tv [untitled] December 7, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EST
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president morsi is public refusal to curb his powers also spend constitutional changes further in he raised objections as the opposition rejects his call for told some promises more protests on friday now these are live pictures of people gathering for a new anti mall seen large near the presidential palace in cairo. a british student faces jail after being found guilty of involvement of tides and global online payment systems in support of the killing. of the multi-billion dollar mega sultry project finally breaks ground of the pipeline from russia to directly satisfy europe's appetite for gas.
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you're watching r t live from moscow with me to obama saying thousands are gathering for new protests in the gyptian capital with president morsi as much anticipated state address to quote public anger now the opposition is disappointed with morsi is refusal to rescind the disputed draft constitution and is calling on why the israelis by no ultimatum to the country's leader carol baines reporter belled true and our chief tom barton are following developments was. president mohamed morsi basically stuck by his decisions he said in his speech he said this constitution that duration which is very contentious very people described it as a power grab was essential basically in the transition period to democracy and very important protecting the constituent assembly which drafted the constitution to be get to this point where. going to have
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a referendum on the constitution next week he also blamed third parties for the violence that we saw on the streets in cairo on wednesday between anti and pro brotherhood supporters he said that third parties backed by foreign funding had infiltrated the groups and caused the violence and he blames us some opposition groups he said those serving the remnants of the former regime to overthrow his dismissed authority and basically rejected any use of violence in the form of protesting however he did call for dialogue be arsed opposition forces to meet him on saturday the eight to december to talk through some of the points that they have with this constitution the coalition of opposition forces who are running a sit in into her square the national revolution front issued a statement saying that they would not have dialogue with the president until he was since his decree thousands gathered at the presidential palace in opposition to president morsi is decision my colleague tom barton who was there on the scene and
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has this report some of the protesters behind me are trying to move the barricades that have been put up by the army in front of the presidential palace in cairo a very tense stand off a fairly large crowd here just chanting us right in such as we watch the downfall of the regime calling the last thing i can you. just must know how much more serious supporters was here in the day was the side. and there was this it was a standoff between pro and anti mohamed morsi protesters some of the country's top judges and the opposition like the people here on one side very much against. that they say doesn't provide your rights for minorities the women in i know what needs it the political situation is a very trying to push back it's the fear of violence we saw last night i think they would. despite the army of the secret service stressed it's. true and tom
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barton are in cairo for as check our twitter feed for what's going on in the education capital and the rest of the country. and in one of her most recent post belcher's says a fifteen thousand strong crowd of empty wall street protesters in alexandria is marching and chanting the regime has lost its legitimacy get more from r t underscore dot com. instead of uniting the nation mohamed morsi as address seems to have divided it even further but dr will lead far as the counterterrorism adviser to the u.s. congress says that despite the opposition's determination to make that morsi back down he has a strong chance of keeping the new policy he's handed himself. the country is clearly split but mr morsi is strong because he has many institutions under his control the parliament the presidency the upper layer of the army now has replaced
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many officers in his calculations on december the fifteenth he will win because the most organized force now in egypt at least for the next few months is the muslim brotherhood and their allies the salafist they've gotten a majority in the parliament with allies of course they've got the president elected with allies and now some of his allies have abandoned him but they don't have the strength to organize and reach out to citizens the way the muslim brotherhood have so this looks like a recipe for a long. civil uprising against the government i am not sure that this is going to go immediately into what people think could be a civil war on less acts of violence are going to continue day after day and that's what morsi was concerned about. syrian rebels have declared the country's main international airport a military zone warning civilians in airlines their approach at their own risk the u.s. is concerned rebel breakthroughs could force the government into
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a chemical attack something the white house says would trigger foreign intervention washington reportedly believes president assad is preparing to use chemical weapons and as artie's can achieve he can reports allegations could be all it takes. u.s. officials said intelligence agencies have detected that assad's government has been preparing its chemical weapons stockpiles for possible use the obama administration's message to syria the u.s. is ready to act if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons there will be consequences and you will be held accountable there will be consequences. there will be consequences we have sent a unmistakable message that this would cross a red line next how does america the media quickly picked up on the alarming news of the syrian government's alleged plans citing a secret intelligence for fox news confirms that syrian troops now have the deadly nerve agent sarin gas weaponized and at the ready the syrian government flatly
