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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2012 4:30am-5:00am EST

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i can imaging this picture out of a movie that we have let me in the tub drug their lives in a big house with a swimming pool and a fountain in a lot of gold and they really like that the ones you arrest look anything like those in the movies do you when you. do have a lot of money i didn't see the rolling money actually money plays the central role in criminal groups and even with terrorists because to musette shoot amounts of drugs they don't rely on pepper spray for protection which they have machine guns explosives and telecom devices that can use drugs go hand in hand with paramilitary groups but i mean it's not a group at all there's for. me ask what they look like i don't mean just outwardly mean is i mean do they actually show off their wealth a lot of creative anything eve so they can run the engine species do they look like any other person in run their daily business in secrecy. but most of these people are not too refined so well mannered. so of course they like to show off
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they're all pure learns but because of their. perception your version here agency reports that this particular network we're talking about was transporting drugs to russia and you confirmed that a moment ago and i see russia is not the final destination is it and i usually we hear that russia has been a transit country for drugs going to europe and the beauty of europe absolutely no this is totally not true. unfortunately you may hear comments like that from some politicians and from some un officials but we always respond to that and explain that there is no data to confirm the trust should transits here into europe . well i don't mean russia does it it's just the drugs go through russia. drugs don't go through russia we ask the police chiefs. countries about that and
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they all said no no i'll take whatever countries like it was biggest in order to stay in do they also deny the drugs go from afghanistan to russia through their territory. because there is no point in denying that them so they admit that yes drugs go through their countries probably most of the drugs go through to them which is understandable given a fifteen hundred kilometer border with afghanistan but actually all those countries are involved in transit in drugs to russia because living standards are higher here so the market is in russia the distribution market is here in russia yes this probably makes your work much more difficult because countries like to stay in are not fighting drugs as intensely i would think but about him. we have a good working relationship with them by the way to morrow will open a conference for the chiefs of c.i. a sent in a cause occasion says so number one we closely cooperate and number two it's
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a list that we provide technical and financial assistance to agencies. on. the two thousand and twelve world drug report says opium production is once against the up in afghanistan the world's biggest opium cultivation and no matter what measures are taken by the government the war on drugs has so far been a failure. to me there has more. drug fighters had reason to be happy in two thousand and ten when afghanistan's opium production hard however the amount of all produced did not doing do due to measures taken against them it was plant disease which wiped out almost top the crop in two thousand and eleven opium production rebounded seventy thousand tons were produced globally to two thousand and twelve. well drug report states that use in production of illicit drugs has
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remained stable over a decade one in every two hundred people worldwide is a drug addict when of all levels of cultivation and production of opium and coca use there's always a rise in levels of synthetic track production in general whenever a drug is banned a new one emerges very quickly to burgeon in international trade is only to the advantage of drug traffickers is hiding our cortex within the massive global movement of goods is becoming easier. this year we'll turn to. food exposed to say or of governments and the un to win the global war on drugs the report says a hundred billion years dollars using only spent on inforcing to weren't drugs despite the efforts of the world's largest illegal commodity market as an estimated turnover of over three hundred thirty billion u.s.
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dollars. it's a basically all countries around the world have been fighting drugs regulation and drug cartels for number of years now but like our correspondent is here so far they've been losing this war so if you agree with this statement or does it sound offensive to you well first i totally disagree and second the war on drugs hasn't started in earnest yet really yes fourteen years ago back in one thousand nine hundred eight the u.n. general assembly adopted a political declaration on drug control and the central idea of this declaration is elimination of the cotton crops when especially coca and opium poppy. but instead of being eliminated those crops have doubled. afghanistan alone produces twice as much hearing today as the whole world produced fourteen years ago as a priest or do. the situation is only getting worse so we suggest
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a comprehensive and balanced approach that would eliminate drug production a primary objective is to destroy drug production. when you see the war hasn't even started given that you don't have an issue legislation i mean worldwide. i think that yes we need the international community to condemn this phenomenon when you have industrial production of cocaine in south america and heroin in afghanistan. but what's the problem is a joke operating through their lobby groups to prevent efficient laws from being adopted. oh yes i think this is part of the problem with another part because the politicians themselves have not fully realized the danger of drug production most
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countries focus on fighting drug trafficking and drug distribution but nobody really fights drug production is like fighting cancer there is no point in fighting men to static tumors without addressing the original tumor this phenomenon is actually a direct threat to international peace and security which means this is something that the u.n. security council and not just the general assembly should deal with all governments want to control everything they think this is a government's main function to control everything including drug use in drug distribution but this is why i mean you can freeze one to legalize what they call soft drugs so the least harmful drugs you think i called that this is a road to nowhere that tell us why. and you know a quarter conventions in general assembly declarations don't allow legalization of drugs and here is why. even the drugs that you referred to as soft like. marry
