect their families it's in their d.n.a. but modern women won't let them. i have a real. as the suzanne but
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a lot's changed since the one nine hundred fifty s. mainly one person's income can't feed a family of four in a white picket fence house anymore and how dare you generalize modern women meaning women who are simply in the workplace and want to be treated with equal pay and respect as men as ruining the ability of medic protect and provide for their families but you guys she does provide a lot at the end of the tunnel she says women have the power to turn everything around all they have to do is surrender to their nature their femininity and let men surrender to theirs if they do marriageable men will come out of the one work. gag suzanne if we just surrender to our femininity go back to cooking cleaning and having babies you know all the stuff you claim women's roles in society are the men what actually want to marry again men i can tell you that i was reading such
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a sad and pathetic self loathing commentary from a female author personally call me crazy but i think it's time to progress rather than regress sixty years and i'm proud of women coming a long way personally looking forward to continuing to see the sets mashed on stereotypes and gender roles and suzanne if your whole existence depends on getting married well then you're just sad and that's why you suzanne vanka are today's villain so go back to the one nine hundred fifty s. where you belong sweetheart and get back to scrub in that floor. today while speaking in. prague secretary of state hillary clinton reiterated a strong warning to the syrian government to not use its chemical weapons she said quote i'm not going to telegraph in any specifics of what we would do in the event of credible evidence that the assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons
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against their own people but suffice it to say we're certainly planning to take action now her comments came just as new reports surfaced that israel had twice approached the jordanian government with a plan to take out many of these weapons and while israel can do it alone the report argues that this was an attempt to ask permission from jordan country what sits at the fault lines of these chemical weapons sites all this issue and many more were addressed today at a special media roundtable with the foreign minister of jordan nasser judeh and here to break down some of what was discussed including jordan's role in syria and palestine i'm joined by our to producer america david hi thanks for coming on and thanks to the may be a round table because i'm going over there and i'm actually so the chemical weapons thing this is kind of a new element to this whole discussion did you find out anything about whether this will be a reason jordan and other countries will use to justify intervention in the round
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table actually started off talking about this issue it did dominate the discussion everyone was very interested in many of the reporters were very concerned and break in kind of confused about the chemical weapons and you know how how serious this was and you know what point you know international the international community was going to get involved there are a lot of people out there that are still skeptical that these weapons even exist i'm sure you know that syria is maintaining they do not but then it got then again iran also does a same thing where they're maintaining they do not have nuclear weapons so no one can say for sure but the jordanian foreign minister it was very confident that they do have weapons and. of course he's very concerned as you know these the sites actually sits sort of on the border of jordan and jordan and syria when i asked him sort of what's the red line what's that point where jordan is going to say that's it you know that's the bottom line we have to get involved he was
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a little bit unclear but he did for virtue some thinking of. has been saying which is that if syria does use these chemical weapons against their own people or their adversaries that will be a game changer now what they meant by game changer is not that jordan was going to you know basically get involved unilaterally and do something but that the international community that would be there sort of bottom line and they would say this point we have to do something about it interesting the using weapons as kind of the justification to intervene when it seems like a lot of countries do have weapons chemical weapons that you know you mentioned syria it is a huge concern of course the international community right now is that their biggest concern right now with jordan you know i can't say it's the biggest concern but it's definitely one of the biggest you know because the countries are so close and proximity to each other if it's syria flinches jordan is definitely going to feel it and just to give you an idea two of the impact it sort of having having on
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jordan since march of two thousand and eleven since the beginning of the uprising in syria about two hundred forty five thousand syrians have fled to jordan and of course that's quite a cumbersome number on a country where the population is only six million so they're really trying to accommodate these people but it is presenting some political strain these people are bringing their political tensions with them an economic strain of course i mean this is you know they're obviously already having you know you cannot make issues right and there's also been a series of protests in jordan against against abdul and also just for economic reform. is do you think it's inevitable that. jordan will incur its own arab spring and that's a question the foreign minister has been getting the most and i think he kind of was priding himself a little bit he was saying that the arab spring kind of passed over jordan they had more of an arab breed as you well but he really mean tain that what jordan did
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differently that some of the other countries and do is that they acted very proactively i mean they heard the concerns of the people and they said ok we're going to make we're going to implement reform now now now of course you know it's a monarchy so there are a lot of people that are not happy with that but the king is willing to relinquish some of the powers and has actually said in the next couple of years he would like the people to elect the prime minister instead of him choosing the problems that would be great and of course you know it does seem like that's a trend going on right now of course all monarchies you know and that will be probably should fall a socially a ruling for decades but i want to ask you about palestine i mean here we have jordan neighboring the west bank what do you think's going to happen if you know it can and does what will signify for palestine and really i mean i mean that would be a huge deal that would shake up things indefinitely the jordanian foreign minister basically said the israel palestine issue is the forefront at the forefront probably the single most important issue because it affects the entire stability of
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the middle east and so that's what we remains to be seen. if we're going to break it down for a spirit david. now if you like you see so far good or you tube channel you tube it comes out of bring in a certain subscriber check out our facebook page at facebook dot com slash break in the set we're going to fan site we're going to set dot com follow me on twitter. so to me here what leverage palestinian statehood house on an international scale next . wealthy british soil. that's the time to. that's right. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to report. more news today violence is once again fled the film these are the images her world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are today. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture.