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denied the possibility saying it would not use such weapons against its people. we would not commit suicide we fear there is a conspiracy to provide a pretext for any subsequent interventions in syria by these countries during creasing pressure on syria. the syrian government sure knows that if they use chemical weapons it would give nato and some of their arab neighbors who are itching to intervene in syria the green light to go ahead with their plans damascus itself says it would be suicidal for them to do so but with the fear and the hype building up over the use of chemical weapons against civilians in syria it seems the u.s. might be preparing grounds to jump the gun on this one the jumping the gun scenario is not new for the u.s. almost twenty years ago the bush administration confidently presented false evidence to invade iraq we have an descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails in beijing triggered a civil war that killed more than one hundred thousand innocent iraqis and here is
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the leader all washington had to say about this was the president thought it was correct congress thought it was of course i regret that it turned out a lot of it was wrong in the run up to the iraq invasion to u.s. media was instrumental in selling the case to the public the congress never had any proof ever present. of weapons of mass destruction all came from tony blair to the bush right now that the u.s. has drawn a red line on syria it has made it clear it's ready to take action but how i'm not going to telegraph in any specifics what we would do in the event of. a credible evidence that the assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons against their own people but suffice it to say we are certainly planning to. take action if that eventuality were to occur to american warships are
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already near the syrian coast with some. thousand u.s. marines and dozens of fighter jets on board on top of that nato is sending american german and dutch batteries of patriot anti-aircraft missiles to turkey's border with syria meaning hundreds more u.s. and european troops will be deployed to the frontier nato says deploying patriot missiles along syrian borders is a defensive step to prevent syria from attacking turkey i don't think there's any requirement whatsoever for patriot batteries on the ground in turkey again the patriot missiles are designed to really protect primarily against incoming theater ballistic missiles or aircraft the syrians are not going to attack the turks the turks of the most powerful military establishment in the region the largest army in nato intervention in syria will be as bad if not worse than what we experienced in iraq the pentagon said they would need seventy five thousand troops to secure syria's weapons of mass destruction the question on everyone's mind is are they
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seriously considering that kind of a mess of intervention because that could mean another you rock coming soon an invasion that could be followed by years of bloody civil war in washington i'm going to check on. instead of issuing warnings for the syrian government the international community should be concerned about n.t.i. assad fighters using chemical weapons that's the view of middle east expert a tough economy. i don't see the the us or the regime style is the style that will likely use the chemical weapons against his people and how how over when it comes to the jihadists attacking him. in the last moments you never know what can happen again you have this what is important to mention a vital issue here that the jihadists are even more dangerous if we got these chemical weapons in their head so if you're told that the regime may use this chemical weapons of possibility that the jihadist will use it again with their
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opponents will be much much more the jihadists have no problem to behead people alive you deal with people like bin ladin and the radicals of al qaida who have no his e.t.a. shion to use any form of work pond to really like control any place. religious believes in ideology. and there's unverified evidence suggesting that anti arson forces may actually be seeking to launch a chemical attack and there are a minority dot com we have a video where an alleged rebel fighter uses a dave little guess on animals promising to do the same to go with the portal. a student has been found guilty in a british court of involvement in a five attack on global online payment companies pay pal visa and master card were targeted after it blocked of funds meant for whistle blowing site wiki leaks the twenty two year old who has maintained his innocence is now facing a jail sentence is laura smith is following the case. it is basically
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a revenge attack against those companies that blockaded wiki leaks pay pal master card fees and other online payment companies they banned wiki leaks from taking payments through their organizations which essentially brought with to its knees and anonymous the active online activist organization then this put this block on them as well a distributed denial of service attack christopher weatherhead has been convicted of participating in that attack and now this is a crime it's a crime that's called conspiracy to impair the operations of computers but it is ultimately a crime of protest were anonymous were doing was saying you know you can't as big organizations cut off wiki leaks from their funding without seeing some kind of retribution and this was the retribution that they planned and computer activists here in the u.k. are saying that the criminal justice system really by finding christopher weatherhead guilty is sending
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a message basically that financial institutions can cut off organizations with impunity but when the people try to fight back there's hell to pay the full force of the law comes down on them now as i say. christopher weatherhead is waiting for sentencing at the moment he's already been convicted but the maximum sentence that he could receive for this crime is ten years in prison but it's pretty interesting to note the other crimes that also carry a maximum sentence of ten years and they include some extraordinary things if you compare this impair in the operations of computers they include threats to kill also rioting right down to some sex offenses involving children and also with intent to rape so it's a really extraordinary list of crimes that also carry this same sentence. still ahead this hour india is ready to flex its muscles in the south china feed the country to this day continue to pull huge oil and get the. again the