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juana for example damage the central nervous systems they kill people they destroy their personality. at the worst number one and number two this business generates huge profits which will immediately send crime rates up so it's a grave mistake but the roots of this movement to lend lies marijuana. holding to those who benefit from drug production and drug trade and in addition to organized crime this includes strange as it may seem the international finance system is after the financial crisis but cash bangs but started accepting drug money to improve their financial situation. so that's the way it is now. he recently suggested criminalizing drug abuse even started preparing a bill to this effect but at the same time you personally said that this punitive
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approach was over and that it had proved ineffective in our country one people are prosecuted every year and those people are sent to rehabs which wait a minute even though if you look at the figures hundred thousand people are prosecuted any really only twenty five thousand are sent for treatment don't you think there's a contradiction here on the one hand you say you need new laws but on the other hand you say they don't work anyway. this is a very good question the point is today we punish people for drug abuse we find them. essentially we use drug addicts to generate revenue for the budget which will go on an idea what we suggest is replacing punishments with what we call alternative liability. a drug addict has broken the law should be given a choice. we may go to prison. which is the harshest punishment which we will
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voluntarily choose to receive treatment. of. which means going to a take a trip clinic or a rehab as they're called in the west you know no no it's not a psychiatric clinic it's a community we're treated so it's a rehabilitation center treatment is in two stages which is the first one is purely medical detoxification psychiatric help and therapy and then there is a period of rehabilitation when the person restores their behavioral characteristics communication skills thinking work skills and so on this takes a year to eighteen months says it because i loved director of the federal drug control service and. it will be back with more of that and they will continue this into the list they will it help stay with.
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well. science technology innovation all the list of melanin still around russia we've got the future coverage.
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live. live. live live live live .
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welcome back to spotlight i am now the knob and just a reminder that my guest on the show today is victory by law director of the federal drug control service and a brush. with mr ivanov there was another quote he used you say the only effective way to defeat drug related crime is to confiscate the property of those who run drug distribution networks do you think they will be unable to sell drugs if you confiscate their property i would think that in the country if you take away their property they would need to buy everything in use and this would seem to lead them to sell more drugs. actually this is a very important principle and the un international community supports it in fighting crime including drug related crime. this is important for crime
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prevention if we drug dealer or a potential drug dealer in news that's one he gets caught he will lose all the property he bought with this illegal income which they may decide not to do it. so we suggest adopting a law that would require the convicted drug dealers to show legitimate sources of income for all of their property but if this rule works in your european countries and also in the us. it sure there are sort of you know the quote if you don't mind come you see. should be encouraged to go to rehab in their addiction thank you we have heard similar statements made in many countries in the media occasions but do you really think you can my t v those people. because as we all know drugs are the strongest motivator in the world so
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how can you motivate people to give up something as addictive he should have done with no absolutely no rights but this is a pathological addiction. sometimes as people develop medical conditions and their lives go down the drain they may have a desire to become free from this addiction. their resolve may not be strong enough let's talk about them only want to go as far as going to a clinic for him on a detox and then go back to their old ways real motivation which only come if we develop and implement the alternative liability approach mentioned earlier in other words the fear of punishment will be a permanent threat to motivate a drug addict look up at it and. they are free from their addiction but with. him you can in russian movies they like we often see that drugs are easily available in
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abundant supply in prison is this a problem. well it was a problem with is a problem and this happens all over the world not just in russia you mention prisons. i mean both prison colonies colonies are less insulated than prisons they're not on another planet after all convicts have contacts with outsiders of course drugs are not as easily available there as they are outside but it is a problem are you doing anything about it because we are or is it not your job. we work on that together with the federal corrections service they have a special department working on that. this is a very serious problem because drug lords continue with their criminal activities even when in prison they continue running their operations from prison interest there's an interesting situation you fight drug cartels in of course that a difficult task when you have to operate in
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a free market economy that cuban prison there is no freedom to start with and yet even there you are unable to defeat drugs this means there is corruption in corruption is indeed the biggest reason why the drug lords managed to survive. so long. with drug abuse and drug related crime with so many other things there are two aspects. but on the one hand the government should reduce the supply of drugs the government should reduce the supply of drugs coming from abroad and the government should reduce the manufacture of synthetic drugs within russia. this involves police justin's control and so on this is the coercive aspect on the other hand there is the aspen. to demand that if i don't take drugs i won't buy them no matter how much you offer them to me so demand for drugs is generated by social conditions. we conducted
