tv [untitled] December 6, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm EST
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eating your children too much no no no and i thought looking over amsterdam is a good future look at what we're going to see here amsterdam to create scum villages absolute numbers to create scum villages where nuisance neighbors and anti-social tenants will be exiled from the city and re housed in caravans or containers with minimal services under constant police supervision oh yeah well a couple points are first of all. it's austerity for the baby stucky the royal baby as well they're not going to be born of the silver spoon in his mouth is going to be a silver plated so austerity first baby as well and the containers when i was in amsterdam are going to stack them up basically like those animal farms industrial farming to chicken farming or the you've got the showers that come down on the story below it that's what that's what's coming after now that's coming around the world the austerity condo hours from old containers of course to recycle it's going to be
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a green initiative it'll be a tory green initiative so they're being exiled from the city george osborne has already started that process here where the poor who have to live in council housing are being exiled from london because they're saying there's a cap on housing benefit so they're there being exiled from london in san francisco we're seeing people put into containers as well there are two hundred twenty square feet apartments i've been given approval these are little containers so of course we have to go to the artist taxi driver to find out what he thinks about this austerity budget from george osborne george should be a risk he should be arrested for misappropriation of public seat on. this. program sixty five thousand pounds. joe. well we now know. i know you kind of benefit big.
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public money. sixty grand son for don't. want to pay people who profit from not us i'll. try x. . and put in a point of profit. sure it is no recession it's sort of robbery the child. he's sending their. children cannot. even we're going to try even no no no i have no sucky no time suck you know. so people end up. don't have noticed if. you go single moms do you know generally don't pay says george osborne i wouldn't go near that taxi. well ok so because of course we're having the austerity budget here and nowhere is mentioned of course with the bankers are doing and why and
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we're suffering austerity we're living in containers and we're being exiled from the cities for the bankers loss of income caused by banks as bad as world war says bank of england's and you haldane and he is the bank's executive director for financial stability max and he said quote in terms of the loss of incomes and outputs this is as bad as a world war it would be astonishing if people weren't asking big questions about where finance has gone wrong paul moore who was on this show a former regulator name stop regulator he made the exact same question and he said that it's like a world war that there are one hundred million people that went through us back into poverty as a result of this you know maybe baby stuckey will be thrust back into poverty at some point i'll have to sell as silver plate it's been that he was born in the mouth with but you know the devastation is only going to continue because the zombie banks here are being allowed to stalk. stocks the
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economy no one no one has got the silver spike to put the zombie banks out of out of our misery well the fact is maybe snooki is going to be fine it's going to be the scum villages into which all the people are pushed because the bankers are building their own palaces their next door neighbors with baby snooki now he goes on to say and the whole then goes on to say if we are fortunate the cost of the crisis will be paid for by our children more likely it will still be being paid for by our grandchildren there is every reason why the general public ought to be deeply upset by what has happened and angry you see he's saying you're not only are your children but your grandchildren are going to be born in scum villages but this one thing getting you through your day is going to be kate's baby this is going to make you so happy and you know the fact is he saying it's as bad as world war two
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and it was during world war two that people were put in containers to go live nuisance people that people didn't like certain elites didn't like right well scapegoating it is part of any austerity package it will include scapegoating air instead of scapegoating along ethnic or religious lines just going to be scapegoating the poor and just say you're poor so we're going to put you in a scum village and we're going to cut off your services and whatever then would be george osborne's final solution we can only wait and see now again part of this austerity package this austerity autumn budget being passed is again because of the bankers as andy haldane says they caused this crisis they lost more wealth today for us than during world war two former boss chairman admits bank was guilty of a lot of mistaken lending lord stephenson the former chairman of boss has admitted that the bank was guilty of quote
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a lot of mistaken len. during the run up to its near collapse in two thousand and eight stephenson admitted on tuesday that some of his bosses lending was just incompetent it wasn't there was nothing illegal about it well the ease it's almost correct what he's saying he just needs to revise that statement or replace the word mistaken for fraudulent and or illegal that would also suffice what was done was illegal and fraudulent and oh lord puss you know he'll be half naked getting spanked at the club later on you know this week toning for his sins as most of these serve a snooty person is atone for the sins they commit against a people oh spank my bottom or where the tassels full of so much fun to shoot then i. can fry well lord lawson accused him of being delusional to think that it was all just accidental and incompetence learned stevenson responded quote i