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non-compromising b. gene that. the u.s. senate received some tit for tat medicine from moscow in response if the season to slap a paddle ban on buffett the kids of be consumed by that and i think the next minute . great. a forty nine year old southern california man was thrown in prison and charged with possessing materials to make explosive device oh because of his rather unusual wristwatch despite the bomb squad saying that his watch was not a weapon here rated custody for twenty four hours and was charged with the crime anyways a spokesman for the el meter county sheriff's department said that the man's watch had all the components to make an improvised explosive device minus the explosive material you know having
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a lighter in your pocket is also everything you need to self exposure minus the gun powder but before we make a victim out of this watch where i have to point out one thing the watch she was wearing was designed to look like some sort of bomb with fuses and wires and switches so who's more idiotic someone who wears a device that looks like a bomb on an airplane or a government who convict someone for having the components of a bomb without that bit of the bomb that makes a blow up i'd say both are pretty dumb but that's just my opinion. wealthy british style it's not on. the. market and. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into gaza read. watch
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. you washing our teeth then bishop is a multi-billion dollar solve the strain pipeline is now officially under construction the project brings together europe's biggest energy giants and we'll see russian gas pump straight to the continent artie's met in a question about reports. on the school's winter day in may not sim like it but this beach is a gateway to fun and sun a so when you russians during their holidays and now this
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place will also become a gateway for russian gas into europe this day marks the start of the construction of one of the most ambitious and certainly expensive energy supply systems on earth no surprise that there was plenty of come out the ground breaking ceremony such as to the importance of being placed on the project that president clinton himself was fear of the gulf stream pipeline will go directly from the black sea to bulgaria and on to greece italy and austria the project was dreamed up on to the idea the more the merrier not the words of the more punch lines the more secure the delivery to customers will be now it's a need that arose from transit countries ukraine in particular disrupted deliveries on a number of occasions and the fazzt fifty percent of the pipeline will be owned by russian energy giant gazprom the rest of us but with its leave france and germany
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however may need to europa question whether this project is different need it critics say that a whopping twenty billion dollars cost for a pipeline is way too much especially in current times of economic recession but it seems these fears are not enough to stop a project like this was the big question will be hoping the only choppy waters that face it are on the very seat they will be going directly on and there are more stories to catch up with online including russia's prime minister gets a grilling from german this week medvedev face questions on that infamous pussy riot case current defense ministry scandal and allegations of political screws up being tightened to our team dot com to find out what the prime minister had to say . plus the wife of john paul aid. exertion but has some good ideas in america the one bright spot collecting signatures for the u.s. government to build
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a bullet space station. india has warned is prepared to use force to secure its economic interests in the south china sea it's after allegations that beijing had to liberty hamp its rivals oil and gas exploration efforts as our g.'s e go to peace can offer reports if they can settle the dispute amicably there are others who are ready to take full advantage. as china and india rise economically their military muscles are growing as well both need energy to keep that kind of growth going and that may be putting the two asian giants on a collision course because of the mess that nationalism the indian government cannot afford to be seem to be weak in dealing with china obviously
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a higher power with government. over two hundred billion barrels of oil and large amounts of natural gas that's more than the vast majority of the world's energy rich nations have all hidden under the south china sea china claims most of the territory for itself but india has also managed to get access by buying a stake in a vietnamese gas field shortly after hanoi accuse chinese boat of sandwich dodging exploration india warned it's ready to use force to defend its interests hopefully as i said that should not be leading to a longer term conflict but you know it's it's an inevitable because both of these countries how large the shifts are becoming global actors and players both china and india have been pumping billions of u.s. dollars into their armies and navies holding drills on a regular basis and beijing has also announced its police will soon start to board and inspect foreign vessels surely the vast oil reserves in the south china sea are
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just too big of a cash for now they're trying out working here to pass out what they really want a proper it gets when the true economic power houses says it may be a game that neither can win the two asian giants can't afford any weaknesses and that would make it easier for other countries to take a bite of the vast resources the u.s. has long been increasing its economic and military presence in the region this in yes there west strike to depict this expansion by both in the china terms of the last. four bowls that the last thing that they want is a military clash so if the two eastern powerhouses can share nicely the kashmir very well go to some other players already prowling on the sidelines you've got this kind of our team. now some other news from around the globe five people have been to hospital after a one meter tsunami hit the area give province in japan it was triggered by
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a seven point three magnitude earthquake that struck the eastern coast with aftershocks felt as far away as the capital of tokyo the tsunami alert has now been lifted in twenty levon a similar quake in the same area caused a meltdown at the fukushima nuclear plant. palestine's some us planty has invited to tired to its twenty fifth anniversary celebrations in gaza the move is seen as a sign of warming relations between the parties after splits caused by hamas winning power in gaza six years ago it's believed israel's leaders military operation which killed over one hundred people has pushed hamas and fatah to close the site their differences. they now think the greek use are clashing with police or during a rally marking the fourth anniversary of a deadly police shooting to guess was used to disperse the angry mob while it these twenty eight people were detained reported six cars was set alight back in two thousand and eight a policeman shot dead an unarmed
