tv [untitled] December 8, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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freeboard video for your media project free video r t v dot com. gives the leadership of guarantee you too the pressure from tens of thousands of demonstrators to converge on the doorstep of the presidential palace in cairo with the army stepping aside to allow the protests. bridgend to water down the e.u. zamzam bargo against syria saying it wants to pump more military hardware into the war torn nation. the new arab spring revolution could be rivaling in the gulf for numerous opposition groups you lied to kuwait waving the ruling dynasties iron fist response an ever more intense a street protests. and the british royal couple's joy of expecting their first baby is marred by a shocking nurse suicide but on the radio prank call for the magazine probably
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a good jumping down the media's throat. you're watching your g. live from moscow with me to bob would say good to have you with us the softening in a tough standoff between egypt the leader mohamed morsi and a thousand strong army of his opponents it looks like the president could throw in the towel first most these aides claim there's a high chance of one of the key opposition demands will be met that being a delay to an approaching referendum on a controversial islamic led constitution want this from cairo based reporter bell to. the referendum for the experts abroad has been postponed until wednesday in addition the justice minister ahmed mackey said the president may see the referendum perspires here in egypt provided the opposition forces open dialogue with the president without preconditions his people see on the streets as meaning
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without the rest of their demands here the presidential palace doesn't say spontaneous it's an overnight in protest of this controversial decrees that president morsi released two weeks ago which they see as a power grab and of course the constitution which is going to refer in the next week to stacey's dismissed as it was written by an islamist the marines his constitutional assembly overnight scenes here were tense as the mission brotherhoods gathered in nearby mosques to the presidential palace and they were remiss they would march on the city and however that never happens the scenes were very calm after we witnessed extraordinary scene yesterday when hundreds of thousands of protesters just outside the presidential palace in front of republican guard barricades storms the republican guards who essentially stepped aside and let the flood of the flood of protesters through to the gates of the presidential palace to continue their protest right in front of the gates shouting leave mostly leave and against the constitution very emotional scenes here on the streets
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meanwhile the opposition forces in the national salvation front have said they will not budge they have a list of key demands which includes the referendum being stopped and also because the curation this contentious decree being revoked they said they will not speak to the president and until you listen to the demands of the moment the president is sticking by his guns so really we're still seeing a deadlock here in egypt. media reports inside egypt suggests the army could be authorized to quell while in demonstrations in the capital but some analysts fear that if the military steps in the country the country will be plunged into deeper political chaos. at this point you should have known the gathering the frost and goodwill of the egyptian people is more important than any specific action he wants to accomplish so things are really very dangerous in egypt now and i hope the violence will follow the strand of confrontations in front of the
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presidential palace my fears are that the military may still. no clear clear the deck for themselves i don't think it's dangerous in terms of morsi using to run this power to crush and kill thousands and thousands of egyptians i don't think he will go that route so my feeling is only from the military and military have a history of doing those things in egypt or elsewhere. the u.s. is steadily approaching the fiscal cliff. do you know the fiscal cliff. do you think a lot of americans do you know you think most people are worried and i think they are and i think that if i ignore don't go away nothing's really going to change because the economy's back that he might go i think it will change i still think they're going to do a thing about the president also if americans are prepared to die that's a hades. india declares full scale war and
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a deadly rotavirus disease which kills hundreds of thousands of children in the world each year promising a one dollar vaccine against a baby killer. looking to unite its own hands britain now wants to take the edge off the embargo against syria london says it wants to help rebel groups more via greater ate and shipments of military gear though as our first reports the final recipients may not be the ones the u.k. has in mind. well the u.k. foreign office has confirmed this week britain is going to be seeking an amendment to the arms embargo on syria making it easier to help the opponents the syrian president bashar al assad now a foreign office official has said that the practical support is likely to include training and non-lethal equipment britta want to play a role in syria after the other side regime falls because. they would like to be involved. so therefore. wants to back the winning side. never
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will provide. the trouble for. the counter i did for eventually. should you support. what would be the interests of the militia. here when they take power because the danger is there is new. leader of the opposition. therefore if. leaves power. in syria the. part. in fact fight one another at the end of the day it's going to be the syrian. going to decide not britain france you know just now currently items such as body armor and night vision goggles of course up in that arms embargo and say the amendment would allow items like that to be supplied of
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course throughout the conflict in syria we see in an increasingly fragmented opposition and say there is a lot of concern that the supply of any weaponry could well end up in the wrong hands numb the last person will be pushing ahead this week thinking that amendment . a number of syrian rebels have created better coordinated to coordinate the insurgency in syria but so far it's only caused even more division a spokesman for the free syrian army which was in attendance denounced the new authority as saturated by solemnised and violence control from outside syria meanwhile the netherlands is mobilizing to paycheck missiles batteries to send to turkey joining german and american units there to guard against a possible attack from syria one that lawrence wilkerson of one she will stop to secretary of state colin powell says will never come. why in the world would we put patriot batteries on the turkish border ostensibly to protect turkey with the