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deeply regret the mistakes made in the corporate london book and with the wisdom of hindsight i wish we could have done things to obviate them so with the wisdom of hindsight right here on the kaiser report we're going to look back in time oh to october two thousand and three at b.b.c. dot co dot u.k. mortgage customers urged to law house buyers are being encouraged to break the law in order to obtain huge mortgages the b.b.c.'s discovered brokers and even banking staff have been telling buyers to lie about their incomes to get bigger and bigger loans as they point out this is that a division of boss that they were looking at two thousand and three act over two thousand and three and they said the brokers themselves were telling the customer to lie on their application and then the b.b.c. money program said what shockingly what the ordinary human being out there of the
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sort that's going to be thrown into a container and. village doesn't realize is that they are breaking the law and they will do prison the guy encouraging you to do that the guy is going to get a huge bonus for you doing this he will face a penalty right the guys who are testifying now saying that they are incompetent or they overlooked something and i say no they're breaking the law in there and acted fraudulently and because there's a headline in two thousand and three i know that they broke the law and i can say that. with with with one hundred percent guarantee of truth because we covered in two thousand and three they broke the law they committed massive fraud and now they're further penalty for their crime they are talking about well i wished we would obviate the situation i want to take you know princesses. as a role model instead of obviate obviously. obviously your way out of trouble if you could if you could give birth to a baby snuffy you crime ridden poxy little moron twerp banking scum you too could
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be on the front page flashing your babs' for the nation. i command massive. insurance how but i might if not i guess i'm very. yeah you'd be celebrated too bloody well if the amusing thing is to look back at this article from two thousand and three in the b.b.c. and there they say quote and these underhand tactics could also be the reason why house prices have gone on the radio jocks you know let's let's why we parsing words it's called breaking the law this is exactly how the concentration camps happened in nazi germany what the jews ok they were told lies and propaganda like this junk and they're ripping exterminated what the same thing is going to happen if the people because they are going to go for it begging bogus that's right don't upset baby snooki he's trying to sleep. well so they say that this is why
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house prices are going on suppressed so long and they speak to addle less who say well the house prices are way overpriced at this point in this in two thousand and three we've had another ten years of extreme bubble so to think about how much fraud was necessary how much incompetence was necessary to keep this bubble going for so long that was not all bad i understand the prices like columbia skyrocketing that's a good way to make money in the city of london make a market and cyclonic be i'm sure they will over there i kept for the new cappers no cap whatever they called it that slush fund all right stacy herbert thanks so much for being the cause of the report thank you. thank you for the second half of a talking to thames street u.k. .
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welcome back to the report imax keyser time now to go to jim street of u.k. on cut one of the most successful protest groups of all time jim st welcome to the kaiser report thanks for having me max all right jim street almost entirely because of u.k. on everywhere you look these days in the u.k. you find headlines like this one footfalls tax shame of all this up to the camera and on starbucks agreeing to pay more taxes also in the news this is to become a very successful in widening campaign how does it start what what what what does it solve it going to so you can call started at the end of twenty ten when a group of friends and campaigners who have been involved in previous kind of protest movements were really like angry and frustrated with the coalition
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government's plan to cut public spending there unprecedented plans to such deep cuts the public spending which we need was like a recipe for disaster so we were like how can we really cut to the core of the argument what's the thing that will really show the public that they're lies about the need for austerity well just that they were lies and so we came across information that had been out there for a while i mean you can cause building on by groups like tax justice network connection aids research that has talked about tax havens and tax abuse for decades in the u.k. but we decided to add a bit. from a different tactic to the protest movement rather than just their marches wheatland diatonic sion and occupations and using creativity and fun really what southwest action in october two thousand and ten was a say in. defiance flagship store not to street because very to play in the telecommunications giant it was found to have avoided opposite six billion pounds
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in tax so that's why spied on it so i know going back a few years we covered the philip green over there at our kiddie a group with us top shop he paid his wife a billion pound dividend in morocco i can be to monaco excuse me avoiding huge tax liability and a lot of people talked about it but nothing came of it but then what you're saying is that wants to these austerity measures came then folks like you can't put two to two together and figured out wait a minute wait of austerity doesn't make sense because you've got huge amount of revenues that you could collect if companies were compliant with their tax obligations now of course what do you make of the fact that in many instances the companies will say well technically we are paying our tax they use the dutch sandwich they use the you know all kinds of loopholes. this is their defense but. in response to companies in the u.k.
