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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST

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chemical. intervention is. suggesting syrian rebels might be considering a chemical attack of their own. back. from the area. between pro and anti morsi demonstrators at least. during a visit to germany. and. around
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the world on screen online international news from moscow syria's military is preparing to use chemical weapons against rebels and is awaiting final orders from president assad according to u.s. officials quoted in the american media washington says that will be all the reason it needs to intervene in the conflict and middle east correspondent reports the timing of these unsubstantiated weapons of mass destruction revelations may not be a coincidence. these rumors are verified as of yet they are just allegations what they do suggest is that syria's military has been mixing chemical weapons and loading them into bomb the allegations suggest that the syrian president bashar assad is reportedly planning to use these on his own people this comes as the u.s. military is making contingency plans should the syrian president bashar assad deciding what the u.s.
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sources saying that they are aware that assad has received numerous asylum officers at the same time the united states has the quarter he deployed the u.s. eisenhower's start strike group which went through the suez canal from the persian gulf over the weekend and we understand according to reports that it is making its way to the syrian coast and it has been throughout this week now what this does indicate this latest development is that the united states now stands ready for direct military intervention in the syrian conflict so that is what we're hearing from various sources and various commentators who have been following the story closely there is at the same time some evidence emerging that rebel fighters might be allegedly planning some kind of chemical attack on syrian president bashar assad's supporters there is a video that has been posted online on thursday now it does show what is thought to be a rebel fighter feeding a chemical weaponry to rabbits and within
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a minute those rabbits we will not show you how they died because the video is disturbing this is in fact what the video has to say. are you a guy like these two rabbits you enemies of allah do you believe in now. with our chemical and biological weapons look real soon b.c.b.s. rabbits' they inhaled chemical weapons bill one minute and their date your destiny will be like them because you are supposed to do a show and a sad god is great god is great way to see we are from the are real sounds ok miku battalion we will kill you with our chemical weapons. the video has not been verified this is an important point to make but certainly the message it sends out is ominous. that's not told to talk to ali mohammed he's the editor in chief of the syria tribune on the line a magazine so concerned that president assad could use chemical weapons is that likely. the question is why with president assad or the syrian army has chemical
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weapons it's winning for growing out of the damascus airport battle now that we could go for a cruel death again and again why would syria give the pretext of the u.s. for intervening what it doesn't even need so i think is there any doubt though that syria does have chemical weapons. i'm not enough edition to comment on whether or not syria has chemical weapons but it's all the years that syria has something that is scary to its. own house but the idea is this thing was built and developed to face the massive nuclear power nuclear bomb hour that israel have had it were not dissipated for health obviously bill clinton says hillary clinton says the syrian government is on the brink of collapse if it is in a desperate position could it not resort to chemical weapons to save yourself well this is what these are. true or it's not on the vertical out there in saying this
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for the past like eighteen months and just so far out of it syrian government has been aware and the rebels on earth progress so no it's not this group and even if it goes this probably the chemical weapons are not so anything it's not the the answer to it or do anything within this going to matter and i don't believe the syrian army would use of them it's going to let her talk if there is any hint of chemical weapons being used is that the excuse that the u.s. and its allies are looking for to officially intervene in syria exactly now we have seen this video that your reporter thought about it and there are there have been other other evidence that we've been collecting for the past three months that it's possible it's actually even more possible for the rebels he was going to work with down around the. getting government out of this would be used as a false flag like what happened before we all remember the night before the last un security council meeting when they when russia and china vetoed the resolution the
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night before there was a lack of work. out this could be used again before this threat of chemical weapons is one excuse cited for the reason of deploying those patriot missiles by nato at the syrian border now the alliance says it's just to protect turkey from a potential attack also by damascus why would syria what would it be in syria's benefit to attack a nato member a neighbor like that. exactly nothing syria having enough trouble with overtaking in a program out of the idea that is is the one taking syria and syria is the country that needs protection from turkey because we all know now as. a lover of those leads turkey is hosting rubles are training supporting them and sending with vital syria so syria is the one that needs protection. is all this the talk from the u.s. at the moment also the deployment of these patriot missiles is it perhaps