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largest army and the most powerful army in the region indeed one of the most powerful in the world turkey needs no protection by us from that sort of thing and it would be utterly. utterly stupid for assad to attack turkey in that way so why are we doing these things that look like they aren't connected to reality unless reality is we're preparing the ground to intervene in syria i think also that it would be again a back door as a war into iran which is the as you well know the real threat that we've been putting out there for years now and i think we're looking at syria and iran be a combination that we would then take on and you're talking about in my view a conflict that becomes regional and maybe even wider. one of the oldest standing gulf monarchies could soon face a new arab spring style uprising coates really cracking down on protesters and blocking the opposition's political moves but all of this is energizing the
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resistance even more as the captain of reports. and you don't over kuwait tensions are simmering beneath the calm as those seeking political change are forced to wait another day. one sleepy community into a powerful nation although it's been ruled by the same family for more than two centuries kuwait is widely seen as the most democratic of the gulf monarchies get some young kuwaitis big to differ there is a few countries you can see to see it go from the lives. to the people but. it's just push over the top three the government says that it is doing all it can to maintain stability supporters of the ruling family point out that it boasts a robust public life with electoral traditions and a vibrant parliament for youth activists. that's not enough the opposition consists of an unlikely alliance of youth groups hard line islamists and local tribes who
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are ramping up their calls for reform increasingly they've taken their message to the street for peaceful demonstrations have been met with an iron fist and we were beaten up by. the special forces. but on and after the march. on the streets of the just being detained. critics of kuwait's government claim it turns a blind eye to allegations of widespread corruption and the use of security forces to crush dissenting voices ask for the rule of law so we don't have a law we have a law that is being used whenever the government feels like using the riffs here began years before the arab spring protests but have intensified over a series of political crises the opposition dominated parliament was dismissed earlier this year following a row with the rule. in establishment the electoral law was then changed prompting many to boycott kuwait's most recent parliamentary vote the resulting divide is unlikely to be bridged anytime soon and it leaves the monarchy with an energized
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opposition eager to make itself heard was really more current a touch down or what people are trying to say by taking the streets that there are was be a little system they want more reality was the right is that the outreach project like this one show us that quote isn't enough that it was right to say in the future how that future plays out well write the next chapter of the arab spring you see kathy r.t. . on r.j. dot com there is mall on the empress brewing against the decades and centuries old one i.q. in the gulf states you can head a full background in full analysis and timelines and we've got more news after a short break.
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wedge issues do just what their name implies they get between people and drive them apart like a wedge and these issues seem to always take the forefront in the media things like abortion gun rights marijuana legalization and the weather well the weather isn't really a west cost people sure talk about it way too much there's only so much room in the national discourse and the switch issues just eat up all the time and attention but the thing is that there's a little something called the tenth amendment you know the one that says that any powers that aren't specifically delegated the federal government are reserved for the states and last time i checked the constitution doesn't have a special weed clause saying that marijuana has to be an all or nothing a national proposal and that goes for abortion and most of the wedge issues also there's a simple answer all these wedge issues just left the states make up their own minds but then again without wedge issues what would the mainstream media have to
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distract us with but that's just my opinion. download the official ati application cellphone choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites from alzheimer's now a t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch on t.v. at any time. we speak your language another day of. school music programs and documentaries in
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you're watching r t the nurse who treated the u.k.'s royal mother to be kate middleton for acute morning sickness has been found data after an alleged suicide following a prank call from a noted straightly and radio station two days called the private london hospital impersonating the queen and the prince charles she gave information on the duchess condition artist point of boyko found out whether the media should learn what responsibility means. to be living under a rock not to have heard all about kate's pregnancy that was announced this week and the fact that the duchess of cambridge was in hospital and really any
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mainstream media web site you can play on it and see all the details in fact the media speculation surrounding this pregnancy has been has really reached fever pitch we've had discussions over whether or not the duchess could be expecting twins where there would be in line for the throne if in fact it is twins whether if she has a natural birth or worse is so scary and section whether it be the physicians that decides who is the successor to the throne all this is taking place when there are other events taking place in the world still a crisis in syria protests in egypt it's all taking place against this backdrop and a lot of people saying that this media coverage of kate's pregnancy has really been rather disproportionate especially with this tragic twist that has now ensued now i'm joined by course q. they along journalist he's been following the story of course now a lot of people saying that they're sick of hearing about kate's morning sickness
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now the british media is a lot of people saying that overlooking much more pressing issues why is the media so sex with royal and celebrity culture. because it's paper because it gives it diverts you know divert attention away from the issue of corporate control you increase privatization of services you know the benefit carts the division in this country i think this tragic twist is going to fuel the call of those that say that the morning to should be abolished altogether well i don't think we should necessarily use this tragic death as an opportunity for political point scoring but of course if we had a media which was more reasonable just when it happened if the suicide is actually proven to be related to you to what happened i personally think they should be should have a real family but that's another question. there you have it now the juke and duchess of cambridge have said that deeply saddened by the news of the tragedies of this the death of the royal not so what should have been
