tv [untitled] December 4, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EST
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speaking exclusively to our t.v. columbia's particle rebels will say they're being forced to fight for peace as they got been keeps up with deadly raids on militants despite ongoing talks. the u.n. calls on israel to open up it's officially on acknowledge atomic bomb still for inspection and join the global nuclear nonproliferation treaty. and spain's a dead weight in banks of long live it to see another day as the eurozone finance ministers hand over forty billion euro rescue package.
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let's hope i am here in moscow you live with us on our tea with me to be on with say good to have you with us the painstaking search for peace in colombia seize the latest round of talks between the government and fog rebels begin on wednesday negotiations comes amid the deadliest military raid against the armed opposition since talks began in october the colombian president says an agreement must be reached by next november at the latest and has found to keep up military operations he says of the rebels just on they will be given a part into politics in its truth of interview to our top farkle fishel admitted they want peace but are being forced to fly for it. human how enough are gravel sent colombian officials holding talks trying to hammer out a peace deal letting america's fiercest drive also and their first attempt to put an end to the fifty years of conflict this has claimed more than half a million lives and the sole woman at the negotiating table is dutch fighter and
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yet no meyer she left her alone to join fired ten years ago to fight what she calls social justice and has become a symbol of their revolution struggle that is spoke exclusively to our t. in the fields t.v. interview she in the new talks launched we have not taken the arms because we wanted we have taken the arms because the colombian state and the united states imperialism have obliged us compel us to do so that's a that's one very important thing to keep in mind. we as an armed organization have always wanted dialogue we have always wanted peace we have always asked for peace the prospects for success during the negotiations in her honor mediated by cuba and norway a fragile this saturday the colombian army launched a bombing offensive killing twenty rebels this way fired a unilateral cease fire and then it told me that with people being killed for their views it's unfair to blame them for
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a while to people who were in colombia want to fight for ideas different than the neo liberal ideas are killed so how is it possible to participate in politics if people who have other ideas are killed and that's the reason of the armed struggle in colombia that's the reason why we are still fighting the nettled me for it is not sponsored by the other religion american countries they spied such claims from the west and also commented on scandal cost to enter the area was founded by the colombian army and was made public gauge the full interview here on r.t. it's coming your way on wednesday. israel is under pressure from the u.n. to open up to the world the nuclear arsenal it denies even exists in an overwhelming vote the general assembly approved a resolution urging the country to allow inspection of its atomic facilities archies policia reports. this one in the past has never opened its facilities in fact the israeli government has never gone on record publicly stating that it has
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nuclear capability they will sponsor is always been no comment but of course it is widely assumed and widely understood that israel has a nuclear program particularly in the south of the country in dimona what we're hearing now is a resolution that has been overwhelmingly passed by the united nations general assembly and this calls on israel to quickly open its nuclear facilities to international and inspectors from the international atomic energy agency the resolution was passed with one hundred seventy four in favor six against and six abstentions and essentially it's calling on israel to join the non proliferation nuclear treaty not as of yet it is off all countries who do have nuclear arms but who are not recognized by the nonproliferation proliferation treaty these resolutions of the united nations are not legally binding but they are important because they reflect world opinion and they certainly carry political weight so this is something that will make tel aviv sit up and take notice what we've witnessed ever since the palestinians went to the united nations last week and were
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recognized with increased status is a strong reaction from the israeli government the israeli prime minister netanyahu or non that he was approving some three thousand new sick wholeness essentially in an area known as the one which is in these two groups of the men the west bank and it does mean that these two areas will be cut off from each other the international criticism came harsh and came quickly we're not hearing that australia is the latest country to summon its ambassador to talk to him over this latest israeli move this doesn't follow announcements by force and bush and sweden that they were considering recording of their have bassett is over this announcement from tel aviv we've since heard from paris that they are not going to record ambassador but that the issue is still on the table and to quote the french ministry all options are available britain has also said that it's waiting to see how. talks will go before long says this issue but certainly there has been a lot of international condemnation it hasn't as of yet been any official israeli
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reaction to your country israelis on the ground many believe that this was a move by netanyahu ahead of jennie's parliamentary elections to try to curry favor and gone within the domestic market. iran claims to have captured an american drone it is in space the scan eagle aircraft was apparently conducting a reconnaissance of fly do when it was seized but the u.s. naval forces responded say all of the unmanned planes concert for university of tehran professors they had mahmoud marandi says washington is responsible for heightening tensions this heightened tensions because this forces iran to behave more aggressively towards the united states and its allies because it sees such actions potential the only reason why american drones could be in iranian airspace is for them to carry out surveillance operations against iranian targets the united states is behaving in