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themselves are now piggybacking what you're doing and saying we can't compete if these if these other companies are not paying tax you have all big coalition now both with activist and corporations correct wow. sort of i mean the problem there is that it's so nice and types of businesses which are really supporting or kind of waking up to this problem like i would say that the the the corporate tax abuse of massive huge multinational corporations and i think the multinational element is pretty important here that they really like playing gaming playing the game that they're kind of abusing the system they're pursuing aggressive tax policies to minimize that tax to the lowest possible level because i don't have the loyalty really to the u.k. the u.k. public but the people who are going up to the business he's there maybe those businesses who you know are more aware and more conscious of being in touch of the public be in touch with their consumers and especially like small and medium
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enterprises who really are going to lose out if you know a starbucks or amazon's your googles kind of reduce the tax base because and i can therefore make more money because it's not a level playing field it's not fair we're not all in this together and i think that's what really caused the core of the rhetoric of the government the government say we're all in this together they say there's a big society but when you look at it there's one rule for the average man in the man or woman in the street there's a totally different system for those people who have billions and billions of pounds like philip green unlikely as are the big corporations well let's talk about starbucks for a second because starbucks again it was the target of a campaign five or six years ago by reverend billy was in london with a major campaign it didn't really gain much traction but now u.k. uncut as got starbucks coughing up some more taxes and in fact. they just two weeks ago were saying that well we're not going to pay more taxes but you can't get is applying some pressure and now they are going to be paying taxes
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and there's a big campaign coming up december eighth write another and another big part of this campaign talk about the starbucks campaign and what's what's happening coming up in early december sure so when we found out it was. see a reuters report that kind of exposed starbucks bad practices when we heard about that with all. this is an opportunity for us and it was around that time they were also speaking to women's groups who are being affected by the cuts because as the institute for fiscal studies argues the groups they are most going to be affected their lives damaged by the cuts are those least able to pay at least able to cope with them which is women especially young women single single moms with with with kids they're going to be most impacted by the cuts so we've been working with women's rights organizations to develop this campaign also as they were by will be staging sit ins around the country at starbucks in their stores to transform them
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into services women services primary services which women primarily benefit from that are going to be suffering from the government's cuts so in love in central london for example will be transforming starbucks to flagship stores into women's refuge and the other one into a crash because of a c. childcare support and welfare services of being cup and that's the kind of language when we say no if the government like you say raise the appropriate amount of tax a fair level of tax then we wouldn't need to have these cuts right now or parliament's public accounts committee will soon release a report blasting the tax avoidance schemes used by u.s. multinationals again another u.k. cut success untaught success story you expect do you expect google amazon other u.s. multinationals to follow suit or even to broaden this campaign and yeah i think the issue here is clearly we're glad that they're getting movement we're getting traction and there's signs that people are starting to wake up to the problem even
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those people like osborne and alexander who before bury their heads in the sand but the question here is not this is important you know starbucks google and amazon. enter negotiations but it's not up to them to change the law they. you know be covering up massively more but the government should be taken strong action to stop it in the future and have new legislation have new laws to say right this is tax avoidance if it looks like tax avoidance and it smells like tax burdens is tax avoidance we can have a broad principle that rules out the why is what the companies one they want this thing called a. regulation which is just another way where they can hire expensive accountants to get around the law and then siphon the money paid there indeed there and here and there and we don't want that we need just have a one very simple rule that says tax avoidance no way no in this country and yeah i'd also like come down on tax havens as well internationally that's really important so we don't have a race to the bottom so corporations think they can go wherever they like basically
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right now in the case of starbucks of course the boycott is a very potent weapon because it's a retail company. it's not an institutional business to business massive computer company let's say like an i.b.m. or something starbucks is directly with the public so a boycott really cuts into their revenues and for that reason it can be a very effective means to get the company's attention have you given any thought to the idea that there are a certain number of boycotters would result in a certain amount of their revenues of the top line being depleted and therefore their earnings as a corporation would shrink to some degree in other words are you using you're making the connections economically between austerity cutting services to mothers and the tax that's not being collected are you going to dig deeper into showing how this boycott mechanism the economics of it how it affects on a quarter by quarter basis potentially the after tax whatever they pay income to