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what. were you ever seen anything like that. november market to malta this month for palestine after an israeli offensive in gaza palestinians and human rights advocates of worldwide grieve for a people constantly struck by death and destruction but nearly two weeks later celebrations broke out after a successful bid for statehood at the u.n.
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it was then that the palestinian people experience starkly different emotions happiness relief and most importantly hope that finally things would change for many critics were also quick to point out that the un vote might be merely a symbolic representation of palestine's international support that it couldn't really change the reality on the ground without direct negotiations with israel so what is the tangible significance of this vote and how might it authorize the expansion of palestinian rights on the basis of international law to talk about all that and more i'm joined by francis boyle a presser at the university of illinois school of college and law and author of palestine palestinians and international law dr boyle thank you so much for coming on and taking the time. well thank you very much for having none of my best to your your you audience so friends as you say that this is the start of a legal and the father which is a legal our prize instead of speak first of all tell us what it actually means to be granted nonmember state hood status here. yes last year our
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christian robots application for full fledged human membership and the united nations and elliston have the votes in the u.n. general assembly lucky obama administration tied it up in the security council gates threatened to veto it all. of the united. palestine could have broken the log jam at the security council and turned it over to the general assembly for two thirds though in any event i believe they concluded that that would have been a step too far given the diplomatic and political situation so last spring the p.l.o. executive committee that serves as the provisional government for the state of
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palestine voted to go for un observer state membership along the lines that switzerland used to have i guess until about ten years one finally joined the united nations organization but from the very foundation of the wait until about ten years ago switzerland was a un observer state and in that capacity was able to join all of the. international organizations treaties including the statue to the international court of justice so let's talk about some of the leverage that palestine now has from the status francis what new status doesn't give an international court your kind of justice just a touch upon what the legal recourses does palestine have right now. well there are two in particular the first palestine can become
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a party to the statute of the international court of justice in the hague the so-called will court of the united nations system and then snow israel itself at the will court second telus style and can now read afai the rome statute or the international criminal court and file a complaint against the highest level officials of the israeli government so. for war crimes crimes against humanity and genocide you saw one of the reactions of the israel to the vote in the general assembly was to immediately announce the construction of more settlements are these settlements are war crimes the international court of justice the rules in the advisory opinion on israel's will they break the court's in either convention of nine hundred forty nine
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violations of the fortune even convention of one nine hundred forty nine are a war crime. statute also specifically makes a war crime the transference of million population into occupied territories by name and in addition when this practice becomes widespread or systematic and in this case it's both it becomes a crime against humanity so tell us stein can also pursue that approach as well and they are considering both these steps in ramallah today because of abbas just just for a whole return home from new york so i believe they are currently evaluating the situation and deciding how to proceed from here sure and you just mentioned before this that you know. the obama white house. tried to veto this this
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last year france as what do you think the likelihood of palestine going forward with actually charging israel now that they have the potential to join the international criminal court do you think that the u.s. is going to try to block this i mean the u.s. and israel such tight allies here obviously the u.s. u.s. was against against this vote from the beginning i mean what do you think's going to happen once they do move forward with these. but actually we already did it after operation cast lead i advise president. to accept the jurisdiction of the international criminal court under article twelve paragraph three of the world statute which he did do and then palestine filed a complaint with the i.c.c. great. operation cast lead now what happened in may a case that was then the i.c.c. prosecutor at the time moreno ocampo said he would open an investigation into two points one did palestine hands the capacity to accept the jurisdiction of the