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a very hostile manner towards iran the very fact that drones are constantly going over iranian airspace the americans are carrying out. psychological warfare against the iranians they shut down the iranian central bank at preventing iran from even importing medicine some people have died because of a shortage of medicine in iran because of the sanctions that the e.u. and the united states have imposed on the country that hurt them more than anyone else because it shows how aggressive western countries are behaving and how irrational and barbaric. eurozone finance ministers are breathing life into spain's beleaguered of banks by approving a forty billion euro rescue package for them back in june the same minister says they were ready to provide aid of up to one hundred billion euro race despite the recession madrid is trying at all costs to avoid all skinful a save in bailout the salvation of spain's for nationalized banks comes as brussels discusses the very future of the whole european banking system dutch politician to
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one mendoza says the spanish government has brought the crisis on itself there is a fundamental flaw within the banking system which is there so the government has basically taken over the banks the greed of the banking cartel degree of the central bank and they allow banks to print money that is not covered by anything the government does intervene too much in the markets. and the way to solve the problem is by government withdrawing by shrinking the role of government by getting government to spend less and tax less and regulate less that's what will get economy back in order and that's what will. cause the job rate to grow again and i don't buy into this here. so. failing companies being supported by governments is only a very short term solution in the long term it is a disaster. still to come from the eurozone is
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a weakened state the to its financial stronghold saying that america has to begin high campaign for a third term as jam and chance that the one hundred reelection would mean for the single kind of the block. of flats the growing splits in the u.s. society with an online proof that bridges and movement attracting more than a million done the same report right up to the plate. wedge issues do just what their name implies they get between people and drive them apart like a wage and these issues seem to always take the forefront in the media to things like abortion gun rights marijuana legalization and the weather well the weather isn't really a where. people should talk about it way too much there's only so much room in the
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national discourse and the switch issues just eat up all the time and attention but the thing is that there's a little something called the tenth amendment you know the one that says that any powers that are specifically delegated the federal government are reserved for the states and last time i checked the constitution doesn't have a special weed clause saying that marijuana has to be an all or nothing a national proposal and that goes for abortion and most of the wedge issues also there's a simple answer all these wedge issues just left the states make up their own minds but then again without wedge issues what would the mainstream media have to distract us with but that's just my opinion. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world
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their states to be part of the u.s. marine up at nine vesa gates why a growing number of u.s. nationals are eager to rip the stalls and stripes a pot. the night. or two longer here is that for a former colony won the right to determine its all best of the. test a perfecting of our hero moves forward. for weeks following barack obama's reelection nearly one million americans have moved forward by campaigning to break apart all fifty states have filed online petitions with the white house requesting to peacefully secede from the so-called perfecting union a movement that's garnered more than thirty thousand signatures in north carolina where many like michael tuggle. see independence as a symbol may twentieth a consistent one is the day that north carolina sated from the union and america's
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stars and stripes ripping at the seams there's no doubt in my mind that it is inevitable i mean something like this with the the debt this country has with the growing disunion among in the among the people they can't last forever and that's through the lesson of history big empires always collapse under their own weight secession supporters like bernard thurst some say washington's weight of growing debt and loose wars government intrusion and a broken immigration system has become a bipartisan destructive force it's beyond reform you can't reform that federal government whether it's the republicans in charge or obama basically of the republicans are just as bad as far as we're concerned they're corrupt and are out of touch in southern former confederate states like north carolina culture and social issues play a big role for those like harold cruz who believes the u.s. is too big and thus destined to fail and the south. are
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different country already and the united states. government we have different values different belief systems critics have dismissed secessionists as disgruntled voters angry over president obama's second term however in the two thousand and eight presidential election obama became the first democrat in more than thirty years to win north carolina a red state turned blue with the promise of change four years later tens of thousands of voters in the very same state believe they'd be better off on their own. the average american the things they believe in they're tired of the endless wars and here we are talking about invading iran now i can't think of anything more the white house meanwhile promises to review and issue an official response to all petitions with twenty five thousand or more. signatories at least seven states fit that category that we used to be on the interstate driving along at thirty five
