tv [untitled] December 5, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EST
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pending further investigations of brain tumors in animals but there's more check it out in the circulation of the brain and the and the veins and arteries of the brain there is an enzyme that can convert methyl alcohol to from alcohol and in the human breast monti says that means an increased risk of breast cancer this chart shows how breast cancer has risen along with the increased use of aspartame. so knowing that cyril purposely falsified tests and there is data supporting a rise in cancer directly linked aspartame you might be wondering how did this chemical actually get approved while enter ronald reagan after the act is board of inquiry halted as pertains approval ronald reagan became president and his transitional team which included donald rumsfeld c.e.o. of cereal then a hand-picked doctor or third hole his junior to be the new f.d.a. commissioner and and one of his first official acts the new have to commissioner
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overall rule the public board of inquiries recommendations and authorize aspartame to flood the food market later arthur hole left the f.d.a. and took a position with burreson marcel or the chief p.r. firm for both monsanto and g.d. cyril conflict of interest much revolving door politics at its best and over the last thirty years aspartame has made its way into thousands of food products despite its sort of past weight conscious americans will likely still opt for products containing aspartame because it's marketed as a weight loss aid but ironically studies have shown that consuming artificial sugars actually increases appetite sugar intake and weight gain because empty sweetness makes your body expect food and when food doesn't arrive your body gets hungrier and you tend to consume more so here's a lesson before you reach for that diet coke think about this all they have to
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claims to be checking up on aspartame you and i need to be checking up on the f.d.a. . you may not be aware but right now there's a man named jeremy hammond sitting in prison charged for his role in the hack of strategic forecasting incorporated or strapped for a private intelligence firm jeremy has pleaded not guilty yet he's been confined to prison for over eighteen months so far all without bail and with this trial not scheduled until next year if jeremy is convicted eight months will be a drop in the bucket because he faces thirty seven years to life in prison a pretty hefty sentence for someone trying to expose an aspect of a surveillance state that's becoming ever more pervasive by the day so here to talk about all that and more is someone who's been following this case very closely michael ratner president emeritus of the center for constitutional rights and
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attorney for joining us songe and wiki leaks michael thank you so much for joining me i'm so pleased you're covering this important case michael what exactly are prosecutors alleging jeremy has done can you run us through the charges well they allege that he with a group of people roughly possibly known as anonymous and others like they have hacked into the stratfor e-mails and into their web site and account there as you said there are actually a private spying company there like a private cia they spied on everything from the yes men to people who were opposing dow chemical for what happened in bhopal to organizations like peta they did work for the cia for the israeli army private security company revolving door with other government officials and they allegedly hacked into that jeremy hammond is accused of various computer fraud crimes which could amount as you said to
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a thirty seven year to life to life sentence he was part of this group allegedly called anonymous interestingly there was a government informant in that group a man made a name so blue and it's very arguable here. that the actual crime was in fact like many other entrapment we've heard of in recent times set up by the f.b.i. they bought the computer for their informants who they actually knew these documents were being allegedly were uploaded to my client wiki leaks and they let it happen in fact they facilitated it so you already have a crime that may not have actually been a crime but the worst aspect i saw was when i went to the bail hearing for jeremy hammond i saw a judge there who was very very hostile jeremy hammond and really had the decision in my view to deny jeremy hammond bail written before she'd actually even heard the arguments she should have given him bail he has a hundreds of thousands of documents to go over he can't do this in his jail cell without his attorneys there and they had a bet they had
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a bail system set up for him house to live in and she's still in a very harsh statement denied him bail now one aspect i want to bring out on that is it may be that her partiality or her bias in this case which i think is a at least the appearance of buys if not more can be illustrated by the fact that her husband is an attorney at a big law firm in new york and around the world may be called cahill and his e-mail was one of the according to documents that i've seen was one of the hack hacked e-mails that was apparently involved in stratfor in some way you're getting the newsletter or something but his name and e-mail appears on the e-mails that were hacked out of the strip for e-mails so if she has an interest in the case she should not be on this case well she is she really cute i mean what's happening with her obviously that is a giant conflict of interest you said it yourself that she has a very stern line. bail i mean it is she doing anything to recruit recuse herself
