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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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egypt's opposition groups will slap their demands on the president morsi after a lot of clashes reportedly forced him to sneak out of the back door of his own presidential palace. in the u.k. a drug bill that could give the government access to people's internet activities bought the privacy concerns of the home secretary layering everyone close to it as terrorists and people files. and israel furiously rebuffed the u.n. calls to reveal the truth about its nuclear program using your knowledge it has a tomic weapons are provided proof it doesn't.
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you're watching live from moscow with me to say opposition groups in egypt have issued a set of demands to the country's president mohamed morsi aimed at scrapping his latest political drives this follows a fierce standoff outside the presidential palace in cairo which reportedly forced the egyptian leader to lead the building kyra based reporter beltran has more. i was that in the march tenth that tens of thousands of protesters coming from various locations in cairo converging in front of the presidential palace in this suburb of cairo when they got there they were greeted by police behind barbed wire and really i mean speaking of the protesters they felt like they wanted to protest the walls of the presidential palace to the president not to what they said was a bunch of police so what happened is they broke through the barbed wire which obviously was met with to tear gas so quite hard to grasp by the police who
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actually fled eventually the tens of thousands of protesters continue and had their protest there in front of the walls right now as you can see behind me got an ongoing sit in the hundreds that sleeping in on tahrir square and in addition we've got hundreds outside the presidential palace also staging a sit in the national salvation front which is the kurdish the opposition forces they have three points they put towards president morsi the first one is for this contentious constitutional declaration which she issued last week which awards him sweeping powers to be rescinded but the second one is the referendum on the constitution what's happened recently is of course that the egypt's constitution was written very fast passed by the president to put to referendum which many people see quite a bad move by the president if they believe that the assembly that wrote the constitution is in fact going to just submit they're asking for this referendum which is due to take place next week to be canceled the third point is for
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a new constituent assembly one representative of egypt what happens was during that process of drafting the constitution majority of the leftist liberals and church representatives staged a mass recount of the assembly saying that they were bullied by the islamist dominated body into writing a kind of constitution they don't like we've got quite a few of may just be said to the just saw. which are joining the protests for example yesterday we saw a journalist striking at least fourteen newspapers and different need t.v. channels refused to publish yesterday in protest of what they said was impingement on press freedoms and freedoms of expression edition we have a judicial strike which has been ongoing there all since the constitution that gratian was announced we have seen supports all the presidents and the brotherhood is organization we saw months ronnie's on suffered a organized by division brotherhood an ultra conservative groups so we're really
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seeing is a divided country. and as problems discontent over egypt's leadership grows allowed that hour to dot com we're asking what the sweeping anger against president morsi me ultimately so far the majority of those who've already taken part on our side to vote think that the egyptian leader will cancel his new decrees in order to stay in office for to begin the new wave of anti-government protests will result in further instability leading to a libya style more others are split between. some blame the military adds president mubarak's clerical will return to power and others are leaning towards morsi is a potential resignation and so do you dot com and have your say. when reaching for the skies it's not a bad idea to ask friends of for help but sometimes even that doesn't fly we report a little later on how washington is having trouble convincing its allies to intercept suspected arms exports from iran.