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these companies and could this be yet another way to apply some very precise strategic pressure on the company i think there's an interesting debate to be had. like what tactics work and it's a good i think it's good for like protest groups in this day and age because you know every scene with the arab spring and occupy international activists really need to learn from each other and work together more and see what works in different contexts and here learn what such acts with which targets so it's like all international multinational chains corporations which have high street presence is the reason why you can cause word is like you can take action where you live so if you're fed up and angry about the cuts or about tax avoidance you wake up one morning you wake up on saturday you've got a couple of spare hours you can just walk out of your your house go down to a local starbucks and make your voice heard that way so that's that's why it's been successful because you know these people have busy lives and you need to have an
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easy way to get involved in protest and also people are understandably fed up with the main main political parties right there with the googles and amazons i think like the idea of boycotts and other kind of tactics that's where the debate comes more interesting because as you point out they don't have high street stores right they have headquarters they have other kinds of offices how can you tax target in that way one of the things we've done is for example we've kind of done kind of spoof yes men style kind of stunts. again it's like for example majesty revenue and customs outgoing tax dave hartnett well we've kind of like given him spoof awards from goldman sachs another company saying thanks a lot for letting us all tax so yeah i think there's a debate that's been had among the campaign is how can we target tax avoiders which don't have high street stores this in interesting ones today yeah now of course you are being very successful with going against these companies and of course all the companies flood into the banking system and the banking system ultimately is where
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the biggest fraud takes place. any thought or do you have any plans of going after the big kahuna the banks the holy the big four in this country the big four money center banks that are the scourge of this country any plans to do anything or maybe don't want to tip your hand your thoughts. i mean another thing to say is that you can come back to this it's a network so it's up to activists where they lead to take action and tollway the ideas and tactics and targets and we have national days actual people come together there was like twenty eleven around the time where more information was coming out about not only like barclays for example their tax strategies for tax avoidance but also you know more information was coming out about how much we subsidize the banks still despite the fact they crashed the economy they weren't being held responsible and the government's regulations a very we can no effective so we did do a kind of sit ins and occupations in bob's of barclays and h.s.b.c. and r.b.s.
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because obviously they've kind of. taken they've had their own kind of welfare whilst welfare for the majority of people as being the bank as a gang obviously massive handouts so i think it may be interesting to think about revisiting those kind of campaigns there is a group which is like a group it came came out of a you can call called move your money which started talking about moving people's bank accounts to alternatives the kind of more invest ethical investment kind of bank banks so that's that's one thing to look up yeah i think maybe it's time to look again at the bangs and i we've got about thirty seconds can you just talk a little bit about the campaign you've got called balan's against the banks. yeah that was that was just like i say the campaign from earlier in twenty eleven that was about basically saying what we need to buy out by allow is the real economy we need to have an investment in jobs in infrastructure and people's communities in libraries and not bailout the banks the banks have got enough money and they crush
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the economy and we're just going to give them a free ride in a free ticket that's not the way forward banks and the financial institutions you know like tidy said rolling stone other giant vampire squid sucking the life out of the real economy so what we need to do is just ignore them let them fade away and invest in the real economy that's what that company was about all right jim st of u.k. . we're out of time thanks so much for being on the kaiser report cheers max all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert i was like my guest jim st of u.k. cut if you want to send me an e-mail please do so because the reported or do you are you would like nice goes on.
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the gold fever. turns thousands into slaves. my father but also among brothers involved in the monsoon and since i started working in amman i stated i look at a. film or two nationals. a cash cow to be milked dry and missed i think that in this country is gold medal logie as an environmental cost which is unacceptable to local business was labeled illegal and controlled by criminals in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. most book most but we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups what price is colombia going to pay for. the modest effect on r.t. .
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