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a signal that a no fly zone over syria could be established although it's been denied by nato do you think the alliance is actually being honest about is this the main intention behind all of this. it's going to be it could easily be i don't think the alliance is being honest because the best group of them to be lying to the public would be totally including just politically because they you would have just this. sort of as a terrorist organization while it's still supporting at the top of the regime they have to be like the public and they are likely going to get yeah. but so many civilians are dying now this is got to end somehow hasn't it isn't it right now that there should be official intervention after all many would argue the intervention in libya did end the conflict there. the intervention in libya did in the regime but it is not the conflict or the suffering of the civilian civilians are still suffering until now and it's very clear that the syrian government and
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the syrian army should disappear for some reason there is no long and term civil war if not. recent war and war moms are talk to ali mohammed the editor in chief of the syria tribune online magazine great to hear thoughts thank you for joining us live there from dubai thank you while the syrian conflict again spills over into lebanon head toward dot com for more on why splits between those for and against syria's president opposing cross border violence which is already claimed four minds. the egyptian army has cleared protesters from around the area and the presidential palace clashes between rival demonstrations that took place there overnight left at least five dead and hundreds injured tanks were brought in supporters and opponents of president morsy forty child into the early morning tom barton watched events unfold near the presidential palace. you know things have got out of hand when the
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army has to be called in well here near the presidential palace in cairo tanks are indeed on the streets the army are reinforcing the barricades here and one hundred morsy protesters chanting after immensely violent protests broke out yesterday for many hours a jewel of flying stones and shoot with the two sides firing fireworks into each other's ranks as it were throwing molotov cocktails petrol bombs lighting cars and shop fronts hundreds of people injured reports of deaths as well because of all those flying stones. the ambulances having to work overtime and yesterday the police and the army nowhere to be nowhere in sight yesterday nowhere to be seen trying to break up those crowds of angry protesters and immensely violent situation on a degeneration of the political situation here with
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a constitutional standoff between mohamed morsi and his muslim brotherhood politicians on one side and the country's top judges and the opposition on the other the top judges and the opposition saying this draft constitution should never have got this far anyway it doesn't make enough provision for minorities and women's rights for example in modern egypt and that and that they will they do not want to take part of it in a referendum on that constitution it should never go ahead an absolute political standoff opposition supporters calling morsi a new five hours or pharaoh and they're saying that he should at the very least remove the extra powers that he gave himself the other week and probably now they're calling as they did two years ago against mubarak for the downfall of the regime that's why the army here that's why they're reinforcing the barricades and they just a few minutes ago had to break up the protest. as more stone throwing started just
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here outside the presidential palace the army broke that up trying to maintain order here but the fear is that that political situation will manifest itself in more violence here on the streets of cairo tom barton following developments in cairo there and he's sharing the latest updates via his twitter feed and in one of his most recent posts he says that despite the presence of soldiers and armored vehicles there's concern it won't be enough to prevent more clashes the c evening you can get more updates by checking tom underscore. freeman from executive intelligence review magazine says the way the arab spring played out for egypt caused the current turmoil and with the story of the arab spring almost two years ago in two thousand and one. has some word been hijacked by which in my core combination of the muslim brotherhood and salafist networks
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so now people see that it appears that president morsi and the muslim brotherhood a moving more and more who are consolidating political control and the population is not accepting it and the demands and dreams and you have. of the arab spring from january two thousand and eleven has not been met and the backing by president obama of president morsi has also been a serious deficiency and so the people are left with nothing but to demonstrate and to try to stop. appears to be a dictatorship or at least a consolidation of power by the muslim brotherhood. germany and israel of agree to disagree over the issue of jewish settlements on palestinian land that's the soft stance of chancellor merkel who stop short of condemning israeli actions actions
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which have left a european partners furious israel is facing increasing isolation on the continent offered announce plans to build three thousand new homes on occupied palestinian territory germany initially criticized the move but didn't join other states who called in israeli ambassadors to condemning the relations between the two has been especially tense off to germany abstained from a u.n. vote which upgraded palestine status in the organization thank you journalist emmanuel austin writes and says that israel is used to going punished for its provocative actions. in the last decade we see that it's really really wants by the way i don't know how many you will receive where against these row and how many sections of israel resolutions these really really follow. these protests almost never know what your political actions and i mean it's really it's very much you. can rely on germany because we have a political party in the we have a very strong. i don't create in germany.