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the cream of us the syrian rebel factions the newsroom front will soon reports claim be designed designated rather as a terrorist organization by the united states the hardline islamist group has been at the forefront of recent rebel victories in syria with some describing it as the most elite of all the empty assad forces the group said you have been behind a slew. suicide bombings and filmed executions but has avoided any serious scrutiny from foreign backers until now meanwhile nato has promised to station patriot and to air missiles in turkey at the request of encore a move that some sees as baseless. every massacre there happens anywhere even in the suburbs of damascus we will use our people there in future in it by islamists gains as well and sometimes these are perpetrated by these weapons against themselves supported by saudi arabia some by carter logistical support by turkey
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buying weapons in the black market in the middle east and as far as ukraine as we already know we have to analyze the picture of missiles at the border we just highlight why do usually you and me u.s. officials for chemical weapons being deployed out of our shores are just completely absurd f.p. trip reso isn't that tact weapon is not a deterrent it only specially of course if that the syrian army it never launched missiles across the border against circuits because they know they will be attacking our nato allies. supporting the rebels is one thing though but putting spikes in assad's wills is another america's been demanding iraq surge as syria's bomb planes for weapons going so far as to call an aide to ground all passing jets but to washington's dismay baghdad hasn't been all that enthusiastic his marine of a ny reports. as the syrian government struggles to stay in power fighting against
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rebels backed by the west america is also attempting to suffocate the alleged weapons flying into damascus washington accuses iran of being the key arms supplier to assad forces and to stop the transfer the us is now reportedly demanding that baghdad inspect planes flying from iran over its airspace into syria and their american government unfortunately. very strong rule in many other countries this is just one more example amazing thing is that the american government is saying that they can control flights over countries and force. forces. by doing so the u.s. has created something of a paradox forcing iraq to prevent iran from dealing with syria by bringing up this issue of so-called weapons applied to just another way to pressure the baghdad
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regime united states feel that it's not invested blood and treasure in terms of overthrowing saddam hussein that it has the right if not the obligation to then order the internal affairs of the baghdad regime obviously. objects to this kind of approach and i daresay that the iraqi people object to that approach as well the names u.s. officials have complained that baghdad is not doing enough to cooperate with washington's demands since september iraq has only managed to allegedly inspect two iranian planes baghdad does not have an air force and grounding planes is proving too costly as they must be refueled after each check recently iraq made it clear that it is not willing to march to the beat of america's drum in an interview with the new york times iraq's minister of transportation said quote we are an independent country and our stance is clear we will search whichever plane. we want whenever we want we will not take orders i think they're expecting everyone else to
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take our most countries doing to any sanctions or ill treatment of the american government so. there's shock that the iraq don't feel the same water why should the welcome in iraq is lost. even before the war started with the sanctions and the killing of children by lack of medicines all the way through displacing people and send them to other countries including in syria nearly one decade after saddam hussein was ousted by the us led invasion into iraq washington is pressuring a new governor of the very same country to help the leader of a different one as america continue supporting syria's opposition in part by policing iran iraq for its all to march in lockstep with orders has criticism thing of a middle east triangle the white house may not be able to navigate. or not artsy.
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people in britain face being branded terrorists or paedophiles if they refuse to allow the government to pry into the internet activities things that according to the u.k.'s home second tree after she said and you want to pose to the communications data bill fell into one of those groups are tea party boy who takes up the story. the way it would work if paused is that the police and security services would have unbridled access to your internet data by obliging mobile phone service providers and internet providers to store that internet history your data for a year now the government say that it's a necessary move in order to safeguard the public and to fight crime that's being organized through the internet increasingly such as it extremism and paedophile rings but civil liberties groups are up in arms about it they say it's an in and infringement of your civil rights they've called it the snoopers charter and we hit
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the streets of london a little bit earlier to talk to the general public about what they thought of the prospect of the government being able to snoop in on that email history of their web browsing history and their social networking history let's take a listen to what they told us how would you feel about the police having access to internet search history not so good without more concern i think something like gave my concern i wouldn't mind i would mind but only. on the very condition i think you have to have control of one area of your life or look them in one area just to have access to the home secretary to reason may she's behind the draft bill and she's been lobbying it quite aggressively and some critics saying in rather a bizarre fashion actually she said in an interview with the sun criminals terrorists and paedophiles will want m.p.'s to vote against this bill whereas victims of crime police and the public will want them to vote for it and it's