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or is there any pressure for her to step down well i don't know what the lawyers are going to do ultimately they may make a motion to get her to recuse herself from the case it seems. obvious to me that even if it's not actual bias it's an appearance of bias that makes everything she does in the case in my view very very questionable question a bold there's a federal statute on this i think it's a very strong issue in the case and when the denial of bail to someone like jeremy hammond who's facing a long sentence was unjustified to me i mean she claimed he was a threat to the community we guaranteed her his lawyers guaranteed that he would not have access to a computer you know how to do that in these kind of cases all kinds of sex offenders who use computers for all kinds of and the fair use reasons are out on bail but jeremy hammond is and you get the feeling from this judge the chief things jeremy hammond is so smart that he can go on line by walking down the street it's
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really outrageous jeremy hammond did something here if he did it the allegations that documents are so important for really trying to deconstruct and get rid of a national security state that's surveilling all of us now it's the private part of it versus the public part of it which of course bradley bradley manning was allegedly involved in i think that's just what's so disgusting about it is here is this aspect this private aspect as you mentioned of the ever pervasive surveillance state that's that the data mining collecting information on all of us yet someone who allegedly taps into an aspect of that is just has the hammer down so hard on him and other people who do similar things it doesn't seem like they get this much heat on them and this many charges piled against them do you think that they're just trying to set an example for him and why haven't we heard more about this case and you mentioned earlier it's not really getting that much attention why don't we talk to people in europe they can't believe that something like this is facing
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thirty seven years i mean my view about this is if there's a if he did it and if there's a technical violation of a law here that is so well weighed by the good that has happened because the stratfor e-mails have been revealed a lie. those of bradley manning allegedly revealed as well the question is why isn't it getting more press i mean i think right now we're at a critical moment on this national surveillance state and the government is coming down very hard and saying we want to keep our secrets of criminality we want to keep our secrets of our her pocket c. of our secret wars of our spying and we will hammer the people who try and expose them and unfortunately they're trying to hammer jeremy hammer and you're also you're an attorney for julian a songe when you look at what's going on with the songe manning and jeremy hammond i mean are we seeing a trend developing right now you just said it's just really just put down a hard line against people who even try to take on this surveillance state and president obama's prosecuted more whistleblowers than any other administration how do we fight back against this i mean it does seem that they're really they're
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really going after whistleblowers and publishers like my client julian assange and i think that we're starting to see some fight back we're starting to see groups supporting jeremy hammond i was at a bradley manning meeting yesterday or lecture in washington that was also well attended by julian assange i think has a lot of support so i think there is a fight back but you know and then the president obama passes a bill supposedly protecting whistleblowers i mean what utter hypocrisy is that when he has prosecuted as you said more whistleblowers and all other presidents put together and he's trying to hammer someone like jeremy hammer and really quickly how is jeremy even charged with anything i mean if he's pled not guilty there's no it's kind of like the bradley manning thing where you just sit in a cell without actually being charged how is it possible that the judge has actually put these charges on him without you know laying them out or giving them any sort of pretrial where there is an indictment against jeremy hammond and
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a number of other people so there is an indictment but nothing's been proven and the fact that the judge denied bail in this situation is someone who's been sitting in jail for eight months already and because there's so many documents will be. being there another year or more if you doesn't get bail is is this just utterly outrageous the fact that the judge appears to have a conflict of interest in this case or bias in this case or at least appearance of bias in this case is another are re just fair the fact that that what is happening with a lot of these people the jeremy hammons of the world is that we did this and whether we did this or not is that they are doing a lot of good for really trying to break a national surveillance state you know i think they just need tremendous support on believe a ball thank you so much for coming on breaking it down i mean it's just outrageous that he's been sitting there for so long no charges and no real visibility i commend you for bringing much needed light to this case michael ratner appreciate your time very much thank you. ok like you say so far go to our you tube channel
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youtube dot com slash break in a set and subscribe to our facebook page at facebook dot com slash break in the set or you can follow me on twitter at abby martin and i took a break from my preaching for now but stay tuned to hear if syria is the beginning of another international military engagement in the middle east next. download the official publication so choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from. now a t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device watch on t.v. any time. wealthy british sign on the sun. that's not on the.