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palestinian statehood and condemnation of israel's new settlements drive a wedge between berlin and tel aviv but european shelves are still being stalled with goods produced in areas these by israel you know people grams. who's cashing in on america's store and prison population to explore the cheap labor market movement behind bars and that and other international news right after the break. a forty nine year old southern california man was thrown in prison and charged with possessing materials to make an explosive device all because of his rather unusual wristwatch despite the bomb squad saying that his watch was not
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a weapon he read it custody for twenty four hours and was charged with the crime anyways a spokesman for the el meter county sheriff's department said that the man's watch had all the components to make an improvised explosive device minus the explosive material you know having a lighter in your pocket is also everything you need to self exposure minus the gun powder but before we make a victim out of this watch where i have to point out one thing the watch she was wearing was designed to look like some sort of bomb with fuses and wires and switches so who's more idiotic someone who wears a device that looks like a bomb on an airplane or a government who convict someone for having the components of a bomb without that bit of the bomb that makes a blow up i'd say both are pretty dumb but that's just my opinion.
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well into the future. it's technology innovation believes developments from around russia we've got the future covered. which brightened. soon from phones to pressure. for instance on t.v. dot com. here in moscow one area of america's economy which is thriving is its prisons
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packed to the rafters with criminals who make up a very lucrative and cheap labor force results he's got a ton explains businessmen spend millions to keep it that way. in the us the market for cheap labor is booming behind bars in the last fifteen years partnership between prisons and private manufacturers has increased significantly there are becoming america's very own chinese style manufacturing line behind prison walls prisons in fact advertise themselves as such as an alternative to outsourcing cheap labor to china or elsewhere on the web we came across this pitch that prisons prepared to persuade private sector companies to come and do business with them take a look. there is not enough folks that will do this type of work in this country so therefore we're bringing bringing back this industry that is strictly has been going out of this country and we're putting it you know inside the walls and it's it's absolutely a perfect idea. i have
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a workforce that does not have problems or babysitting center and they're always here and they're always going to come to learn bring your business or lead a wide variety of industries take advantage of prison labor among many other things prisoners make clothing textiles electronics furniture and even solar panels hundreds of companies have used prison labor directly or through subcontractors including microsoft boeing starbucks secret and others. or federal tax. rate compensated up to forty percent of the way to. reduce tax payers to be. here in everything all of the general work in prison is mandatory and the choice many inmates have is whether to work for a government run prison industry for less than a dollar an hour or private one for a minimum wage or for around six dollars unique or is a government owned corporation that uses prison labor to produce all kinds of goods
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mainly for other government agencies one hundred seventy five different types of products and services you see the variety listed on the. web site they to partner up with private firms now last year unique course revenue nine hundred million dollars as far as private prisons are concerned two of the country's biggest prison corporations made three point three billion dollars last year alone private prisons are created in the new york stock exchange they are for profit companies and the savings that they reap from using inmate labor. go to their bottom line it's money they otherwise don't have to spend in order to keep. large prison populations and harsh sentences result in greater profits america's three major private prison companies spend around forty five million dollars over the past ten years on lobbying state and federal governments for supporting immigrant detention mandatory
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minimum sentences three strikes laws and other legislative measures that contribute to the growth of america's gigantic prison population one can argue about the many causes and effects of america's skyrocketing incarceration rate but since prisons became a for profit industry in the us thirty years ago the number of prisoners has gone up dramatically not to say that it was the only cause behind the spike but many argue will support of it and now with a cheap labor market expanding behind american bars one is wondering whether the justice system in the u.s. is adopting market values in washington i'm going to. on our website the cable t.v. company which wants to know you better much better. equipment that will be watching you while you watch t.v. . advertising. but still in business the u.s. security company formerly known as blackwater a multimillion deal to house u.s.