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a question of whose side you're on now i've got nick pickles who's the director of civil liberties group big brother watch in the studio here with me now and then here's something to you on are all the people opposed to this legislation criminals terrorists and paedophiles as the home secretary suggests. that everybody opposed this bill. force of those categories there are people from every political party syria will reinforce with officers technical experts so i think it was very crude but we've got interpol saying that cyber crime is now one of the fosters growing criminal activities on the planet i mean the government's right for looking for some sort of solution to this growing problem while on the big think about this bill if you're looking for a needle in a haystack don't solve the problem but there are lots more we should have a new powers but they should be used against individuals operations what this bill proposes is that everybody in the country great with multiple there you have it
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a very quick some virtual idea from the home office and one that might not go down too well with the rest of the government we've got reports that deputy prime minister nick clegg is preparing to oppose it because of the prospect of infringement of civil rights here in the u.k. well staying with the u.k. as its ties with the euro becoming even more than that as the mayor of london calls for a referendum on whether britain should come back its relationship with the e.u. backed by a groundswell of public support for complete withdrawal from the bloc. beijing is looking to do away with the bomb the communist party of china is on a mission to reinvent itself in less a long winded more red carpet extravaganza banquets that's ahead for you. no one should be proud. of scrap metal littering pristine arctic landscape building
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stilton over their foundation pipes spewing black smoke over the snow covered peaks the traces of the soviet industrial activity on the spitzbergen archipelago don't make a pretty picture the guiding principle here is the worst the better that can do nine hundred eighty s. there was a bird. joining mining community. was determined to maintain at all costs to a degree located halfway between north america and western europe the bergen archipelago is part of norway but a special status that allows other countries to set up industrial bases here in the middle of the cold war it served as the us is ours westernmost outpost now it's one of the last preserved relics. it is essentially a picture of what would have happened to the soviet union if it was cut off from any financial support for two decades it's a curious site for western tourists and i think it could be even more appealing for
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russian travellers the local administration is increasingly under pressure to bring the infrastructure up to more than standards these modernization efforts are not very popular with tourists if you come into a very authentic place like. it should stay the way it is that would be my wish i mean that's the part of the let you know authentic tradition here. i should not i would not like to have it in a shiny condition to be on the time to change even for the better is not always good for business something that even a local band has become attuned to when they try to add morning russian songs to the repertoire of the audience called all they wanted to hear it was a song comfortably familiar.
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today. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. culture is the same or different if you signature. mark my words would seem to see only two years ago could become a reality very soon with a strong sense of identity and spread across the middle east.
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this is our team the united nations general assembly is pressing israel to reveal its nuclear arsenal and israel has less start against the overwhelming approval of the resolution which calls for international inspectors to be allowed to examine its atomic program that's one minister said the virgil was moving less the country also rejected a un backed conference on a new free middle east israel denies it has nuclear weapons but refuses to provide proof that it doesn't aren't his policy to try to lift the veil surrounding israel's atomic program it's a story that has all the ingredients and in truth of a hollywood blockbuster nucleus migraine a hollywood producer and then israeli prime minister it's a story right here in tel aviv the authorities don't want to talk about but two
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israeli americans have put pen to paper it's probably be the best kept secret in the world on center stage as are known mulch and a hollywood producer and israeli undercover agent who's alleged to have smuggled nuclear triggers from the united states into israel a california engineer richard kelly smith says he was recruited by most in the early seventy's smith was later convicted in the united states of running an american front company to help move. the story first surface to may be i fall is released at the end of last year and enjoys of goldman's tell all book come. potential but this was a very limited operation in fact windham a com which is the hebrew acronym for science liaison bureau with the nablus even the assad was unaware of its existence and only it was basically created behind the back of this with the purity of data from an earlier this year the f.b.i. released these documents from a seven year investigation which began in one thousand nine hundred five they show
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how a network of fund companies connected to these weighty defense ministry smuggled nuclear triggers out of the united states to israel what's a parent in the documents is that the israeli ministry of defense would place an order for prohibited items with an israeli company called he light trading the light trading is where benjamin netanyahu worked and would meet with richard kelly smith. when he visited israel then they would transfer the order to an organization called milko in california to fulfill the order violating export control act and shipping the triggers out of the united states they called it the operation project printer all the allegations are based on smith's testimony and many have been surprised by the detail if you take a look at the documents netanyahu is definitely mentioned in the documents and that's what surprises us because typically. you get two types of sensors of this type of document sometimes a block off an entire page sometimes of this block of