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market why not. come to. find out what's really high. but into the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lang you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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since the conflict began according to you when over four hundred thousand syrian refugees have fled to neighboring countries with turkey hosting over a quarter of the refugees since the violent civil war broke out the death toll from both sides of the fighting has reached somewhere around forty thousand people with no clear and to violence in sight and the question of syria is one that has polarized the international community unfortunately it's the syrian people who are paying the price just today secretary general of nato anders rasmussen announced that nato has approved the deployment of anti missile batteries along turkey's border with syria check it out thank you. is clear energy program and will be chill protect turkey it will be surely defensive in nature it will in no way support a no fly zone or any offensive operation. it is
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a clear. nature oh shut it down eighty five so is this the beginning of yet another international military engagement in the middle east and what will become of syria if the assad regime falls to discuss this and more i'm joined by author and investigative journalist webster tarpley thanks for coming on thank you so you know your errors story in that you've been studying politics for decades but you're also an economist and you just wrote a book about multiple things that are to do the economy and you propose something different than what we've been hearing about this fiscal cliff is this doomsday impending fiscal cliff what do you think yes it's actually very simple if you look at the u.s. debate about the so-called fiscal cliff fiscal cliff is really a fraud it's a it's a term invented by helicopter ben bernanke of the federal reserve so not a good thing it's designed to stampede people here's the main idea you don't need to have genocidal austerity by cutting social security medicare medicaid
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unemployment benefits food stamps in particular there's one huge flow of wealth that has not ever been taxed in recent years it's called wall street if you look at the main zombie banks and wall street wells fargo bank of america citi bank goldman sachs they generally pay zero federal corporate income taxes that's one side they pay nothing over a period of ten years they might pay one and two percent at most but the other thing is the turnover in other words they're buying and selling their trading they're doing flash trading high frequency trading they're doing a million trades per second on one computer and they have many computers there's no sales tax on any of that the average person to buy a pair of shoes or some clothing or some electronics you're going to pay sales tax in america that range ranges between six percent and twelve percent it's just gone up again in california which is a regressive tax it's a terrible way to do things why not. impose
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a sales tax on wall street call it the wall street sales tax i think that makes a lot of sense there was one between one thousand nine hundred sixteen and one nine hundred sixty six there was a very small wall street sales tax new york state still has a wall street sales tax but they give it back they give it back to the banks because the banks say don't you dare texas so we'll go to jersey so they they caved in there's also there is still right now today a tiny tiny tax on wall street turnover it's point zero zero zero zero something or other and that goes to finance the securities and exchange commission so there's no doubt about the constitutionality it's easy to collect the stuff has to go across exchanges or be enforced in the court. and the amount well the turnover is in the quadrillions six to seven quadrillions of derivatives stocks bonds you put a one percent tax on that your revenue enhancement is probably in the area of many trillions. we don't know how many trillions because obviously the speculation would
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tend to go down it just shows you how the narrative is imposing on us you know the shared sacrifice all you know we need to cut across the board it's really they have to meet the two tiered justice system but i didn't want to say going to syria i know i have i really want to get your input on that we just heard from nato secretary general announcing these missile i mean what does this signify that mean there's a bloody hypocrite we saw him during libya he says hands are dripping with blood so he's coming forward as a great human rights champion i was able to do a trip around syria just a little bit more than a year ago and on this network on russia today i said in an interview from damascus what's going on here are nato death squads that is the the main thing that's always been the heart of the matter essentially nato has gone around and collected every jihadi every islamicist fanatic every misfit everything. patsy from
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a stretch of land from morocco to indonesia from chechnya down to somalia. to kosovo and so forth and they've shipped them in and they've given them weapons and different countries have different groups right there is the syrian national council which is the french d.g.'s the secret service with money from cutter the most of the of these death squads are paid for by saudi arabia they take orders over the television from a guy called a ruler who is or a crazy fanatic and now we've got the new one which is the u.s. backed one the new syrian national coalition a new puppet group paid for by the u.s. organized by ambassador robert ford who had been the u.s. ambassador to damascus he's a guy who learned the death squad technique from the past master from negroponte in central america and then in baghdad and concerning this syrian national coalition