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miles an hour by ourselves with society and as a goal now are being passed on both sides and lamed by people going faster than we are and it's amazing because here we were thought to be radical fifteen or ten years ago and now we're mainstream. a mainstream movement to move apart marina porton i r r t. germany's christian democratic union is using its annual meeting to celebrate their leader in froth and get america looks set to run for thirteen as chancellor in the next years general elections and this party congress has been labeled the macao shame we're now joined live by german politicians to fund a veteran he is also the grandson of germany's first chancellor conrad at an op good to have you with us. in struggling eurozone nations like greece and portugal angela merkel is seen as a symbol of the tough austerity imposed on the people now during the latest visit to athens of posters compared to the likes of hitler why is the ngo focus so much
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on this one person. well because some structural reforms are necessary in these countries and it's always bad if such reforms are pushed from outside upon the people it would be much better if the proper government of that country and with the support of the people would come to that conclusion themselves then it wouldn't need anybody from the euro or central institutions or from any representative of any country to be taken as as a scapegoat now meccano pushed through millions of euros worth of concessions to greece and now says greece's creditors might need to take losses is that support for athens the right move from her. well what was agreed in one of the last summit meetings was a cocktail of measures and that these measures are not really the thing that where
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that what for example the international monetary fund recommended to to do have cut and this is america obviously avoided any terms to have a haircut because that would have an immediate effect on the german budget and on the german taxpayer and since we have elections in germany next year she's avoiding to have any tax money involved although the risk that it will be text money is there so despite the party losses in recent state elections are held remains pretty popular a cartoon in a german newspaper depicted just as her face at a party's program how much is that to do with personality over policy well it has a lot to do that in crisis times people always flock around the strong leaders and secondly it has to do with the fact that america is following a policy called tina there is no alternative there is neither in the union in the
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christian democratic union challenge or nor is there anybody from the opposition so far who is a strong enough personality to really challenge her. so michael is trying to tie the e.u. to a fiscal union if michael is really led to for a third term how much will her european economic policy change i mean will it become more aggressive she seems to have a lot of weight since she is the most popular person at the moment. yeah it will not become more aggressive but it will be felt more strongly because this fiscal union which is imposed from central bureaucratic brussels will force. the people to accept things that they otherwise wouldn't accept so it will become and so governments and parliaments will lose its sovereign budget rights and that is something coming from a central bureaucratic. brussels is unbelievable for
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a confederation of states as europe it is so if she is reelected will she be seeking to firmly establish germany as the center of the euro politically as well as economically. no i don't think so i think she will still seek the support of all other european partner countries however the central forces of brussels will become stronger and that is generally a bad. development it would be much better the sovereign states the consideration would have its proper parliaments to decide upon these things instead of somebody in the central in brussels stefan the vet on the german politician the leading candidate from the free voters party thank you for your time. india says it my deploy its navy in the south china sea to protect its oil interests
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delhi worried by interferences of shipping and oil exploration in the region professor joseph chang of hong kong city university things of this is part of the games all the politicians in the area. the recent course has been the issue of a new passport but it's time these authorities indicating territories in dispute between time and india chinese territories may need the two pieces of land that the eastern and western foothills of the himalayas known as the are not child but there's a site chin because of the mesquite nationalism the indian government cannot afford to be seen to be reaped in dealing with time you know obviously a higher. government popular and provides more support for military spending that has to be spending on more than a station that may be india has its own security has own is its own energy security
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problem and it is eager to explore. for oil and natural gas in a self time to see chinese authorities on one hand also has to satisfy the rest of nationalist sentiments and at the same time you would like to avoid serious conflicts. or even an escalation and with his neighbors. a look at some more international stories in brief now a number of egyptian newspapers have refused to publish their tuesday editions in protest at the nation's new draft constitution but documents has been drawn up by an islamist led panel with the backing of the president journalists are denouncing it because they're concerned about potential restrictions on freedom of expression this comes on a day new anti government marches are nouns in the capital cairo protesters want an end to the president's seizure of extra powers and