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a poll and some websites that young people go to we found that russian society is generally very tolerant towards drugs but about eighteen of those who have never tried drugs said they would try them as soon as they get a chance so it is a big problem and this involves promoting proper values and making up for the lack of proper guidance in the family and in school look at it this is actually something i wanted to ask about the same people say that drugs are a matter of personal choice a person may choose to take drugs just like somebody else chooses to smoke or drive a car even though there is also a quite a risky business these days even if so would you agree that this is not something that drug dealers do but rather a matter of people's personal choices. and it was you know when the soviet union broke up we didn't have the constitutional court instead we had the constitutional
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oversight committee so without proper consideration this committee ruled that it is each man's personal choice whether they want to take drugs or not they made this ruling without looking at the data and experience of other countries with free market economies and establish democracy is. a drug addict should feel responsible to society they should feel responsible this is why we came up with this idea of drug consumers alternative liability to society drug abuse is not just the ones personal choice because it is officially classified as a socially dangerous and epidemic disease transmitted through social contact. so. when young people gather in groups and there are drug consumers there they share their experience with others and this is how this plague spreads you'll be going to
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the eight states in a few days what are you planning to discuss with your american counterpart is a cooperation over again by the way you stated recently they're calling it withdrawal of u.s. troops. drugs to russia from their country who decrease. said the americans. suggested that you were hinting. in drug trafficking oh no of course not i've never said anything like that and i think this is totally wrong then why would the info drugs decrease so. well how did all start in the first place in two thousand and one it was not a single family in afghanistan cultivating opium poppy there was no drug production under the taliban but now that international forces upon themselves to decide the future of afghanistan there are over three million farmers in afghanistan cultivating opium poppy and this year the number of families cultivating opium
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poppy grew by another twenty percent this is where the now this is shows so to answer your question when the international forces went into afghanistan they didn't go there just are a cation issue there and they've been shooting for eleven years now and the people we shoot at and these are not always taliban because quite often they kill civilians and innocent people and then those people take up arms and start to fight back and before that russians fought in afghanistan yes but the point is that the prolonged deployments of a large number of troops resulted in an increasing number of clashes the situation with stability in afghanistan today is much worse than it was in two thousand and one and most of the clashes take place in rural areas so it is too risky to brew wheat there for. example you will lose all your money they will either burn the crop or take it away from you so with opium poppy you don't even need to take it to
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the market because dealers come to you and buy from you so it is only logical that is still it is over an extended period of time result in an increase in our quota cultivation i can see that your game which focused on afghanistan before the show even told me that if guinea is one of the few places to be where the future of global affairs is decided. you recently wrote in your blog if we solve the problem of drug production in afghanistan this would cure the global economy are you serious. yes i am but of course i would also add south america. in terms of drug distribution and drug trafficking cocaine and hero in a very much similar to probably amounts of cultivated and produced drugs or about the same as we do in south america you have about one thousand tons of cocaine and in afghanistan you have five hundred to six hundred tons of heroin once such an amount of drugs is produced it starts moving through other countries destabilizing
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very jeems increasing corruption producing paramilitary groups but their leaders are interested in look just maximizing their profits because their profits skyrocket straight away. they want to have their own ministers their own generals have their own vision for the country start shooting at each other because such groups are numerous there will fight each other and together they fight the government mexico is one example of that they have a huge number of us s. nations some fifty thousand of assess nations judges prosecutors police offices but mexico is indeed a transit country right mexico easy transit country because there is a huge amount of drugs especially cocaine and marijuana going through mexico to the us. the u.s. government introduced a special program called the merida initiative and it was extremely successful they were able to reduce the cocaine market in the u.s.
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by half i mean it is that so once the mexican cartels lost half of their income they began fighting each other a war broke out between courcelles and the overall situation in mexico deteriorate to look at that it under the same time he said he started trafficking cocaine through northern and western africa to the european union was another cocaine markets in europe has doubled the school so he was a number of the same is happening with heroin. and world bank experts say that's while the european drug market is about two hundred billion u.s. dollars related economic losses three times that figure that is six hundred million years dollars. by the way this is precisely how much the european commission says the needs for these stumble ization fund was that it was to compensate for the shortage of cash. because when you look at least.
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thank you thank you very much for being with us today and just a reminder that my guest was a victim of i know director of the federal drug control so that's it now from paul if you will to have your cell spotlight put up some well and long to you think and me into the next to drop me a line that al gore has caught a t.v. dart are you and let's keep spotlight interact movie back with more critical comments out of was yelling god maybe next door until then take the cake. do least be cool language. for those programs and documentaries in arabic
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