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a fifteen year old sparking mass protests the officer received a life sentence two years later. russia is to deny visas to the american officials who violate human rights the eye for an eye response from moscow came after the american senate approved a travel ban on a number of russians facing similar accusations arches you see cavanagh's has more on a fresh diplomatic spat between moscow and washington the diplomatic row was sparked by a provision a controversial provision in the u.s. passed legislation that essentially normalizes trade relations between the two countries is the magnitsky act after moscow attorney who tragically died in two thousand and nine. thirty the legislation seeks to name and shame russian officials allegedly involved in corruption. and if effectively forbids them from traveling to and investing in the united states now this move was met with a furious response here in moscow with the russian foreign ministry saying publicly
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that it is nothing quote but a vindictive desire to counter russia in world affairs it is quote perplexing and prosperous to hear human rights complaints from the united states where torture and kidnappings are illegal in the twenty first century they went on to tweet that quote apparently washington has forgotten what year it is and still thinks the cold war is going on the u.s. decision to impose visa and financial sanctions on certain russian citizens is like something out of the theater of the absurd russian foreign minister say sergey lavrov had said that in response russia will be imposing a similar travel ban against american officials accused of human rights violations now we know that this could have been of course a more joyous day for the two countries democrats gas was tacked on to the repeal of the so-called jackson that an amendment to this has was imposed in the one nine hundred seventy s. and the collectively was a result of the cold war but now that russian trade relations are normalized we do
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have this new diplomatic spat over the magnitsky act now the reaction in europe to this has been quite mixed we heard from two former british foreign secretaries who have called for a similar ban to be imposed in the u.k. meanwhile the french ambassador here in moscow had said that his country is not going to be following suit with that kind of legislation so again mixed reaction but certainly a lot of theory and negative feelings between the two former cold war foes the united states and moscow. coming right up off of the break up into the bells crosstalk. if you're passing through rushes to veer region you really can walk on the wild side thousands of kilometers of unspoilt countryside make up an area where it's still possible to live off the land such spectacular scenery makes it
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a paradise for fisherman and provides a business opportunity for hunters there are defined hunting seasons in russia but lax enforcement means many animals are killed out of the allotted times which can leave young animals orphaned and unable to survive the heart of just us forest provides a sanctuary for the most famous beast in russia it's home to a group who rescue often bear cubs and raise them when they're old enough to fend for themselves the cubs a target taken to a remote location and released back into the wild but it's not just bears who find a haven here this is wolf island here wolf pups who've been captured by hunters or bought from zoos have a second chance at life and conservationists have a unique opportunity to observe them these walls are all around four months old and they'll stay in this area for up to three years then most will go back to the wild for good just viewing them from the car was an experience in itself but then after
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a bit of a bumpy ride came an opportunity i just couldn't pass up and this is where i was hoping for when i heard i was coming to a place called wolf i had a chance to get close and personal with the locals and it's these guys are going to act as foster parents for the next generation will come here using the old awards as surrogate parents has already proved a successful technique. every year i place infant wolves with one year old wolf cubs his parental instinct is totally shaped and they take them as their own cubs it's going to continue to take time and money to rehabilitate the wolf reputation in russia. but the keepers here hope their research and dedication will mean the silent remains a place where visitors can truly understand the cool of the wild. hello
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and welcome to cross talk on people about the rise and fall of civilizations for over a century they have been predictions of western decline given the global financial crisis that started in two thousand and eight and the stagnation in much of the western world are some of those predictions coming true and if the west is in decline what will take its place. to cross talk to decline of the west i'm joined by alexander graff lamb stores he's in brussels he is the vice president of the liberal group in the european parliament and in some paolo we cross the pepe escobar he is a journalist and author all right gentlemen cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want to be if i go to you first is the west in decline . you should ask spangler in fact they're sure that spangler stone because he said
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that hundred years ago in fact it's very complicated the west is not declining the middle classes all across the western developed world they're not only declining but they are going off the grid altogether in fact deletes are not declining so if you ask their leads in brussels by the way in washington d.c. they are fighting the decline of the west and mail and this implies financial capitalism and the nexus between financial capitalism neal liberalism and the war party which is basically the democrats in their. publics in the u.s. but also some parties in europe as well so the elites will fight it it's the decline of the roman empire you could you could see it's in slow motion but it's also the tour turbo accelerated version and we have to ask this question to our friends in beijing by the way because for them this is the chinese.
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