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troops in afghanistan. all the details. some other international news now at twenty one minutes past the hour in the russian capital had been mass evacuations from parts of. after the explosion of a chemical container in the city's port area local media reports that it's caused public transport chaos in the argentine capital with many services canceled a toxic cloud has formed in the sky above the city but officials say it poses no serious danger. student protests marking the fourth anniversary of the shooting of a teenager policeman turned violent in greece athens of protesters held petrol
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bombs with tear gas and stun grenades used in response fifteen year old alexandros . was shot dead in athens in two thousand and eight sparking major riots across the country police officer responsible was jailed for might because it was decided the teenager posed no threat. which is being battering the philippines for the last two days is now claimed almost three hundred fifty lives the storm moved away from populated areas on wednesday tens of thousands fled their homes of heavy rains and high winds rolled across southern and central regions of the country cutting off power in two provinces rescue teams have been working in the worst hit areas but it's feared the number of casualties will rise. as the world update the congolese m twenty three rebel group is to hold talks with the country's government in neighboring uganda that's after militants from the group withdrew from the strategic city of goma remain in areas nearby and twenty three's leaders says the meeting to discuss political and constitutional issues should involve the
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opposition as well as civic organizations a un report said that rwanda was backing the rebels as a means of trying to secure control of resource rich parts of congolese territory. while the e.u. strongly condemns the construction of israeli settlements its members are still having to buy products with millions of dollars from them every year where there was a lot of reports there are growing calls to ban trade which is illegal under international law. produce of israel except this isn't israel this is the jordan valley in the west bank and this farm is deemed illegal under international law the european union imports around three hundred million dollars worth of products from here each year now a group of twenty two n.g.o.s from across europe is looking to highlight the issue and it's published a report in which it claims e.u. imports make the settlements viable because they are produced in illegal settlements which are contrary to international humanitarian law should be banned
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out of the european union now if this is not possible at least the consumers have to have the possibility to. to decide for themselves if they want to buy products which have been produced in legal settlements you'll see farmers this land is much concerned by the thoughts of european n.g.o.s he says he's here because his government told him it was ok to be here. because i was told you can. so i settled where i was told i could it's more the state of israel tells me it's time to go i'll go i'm told i'm an occupier when i go to you know i was nothing if you. live in denmark and the united kingdom goods coming from settlements in the west bank already has to be marked differently to denote that it's not from israel the collective n.g.o.s want to see this implemented europe wide here in europe there are many people with ties to the middle east region and
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they want to make sure they know exactly where their produce is coming from that is are you sure this comes from spain. is a palestinian living in germany she has family in the west bank and says the israeli checkpoints mean palestinian farmers are losing out to the settlers even even those who think they get jordan they really checkpoints keep them at the checkpoints for days and. the sun. and then you can't leave the rest of us anymore those behind the reporting to trade between the settlements in europe say they aren't trying to organize any kind of witch hunt we're not talking about boycotting jews over here we're not talking about even boycotting israel itself we're talking about making a difference differentiating between. legal israeli products which should be watched by european citizens as much they want course the short and second products
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which are totally legal and should be banned and people should not buy peter all over r.t. . when he's with me thirty five minutes from now in the meantime artie's kaiser report gives the u.k.'s financial destiny its own verdict programs coming up after this short break. in the middle of russia's no phone away from civilization in a three hour helicopter treat from the nearest village. they stole one family
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have been living here for a long time in tents made of reindeer skins. lodging runs in a signal and minutes they also grew up in the two but left it at the age of six and never returned they now live in the c. t. in apartment building but still room and they are regions. was planted it was a dancing teacher. was. next to his den says he tells the stories about his mother and.
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laws in europe to now has a one thousand strong rangy had when the enemy only saw the light can and marks around who it is gather the tens and move to know the pasha they travel hundreds of kilometers in winter we men and children for them. the two families have less of a chance to come across each other they belong to different worlds even though there's sometimes a similar. imax keyser world where the kaiser report people of the united kingdom listen to me
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that's in your future and your future is scum village is a royal babies that the newspapers say will look like this. yes i'm a i have the eyes of a cold hearted lizard but so does your future eating the mud pies of austerity and let's not be coy i think the best name for this baby will be snooki. yes maxwell of course this is a big budget day in the united kingdom and it's of course celebrating everywhere you look you cannot escape every single paper for a day on and will bring kate it's never ending but with this austerity budget and with the celebration all the newspapers are talking about like the baby is going to cost two million dollars a year the first year for clothes just for clothes and yet any of the mothers in england are being told are in the united kingdom are being told we're going to slash your benefits we're going to make sure you're not you know.


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