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a name in this case netanyahu his name is clearly stated in the documents in the documents it is alleged netanyahu asked mulch and the hollywood producer not to discuss the matter publicly in a written response to r.t. the israeli foreign ministry denied all allegations on the other side of the story aside from the leaked documents washington today is keeping quiet israeli new capabilities are some of the most guarded secrets the u.s. government holds far more secret some would argue then information it has about iran but for the foreseeable future the book on israel's nuclear secrets is closed police here r.t. israel. well iran might have caught the us red handed with the military secret of this is to run is now threatening legal action in the hague against washington after claiming to have captured one of america's drones buzzing in the country skies iran accuses washington of carrying out reconnaissance flights but the us
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navy has denied using any of its unmanned aircraft last month opened fire on a larger predator drone without hitting it saying it violated iran's airspace. serbia's ambassador to nato branislav a million coverage or has committed suicide in brussels he leaped to his death from an airport carpark over eight meters high and on the name to be an official said he acted without provocation while waiting for foreign ministries job who were due to hold talks with nato officials the fifty two year old envoys leaves behind six sons . of the far reaching criticism of massive spending china's president to be has announced things are going to be getting a little less show him so it's out with a huge entourages massive banquets and the red carpet will be rolled up and stored at the chiang gang from the national university of singh singapore says it's the result of pressure from both within and outside the country. of course the new
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leadership on the stance. communist party narcos faced a big problem both in its crisis which means actually. rule the bottom and off the social media has cost them more and more dollars on the corruptive and the lavish lifestyle of. communist party congress we also witnessed. a serious reports five international of media talking about. scandals and the corrupt to be a.v.o.'s related to the communist party. officials so i think you see it's a kind of also a kind of response to the international critics of. ari. the mayor of london has adjusted the u.k. should significantly cut back its wings with the e.u. doubling the euro as a calamitous project because the referendum on the role of the country in the bloc
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robert oulds director at the bridge group a think tank says of the mayor has struck a chord with the british people as a majority want the u.k. ote of the e.u. once and for all. according to the opinion polls most people in britain do want the u.k. out of the european union they think the e.u. is a massive burden both in terms of tax amount of money you have to pay to the you each year and of course it regularly treat burden trade with other businesses individuals on the continent will always continue whether we're in the you whether we're out of the a you remember of the european economic area britain has global trading links we don't really need to be run by brussels and the institutions of the european union telling this country what to do we are big enough to manage our own affairs the economic evidence is really pointing towards if it were to leave the european union it would be actually help the british economy it would actually help our economy to grow and it would reduce the burden on the british taxpayer.
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the fiscal cliff of american politics and just what it bodes for all of us that's up next well our lester. download the official ati application to cell phone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's t.v. is not required to watch all its hear all you need is your mobile device to watch ati any time of the. wealthy british style signs. on. the. market why not
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it all. skewed.
5:27 am
good afternoon welcome to capital account i'm lauren lyster here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for tuesday december fourth two thousand and twelve the g.o.p. has made a counteroffer to the white house on the fiscal cliff and the endless conversation continues today with president obama giving his first post-election one on one interview here's a snippet i think reassured the man when will the two of you sit down in or around the you know i don't think that the issue right now that's to do with sitting in a room. there was plenty of that throughout the interview but do these twenty four
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seven deficit debates do you want to undermine perceptions of america and the dollars position in the international monetary system then they do to address the nation's growing debt real discuss uncle sam exorbitant privilege despite the budget woes and assess the competitive currency landscape plus the dollar fell against other currencies to a six week low this morning according to reuters which cited concerns over a fiscal cliff deal but what does the so-called dollar index really gauge when it comes to the greenbacks true value will break it down and word of the day and paying people to track the comings and goings of private corporate jets and the big wigs on them amount to this. material nonpublic information which is defined as the information that the average investor doesn't have the capability of an insider trading case pretty damn. there is a debate we'll talk about it and loose change let's get to today's capital account .
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while a fiscal cliff debate seems to consume the domestic airwaves it also reverberated around the global echo chamber providing a baseline for headlines like this that we found a day in the english edition of the chinese government news source no deal in sight on the u.s. fiscal cliff to the international edition of the german paper der spiegel budget disarray u.s. set to restage greek tragedy now it may not represent the same type of threat but it is reminiscent of the debt ceiling debate in the summer of two thousand and eleven after which the u.s. of course lost its aaa credit rating from s. and p. for the first time in history now the ratings agency then.


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