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a rethink on the constitution. nato foreign ministers are meeting in brussels where they expected to approve the deployment of patriot missiles in turkey in ankara are say its alliance partners with the weapons after several deadly cross border fire incidents with syria patriot batteries which can intercept missiles and eight crabbed are expected to be provided by america germany and the netherlands but russia has warned against the deployment saying it will only escalate the syrian conflict and destabilize the region. over a thousand protesters clashed with police as they tried to break into belfast a city hall leaving eight people injured and reza flared up after the council the catholic majority voted to remove the british union flag from the building which has been hiding there for over a century emotion cost of fierce backlash from a group of unionists protestant. new research suggests britain
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is one of the toughest countries to live in when it comes to paying taxes evidence or shows us some households are handing over a whopping seventy three percent of their income in tax with little hope of getting vital benefits in return polly boyko reports. up to seventy three percent that's the amount of tax that your average british household pays once an average british household that's two kids two parents with one breadwinner so a lot of people who are just trying to raise a family being called good by this tax that goes towards your income tax your national insurance a lot of other european developed countries they also pay a high rate of tax but nowhere near as high as the u.k. we've got the netherlands that pays around forty eight percent tax germany pays around forty percent average families that pay in tax now we spoke to a few londoners down the street and i asked them about how they feel about how much
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tax they pay let's take a listen i'm not looking for us person these players such as think it should be fair across the board people should pay proportionately. from it really. feels like it's all going to the fact that for the. communities it's just. so as you can see you know a lot of people just extremely frustrated that they aren't getting any of their local services back it's demoralizing figure and as the government had promised to recognize marriage to provide some of these tax breaks they haven't done that yet and in the run up to christmas with prices on the rise food prices fuel prices just the price of heating a family's home this is very very bad news and a lot of people feeling extremely frustrated about it. washington is reportedly planning to double the size of its spy network that brought by having more than
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sixteen hundred undercover agents it's part of an overhaul within the pentagon's defense intelligence agency which is expected to rival the cia scott houghton contributing editor of harper's magazine believes the u.s. is admitting its neglected the old fashioned tradecraft of gathering intelligence this planning change actually can be read as is an admission of sorts and that is that the intelligence that's been collected by this massive apparatus has been very very weak particularly in the critical northeast. middle east and. and the north africa region and also in pakistan the intelligence community did not see the arab spring coming. in the koreas mrs smith's about the situations in countries like egypt and syria for instance and i think in part this results from
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a heavy focus by the intelligence community overall or on the what's called signal signals intelligence that is very very sophisticated intercept systems to the detriment of the traditional human intelligence and i think now what we see in washington is a general acceptance of the fact that you can't do that the system is out of balance that they have to have much better human intelligence gathered on the ground to be able to interpret what they've gotten from signals and this is an effort to to address that problem but it also means are continuously but wounding budget for intelligence. american police make another controversial step to keep an eye on citizens running all personal text messages that's a new proposition submitted to congress by a group of law enforcement professionals that the afghans have to say about it on the web site at r.t. dot com. and scholarship with the benefit of
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a website offering university tuition for faxes exposed in the u.k. get the details online. shortly max kind of puts the finance boys us through the grind in the kaiser report coming your way after the show when. flying north with me in this old soviet work or so the helicopter is doctors running near brodsky and his team from the region's medical aviation service we head across ever more barren tundra higher and higher into russia's arctic far north until eventually we see our landing spot with the arrival of this tiny village after crossing hundreds of kilometers of snow we will do this as
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a boy here suffering from fever and the doctors are going to see what they can do. inside a small building not warm but two babies and that parents are waiting for us the doctors inspect them but can't make a diagnosis and decide to bring them to a regional hospital for better care spread larner doesn't like taking her baby away from home but she's been before and agrees to go that's the usual practice with those who live in the to indra they keep mothers with their newborns in hospital for a month. on the way back another stop to check on the health of some native minutes reindeer herders out in the tundra. it can take many hours to reach the nearest village so all medical problems simply fixed here in the tent. they used to be but now we can go to civilized places so we call for emergency help. back at hospital other patients helped by the air ambulance are being treated the service costs
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fourteen million dollars a year to run and there's been controversy with some claiming that locals exaggerate or make up health problems and use the helicopters as a free taxi service accusations land a man firmly dismisses your brother is not true usually the calls are perfectly justified sometimes we even reproach locals for waiting too long before calling us he's been working as a doctor now for forty three years but vladimir is confident the diva after he retires his helicopter doctors will remain a lifeline to the peoples of the russian far north. america kaiser welcome to the kaiser report.
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