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i.c.c. two did israel commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in operation cast lead well the latter question was answered in the goldstone report by the un human rights council that indeed israel had inflicted war crimes and crimes against humanity in operation cast lead and as for the first first point as he was leaving. called a press conference saying it was not for him to determine what palestine was a state so he was not going to act on the comply that was a real cop out for political reasons because palestine had just been admitted as a member state to unesco which is a un specialized agency in any of their last friday. compos
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successor has been pseudo has announced that in light of the un general assembly vote are giving elliston observer state status she is going to revisit that issue. but second dad that initiative was not on the basis of palestine becoming a contracting party to the. rome statute the international criminal court which they can also do so they have two different approaches to the ice queen city one of which they have already taken ok sure and in france as we have and we have a little bit a limited time here and i really want to get into a lot but do you think the u.s. is going to block any sort of charges i mean what do you think the u.s. is going to do. well they didn't block us the first time because the united states is not a party to the rome statute to the international criminal court so they they didn't
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stop was the last time when we filed after operation cast lead and their complaint is is still there and still sitting and now has a friday news bensouda said he's going to look at it so i don't see how the u.s. or israel can block us that the i.c.c. when they're not parties well what do you just mentioned netanyahu you know continuing with building settlements we saw extremely aggressive rhetoric coming from netanyahu is administration saying that they want to bomb gaza to the middle ages you know the defense minister is saying that they want to topple the hamas leadership if they do indeed get it granted stated what do you think they're going to do i mean and you think they're going to follow through with any of these these aggressive threats that they made before this happened. you know it's if mr marino all compo had announced he was opening an investigation and. israel over the canceling operation i doubt very seriously we wouldn't see what i call cast
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lead to just terminated in november with a personal green light from obama so it's clear if you read all the israeli news media they are terrified of the i.c.c. . taking action against them and my strong advice to the palestinians is that that's more that's what should be done because it's clear as far as netanyahu in the us some see it this is a zero sum game they have no interest at all in any type. well the two state solution they want all of palestine without the palestinians so i think the published unions will have to fight back by means of law which is why it's called for those so legal into thought to with at least six seven different steps that they could start taking immediate leave i do have that advice over in ramallah. president abbas just got home he will have to sit down and consult with the p.l.o.
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executive committee and decide what to do i can't say you have about thirty seconds left i just wanted to say that it's not even just the i.c.c. it's also their ability to join international courts in organizations to gain control back over their airwaves and and with the aid to fish i could you just comment on that really quickly to wrap it up yes tell us stein can become a party to the law and seek convention and get access to the gas fields near a major trainee and off the coast of gaza a party to the international civil aviation organization and get legal control over its airspace a party to the international telecommunications union and get access and control legally over all its telecommunications a party to the geneva conventions and protocols making it quite clear that israel is occupying party going to run. if there is an entire list of things that they can now do and say hey you want to observe the state most of these conventions the un
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secretary general serves as the depository for that is he accepts the instruments of exception and now the palestine is an observer state he will have to accept that and indeed thank you so much for breaking that down definitely a tremendous step and the right direction we need a cake continue with us and support all of us francis boyle appreciate your time professor of law at the university of illinois. so clearly this vote is much more than symbolic palestinians finally have the ability to bring their claim of self-determination before an international court moer over they can claim control over their land their air space their coastline is not doesn't correct decades of injustice but it is a good place to start so we can begin to move part of or just future.
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the gold fever. time sounds it's into slaves. my father but also among other involved in the mines and since i started working in the mine i stayed here to look at it. says multinationals. is a cash cow to be milked dry at least i think that in this country gold medal logie has an environmental cost which is unacceptable to local business was labeled illegal and controlled by criminals people in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. moves look up almost but we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups watch for prices colombia going to pay. the people. the modest affect on our t.v. . live live.
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