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a joy for pregnancy announcement has been some save because of the disproportionate media coverage turned into a very tragic news story. let's not check out what else is happening around the world thousands of people have already gathered in gaza just celebrated the twenty fifth anniversary of hamas the biggest event of the first of all is expected to be a speech by the point is leader khaled mashal as he visits the land for the first time ever he's already called it his third birthday visit spotters speculation whether the group considered by many as terrorist is gaining acceptance. brack obama has asked congress to approve a sixty billion dollars aid package for the states the worst hit by superstorm sandy not tobar very close to get approval from both the republicans and democrats the president's team has also proposed to make the package immune to any spending cuts due to its urgent and one time nature. obama's plea for recovery funds
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comes as he negotiates with the republicans to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff it's a set of spending rises and tax cuts that are set to take effect on the first of january and could be ruinous to the economy but does the average american fear the looming june artie's new yorker resident try to find out. america is about to go over the fiscal cliff are you worried what should we do about it this week let's talk about that do you know the fiscal cliff. do you think a lot of americans do you know so then why is the media talking about it incessantly well so go there i guess i'm not as informed as i should be but i just kind of figure it might work out do you think most people feel that way you know you think most people are worried i think they are and i think that if i ignore it
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all go away do you think calling it something like the fiscal cliff minimizes it yes or no i definitely agree that it's a complex problem i don't think it simplifies it though i think it adds an element of panic or fear looming. doom and the media loves that yeah i do think there's actually something to worry about or do you think it's something the politicians and the media used to distract us from what's really going on politics and media for sure so what's really going on that they're distracting us from. their own personal agendas if they're not really trying to work together there are three business channels four and twenty four hours a day and it's good news nothing else is happening we're already caught in one so we move on and we just talk about the fiscal cliff correct always care every body everybody in their system even though nothing's really going to change because the economy sucks anyway oh i think it'll change i just don't think they're going to i think about whether or not americans are worried about the fiscal cliff the bottom line is the media is milking the crap out of the fray while realistically nothing
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drastic is probably going to happen. india is on its way to making what it sees as being one of the biggest leaps in medicine in what and times as developing a one dollar vaccine for baby killer disease which could help prevent many thousands of deaths. has more. this is india's genome valley inside these quiet sterile labs there's a revolution taking place that could change the world's approach to public health and potentially save the lives of one hundred thousand indian children every year bharath biotech is an indian firm developing a one dollar vaccine against rotavirus a disease which causes diarrhea in and is deadly in the developing world i think also like a new generation of diplomats like us ok money making is also important but them solving the life saving the life of two hundred thousand to dissolve somebody
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critical a new study shows india is leading the way in treating people in remote areas in battling diseases which are shunned by the big pharmaceutical companies because immunizations in the developed world have all but obliterated them they will not be focused on because that's what our shareholders are going to demand but it was a value you in research for one billion dollars on the product i mean to five billion dollars says india's leap into innovating for the under-served began when the country began complying with the global intellectual property law it forced them to stop making only cheap copies of existing drugs and branch out instead into new research and development creating vaccines isn't the only way to battle neglected diseases diagnostic tests are also key to identifying what the problem is this fabric chip is being developed here to cheer a lab in bangalore the idea is with just one drop of blood on the spot form you could diagnose at home or in a doctor's office potentially reaching millions of people in this country who don't have access to proper health care dr dunn jaya dunn the koori the brains behind the
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fabric chip believes that other more profit driven companies will start to take an interest once they realize just how big this market really is a volume going to play just like sort of the ones there's like millions or billions of this being so no matter how cheap the trying is and people do get interested in maybe the price point of a lot of money to do it in the western. it's all going on but it starts making sense taking matters into their own hands to save the lives of their country's people and not waiting for the big profit driven pharmaceutical companies to make the first play preassure either our teeth bangalore india. guerrillas paramilitaries a drug lords and now so many international corporations up next a look at those behind colombia's four decades of war with itself.
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just stolen gold. no no no no no because we're going to look at the experience before serious words on the card guard. the model for service or and so forth the force monster should. be the foremost. bloodlust. they are all here to make it possible to be. a chimp on the fly and on our show. me it is easy to.
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playing. live. as in most of the mines in segovia have passed into the hands of citizens who established small companies and of exploited them for many years now. at the mine one hundred thirty workers bring the or to the surface like ants carrying it on their backs from a depth of three hundred meters. or
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out by the side. trying not to make it too heavy so you can walk. it depends. there are times you make two and a half to three million that's twelve hundred euros and if the mind is rich you can even make four or five million. give me middle of the gold miner works hard for fifteen days to one man the myth and then he goes and in one week spends it all on drink on women on passions
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