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the head of that is a very interesting guy he's an anglo dutch agent he's a british dutch agent he's an executive of royal dutch shell he's a lobbyist for royal dutch shell he's kind of like cause i remember karzai in afghanistan was union oil this guy is royal dutch shell so there's nothing syrian about this in other words these are foreign fighters it's what use would have been called the cia secret army in the old days i wanted to play a couple clips that are just all too reminiscent of that they are iraq plato's republic. it should come as no shock then that since saddam hussein forced out the last inspectors in one thousand nine hundred eighty we have amassed much intelligence indicating that iraq is continuing to make these weapons and today i want to make it absolutely clear to us saad and those under his command the world is watching the use of chemical weapons. is and would be totally unacceptable
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and if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons there will be consequences and you will be held accountable unbelievable so we see this you know this this lead up the propaganda really going strong first of all i never understood why weapons as a means to judge justify a preemptive invasion on any country but aside from that why are we hearing this rhetoric now. you get the impression that the nato. aggressive circles were coming call them the the top imperialists and nato want to bring this to some kind of a conclusion the point of this has nothing to do with democracy if you can smash the syrian state and reduce that into chaos chaos of the libyan type and you see you go to benghazi tobruk turn or you'll see a place where death squads rule there is no government right it's a complete chaos and anarchy they'd like to have that in syria syria of course is more complex because you've got fifteen percent christians of all different kinds
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you've got druzes you've got shiites you've got all the whites you've got any number of other other different groups so if you can shatter that society then you've got complete chaos and if you've done that you've cut off the strategic depth of hezbollah in lebanon you've deprived them of their supply routes and you've also eliminated the main arab or regional ally of iran and this is a process that never ends in other words it's subversion it's not supposed to be heavy bombing although it could easily become that but the idea is to overthrow these countries one by one and eventually they'll go on to iran the problem is it's an illusion and the words of people around obama the sort of bridge in ski school as distinct from the neo con school they delude themselves that by using these methods they can do everything with color revolutions and subversion and cyber warfare information warfare cut off the television economic sanctions
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assassinations drones this entire package and that they can avoid large scale wars the problem is sooner or later they're going to run into a country that will resist. more aggressively that will retaliate in the classic cold war ways and that might be iran or that it might also be russia or china further on so it's it's a blind alley and i think the main thing is. how do you stop it i would suggest two things the one thing is a worldwide movement to bring in a peacekeeping force there is an organism called the collective security treaty organization this is sort of what filled the old soviet space after the the warsaw pact ended so it's russia kazakhstan and some others why not have. peacekeeping troops from the collective security treaty organization go in and separate the contenders inside inside syria it would be a way of saying recognizing the fact that syria belongs to the russian sphere more
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or less in terms of the of the division of the world the other thing though is if you look at who's destabilizing syria you see saudi arabia. qatar now the thing about those places or jordan similar is that these are futile monarchies these are absolute monarchies of a type you don't find anywhere else in the world they were about four or five hundred years behind the time some horrendous human rights abusers absolutely article in the washington post today that one fourth of the people in saudi arabia live in poverty see maginnis a parasitical royal family of thousands of princes and princelings who live in the lap of luxury and still with all that oil money they can't have a decent standard of living for four or five million the question now is when the revolution hits those places and also terrible human rights abuses i think it might relieve the pressure on syria if saudi arabia. were kept busy at home with their
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own problems which they should pay attention to rather than meddling in syria unfortunately out of time there's so much more to talk about thank you so much for coming thank you for giving a little bit insight on the situation. of the syrian conflict continues above all else it's important remember that the ones who suffer the most are innocent civilians muslim and christian have suffered through almost three years of war and now it's time to stop politicizing the conflict because the syrian people shouldn't be pawns in this imperialist chess game. we speak your language. not a day of school music programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tentative angles kidney's stories. you hear. that
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as an environmental cost which is an acceptable local business was labeled illegal and controlled by criminals you know in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. most almost that we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups watch for prices colombia going to pay. the full modest effect on our tea. leaves it's. nice to. see.
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